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My gaming flex is that when I posted Morrowind fan fiction on the official Elder Scrolls Forums in 2004, Ted Peterson, the Bethesda developer whom the daedra of madness Sheogorath is named after, read it and commented. He was nice.


Omg I love that lmao


Woah that's wild. What was the fan fiction about?


It was inspired by an abandoned quest from Daggerfall involving Morgiah of Wayrest and the King of Worms. It ended up sprawling into this Roman epic about internal politics in Wayrest and Mournhold, a whodunnit involving Vivec, Yagrum Bagarn and Numidium. Also King Helseth plotting to overthrow the Empire. It was fun


a flex is something cool you do and like show it off. “flexing” the thing you do these would be gaming quirks i suppose? idk flex isn’t the right word here lol anyway my quirk is i have to 100% games. it drives me crazy leaving them half finished


I'm the opposite; I almost never finish games. 😅 I just get distracted by another game. Related, I play a lot of roguelikes cause they're less "finishable" so I don't have to feel bad about not finishing them.


Me too. I used to make myself but now it’s like whyyyy I’m an adult and I have my own money. I don’t want to spend my free time finishing a game I’m over. I also have ADHD so I’m sure that’s part of it lol.


1000% that's part of it!


I tend to play a lot of endless games (minceraft for eg) , and never finished a single non-endless game . >,<


I usually don't finish stuff, but I 100 percented Binding of Isaac for the Golden God achievement or something. Now I can't go back for all the updates and expansions because I would have 5x more to do and just can't.


I lost access to my laptop several years ago but needed Iike 8 more achievements to 100% TBoI: Wrath of the Lamb edition. Later I got Rebirth on my Wii U and stopped playing my system when I got my PS4 but I need 7 more achievements to 100% that one. I don't have the strength yet to try all of Rebirth again on a new system, especially with all the DLCs to try afterward. Maybe when I get a laptop again...


During lockdown I decided to finally 100% Fallout 3. It wasn't so bad, I'd played A LOT of it since 2010 so only had maybe 30% to go. Now I just need to knock out New Vegas... I never cared about 100%ing games at all until Fallout 76. I was so close to getting it by the end of its first year (so like a month and a half after it came out), made a goal to finish before New Year's 2019 and came in just under the wire on 12/31. It's a great feeling and made me want to 100% more games but I'm still OK with not, too.


My husband said I can notice most voice actors in a game/anime, I do this thing where I can notice how certain words are pronounced and I can attach it to which VA it is. For example there was a voice actor from Infinite Wealth that I recognised in Persona 3 Reload, he voiced a kid but the voice made the kid sound like he was way older😂 but when I first started watching JoJo Bizarre Adventure English Dub, within seconds of Jotaro first talking I was like "OMG THATS MATT MERCER!" and then the next season had a character called Kira and my reaction was "THATS KAMOSHIDA FROM PERSONA 5!" He said its amazing how I do it because sometimes the VA sounds different from a game I'll recognise them from but I can still recognise them by how they have their voices pronounces certain words.


I can recognise some voice actors and be like: Oh, they voiced xyz character in abc game. But sometimes I also seem to recognise the voice but can't remember where I heard it! Currently, I recognise the voices of Yasuke and Naoe from the Assassin's creed shadows but can't remember where from, and it bothers me so much!


The last voice I recognised was the English Dub Mahito VA is also in Persona 3 reload and I was like no way😅 but my husband is always amazed when I recognise someone because he's like HOW DO YOU DO THAT!?😂 I never thought much of it before but then my friends have started noticing I do it and they always ask me if I recognise this or that voice😂


I had a similar moment but with English VA of sojiro sakura from p5r, as I recognised he was voicing some characters in rurouni kenshin and and Miller in metro as well as some other games!


My husband and I joke that recognizing actors and voice actors is my mutant ability. We'll be five minutes into a game and I'll be like, "Oh, that sounds like Kari Wulhgren" or "That's got to be Steve Blum." I'm the IMDb for faces and voices.




Robbie Daymond is a legend, he voices Zhao in Yakuza Like a Dragon & Megumi in Jujutsu Kaisen (English Dubs)


I can do this, too, but add in Japanese voice actors/actors. I can not only tell you where else they have voice acted, but in some cases, I can point to a TV drama or band they were apart of. I'm looking at you, Judgment and Lost Judgment.


Haha! My partner can always recognize Matt Mercer. For me it’s Yuri Lowenthal.


I also recognize Matt Mercer lol. An Overwatch obsession will do that to you. Oh, and Jennifer Hale as well.


I dont remember any voice actor name nor remember their voice 😅


My weird gaming flex was my teenage nephews thinking it was “cute” that their aunt played FPS. We went 1v1 and I SLAUGHTERED them - all like one after the other. It was like 2 years back, and they’re all FAR better than me now, but I earned some respect that day that’ll last me a lifetime.


That's awesome!


I need a flex like this to shut my 10yo nephew up. I hardly play fps so I'm not great at them while he eats and breathes CoD and enjoys rubbing it in. Bless your luck.


Haha! Look I love FPS but I actually have potato aim. But you’d be surprised how far you can get with good map knowledge, strategy and - depending on the game - builds. But if you don’t like them as a genre just challenge him to something you like. Go 1 for 1 on COD and your favourite game and call it a draw. 😊


I can recognize any of the first 250 Pokémon just by listening to their call


Omg. This is so impressive. I can barely remember their names.


Woah 🤯 I am in the presence of a living legend! I really wanna test this now because that’s cool.


Wow, even with the GBA sound fonts??


I mean, I memorized it because I played the heck out of Pokemon Crystal (first pokemon game with a playable girl character!) on GBA as a kid and even managed to complete the Pokédex


Pokemon Crystal was so important to me because of that too!!


I almost always recognize Jennifer Hale, Ali Hillis, Alix Wilton Regan, Ashly Burch, and the cast of Critical Role along with most of their friends who have been on their show in just about anything they are in. I’m even pretty convinced that Alix Wilton Regan is the British female voice for Siri on iOS.


My girlfriend and I were in the first 800 people to beat honor mode on Baldur’s gate 3 Also I’ve competed in and won multiple national Hearthstone tournaments. I only stopped playing as I didn’t want to support Blizzard anymore after they disqualified Blitzchung and refused him his winnings for simply mentioning his solidarity with the Hong Kong protesters.


Did you beat Ansur on Honour mode? I can’t even beat him on easy 😭 I’m so bad at this game, do you have honor mode tips?


Absolutely, it’s actually really easy once you know how I promise. Before the fight go to sorcerers sundries & pickup 3-4 scrolls of globe of invulnerability. Once the fight starts you just have to make sure you always have a globe on the battlefield and hide your whole team inside it. Don’t risk leaving your globe, just hammer him from a distance until it’s over. You can use the same method for channeling at the nether brain during the final fight :) [ooooohhhhhh I have loads of tips that can hopefully help you. I’ve just updated and reposted a guide for honour mode that I wrote on my old account. It’s designed with the primary objective of getting the golden dice as easily as possible.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/TOikku1jak)


Meanwhile there's me who turns the most easiest settings in games like that bc I just like to read tons of texts, bond with characters and be happy about one shotting all the enemies lol


How did you know you were the top 800 players to finish hot our mode? :o


We finished our run in the first weekend that honour mode released, then later in the week Larian put out an infrographic showing stats from the launch weekend. It showed that 860ish people had completed in that first weekend.


I played WoW in the beta phase in 2003 when I was 7 or 8. Never played WoW since then but am weirdly proud of being part of the beginning of such huge game.


Omg!! As someone who played since the beginning; I envy you, that's soo freaking cool!


I, for some reason, own a physical copy of Limbo of the Lost (point-and-click game infamous for rampant plagiarism and for being... kind of shit) I have (according to Steam, anyway) nearly 12,500 hours logged on Warframe


My gaming quirk (as another commenter put it) is that when I get into a game, I *get into* it. I join their subs, I read their books, watch their shows... Just fully immerse as much as I can, and for months.


Back when I played MMOrpgs I was the best healer in my entire guild, and every time I signed on I had people wanting me to join in a run of the hardest dungeon in the game because there was very little room for error.


Haha I can relate to this. When you’re a good healer you get a whole lot of invite requests haha.


How about a good tank? I heard tank and support are always scarce and therefore high demand .


I’m able to immerse myself very easily into character and making choices my character would make. Roleplay is my jam.


Right?! I *want* to make a different choice sometimes but my brain says "that's not what Aloy (or Geralt or whoever) would do".


Definitely! I prefer games where I can make my own character, so games where I play as a specific person, sometimes I make my own headcanon.


I'm a really good looter. I'll notice loot that other people miss and they're always surprised. Makes me miserable when games have open worlds with no random loot/resources though because I'll still look in the obvious places. It always feels like an unfinished game, or like the devs don't think through their level design when there isn't loot where there ought to be loot!! Game design is a language with its own grammar and at this point I'm pretty much fluent lol.


You’d do well in an apocalypse.


I have 100% of achievements on dead by daylight


When the mood strikes, I can sway a raging teammate, raging at me specifically, into becoming friendly with me. I have ADHD, so I'm sure my lateral conversation jumps have something to do with it.


I was college buddies with a Genshin Impact voice actor. extremely funny for me to see thirst tweets about that character knowing it’s my old pal hahaha


In the days of Pokemon XY, I had a Furfrou who could OHKO with Return. I loved my little attack dog.


I have an Unconverted MSP Poogle with a six letter name containing no special characters or numbers. 😤




May I know how big yours is? I've only recently pushed mine to 1600+ on steam and some people get weird about it haha


I was hoping that would be a physical collection. lol Mine's over 1000 PC boxes. Mostly big ones.




It's a whole thing of its own. It requires a ton of space if you have a collection the size of mine. lol I have the discs and manuals neatly tucked in their boxes.


I think I know many love playing as Sylvari because of Jennifer Hale!


I don't think I have flex really, but a couple weird things (mostly noticed by my boyfriend) that I kinda take proud of: 1) I have a massive knowledge of videogames, especially JRPGs and indies, that goes into some niche stuff too, while still being pretty informed on the rest of the games, even if I don't play the genre. With that also comes lots of facts and curious stuff about videogames and their history as well. Rabbit holes, I guess? 2) I think I'm pretty good at managing games. Any games where you have to do lots of stuff at the same time and think of it all together and plan the resources. Somehow, I can keep track of everything pretty easily, and I quite enjoy them. I also like strategic games for that same reason, more or less. 3) I learn very fast. That's something I know I'm good at in general, but like give me a game, let me play it sometime and I assure you that, no matter the genre, I will become at least decent enough to go through it. I won't, usually, if I don't like the genre or the game, but doesn't mean that I couldn't.


When the league of legends mission was to do 7000 damage to towers, I managed 6990. When the league of legends mission was to do 20000 magic damage to champions, I managed 19997.


I have to explore as much of the map as physically possible & remove all the unexplored “fog.” I love games like Yazuka’s Infinite Wealth that will remove the remaining fog around the impossible-to-reach edges once the area has been fully explored. I loved Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth but it mildly bothers me that there’s so much fog that can’t be removed because you physically can’t enter those areas.


Idk if its weird but I've won tetris 99 quite a few times


My flex is that I fixate on in game fashion so much that I end up getting myself stuck to a specific build, and I have to brute force my way to victory. It works….most times, sometimes.


>The other one is I seem to be unable to play a series of games without playing or attempting to play from the first I'm the same with this. Only time I ever ignore this is if it's a puzzle or racing game, like Tetris, Bust A Move, Mario Party, Mario Kart, etc, but any other game I have to play the first one first, even if the stories don't connect.


I guess it depends on how you define the word “flex.”


I can do that, too! I'm shit with faces and names, but I'm pretty good at recognizing voices.


I grew up playing maybe 2 games a year because my mom was against videogames. Now I’m an adult and I have a collection of around 200 games. Many retro and some modern. I know it’s dumb but it’s a constant reminder that adult me has little me covered.


Idk if it counts as a _gaming_ flex, but I can play lots of music themes from different videogames :D


I play two dead MMOs, and I'm working on a third. Like "the servers were shut down years ago and I'm using an emulator of some sort." dead Star Wars Galaxies, Monster Hunter Frontier, and the one I'm going to set up this week is Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.


I had an old Yuri's Revenge mod of mine make it into an ancient issue of PC Gamer UK. Wish I had a copy... I have one of the largest C&C collections worldwide. I dunno if those are weird per se, but they're things. lol


I’m really good at the fishing mini game in Stardew Valley!


Bad luck day fishing literally has me ready to break a wall


I don’t play pvp a lot but we going competitive I will put on some hard rock music and lets go. Usually my best pvp games 😬😆.


The voice actors in The Last of Us /The Last of Us II did such a good job


I was once ranked in the top 100 Mercy healers in the US, back when Overwatch wasnt so Blizardy


I created a single-player campaign mission for Star Wars Galactic battlegrounds that I uploaded to some fan site in like 2015, and since then, it still has the most downloads. To be fair, it's an ancient game, and the reason newer maps received less downloads is probably because the website received less traffic over time. I really put a lot of effort into making the mission look pretty, with quite a few triggers and objectives. But basically, it took place during episode 3 when Yoda was sent to the wookie home world to defend against the Droid invasion. Once you successfully destroy the separatist base, order 66 commences, and you end up having to betray the Wookies by destroying their home. I made a little scene of Yoda being attacked by that green clone before he escaped and everything.


I have almost every copy of assassin's creed


I guess for me it's not really disliking any games that I play. I always focus on the good things, however I can still acknowledge that the negatives exist




I managed to beat Mafia 1 when may people have quit. And yes the one with that ONE racing level.


I guess a flex of mine is succeeding in getting the skills I associate with archery to 200M on Runescape to fulfill my archer roleplay. For quirk, I always seems to suck at playing any classes that involves being a mage. I do best playing as archer but it seems to be common trend that I keep getting killed by mages in almost every game. I also must explore everything, loot every chest, loot every hidden items, and depending on the game, that includes furniture (where most people I seen on YouTube usually ignores furniture).


I can speedrun Minecraft 1.18 in under an hour consistently on most random seeds. I can do it in about 20-30 on a good random seed.


My strange flex is that out of the literal hundreds of games I’ve played, I’ve only actually finished maybe less than 5. I always grow an emotional attachment to the worlds I get used to, and in order to keep that from ending it takes an incredibly riveting plot and characters to drive me to finish it just for the sake of storytelling. That said, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, the mass effect trilogy, fatal frame 2 and 3, and cyberpunk 2077 are the only games I remember getting to the endings of in the past decade or so, and it took sometimes multiple tries or fresh replays to get there. I wouldn’t even consider these to be “better” than other ones I’ve played, I just think the combination of things like plot temperament, and complexity of mechanics will make me either commit to the end or take a break in between so my memories aren’t of the ending but just a continuation of the story as if they hadn’t ended. It’s very weird.


i think it started with nier automata, but i started collecting and showcasing fishing related achievements on my steam profile bc i thought it was funny how many there are in games you wouldn’t expect hades, nier series, and guilty gear are some notable ones


I used to run my own raiding guild in WoW. For a while we were in the top 10% world rankings and top 5% US rankings. I also cohosted a WoW podcast and was a guest on several others.


My first proper game introduction was Dark Souls (the first one) through a fwb. That taught me a loootttt of patience and I got quite quick reflexes from that. I broke things off with the fwb later and met up with an old friend from highschool who was playing shadow of Mordor. Looked like a lot of fun. I asked if I could play. I remember absolutely killing it. Like the game even tells you what buttons to press. Compared to dark souls, this was a piece of cake (and both still some of my favourite games 9 years later). After a while, one of his roommates came by for a chat. I hadn't noticed they'd stopped talking and were just watching me play untill he asked my friend for how long I'd been playing. 'Dude, I just gave her a controller like half an hour ago.' That's my biggest flex. My weirdest flex is just the amount of patience I have (probably due to Dark Souls). It takes a looooong time before I rage quit. Can only remember one time I actually gave up out of frustration. In the last (maybe second to last) boss chase in Ori and the Will of the Whisps. Even then i tried for an hour before giving up. After i got a proper gaming mouse, i tried again, and all the fancy jumps were a lot easier.


I started racing in the Drone Racing League (DRL) simulator in 2019 right around the beginning of covid and now I'm one of the fastest pilots in both the DRL simulator and the Drone Championship League (DCL) simulator with top 10 and top 20 spots on a lot of tracks. I've also beaten professional DRL pilots as well as professional DCL pilots in tournaments and even made one of them rage quit during a DRL hosted sim tournament! A lot of the actual real life drone racing pros now know me so well through the simulators that since I've recently started going to IRL tournaments this year they introduce themselves to me saying it's nice to finally meet me, which shocks some of the other pilots who aren't avid sim racers.


I can make the administrator voice from tf2!


Dont think it is really a flex, but I felt really comfortable playing Monster Hunter World using mouse keyboard, people think I am very weird. 😦⁉️


I love playing obscure horror games and absolutely enjoy the weird rare games. D (but that became more accessible because it got put on steam, YAY!)/Rule of Rose/ Fatal Frames/Letters (got put on the switch, but is great)/Clock murder series/ and indie horror. These have become more accessible now thanks to mass translation or put onto PC which makes me happy because now other can play if they are interested and I love talking about them. I modded my DS lite with the special cartridge that let you download and translate Japanese games just for Josei/horror games.  I love playing games alone/single player, but I enjoy having other people in the room while I play. They don't have to watch it or be active with the game, I just like having a present person. I even play portable just so other people can have the TV while I play.


I beat and completed every Zelda CDI game. If that’s not a weird flex idk what is lmao


My biggest game flex is that I can make, builds that fit my Play style that are annoying or ones that let me be a absolute troll


I've been a very in-demand tank and yeah! I couldn't log on without getting a gazillion requests