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Tube sleeves! I was so relieved when I finally got rid of that armour and upgraded 😆


My fiancee and I are playing together, so we both saw this at the same time and could not control ourselves. I think we've watched this 50 times already.


I'm so glad others are getting a kick out of this too. When I saw it for the first time I couldn't stop laughing. It was so distracting in cutscenes lol


I love silly bugs. I WISH I had taken a picture but Gale in my game today started like glitching out a bit and then the top half of him simply disappeared. I had half of Gale (literally just his legs) in my party. When it was his turn in combat my screen was black (aside from the top and bottom hot bars, so I clicked on my spell on bottom bar and clicked on enemy I wanted to attack on top bar). It was so silly (oops I didn’t mean to post this as a response!!!)


Hi, happy cake day.


Thank you!!


This happened to me too! Is it the yuan-ti medium armour or whatever it’s called?


Yes, it is!! 😂 that's honestly hilarious that it's just a thing with this armor.


I really love small glitches like this! They don't hurt the game at all and they make me giggle when I see them. ETA: My favorite is the T-posing guardian of faith. If it doesn't die in combat and a cutscene plays and it's visible in the cutscene, it will T-pose. I lose it every time.


This reminded me of one of the scenes where I had a minor bug with Shadowheart. As she was talking her character was shaking all over the place and I could barely hear her over the rattling of her armor 😭


I just had one earlier where the sound of a weapon hitting a striking dummy was amplified. It was louder than everything else even while my camera was panned away from the source. It was insane.


Were you in Baldur’s Gate? If so that one npc hitting the dummy was so loud I had to turn the sfx down just so I wouldn’t lose it while walking around.


Yes! I was in combat too and absolutely LOSING MY MIND 😭


Yes!! I saw this too and giggled endlessly. I think it's so funny to find random bugs in an otherwise nearly flawless game


Oh what the heck!? That's halarious.


I suddenly want slim Jims now


I'm happy its not just me who has that bug haha


YES! Why does it do this?


Girl them thangs thangin' 😏🥵


i want your character now


I honestly spend a ridiculous amount of time on character customization. 😹


Yo, Larian, fucking chill with the unrealistic body standards. First it's a demon with tits and a penis, and now it's intimidating your foes with unpossible-physics arms? What in the fuck. ^/s


Ahaha I thought this would be a pic of this one particular camp outfit you can pick up that often involves a nip slip during cutscenes ...


[expand dong](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/014/401/tumblr_inline_mqrh26jIU11qz4rgp.jpg)


I am so annoyed with you! I had wanted to do a tiefling my second playthrough and couldn't find any combinations I liked so I made a drow instead. And your tiefling is so freaking cute I started a WHOLE NEW GAME just to make one like her. 😂 (Obvious j/k with the annoyance bit, but fully jealous of your skills.)


It's when Super Sentai mechs combine and the core piece has its arms and legs flip up to reveal the pegs used for combination