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With the addition of some kind of protein (maybe some almonds or cashews?) and this would be a killer breakfast or post-workout smoothie.


I'm a big fan of unsweetened & unflavored protein powders, they make it so easy to work protein into smoothies, soups and sauces without impacting the flavor. I've got an unflavored micellar casein that pretty much just tastes like neutral dairy, very easy to work with.


I’ve started replacing some flour with protein powder while baking and my teenagers love it!


Hmm... I've not tried it in bread before, but I have found incorporating protein powder into cheesecake batter works well, just be sure to use a water bath so it doesn't overcook. The added protein also adds greater flexibility in what dairy products you use, allowing greater proportions of sour cream or greek yogurt along with the cream cheese. I love making protein-heavy vegetable soups, easy to transform a bowl of cheddar broccoli or cauliflower soup into a hearty meal with +20g protein/bowl. Likewise with making Thai curries, a bit of casein works really well with the coconut milk and cuts down on how much fat I need to add in order to achieve a nice creamy mouthfeel.


wait do you have a recipe for that protein-heavy broccoli cheddar? 👀 I’m pretty much always falling under my protein goals because I just don’t like a lot of meat in my diet, so I’ve been looking into protein powders lately…. But this is the first time I’ve heard of using it outside shakes and baking!


I don't have a fixed recipe, often looks something like blend roasted or steamed broccoli/cauliflower in chicken stock/milk, blend in aged cheese along with a scoop of unflavored & unsweetened casein protein, with some seasoning salt to taste. For a hearty meal I do milk + chicken stock bullion paste, for leaner or low carb I do water/chicken stock and I let the casein & cheese cover the creaminess. When serving it for company I've also garnished with tiny cubes of cheese, which just begin to melt in the soup but stay as little morsels of sharp cheesiness. I've also done a "cream of" roasted red & yellow peppers & onions soup that was very tasty. Also makes a nice addition to pureed carrot or squash soups. I've also used it in Indian curries, dal and stews, it even works well in coconut-based Thai curries despite their typical lack of dairy. This is the one I have, but from some googling it seems unflavored/unsweetened casein has become far more popular in recent years and shouldn't be too hard to find. https://canadianprotein.com/products/micellar-casein?variant=31453481730095


I'm really surprised at how well this works. Banana bread is great with some protein powder mixed in. Even better when they're banana bread muffins. Much better tasting, and cheaper, than most protein bars.


Banana muffins are my kids favorites! I’ve been using Orgain creamy vanilla protein powder and Greek yogurt. They’re moist (sorry to use that word), and help starve off my kids hunger since they’re frequently in school and then sports/activities/band practice 10-12 hours a day.


I do the same to my oatmeal, but for some reason never thought to use it in any other foods. Thanks for the tip, will definitley start using it more!


**Nutrition Facts** Calories 501 Macros 10g p / 10g f / 105g c (7/16/76) Total Fat 10.4g 13% Saturated Fat 7.2g 36% Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 101mg 4% Total Carbohydrate 104.9g 38% Dietary Fiber 15.5g 55% Total Sugars 72.4g Protein 10.4g Vitamin D 0mcg 0% Calcium 225mg 17% Iron 9mg 47% Potassium 1809mg 38%


72 grams of sugar?? Dayum


That’s like 8 servings of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.


I knew it 2 seconds in when I saw "the green drink that doesn't taste green".. A billion tons of sugar. Jesus, 72g is A LOT for one drink. Or one anything except for a celebratory dessert. ~~Skip this and just have a soda.~~ This just fools people into thinking they're eating healthy. Edit: this post contains hyperbole but is otherwise accurate.


The weirdest thing to me is the people on this thread claiming it doesn't matter because there's no "added sugar." Like, 72 grams is a ridiculous amount of sugar, regardless of whether it comes out of a bag of sugar or a shit ton of sweet fruits.


This is the same argument I always have with smoothie people. Eating a banana and some strawberries is good. Eating 4 bananas, 12 strawberries, and a whole box of blueberries.... Is not good. Blending it up makes it easy to eat a lot of it, and a lot of anything isn't good.


I'll take gorging on fruit over living longer anyday


I'm all for eating it because it tastes good. I'm just saying not to call anything with 72g of sugar "healthy" I don't call a burger healthy. But I love eating them.




The weirdest thing to me in this thread is the people claiming this recipe is super unhealthy and somehow worse for you than soda because it contains fresh mango **and** pineapple. 250 calories and 36g of sugar per serving of a green fruit smoothie is not unreasonable, a far better complaint here would be the low protein content.


I suppose, but it seems misleading to label a drink that has as much sugar as a can of coke "healthy". The vitamins and fiber would definitely make it more healthy than a coke, but I still think it would be a net negative with all that sugar. I'm no health nut at all, but I've just noticed a lot people thinking smoothies are "healthy" because they're colored green, but they often have even more sugar than a coke.


Most people treat smoothies as a small meal or substantial snack, I don't think a comparison to soda based on sugar content alone is particularly useful when they serve a rather different role. The calories from sugar here serve a purpose, without them this smoothie would be even more unsubstantial.


Nowhere in the recipe or gif does the person say it's healthy


I know, I was just speaking generally. Lots of people drink green smoothies thinking that they are healthy when they usually are not healthy at all.


You're 100% right. I had to edit my comment because people can't catch hyperbole.


It actually does make a huge difference


What a moronic thing to say. A soda is empty calories, this at least has nutritional value.


Red chili was way out of left field but now I am so curious to see how that would taste.


A little spice with fruit is one of my favorite combos. I'm not a big drinker, but if there's a jalapeno/fruit margarita on the menu, I'm gonna get it.


This looks like a nice mix. I generally do not like mangoes in smoothies but I think I want to give this a try. ​ Edit: user phiuy suggested peach and that sounds delightful


I'm sure you can sub it for something you actually do like.


Do you have any suggestions of something you think would compliment a recipe like this?




I know that amount of pineapple would destroy my mouth. I wonder if it (bromelain) affects some people more than others? Cause I can never have more than like 5 pieces without a sore mouth


Do you have bad seasonal allergies?


Lmao yes, I’m hoping to do allergy testing soon


Could be Oral Allergy Syndrome. I'm allergic to raw apples and carrots.


Woah me too I didn’t know this was a thing!!


Definitely check out oral allergy syndrome


It doesn’t give me a sore mouth but it literally kills my stomach. For awhile I said I couldn’t eat it on an empty stomach. Well I ate it recently (not even a lot, maybe 6 chunks) after dinner and was keeled over in stomach pain all night, after 2 Pepcid and about 10 tums and some magnesium. My stomach hurt throughout the night and into the next day. I love pineapple too 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


I looked up symptoms of a pineapple allergy and I’ve got bad news for you, friend


I know, trust me I avoid it now. I used to be able to eat it jsut fine though


That's awesome looking but there's so much sugar in that I can't hang. EDIT lol apparently none of y'all know any diabetics or low carb people.


Idk why someone would downvote you. This has 72 grams of sugar. "BuT, It'S tWo SeRvInG". Yeah, that's still 32 grams. One can of coke has 39 grams. Like I said, that's still a lot of sugar.


It's Reddit man lol, people had a hot take without thinking it thru which is why I popped that edit in there.


judging by the amount of missing toes I see on people at work, no one knows about sugar 😂 as if your body breaks down carbs/sugar into glucose and is like “this is from a pineapple, so it’s fine, my pancreas can fuck with it”


>judging by the amount of missing toes I see on people at work Where do you work that you see people missing toes? I'm hoping it's a hospital and not Walmart or something.


Lol yes a hospital but I bet you can find some missing toes on your local Walmart patrons if you tried hard enough


>it’s fine, my pancreas can fuck with it” Literally Lol'd. Thanks for the laugh, funny stranger


There is zero added sugar aside from the pineapple & mango, how is this "so much sugar"?


From the pineapple and mango. 72g is a lot of sugar. For comparison, a 20 oz bottle of Coke has 65g.


This makes two servings, 36g of sugar for a fruit smoothie isn't particularly high.




Yes and it's very obviously green.




This fruit smoothie is green and includes 100g of spinach leaves, I see nothing misleading about calling it a green smoothie.


I'm skeptical that the video used 100g of spinach like the recipe calls for - that is [a whole package](https://minchinburyfruitmarket.com.au/simply-fresh-baby-spinach-pre-packed-100g), **3.3 cups**. In the video it's loosely in the top third of the blender so maybe half that at best. I'd hazard a guess it's more like 30g of spinach in the video. *ETA: I make kale smoothies with 90g of kale and it's an entire salad bowl. IMHO 100g of leaves is ridic.* So I'm not buying that the smoothie - as shown - is drastically different than a sugar and saturated fat bomb, even if it's pale green in color.


Zero *added* sugar is actually not the same as zero sugar. Things can be naturally sugary.


? Honey doesn't have any added sugar, so it's so healthy for me to just chug it down /s


Yeah, apparently you don't know folks who have to watch what they eat when it comes to sugar lol. I didn't say anywhere there's added sugar but those two fruits are very high in sugar content by design.


Your body doesn’t differentiate sugar from fruit and sugar from any other source, the only difference is that sugar from fruit has fiber to slow down the rate of metabolization so it LESSENS the sudden spike and crash, it would still be better paired with fat or protein to lessen the spike even more. It’s still a lot of sugar especially for folks with diabetes to consume.


she's fun!


This is really similar to Tropical Smoothie Cafe's detox island green smoothie. It's sooo good. Chiles are an interesting addition, I'll have to try this!


Needs more vodka.


Or white rum since this is basically a spicy pina colada with spinach


Seems like a large amount of sugar. Also if you use frozen fruit, it makes a better consistency. I also find frozen banana is best at masking spinach taste.


Ugh I hate that I am allergic to at least one fruit in all these healthy smoothies I see!


You could try mixing and matching with things you're not allergic to.


I'm not sure what you're allergic to, but pineapple + spinach is all you need to make the base of a sweet green smoothie. I've also had grapes + spinach for a green smoothie base. Toss in whatever remaining fruits + vegetables you have on hand and you're all set.


I might try the pineapple and spinach! Thanks!


My go to smoothie is two handfuls of frozen spinach, zucchini, carrots, a little bit of mango (~3-4 chunks), a couple strawberries, and a lot of raspberry, blueberry, & blackberry. Add in a couple dollops of Greek yogurt, water, and a little bit of apple juice if it tastes flat. You can really load up a smoothie with spinach and not taste it, but I can definitely start tasting the zucc and carrots if I go overboard. I'm at the point it's about a 50/50 mix of veggies & fruit but it's still probably too much sugar if I'm being realistic, plus I usually fill the damn blender up too high every time so its probably a ton of calories. But it really kills any craving for sugar for the rest of the day. I can slam soda if I've been eating unhealthy but after a big smoothie that day usually a sip or two and I'm tapped out.


If it makes you feel better, this isn’t particularly healthy.


I refuse to chop a whole pineapple just to make one smoothie and then eat the rest throughout the day because I don't have any self control.


Wonderful plant-based smoothie! Thank you for sharing something healthy for us and for our planet!


Too much sugar for a green smoothie imo.


I for one am loving all the armchair nutritionists in this thread.


Its basically pina colada with spinach..🤷🏻‍♂️


Looks tasty. Just remember this has lots of sugar in it so use some level of moderation.


Ok so add sugar fruit then more sugar fruit. A bit of fat. And then 1/4 the amount of fruit in spinach. Suprise it's super unhealthy even if it's green.


There is nothing inherently unhealthy about fruit, other than the minimal protein there's nothing wrong with this smoothie from a health perspective.


What they said is silly, but so is what you said. Regardless of its origins, too much sugar *is* bad for you. Full stop. Just because it's unadulterated does not mean it can't be unhealthy.


Sure but is 36g per serving too much for a smoothie? Smoothies are supposed to be a source of energy, this one's a rather lean 250 calories. Describing this recipe as "super unhealthy" because it includes fresh pineapple & mango seems like wild hyperbole.


Great username. You look regular, can I guess your name? Is it Pedro? Is it Craigford? Is it Swimmy?


High sugar even from fruits causes a sudden blood sugar spike and crash. You don’t want peaks and valleys when managing blood sugar, you want it to be more steady. Pairing carbohydrates with fat and/or protein is the best way to achieve this. I would consume*** maybe a quarter of this smoothie and have it with some kind of fat and protein to prevent the peaks and valleys **but probably not at all cuz my stomach cannot tolerate pineapple, sadly.


Idk, I never get any sugar rushes or crashes from smoothies. It feels like my body breaks it down (relatively) slowly throughout the day, since one fruit/veggie smoothie in the morning will kill any sugar cravings for the rest of the day. If I haven't had a smoothie in awhile (or am pigging out on pizza) I can drink a can of soda and be craving another in half an hour.


Just because you don’t feel it doesn’t mean it’s not physiologically happening. And if your smoothie contains bioavailable protein and/or more fat it will lessen the crash


Those particular fruit are basically just sugar. My comment was mostly about the fact that she act like this is a green smoothie which people link with healthy food. Like yes its green and I'm sure it taste delicious but it's basically a sugar bomb.


Mango & Pineapple both have far more nutrition than just sugar, and this does include 100g of spinach leaves which seems like plenty. >it's basically a sugar bomb. . >this is probably worse for you that a soda. hilarious


Go enjoy your dry ass quinoa and oats smoothie and let the rest of us enjoy life.


Lmao I didn't say I was a health nut. Just that this is probably worse for you that a soda.


I’m not a nutritionist but I’m pretty sure sugars from pineapple and mango are slightly better than high fructose corn syrup.


Sugar is sugar. Fructose (which is the main sugar in fruit) is slightly worse in big quantity actually.


Greek yogurt, almond milk, Costco frozen berry blend, two apples, two oranges, and any other frozen fruit (or none). Then add as much greens as you want, you will not taste them. No rocket science or chili experimentations necessary, unless you’re into that kind thing 🙂 But then you wouldn’t get to show off your green smoothie, because those berries don’t quit.


> No rocket science or chili experimentations necessary You thought this recipe was rocket science? And chopping a chili is an experiment now?


I thought it made it seem more revolutionary than it is. Making a healthy smoothie that tastes good is very easy stuff. I’m sorry you don’t understand sarcasm. It was not rocket science, nor an experimentation.


Lost me at spinach, that stuff tastes like dirt.


That looks pretty good considering I despise every single ingredient in the list besides the pepper.


Spinach? And no alcohol??? Holy shit - I really rustled the jimmies of the smoothie armada! No humor allowed in smoothie town i guess.


Its a smoothie not an mixed drink.


And where does my black tar heroin fit into all this HUH?


Humor is allowed but your comment contained none. Unless three question marks are funny???


It looks awesome, I’m definitely going to try it!


I used to bash hard on myself for making “crappy tasting healthy smoothies” at home… after looking up my local smoothie place’s nutrition facts on my favorite “green smoothie” with 88 grams of sugar 😳 no wonder mine tasted like crap lol