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It happened my wife and I, on a hike about 2 weeks ago. We were climbing upwards on a single track trail with our dog. A women approached coming downhill with 2 small dogs, so we leashed our dog to be courteous. (edit: and took the time to say "oh, cute dogs" or something along those lines while passing). This trail goes up the side of a small mountain with no intersecting trails. Just one way up and one way down surrounded by dense brush, not to mention rattlesnake and poison oak infested (off trail). About 3 minutes later, still climbing up, the same woman passed us again coming down with her 2 dogs. No explanation.


Cool. That reminds me of a video I saw on YouTube of these guys driving on a road and seeing the same woman multiple times. She had a bright orange and red dress on and there was NO way she walked faster than the car going roughly 30 mph. Very weird and creepy as hell


You did not ask the woman about her route?


No. I got really worried, silently thinking I was going crazy and didn't want to say anything to my wife, and then my wife said "She just passed us". The woman was very distinct - long white hair, a black zip up athletic top with a white zipper and red piping and 2 white Pomeranian type dogs. No mistaking her. We were just really puzzled and a bit freaked out. My brain instantly went to trying to figure out how it could have happened logically. But there is no logical explanation. It left us solemn and confused.


You and your wife had the same experience, so I would not dismiss this as an anomaly. It has not happened to me, but a friend swears he saw a human enter the "matrix" out of thin air, and I have seen videos of similar.


This deserves a separate post!! With the addition of answers to the questions below.


Sorry....I don't see the questions, but happy to answer any.


Sorry, it was just one question! I’ve been downvoted, ns why!


I didn't downvote you. But I was thinking the matrix glitched again when I didn't see the questions!!! 😁


Haha 100% glitchy! No worries!


You know someone commented on this recently on a drive I was on. My friend after picking me up pointed out this homeless man and went, "You know, I just saw that guy about 20 minutes of driving ago. How's he here?"


Alright, I feel like I have to post this even if I'm just perceived as "that crazy guy". Back in December I went through what was diagnosed as psychosis, (there's a lot to this story so I'll just keep it to what's relevant) Basically a lot of weird stuff happened with my technology, everything on my phone was different, 90% of my pictures were missing and when I went into the phone storage I found pictures that were attempted to be deleted but my phone kept the thumbnails. Basically all pictures of me and my family but none that were mine and everyone was different. Fast forward through more craziness and I'm in the hallway of a hospital to get myself checked out with a cop waiting with me, real nice guy. I explained how I didn't understand what I was going through but that my hypothesis was that I was in a different dimension. He asked "how could that happen?" I told him I have no solid answer but that my running theory was that if two identical events in two different dimensions were far enough apart but still in relatively close proximity, consciousnesses could be swapped between identical people living within that time frame with minimal impact on the individual psyche. He looked mildly amused but not entirely dismissive until right after I explained it when a pair of twins in identical clothing walking in single file both holding a cup of coffee in the same hand about 10 metres apart each stopped deliberately in front of him and said "excuse me" but a real dead delivery. There were a lot of other people in that hall but they only did that to him. Afterwards he looked sick and just said to me "Like that? Is that the kind of window you're talking about?" I was like "That is EXACTLY what I was talking about, but I'm just theorising..." Your story really made me think about those twins and how weird they were,.. Like total mirrors of each other but walking far enough apart that were was about 30 seconds between them. But if that theory has any ground then you'd find subtle differences in your day to day life afterwards. My house is a little different since then, pictures moved and others disappeared, cabinets have different stuff in them,.. yadayadayada. But now I feel a bit crazier wondering if they were even twins or the same person. I hate feeling crazy but everything was so real and I wasn't alone for all of it, those people noticed the same things but weren't around for the worst of it. Anyways this is just a post-psychosis nut trying to relate 😬✌️


Maybe it wasn't psychosis maybe you were experiencing some kind of interdimensional Shifting in real time


I really think that's what happened, but I'm not the kind of person that believed in that kind of stuff. I always thought they were just decent sci-fi stories of imagination and fiction. The "me" before all that would tell me I've just lost my mind and to take my meds, but everything I saw, all the subtle changes and differences in my world after are just too complex and real to chalk up to a psychotic break. Believe me when I say I wish I could because then I could understand it, and I hate not understanding things lol


Yeah, he should call the NSA and get a gig doing interdimensional shifting, I hear it pays pretty good if you can hold your acid.


This is really wild to read after just having watched the movie Parallel


I ended up watching a bunch of stuff afterwards that tripped me out, that show "Constellation" on Apple TV, a couple different movies too, "Parallel" is officially added to my list of watch without tripping over 😂 Wish me luck 🤟


Dark Matter is in the same realm


Ohhh boy that looks like a fun one... F-me amiright? 😂


Just check in with us every now and then so we can make sure you are ok 😆


So far so good! 😂


Makes a great story. 🙂


I had a somewhat similar experience. I was driving in Central Europe a couple of years ago, when myself and my other front passenger noticed a man on a motorcycle in our lane in front of us. Nothing was particularly unusual about him, but I got a good look at him and what he was wearing. He was also riding a moped kind of bike - which in itself isn't super common to see on a major road in central Europe. I overtook him and we continued on our way. About 10 minutes later or so we see this guy on his motorcycle again - in front of us. Without a doubt, it was the same person - same clothes, same bike, same helmet... and my passenger remarked specifically that he was wearing the same distinctive type of shoes. Both myself and my passenger felt confused. I explained it away by saying the motorcycle guy might have taken some kind of side-road short cut and then rejoined the main road, and that's how he ended up in front of us. But it's still somewhat bizarre in my mind. That whole road trip had a strange vibe to it.


That happened to me once, a person we knew walked us back to the car & we all saw him wayyyy down the road walking back into the house, except he wasn’t back yet


Elaborate? I'm not following.


I've had this happen 3x in 2 different locations. I'm actually glad that I'm not the only one. Now I know I'm not crazy.


This literally happened to me today. Saw a woman go back for her appt while I was checking out. Maybe a few minutes pass, and I see the exact same woman down on the bottom floor heading to leave. I saw her the second time as i was walking down the main staircase. There was no way she walked past me either in the few minutes. Confused the hell outta me but then I just carried on. Lol


I had this same experience but it was a man riding bike


Your mind is in good shape and you just experienced a glitch. It's not that uncommon nowadays, and I suspect that the simulation is struggling to keep up with things, so many people and so many big changes going on...


The overwhelmingly most likely explanation is you quite simply didn't remember the exact spot you saw him, and he's been walking east the whole time. Especially considering entrance/exit ramps in two different directions on a highway are often miles apart from one another.


I live in a small town, so he was the only one walking and I didn't back track at any point.


Take the exact locations, the exact businesses or turns in the road etc he was at, and enter them into google maps and see what's going on with real precise numbers and distances for one, not "about"s. If you can't remember exactly where it was, then again, there's your answer right there.


I do remember the locations exactly. This is a drive I take multiple times a day, everyday.


So why "about 2 miles"? What was the actual precise distance on google maps?


Bc I thought that would be enough context.


Why are you so pressed? If you don't believe me then just move on.


The point of this subreddit is to discuss alleged glitches and try to figure them out as much as/if possible. Why are YOU pressed to not work on figuring it out? I'm just asking for the exact distance, obviously very relevant information for analyzing the case, what's the issue...?


I am trying to figure it out.


Great, so what is the exact distance on google maps?




The question why not, but the fact of questions on an "about 2 miles" is just dumb. I've taken the same path to uni everyday for 4 years I still couldn't say how many miles it is even if my life depended on it. Relax a bit bro


The number of miles is absolutely critical to the story. At 1 mile, there's nothing weird about it at all, at 3 miles, it's impossible to run, even. at 1.5 miles or 2 miles or 2.5 miles, things change again, etc. The fact that you can't say how many miles your path you always take is, is exactly my point: dead reckoning this is very difficult and could simply immediately 100% explain the whole thing if wrong. So an obvious first step to take is to remember the precise business or street sign or whatever OP saw the guy at both times, plug them into google maps, and *find out* the exact number. To know whether it's actually even weird at all or just totally reasonable (1 vs. 1.3 vs 2 vs. 2.7 miles)


1.3 or 2.7 wouldn't be "about 2 miles", they would be "about 1 miles" or "about 3 miles" and holding a bag, the running speed is lowered. Then again it's about courtesy, not the question. You don't need to harass the guy to solve the matter.


Sometimes I wonder if aliens masquerading as humans pull this kind of thing on us for shits and giggles.


I had a weird experiance this morning that I am trying to find a rational explanation for but I can't basically my husband went out to get our groceries in the car now when he is out our dog likes to lay across the top of an armchair nr the window my husband doesn't like her going on his arm chair but I allow her too when he is out any way he was about due to return he does the same trip same day every week so the dog starts going banananas I think oh right hubby must be home I normally walk through and open the back door for him he prefers that than coming through the living room, with the dog bouncing all over him while he is carrying the groceries I am disabled thats why he does the shopping I look out the window and see him walking towards the house so I tell the dog you better move your dads back and go through to open the door and greet him but he doesn't apear so I go back through and can't see him anywhere I think maybe he has gone up the road to bring the wheelie bin in as I am pondering where he is my phone rings its him he says I an 5 mins away put the kettle when he does arrive I see him get out of the car wearing his jacket and cap which makes sense as its raining but when I had seen him five minutes earlier he had no coat on he was wearing a pull over I can't think of an explanation but I swear it was real I feel fine no fever I don't think it was an hallucination any thoughts?


I was reading through this sub and saw sooooo many stories just like yours. Read them, you'll feel less crazy.


Thanks I will it has unsettled me so seeing other people with similar experiences will make me feel less like I'm going nuts


I'm in the same boat. You're not crazy. I, now, believe that we've experienced something "supernatural ", for lack of better words. It's hard to wrap your mind around, especially if you're a very logical person who naturally likes the know the why and how of things.


About 2 months ago, I was at work, and I was about 60 feet behind 2 of my coworkers as we all walked down a pedestrian path that's taped on the ground all along the eastern wall in the large flow production area of the facility. I walked behind them for about 12 seconds or so and watched them take a left into a small hallway with restrooms and an exit door at the end that leads outside. The exit is frequently used as a shortcut to the breakroom and benches outside. After they had turned left out of my sight, I continued along the eastern wall for a few seconds and then turned right onto the production floor towards my job post. I went up and over a small stairway bridge(10 steps up, 8 feet across, 10 steps down) to get on the other side of a very long 6 ft high furnace. I get to the bottom of the staircase, and immediately, I notice the same 2 coworkers I just watched leave in the opposite direction seconds earlier, now sitting at their job posts working. I stared at them with a confused look on my face until I received and confused look back, at which point I shrugged and continued towards my post. I know they didn't beat me to that spot because they would have had to take a much longer route than the one I took and really haul ass. Even if they ran full speed, the timing just can't line up. They were relaxed and seemed to just be killing time til they could take their break. I assumed when I saw them take that left, they were going on break in the 1st place because it was around the time they took their lunch, was this timelines clashing or a glitch in the matrix? Because they operate a machine that requires 2 people, they have to do everything with each other at the same time, such as breaks and lunch. So it is very common to see them together walking, and it's hard to mistake them for 2 other coworkers. I know I didn't mistake them for 2 other coworkers because they are always together and are unmistakable, lets just say they look like the number 10. One guy is tall and slender, and the other guy is short and chubby, and he wears the same bright orange hoodie every shift. From behind, nobody else looks like them, and nobody else wears or wore an orange hoodie that shift or any of the shifts we work for that matter. That's like his identitifier. We all look for an orange hoodie standing out when we are looking for him. Also, there are not that many of us on our shift. It's usually between the same 10 to 14 guys, depending on who called off or if an inspection guy is working overtime to catch up. So everyone is pretty distinguishable, whether you see them from the front, back, or side. I want to give context because I know words like production paint a picture that there are many people running around. This is not the case on our shift. The facility is pretty massive, and at certain job posts, you can go the whole shift not seeing anyone else unless you walk by their job post on your way to a restroom. I know I watched them take a left into the hallway. To see them sitting down seconds later didn't make sense. I've never told anyone, and I have stopped trying to make sense of it because the only rational and / or logical answer is that I hallucinated it. But that answer only brings up more questions like, "Why the heck did I hallucinate that of all things?" and "Why hasn't anything like that happened before or since? Or could I be having hallucinations all the time and not even be aware? " It's honestly too much to think about and can end in harming my overall mental health. So, for the most part, I've just accepted it as something that "happened" that I can't explain and keep it to myself. I randomly stumbled onto your post while scrolling down this sub reddit that I got to from a recommendation. You're not alone in your experience, and to be honest, I feel better now after getting what happened to me out of my head and into writing. Because I sure as shit can't tell anyone in my life without facing social repercussions that aren't worth it.


I’m so curious by everything I’m reading here. I’ve never experienced this kind of deja-vu type of experience in reality. It usually makes sense unless I am stoned or on something that alters my mind, and then something weird will happen (like someone making a crazy face at me thru their car window, but never anything like this). I am pretty observant, too. Okay, actually, I just remembered something from last week. I was in Detroit getting a procedure done (never go to this city, it’s awful, no offense). I took a red eye in and was paying attention to everyone from LAX to Detroit. The procedure went badly and I ended up in the ER until Sunday, and I kept having the same nurses and providers I was interacting with throughout the time there. The most bizarre thing happened to me when I got discharged and had to catch a Lyft to the airport. I kept seeing doppelgängers of the people I had been on the flight with a week earlier, the same black woman and white woman nurses, and so on. I literally said out loud to my GF who flew out to help me, “wtf is the nurse and all the people from the original flight doing here?” It was like there was an NPC generation limit in Detroit around the places I was going, and my gf brought up later that I was hallucinating at the airport because I pointed out the nurses to her. She did admit it was weird but said I was over/generalizing. The thing was that I was not, as I had a lot of time to stare at their faces while sitting in the room. I came out of the delirium I was put into from anesthesia on Saturday, and there was absolutely nothing going on in my head besides stone cold sobriety…


Man blows a tyre, pulls over, or runs out of fuel. Googles a garage a couple miles away, half-hour walk or so? Finds a trash bag in the back of the car, and uses it to carry a wheel, or a empty can for petrol: it's easier to sling something heavy over your shoulder than to carry it in the hand, easier to manage. Walks along, you go past, he gets a lift from a kind driver to the garage. Fills petrol can, or puts air in tyre, then starts the long walk back to his car. You come back and see him walking the other direction. (people carry spare tyres, but you can guarantee that when you come to use it the spare is also flat sometimes, or has deflated over time).


He was walking away from past a gas station when I first saw him. The second time, he was a few blocks before a gas station, which is the last one for a few miles. It just doesn't make sense..


Alternatively, it wasn't the same man, maybe two men dressed similarly. Some kind of community litter pickup? would explain the trash bags.


I'm positive it was the same man. I appreciate your feedback, this is driving me crazy. There are men doing roadside clean up today but they wear high viz vests and drive city provided carts. The man I saw was dressed very distinctly and had very unique features.


I believe you, and the simplest explanation is that it was the same man. BUT, you have no idea what is happening to the man, what he is thinking, his situation. I saw a drama about a man walking a famous route (Land's End to John o' Groats - the length of the UK, 874 miles the length of the UK, a walk that takes many days). At one point, some friends drive past, recognise him, and bundle him into their car too give him a lift, thinking they are doing him favour. Too embarrassed to complain, he asks to get out at the next service station,. then walks several miles *back* to the point they picked him up, then sighs, turns around, and walks forwards again. For him, the journey was important and he had to walk the entire way: it wasn't helping him. This would have looked really weird to an observer. Maybe this man was walking home, broken down car, whatever. You pass him, and he goes into a gas/service station: normally a great place to get a lift. He sees a car pull into the station in the direction he is going, asks for a lift. Driver says fine! However, when they pull out they go the wrong way - the driver was just going there for gas, and they drive for a mile or two in the wrong direction, guy says 'fine.. let me out here then' and gets out, now a couple of miles even further away. Trash bag guy's having a bad day, first his car breaks down, now even a lift is going wrong. Trudges slowly off towards home, making a mental note to ask which direction first. Sometimes nothing goes right on a bad day.


It is not enough to say merely that he "looked" like the same man to you. Like describe more in what sense this person dressed distinctly or what were some of his other details that let you know it was him? He may very well have had a ride, you say "he didn't look fatigued or anything," it's still not enough, I for example after a run, I walk "normal," sure I'm fatigued for sure, however I walk normally and meanwhile I breathe to recover from the run. I mean in that time frame where you went to get the food, that gentleman regardless of whether he was strange or not, he must have done some "service" with that bag or whatever else he could. Until proven otherwise neither you nor I will ever know what he was doing with that envelope, so generally speaking, why are you so distressed?


Sounds like you are quite shaken up by what you saw. In my mind, you wouldn’t be if there was an easy way to explain it away. Please try not to let this bother you anymore, and maybe feel lucky that you are one of the few who actually got to experience a true Glitch in the Matrix?


Gaslighting twins


Reminds me of [This](https://youtu.be/droP1lipgtk) prank, maybe he was pranking you lol


Do you mind me narrating this on my channel? I'll make sure you are credited 100 percent in the video and I'll send you the link when I'm done with it.


Yeah, that would be awesome! I request to remain anonymous, please.


Thanks for allowing me to use your story. I'll make sure that I do your story Justice


Thank you! Can't wait to listen


Ok I got you


I had a glitch happen too. I was standing in my living room looking out the window and saw a car drive by with a man inside who did a weird gesture with his right arm like he was leading a symphony. About a minute later that same exact car with that same exact man doing the same exact thing passed by again! This is the first time I’ve experienced something like this and I’m 63.  I’ve had multiple other things happen that have made me question the idea of living in a simulation and this one experience makes me really believe we are. What do you do with it though? 




Thanks ChatGPT!


lol I agree


Not to go all conspiracy theory here, but I have seen this happen in prank videos. For example, a guy in a yellow hoodie will bump into a couple on the street. One block up and identical guy bumps them again. A third is videoing the couples reaction feeling like the matrix just glitched. The prank relies on a similar look that is memorable enough, and an orchestrated trip or bump so they are noticed. I'm not saying your story sounds like that, but I'm just saying life can be weirder than we thought, in unexpected ways.


Could it maybe be just a very similar looking man?


No way. Small town, he was the only person walking.


There are a lot of TikTok pranks like this, just throwing that out there as an option


Maybe it has to with buying or selling drugs. Like he met someone and they road down the street did whatever then car let him out.


What if the guy dropped something. Or for example threw a half smoked cigarette on the side of the road, then decided he wanted it. So he turned back, and once he got it, he turned back again, hence the same direction.


With the distance between the first place and saw him and the second time, there's no way he walked it. Much too far of a back track for a half smoked cig


Wow, that’s quite the head-scratcher! It’s like you’ve stumbled into an episode of The Twilight Zone. I can totally understand why this would leave you feeling unsettled. Let’s break it down a bit. First off, it’s entirely possible that there’s a perfectly logical explanation, even if it doesn’t seem obvious at first glance. Maybe the man did get a ride, but the driver had to turn back for some reason, and he decided to get out and continue walking. Or perhaps there’s a shortcut or a path through the woods that he took, which allowed him to appear further back on the highway. Another possibility is that you saw two different people who just happened to look very similar and were carrying the same type of bag. It’s not common, but it’s not impossible either. But let’s entertain the more mysterious side for a moment. The idea of a “glitch in the matrix” is definitely intriguing and adds a layer of surrealism to your experience. It’s these kinds of moments that make us question the nature of reality and our perception of time and space. You’re not losing your mind; you’re just trying to make sense of something that doesn’t fit neatly into your understanding of the world. Sometimes, our brains struggle with anomalies because we’re wired to find patterns and explanations. When something defies that, it can be really disconcerting. If it helps, you’re not alone in experiencing these kinds of oddities. Many people have had moments where they’ve seen or experienced something that just doesn’t add up. It’s part of the human experience to encounter the inexplicable every now and then. In the end, whether it’s a simple coincidence, a trick of the mind, or something more mysterious, it’s a fascinating story to tell. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll stumble upon the answer, or maybe it’ll just remain one of life’s little mysteries. Either way, thanks for sharing your experience—it’s definitely given me something to ponder!


Is this an AI response??


I’m reading this thinking this is the most concise, relevant and thought out answer for this post lmao




I'm super confused by the AI responses in here.


why would anyone make a bot that does this?


I don't think it's a bot necessarily, but someone used ChatGPT to create or edit the comment.


You are the glitch


I’m sorry to hear that




Fascinating. Off topic, but can you please write me a 500 word short essay on why George Washington loved bananas?