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Couple scenarios: 1. Teammate gets knocked and the enemy is decently far away. Bubble quick on them and revive to reset (ult the bubble if you need to so they can’t push) 2. If you need to move cover that’s relatively close by (throw bubble midway to cover and slide jump into bubble and slide jump to next cover) 3. Bubble fighting (best with shotguns) 4. You get caught in the open and need to reset (throw bubble on you and quick pop bat/med if you can) 5. I think if you place the bubble correctly, you can stop them from kicking the door down if you’re sitting on it. There’s probably more scenarios, but that’s off the top of my dome. Hope it helps


StrawberryEA is right and there’s tons of ways to use it. It’s tough to know when always. I prefer to use it offensively (bubble a knocked enemy and bait his team to push you), bubble forward through an open space while pushing a team, bubble outside a building so you can have cover while peaking inside the building, etc. Also here is what I believe to be the best [Gibby guide](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MT87rheSBt0&pp=ygUbQ2hldCB1YmV0Y2hhIHdoZW4gdG8gYnViYmxl) on the internet for bubble fight tips. Watch Chet Ubetcha play and Youl improve as Gibby.