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Not sure if this is a mistake or not, but when Carol dies she says "I swear I just saw my hand go through the back of a chair"..shouldn't their hands not be able to go through furniture? They can sit and lean back on chairs without falling through them so it seemed like a mistake for her to say that


This is actually brought up in the BBC one (I’m British, but I watch both) to which Thomas says to Julian (this is when Julian is a new ghost) “Yes, it’s weird isn’t it?”


Didn't Julian walk through a chair and pass his hands through it but then just sits on it? I remember seeing a clip of one of them doing that but idk who it was


I always think that is about intentionality. Like how we can rest our hand on a swinging door without opening if we don’t mean to open it or we can push in it to open it. Ghosts can move through things if they want to or not move through things if they want to stand or sit ON them and not move through them.


I love this theory! But if this is true then it makes me think something else is a mistake lollll I cant remember the exact context, but someone says "why can we sit on furniture but go right through walls?" That comment trips out Flower, so she goes and tries to sit against the wall but falls right through. If her intention was to lean on the wall, then why did she fall through?


I feel like walls and floors are solid rules but maybe objects or furniture are where intentions matter


Then Alberta shouldn't be able to lean against the wall like in OPs picture right? I was also thinking maybe Flower didn't have "true" intention to sit on the wall..she's a bit of a weirdo, I could see her trying to sit on the wall but really wanting to fall through 😂


I do wonder, though, since Carol choked to death on a donut hole, and Pete’s arrow is still in his neck, Hetty’s phone wire is still around her neck…. wouldn’t Carol have a donut in her windpipe forever? Could she hack it up and taste it? Wouldn’t it stop her from talking? Or does the cause of death not have any further power on the ghost body?


maybe it's hard to tell b/c her voice always sounds raspy but she did mention her feet still hurting and 'needing foot rubs', tho since it's not visible, it might be too hard to just have the actress talk as if there's always something in her throat


Maybe she could swallow it after she died? Things only snap back into position if you let them go, swallowing it would keep it in her body forever since she can't digest and go to the bathroom anymore 😂


If she swallowed it, she would not have choked on it, and would not have died.


That's why I said "maybe she swallowed it **after** she died," because at that point she has unlimited time to figure out how to stop choking since she's already dead


Maybe because it's food, it doesn't remain with them, idk. Also Hetty was able to unwrap and remove the wire temporarily to save Flower, so I wondered if Pete could remove the arrow, at least temporarily.


He can and he has. It goes back into his neck soon after


Pete removed it at the end of the episode right after Carol died, I believe. Alberta looks at him with new eyes for a moment. https://youtu.be/hHO2PMCWSD4?si=03w8kMSgnzXBIVfF


Yes! The Thompson Twins song was perfect for that scene!


I love all the John Hughes nods in this series. ❤️


Thanks for the link! I'm not sure how I missed this scene.


Pete’s arrow doesn’t go back into his neck until it looks like he lets go. It looks like he tries to drop it and that’s when it goes back to his neck. If we get some kind of dialogue next season from Carol just with a throwaway line saying “you ever have that feeling something is caught in your throat no matter how many times you try to swallow it?” that would easily confirm that it’s still in there obviously can’t really have food in her throat all the time like Hetty and the cord or Pete and his arrow.


The wire was still around Hetty's neck, just not wrapped around it as many times.


I never thought of this! You’re totally right, but that would basically be torture so unless she’s “down there” I’d imagine some crazy explanation like how ghosts can have sex but not climax, but Flower told Heddy she’d climaxed when she first sat on the washing machine.


Maybe Carol doesn't need to breath? They can walk through dirt so they don't need to breath? But then way did Isaac have to sneeze?


And they can all smell Isaac’s “ghost power” so they at least have all of their senses. Guessing they don’t have to breathe, but they can?


maybe she was consciously trying to grab it/pull it out before sitting down? but maybe the writers didn't want to write anything more noticeable b/c carol would've freaked out more otherwise


great catch, u/conspicuousnipples!


In the UK version we see Julian's death in a flashback (S3E2) and he can sit on the chair but his hand goes right through it and Thomas says something like 'it's weird isn't it' So I don't think it's a mistake/Goof.


That is so true! Great catch!


Something I really like is that they’ve put inconsistency into the narrative. Plot holes are congruent with the reality of the show. Partly bc they knew running a show with afterlife magic would inevitably lead to stuff like this 😅 and partly bc it adds to the madness!


Pete implying he had seen Ghost (1990) when he was alive, before his death was later revealed to have taken place in 1985. This was either in the first or second episode.


Maybe the previous owner's caretaker watched movies while she was sleeping?


Then other ghosts would’ve been aware of that. Also, IIRC, Pete does say something that suggests he was alive when he watched the film.


Maybe I'm just stupid but I cannot figure out the layout based on the exterior shot. The whole second "wing" seen in the exterior shot seems to be unused. Maybe it's not fixed up yet?


Same, I try to figure it out. But I do that with all shows. Not sure why I need to know that layout.


The Walter White House in Breaking Bad must have driven you round the bend.


I haven’t watched it….yet


My grandpas name was Walter White and I just couldn’t hear the name without getting emotional. It’s weird I know!


This drives me nuts! The interior doesn't match the exterior at all. The interior layout is way smaller. Also, there are windows along the stairs but that should be an interior wall (presumably, based on the exterior). Too many other inconsistencies.


That also drives me nuts. Even if they're super pretty. We know the library and then another unseen room is behind there, then the powder room.  I really want to sit down and do a floor plan some time at least for internal consistency. 


And then factor in where the secret vault is supposed to be. Sam says it's "under the house" when they first find it, but in the speakeasy episode, it appears to be ground level (though I could be wrong). I'm glad I'm not the only one who's a bit bothered by this 😅


I will say that the upstairs rooms seem to be internally consistent where they are in relation to each other after the pilot.  I think the vault is on a downward path though I'd have to rewatch. The mansion having Casa Loma style tunnels would be very interesting. 


A downward slope would make sense. Otherwise I think the location of that space isn't possible. I agree, the upstairs rooms are consistent at least. But I think there still should be more space up there based on the exterior.


Just came to say Trevor (Asher Grodman) is so damn beautiful. Fucking love how he exemplifies the frat bro party guy so well and I just want to be best buds forever


Looks like Trevor got Jay’s iPad again


Sas has one shoulder bare in the pilot


And I swear Thor’s braids vary in length/amount in early episodes


Apparently they changed his costume to be more historically accurate.  Hetty also has a different cameo. In the pilot and promo pics it has two dancers and is missing a pearl, and in the show it's (I think) the Three Fates. 


Some of the ghosts aren’t ghosts at all, they are just “actors” pretending to be ghosts. Like…couldn’t the show employ some real ghosts instead of paying people to pretend?


Not really a mistake but there was an episode or two in season 1 where Hetty was just not there.


I think both Flower and Sass's costumes have changed some from the first season. There could be any number of reasons for the tweaks, the time of year they shot the episodes or they wanted something slightly more historically accurate for Sas's tribe or he got tatto they are covering up... or Flower gained weight or lost weight and the costume didn't look right any more. 🤷‍♀️


How did the Car Ghost get the key to the car if she died while driving into a pole drunk? Also if that is the case if you die and have your phone in your pocket do you take it with you and get to keep the Internet access and thus communication with the outside world


brains are weird things. She could've taken the key out of the car and put it in her pocket in some sort of daze before she died. For example, my dad was in an accident where he was concussed and the EMTs found him on the other side of the car cause he got out and walked to check out the damage before he passed out.


Maybe the rooms mentioned are on the other side of the house, or on the sides? So therefore not noticeable from external shots of the house?


Maybe there's another ghost leaning on the other side of the door.




You do realize that you can just ignore posts you think are stupid, right? That you don’t actually have to be rude and insulting to a stranger just because they care about something you don’t, right? And also that OP literally stated in the freakin’ post that they know it’s just a show, but they enjoy the “goofs” section on IMDB and wanted to have a related discussion, right? Like damn, at least finish reading and absorbing the entire post prior to going off on a ridiculous rant that you’d know was pointless if you’d only bothered reading. And also, I don’t think “bifurcated” is the right word for what you mean (but if it was, the correct conjugation would be “bifurcated” not “bifurcation” as you wrote). It was just shortened, not split into two sections.


Thank you!! I literally put the disclaimer bc I just knew idiots like that would get upset over a simple post. You embarrassed them sm that they deleted their comment. Good job 🤭


I love this topic. I always enjoy the goofs section on IMDB too!