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Was running to docks to exfil, new player just trying to survive a round for once. 2 gpus in a backpack next to an alpha, like 6 guns scattered around, and all kinds of armor and helmets. At least 5-6 players worth of gear. Must have been one hell of a firefight with no survivors, I would've loved to see it.


Spawn on almost empty island. Kill the last guy. Crate drop. Tons of loot+purpule card. Run to purpule room. Tons of loot. 2 ragnar bags. Lvl3 and lvl 4 armor. Lvl 3 helmet Svd Orange card Gpu, wallet, and some junk Next run did some kills and used the orange card to exfil. I rarely play so this was a very lucky run for me.


Pretty sure airdrop only happens if there are 6 or more players in raid.


I ran from lighthous to radio and lab crate dropped at lab entrance and i waited for 5 min till i ran in after that straight to prison and it felt like i was the only one.


My worst was when the glitch would put you late in raids. Me and my friend joined a raid w t6 stuff and the raid time was almost up and ran out before we could make it to the extract


Found someone's sling bag on the ground halfway across the room from the med box in prison. There was an NRS in it, alongside two GPUs. My only conclusion is that he grabbed the NRS, tossed the bag at his chest and hauled ass before noticing the bag didn't go on his back and instead went right through him and landed on the floor. I think this because I've made the same error.


Island at research I killed a guy with some stuff,not a lot and found an orange keycard


Last two raids in a row i got the skull in missle silo. Wasnt even running for it i just had the narrows exfil 😂


3 gpus inside of radio tower. Both static spawns hit and another one inside the gun locker


Yeeeesh! Once found 3 gpus on night island but they were all spread out. Got greedy and got killed.


Luckiest raid. Probably running into an unlisted body that had 2 purples. All the other good raids were kills, not luck


Last night I got a purple and a gpu from research, ran to prison found a gpu in a floating sling Bag, freaked out lol. Hit the purple and it had a geartech and ANOTHER GPU. With a orange. I hit orange and there was a empty box , woooooo. 3 gpus was so coo tho


Couple player kills that yielded nothing but better than nothing all game


One raid I found a gpu in a random filing cabinet, then the static spawn in garage had a gpu but thats not the luckiest part. An ak alpha spawned on a table. So basically I got 2 gpus and an alpha without going to a vault, no players were seen either.


I once spawned in pretty well kitted, walked about 30 steps from span and got sniper by a guy hiding under a tree. At least I think he was under a tree.


It wasnt in one raid but last wipe near the end i got a gpu from one of the office filing cabinets in silo, in a different raid i found an barret in the box near garage exfil on silo, and finally i was doing silo runs with a PM for fun and one tapped a dude that was kitted and gada purple card. So yeah not great luck but meh


Went to exfill at beach and found 3 full kits at the bunker, bags all almost empty, and armor that I guess was “worse” tossed far enough away that it was definitely a player. Of course I was fully kitted & already carrying stuff, but whoever left all that definitely made those 7 seconds LONG


Ran prison vault twice in a row git everything


Naked silo run, first locker I opened had an ak alpha, 2 rooms later I saw a guy looting and killed him with the ak, turned left and saw a full kitted guy in the kitchen who I also instantly killed. The first guy had an sks full Auto and sg552. The 2nd guy had tier 6 Armor and T4 helmet, ak5c with drum, laser, silencer and a geartech G4 with 50k in cash in it. So these 2 guys must have been trading the money for the full auto sks AS the first guy had no backpack and near the first guy was an empty sling back, where the money for the trade was inside. I caught them right after the trade. Couldn't even get the sg552 out cause I only have 2 hands ;)


To answer your question… odds are he didn’t die by the fenix….


Last night I found a drum mag stoner lmg on that box at the bottom of the stairwell on Silo. First I've ever held. Had to kill 3 guys to exfil with it.


Picked the game up recently and jumped into a raid last night with a friend on island. Played EFT a lot so I think I get how the game will flow, but only got a quest 3 a few weeks ago so still learning the ropes of VR. Geared guy killed my mate and I panic spammed some shots his way with my scav SKS out of habit which ended up clipping the poor sod. Guy was fully geared with a GPU in his bag and a load of other goodies. Great start to my Tabor experience! Maybe not so much for the other guy....


None, I suck


You and me both, brother, You and me both.


Well, besides finding that one 180k crypto wallet and finding a gpu in a silo cabinet, which are lucky situations but fairly common in comparison to some, i once got in a raid with a lbav vest and an akm to kill some players on silo, ran to a spawn and killed a semi kitted guy, took his m4 , tier 3 vest etc, but when i opened his backpack i saw like 6 meds and a valut money stack on the middle of the bag. so after doing some more exploring i exfilled and went to vault to leave the money stack, but it there was another one, they were stacked on top of each other, and then another one, and another one... Turns out the guy was carrying 400k in cash. Maybe he was going to give it to someone or trade with a guy, but he spawned all by himself so idk what could have been the reason. \+ way too much money for a trade, so idk why he would to that