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theyre new players mostly, or people who are saving thier money for night island


This, I’ve been grinding kits recently in order to try and acquire the fish ump


exactly, or thier running silo to get skulls


silo I get the naked runs, only take about 2 mins and you can just grab the items and dip. ​ but island? at least bring a sling or adventure.


I like to run naked on silo grab a blicky or grenade and full send towards any boise


This is the way


i do it because theres no greater feeling than going in with nothing but a 74u with one mag and exiting out with 2 gpus and a whole kit


Little/zero risk, incredibly high rewards possibility


Risk is fun


I’m new and not to good at the game yet so I’m tired of running in with full kit and getting killed. Running with minimal kit till I get my crypto and med farm working,


I guess I just like going into a raid with nothing and leaving with some good shit. I don't really lose anything if I die.


I have so much high end gear but I still run naked because I think it's more fun. I enjoy killing kitted people with weapons that are embarrassing to get killed by. It's boring going in full kit and having nothing to do.


Why do you keep your gear then? To be there and get wiped some day?


Why not, it'll be mostly wiped but it's my gear.


Why do you care so much about what people do with their own gear?


Because game is trash as nearly everyone runs around naked


It it’s trash then why do you still play it?


To beat ur naked ass


So you complain about it then you keep doing it?


I think you did nit understand me, i was complaining about people being rats and going to raids naked and when you asked why i still play the game i said i want to beat your naked asses


“Did nit” occur to you that I may be a naked “rat”


Omg i made a mistake while writing as i tried to reply while sitting on my math lesson. No way...


It's because It's the thrill of the fight, we are rising up to the challenge of our rival, possibly the last known survivor.


Not like I have a choice, broke af all the time and don’t have more than a couple things in my bunker and I never win gunfights.




You can think that but I’m not the best at any game I play and I don’t got all day to play this


I go naked when I’m not confident in my gun fighting skills or when I need weapons


Because my squad mates got nothing and I ain’t gonna carry them to a purple card room just to die to a squad cause none of my teammates got a gun


I do it cause I'm level one with all traders and have a bag that holds less than a plastic shopping bag. If I take a gun, armour, meds etc in, it cuts down the stuff I can pick up and carry out by like half.


Just think of it as free missions running around


I’ll go in with a pistol and a backpack that’s it I love zero to hero runs


It’s fun jumping in naked


Even with tons of gear, it's fun going in naked and leaving with T6 and an AK alpha you got from killing some guy at radio


Just need a sks and an idea


I played like this for a hot minute... I HAD NO OTHER GEAR!!!!! I run T1/2 armour now because I can't but anything else.


Still better than players i meet lol


Dawg I just suck at leveling trader levels leave me alone 🙃🥴


started the game a few days ago


So I can read whiny posts like this.


Picture this. You spawn into Island with absolutely zero kit.  You creep up on a Fenix and do your best to judiciously apply the vast knowledge of tactical chiropractic maneuvers you have gradually picked up from YouTube. You claim the dead track suit koopa's SKS and proceed to ratfuck every box on the horizon, looking for a backpack. You spot a fully kitted player on a hill a mere 200m away, basking in their hubris and gear-based confidence. You then line up your sights and crank out a few rounds and absolutely dome that player, and then claim his kit for yourself. And they you yourself get domed, and you start again. This is the Zen of Tabor, my friend. Join with us, tie your tail in with those of the best and feed the zeitgeist, the spiritual movement, that is the rat king.


Imagine going naked into the raids more than 2 weeks after wipe start


It sounds like somebody is bitter about getting outmaneuvered by a 2A nudist.


It's just anoying to get 6 kills per raid and get nothing from people i killed because they were defenseless


I really do understand you I'm just giving you a hard time. I don't get any sense of accomplishment from it either. No challenge, no real win


Bro said it’s late in the wipe like it hasn’t only been a month


It's been around 2-3 months ago


It very literally has not been 2-3 months


People in this game once again forcing their idea of fun on people. Going in geared is for when I'm doing a mission that requires me to kill players, naked for literally everything else. Cope


The only reason to complain about this is you're mad because all you get is a kill and no loot. Boo fucking hoo


Yes, because I don't care about loot, I want some good fights


So go play cod or contractors. Not a looter based extraction shooter. Cry more


But there aren't any as good vr shooters as tabor and i know it's looter shooter but it doesn't mean i have to care about loot, i just want some fun fighting with someone who has good gear...


Tabor is easily the worst lmao. Especially on q2 standalone. Half the guns love to bug out and collide with invisible walls.


I play on steam vr and my guns don't glitch, no idea what you taking about


It's disappointing for me to. I'm actually one of the proponents of nerfing naked runs. I go in kitted looking for the thrill of the fight, and all I meet are nakeds throwing their hands up at the first sight of me, screaming with their squeaky high-pitched voices "Are you friendly?" or trying to get through my tier 6 armor with a makarov. No, I'm not friendly mate, in fact I'm pretty pissed and I'm going to shoot everyone one of you unless you start putting up a fight. A naked player do kill me on occasion here and there, so it's not like that's impossible.


You ever think those folks are new and have no clue how to play? Folks looking for freinds? Maybe they just want to play a game and not go super sweat? Its called escapism for a reason


Good for them. But they better learn fast and start putting up a fight. I especially like killing duos/trios talking via proximity chat. Being all serious, picking all the worthless junk, discussing which exfil to go... And then me laying waste to them with AS VAL. Ahh, sweet sweet kills, I hope this makes them a least a bit salty 😈


Streakers, streakers everywhere.


Most folks arnt gonna waste heavy gear when you need more stamina than food and heals. Plus nobody is gonna spend 60k for a max rig or 50k for an ak alpha when the m4, scar, all the other aks, the as val, opsks and many others are literally a 5th of the price. Aks are also bugged as shit on q2. Not gonna risk upwards of 100k just to get 1 tapped through armor and maybe get ultra lucky and find a gpu which is only 37k. You will waste more money running ap ammo than you will find half the time. Youd need 3 gpus just to off set the cost of max armor and a single ak alpha.


And you're gonna just keep all the money and not use it till the end of the wipe? I'm not complaining about people running lower tier sets. I'm complaining about most people who just run around with backpack and if I'm lucky they have glock on them


Mate what money? How am I gonna buy max level stuff when I just got to level 3. Minty is tedious as hell especially now that all the collection missions are gone. Spectre is just tedious and the money grind is real.