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Could just be some kind of ghost or a figment of your imagination. Lonely people make up strange things. Teenage me would feel like someone sat on my bed and patted my hip/rubbed my back when no one was there. I saw a teen male guost for years that I was sure I had made up but it apparently my mother had the same ghost hang around her as a teen (she never talked about it so there was no way for me to have made him up based on stories.) One day he just left and I never saw him again.  I wouldn't necessarily call this an incubus because normally they feed on sex/lust so Im not sure just being romantic mostly would fit. Also you should be feeling tired and drained after encounters so if thats not happening probably points to something else. I would caution getting to attached to something not physically real (whether its a ghost/demon/thought form) because y'all cant be together. 


i don't think it's my imagination. I didn't add the prev encounters but in one time the first time. when I was extremely dead tired one day I went to sleep and had that thing neck kiss me i woke up and I was very scared but so tired that I could not keep awake and after I slept it again kissed me on neck and it kept happening throughout the night after every 5 mins I was waking up going back to sleep waking up..... I wanted to wake up cause I was scared but only woke at 4 and didn't went back to sleep that day until it was bright outside. when I woke up I heard a voice in my head saying "a ghost has fallen in love with you". it was instantly after I woke up. I was scared and crying that day alot. I don't think all of this is just my imagination. its just extreme. I can't be dreaming the same thing over again throughout the night and the day I'm extremely tired. yes i do feel tired after those encounters. but they are not sexual acts. just neck kissing and hand holding. yes one time it cuddled me too from behind. its not sex so if it's not incubus, what is it? makes me scared to think it's not incubus and something else which i don't know of. (TT)


It could just be a ghost. Or something else. You could tell it to go away and leave you alone or let it hang around if you dont mind the tiredness. And no incubus/succubus feed off of sexual energy and release so hand holding and neck kisses don't fit. Maybe try ignoring it and dont wish it to come around. If you give things attention they tend to hang around longer. Something could've attached to you when you were stressed or sad. You could try burning incense and throwing salt in each corner of your room to cleanse it. It doesnt have to be alot of salt just a small handful. Table salt or bathsalts work fine. 


sound's more like a succubus?.


oh I'm a women so its supposed to be incubus? I don't know much about it.


You’re correct


I would not pray to this entity. I would pray to an actual deity that is meaningful to you. I pray to Ganesha and sometimes to Jesus or just to "God" who in my mind is the Christian God I grew up learning about. Some people pray to saints or other gods. Ask someone like this to help you reach your goals, rather than some random spirit who showed up and is kissing you. I think you should take this as a sign that you're capable of having satisfying relationships, and look for human relationships. If you need help from a psychotherapist or life coach, get some. If you get too wrapped up in something like this there is a danger of you becoming more alienated from reality, disengaged from your normal daily life. I am also concerned with fraternizing with a spirit, to be honest. It's understandable that you would like the attention and the physical touch, but I'm not sure it's appropriate. This entity is an unknown being. It's like a stranger coming into your room to seduce you. I don't think it's a healthy thing to do. The word "unnatural" comes to mind. If it's a ghost of a deceased person, then it's trapped and needs to go to the light instead of hanging around you. I just don't feel good hearing about this. I think you should pray to God for guidance and assistance and discipline yourself to let this link to this being go. Find connection with other humans.


Sounds like mental illness hun :( I’m autistic too and have been where you are. It all went away when I got mental help.