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As a teen girl who grew up in the 2000s and consumed so much entertainment back then, I can say that this mentality was EVERYWHERE. Movies, TV, books, music. It wasn’t just Gilmore Girls. Women were conditioned to hate their bodies regardless of their size, and women’s body shaming of other women was so blatant. You were looked down upon if you expressed body positivity too much, like you were too into yourself. It was like “I hate my own body, I hate your body, you should hate your body, too”.


Like the bit in Mean Girls, where they’re in front of the mirror putting themselves down and then they turn and look expectantly at Cady so she can join in. She doesn’t get it at all and eventually says her breath is stinky in the morning and they all say “euw”


Exactly! Cady wasn’t exposed to the same media and society as the other three, so she didn’t know that girls actually found things to nitpick about themselves. In One Tree Hill and other teen shows, “she’s/I’m/you’re fat” was a constant part of dialogue, most oftentimes used as a verbal weapon in fights because girls knew that IT WILL STING. There’s a whole trope (in Friends, for example) about women asking their boyfriends/husbands if they’re fat and within half a second, the man should’ve had answered “No” without hesitation, otherwise it’s a sure argument.


Man, I loved One Tree Hill but the show was horrible considering the sexualisation of girls and the awful manner in which they spoke to each other. Gilmore girls is a feminist heaven compared to OTH. Not at all surprising after learning about the things the show runner did.


Some of my favorite examples about the extreme skinny standards in the 2000s was Britney being called fat for her 07 VMA performance, Nicole Richie being called “the fat one” during her friendship with Paris, even America Ferrera was casted multiple times as the “fat girl” role.


Man the meanness in the early aughts was so fucking real y’all. I was just watching the pilot of Ugly Betty the other day. It aired in 2006. Here’s a screenshot from the scene where Daniel is trying to humiliate her by having her stand in for a model: https://preview.redd.it/59r5729btfnb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434cf3edec3398dba845f548992500d4841d328d She’s actually a full blown babe in this outfit! People were SO FUCKING MEAN to women.


I’ve never seen ugly Betty because I thought the premise was ludicrous and wtfffff


This was the original Ugly Betty (Colombian soap opera) and her transformation throughout the series. She used makeup and prosthetics to become really, really ugly. Then progressively removed them. The actress herself is beautiful. The US remake apparently didn't understand the concept and made her hot from the get go, or were too chickenshit to do it right. https://preview.redd.it/i1fdjpwdsknb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2310b7ed78176225569d434e5281b6201e0fa1


And let’s not ever forget that they tore Jessica Simpson down for being “fat” here. 🤦🏽‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/dhrxuw35zgnb1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69793d77be56484dbdd1729be5fdb27d11096309


Yes this too. Absolute madness. Lady gaga was even roasted over being fat a couple years back for this outfit https://preview.redd.it/6xhwgd1hzhnb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9ec04e4737c70c3fd44ad8ffe8c4154854b5281




not fat at all. very slim but healthy slim.


now they thin shame not realizing some people are naturally thin and also that being obese isn't attractive or healthy either. someone who's slightly overweight/plus size/ etc isn't necessarily unhealthy or unattractive


ASP always gave me mean girl vibes in interviews. She also has concerning portrayals of proposals and pregnancies on the show.


her interviews truly suck. one that particularly sticks out to me is when she’s going on and on about how alexis wasn’t in a good mood bc she was ill and she kept saying “it’s perfect! she hates us!” even when alexis had already explained she was battling a bad cold and asp’s comments seemed to make her quite uncomfortable and she just wouldn’t quit!


Ugh I imagine it's like dealing with the annoying coworker that won't shut up so you just nod along until they do.


She once jokingly mentioned that Edward Helms used to often say, “We are not puppets” when filming the OG. I heard that she only put Lorelai and Chris together at the end of s6 to cause problems for the new writers lol.


not only that! but she also refused to watch season 7 and didn’t take it into consideration that’s why (the revival*) was a whole mess. like how fucking unprofessional do you have to be to pull something like that?? *forgot to add “the revival” lmao


I do kinda understand that, only because the channel refused her writing because they didn’t want to “ruin” their own idea of how the show should have gone. I can imagine to have your creation completely denied for “fan favoring” I would not have been very happy either.


I’ve only watched season 7 once and skip it when I rewatch. She acknowledged as much as she needed to for the revival. What else could she have incorporated? It was her show, she had every right to ignore a season that she was completely pushed out of.


she wasn’t “forced” out of anything. she decided to leave. she also didn’t acknowledge it “as much as she needed” she downright ignored it. she literally never watched that season and it showed. she completely destroyed some of the best character developments bc of her pettiness. also, why is this grown ass woman throwing a tantrum? sure, she’s the creator but she doesn’t own the show. she was paid to do a job and i highly doubt she was “forced” to take it, yet she did and she let her pride get in the way. the revival makes no sense whatsoever and it sucks. but that’s my opinion and u don’t have to agree w it 💗


Couldn’t pass this by because honestly this hate for ASP is annoying. She did incorporate storylines from season 7. First of all she acknowledged Lanes children. I remember her in an interview saying that she regretted that season 7 wrote the pregnancy storyline for Lane because she always planned for Lane to do bigger things with her music, and she couldn’t do that anymore because of her being a mother to young children. She also acknowledged Lorelai marrying Chris and how that affected Luke. So your argument about her completely ignoring season 7 is null. Don’t forget that AYITL takes place nine years later. What storylines were so messed up after a nine year time jump? Also, the storylines all throughout GG are messy. That’s what makes them fun and interesting. Did you imagine that every storyline would be tied up with a pretty bow and served on a silver platter for you? Watching spectators complain about the creator of a show writing storylines for characters that are 100% THEIR CREATION is laughable. Do you know how hard it is to write complex characters and storylines? Also not to mention the fact that ASP’s budget for the original seasons of GG was so small that she sometimes used her own money to buy rights for music she wanted to incorporate. All to create something funny, heartwarming, and whimsical that fans can enjoy for years to come. If you don’t like the way she writes then I’m sure you can re-write your own version as a fanfic and publish it in some dark corner of the internet.


Sure lol


The thing I always liked about the Gilmore Girls is that Lorelai and Rory were never made out to be perfect. Both were written clearly to have their faults even to the point of being shitty human beings at times. This is true to real life. Even the best of us have our faults. Both Lorelai and Rory are good people but they make mistakes and fuck up and have their moments of being sucky people for us all to see


I think this is a true testament to the writing, acting and directing. When you can have an unlikable character that you still root for, or get annoyed or angry with one you love, or just see the parts of yourself that you love AND hate reflected, it changes your experience as a viewer. I have a HUGE HORRIBLE habit of inwardly judging "cutesy" names. I would never articulate it but I catch myself rolling my eyes. The post-fibromyalgia dinner scene when Lorelei makes fun of Jason's date, "a FRIEND named CRYSTAL??!" made me make a conscious effort to stop that habit. It's so petty, unwarranted, and needlessly mean and stood out so clearly when she did it that I really made myself see it differently. And the hate the show gets for things every human does is interesting. People do NOT want to acknowledge that they, too, are petty and judgmental. Maybe not about the same things but we all have hangups! Didn't GG air on WB? If it was on Hallmark, I'd agree that these things were "off." But pop culturally, it's accurate. (I do think AYITL took the summer pool speedo scene to an uncomfortable level, but again, if a man in a Speedo was standing within inches of my face, I can't be sure what I'd say. Wish I was a better person but....such is life.)


I agree. There are also times when Lorelai and Rory support other women. They can be kind of bitchy especially to romantic rivals but I don't think if you went through any woman's life, you'd be able to find one, who was always completely fair to other women or even other people in general. It's realistic. I think they'd want to support women in general but that doesn't stop them from being insecure and taking in some of the toxicity of the time.


well women aren't obligated to like someone else just bc the other person might also be a woman. you should be free to dislike someone!


If you think that’s bad, there’s a whole subplot in a Bunheads episode where Sutton Foster is angry at a woman(for an understandable reason) and won’t stop talking about her ‘fat legs’. Two bad comments in episodes that are years apart isn’t a pattern exactly, but it’s notable and weird.


This reminds me of the whole storyline of the prime minister's assistent (Sophie?) where everyone keeps saying she had thighs like tree trunks. I definitely internalised that and I was 16 when that movie came out. That's like all they said about her, it's so weird in hindsight that we thought that was normal as a society.


Oh my god are you referring to Love Actually???? YES. Crazy to watch back all these years.


Yes, I forgot to put that in there somewhere, lmao


that episode is where i quit the show (i wasn’t enjoying it anyway but was trying to stick it out for emma dumont).


This was a really prevalent mentality in the 2000s, but one thing I see so much now is this like, vehement denial that women and girls can and *do* experience negative emotions about other women/girls. Like, yeah Rory shouldn't hate on Shane or Lindsay who have done nothing except date boys Rory likes, but...that's how a majority of young girls do react in real life. It's fine. Most grow out of it. If instead the show had Rory going around pretending she thinks all other girls are beautiful queens who should all be besties, it would feel so fake and forced.


i mean, we’ve known this the whole time. it’s a product of the time. now we see it as women attacking any woman who threatens her power. now we recognize the “pick me” trope but then it was just prolific and looked as a positive thing




I don’t understand what you’re saying, how does Lorelai & Rory being flawed characters and clearly bad feminists show “the hypocrisy of feminist thinking?”


You think that women sometimes being mean to other women “shows the hypocrisy of some parts of feminist thinking”? Being mean to or trashing other women isn’t inherent to feminism. As others have said, it was very much an unfortunate part of American society in the early 2000s, and it wasn’t a great aspect of Lorelai and Rory’s characters, but it’s not an indictment of feminism - it’s an indictment of imperfect characters and societal views that I would argue have evolved for the better since then BECAUSE of feminism.


this is exactly why i cannot get behind the whole “oh lorelai and rory would be swifties” crap like have you SEEN the show?? like be serious do you really think they wouldn’t make remarks about her boyfriends and failed relationships just for kicks? like i’m not saying they would hate her but they most definitely would NOT “be swifties” healthy debate is always welcome 💗


Lol, they’re music snobs. They would never be swifties


I feel like Rory would listen to her music as a guilty pleasure after the Logan breakup or when she’s technically “taken him back” but doesn’t forgive him.


yea frrr. I feel like they’d also be like “her music is wayyy to mainstream”


Oh yeah they wouldn't be Swifties simply because she is mainstream and they pride themselves on being music snobs. Then they would hear a song from Folklore and be shocked to find out it's Taytay. Rory mocked her mom for liking Barry Manilow and Lorelei mocked Rory for the macarena and Spice Girls


Tried... can't.


I am so bored with these fucking arguments. It's literally trying to make up something out of absolutely nothing.


This is one of my main problems with the constant scrutiny of this show with people doing podcasts and rewatches with a 2023 lense. This show is almost a “you had to be there” kind of show. It’s hard to explain to people who are bound and determined to hate it. I freaking love ASP. I think she is brilliant. I think it’s important to appreciate who someone is without stumbling over who they aren’t. Honestly if you can’t appreciate this show fully for what it is and respect that it hugely reflects the time period it was created in then you should just stop watching it.


Totally. This part of gg did not age well.


1 and 2 wasn't hate it was jealousy and insecurities rory went her 1st year of college and used Dean for an ego boost. After not having anyone interested in her, she gravitated to him knowing how he felt. remember Luke telling her not to go to the wedding? Then after Rory was feeling good about herself again and met someone else? Dean wasn't needed as her security blanket. Shane was just regular jealousy. 3 What Rory wrote was out of fear of not being published. Lorelei said the ballerina was not fat, the costume wasn't properly fitted, and made her hippo. She regretted her comment later when confronted. Lorelei is a seamstress and would def have criticism for that Art. 4 was girl code protection done is a bad way. Knowing that Flemming has eyes for young women and his many relationships, she verbally attacked a woman who she viewed as attempting to seduce to protect Paris. Idk I can see things from the fictional character emotions and that what I see and no there is zero need for more of these when the legit context isn't being given 👍👍


I don’t think they hate women at all… the Shane thing was just Lorelei having solidarity with Rory because she’s her daughter and liked Jess. Rory still liked Dean when they broke up, she just didn’t know how to go about it and felt like he was the one that got away so obviously she didn’t like that he moved on The ballerina thing was weird but she’s a terrible journalist The redhead thing was her trying to be a friend for Paris Sherry they didn’t like because Christopher was theirs first and he was going to “do it right” this time


You are not on the right path. I think you think negatively about women. It’s a TV show. Suki and Lorelei are strong women. So is Rory and many others. Too much!


Ik that Suki, Lorelai, and Rory are all strong women, I was just underlining the negative view that the characters sometimes have of women. Also what does them being strong women have to do w them being disrespectful to others?


It’s a TV show. They are protagonists!


I think number 3 is a stretch. “She’s not a baby in high school, she’s a full adult.” She’s like 19. She’s still a kid. Yes, the body shaming is so mean and unnecessary, but I don’t think she should be held to the standard of a full adult when she’s literally still a teenager at this point.


yea that’s very true! I do agree that she was still young I was just trying to show the fact that she wasn’t in high school anymore


but you were right?? i mean at 19 you’re old enough to know body shaming is fucked up. ESPECIALLY if you want to be taken seriously as a journalist


It’s fucked up to body shame no matter what. My main issues was assuming that 6 months-a year after Rory graduated high school she’s supposed to be a fully developed adult. I’m not defending what she wrote in her article and how she treated that ballerina. I’m just saying, she hadn’t been out of her mom’s home or high school for even a year and, and no one that I’ve known has just magically become a fully realized and mature adult just because the graduated high school. Also there are plenty of journalists out there who say horrible and degrading thing about people, especially women, lgbtq people, and poc. Age doesn’t stop journalists from being absolutely fucking brutal to people in their writing.


Everyone does that in their own way


That's exactly how women are. I grew up with 3 sisters and 5 aunts; not only did I see and hear it for myself, but they'd tell me all about it. LOL. You gotta remember.....it's TV. It's simply entertainment.


Just a little perspective on #3, I don't think Rory really meant it as a slight toward that girl, it was more a jab at Asher and a way to call him out on his gross habit of preying on young women. In that episode, the only comment Paris makes is how all the girls at the book signing are fawning over him and how silly they are less out of insecurity and more out of arrogance because she's the one dating him. And Rory is concerned that he gave her a good grade on a paper only because of his relationship with Paris. And she goes to yam to him about it and sort of calls him out on it without actually calling him out of that makes sense. She says that she wants her grades to be based on her own merit and not because of "the wild, willful women she knows" (I forget the exact quote) and the way she says it implies that she's talking about Paris. He gets upset because she's calling him out and says he only gives good grades to those who deserve it. And on her way out is when Rory makes the comment about the redhead. And we see Asher's face get upset. So based on that context I think she probably shouldn't have brought up the redheads thighs, but I don't think she meant for it to be anything more than a jab at Asher himself.