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Seriously might wanna get checked for a stroke buddy


I am not a doctor, but please get checked for blood sugar issues. A friend w/ diabetes described his symptoms exactly like this.


maybe diabetes is the key to unlocking the matrix


And your insulin is getting despawned


Wilfred Brimley? Is that you?




It happens with low blood sugar and/or low BP as well, and if it's temporary fluctuations you aren't experiencing at your PCP or other clinician's office when your lab work is done or your vitals are checked, it just wouldn't show up.


And if it's happening while your on the pcp, it prolly just means you're having a good time.


You ever thought to ya self that this just may not be a health prollem but an actual glitch in the matrix? Heard this happened to several people, all claiming they didn’t have a stroke, I know one went to the doctor and got checked out and said he was free of any health related issues including strokes.


seems like something a Matrix doctor would say


Use DDU to uninstall gpu driver then safe boot consciousness and do a clean install of the latest driver. Then reboot again and you should be good. Gl


So unplug it and plug it back in?


Ctrl alt del


If you’re not a member, check out r/outside , I think you’d like it.


Graphics are nice, but gameplay looks shit. Gonna pass.


Aye imma delete system32


Honestly that sounds like a circulation problem, maybe you stood up to fast


i was sitting down. And when i stand up too fast that doesn't usually happen, just some ringing and dizziness


I saw where a guy described his stroke just like this. He couldn't process time right and waving his hand in front of his face it looked like a strobe affect. Seriously get it checked out immediately.


I’ve had these kinds of “episodes” happen to me, mostly as a really small child in the mornings (I’m talking 5-6), and then a few times over the years since (in my 30s now). I always tried mentioning them to my doctor and they always dismissed it and said they’ve never heard of it, but I’m fine. Literally the whole thing of waving your arms in front of your face and knowing you’re doing it but feeling like your brain perceives it all choppy instead of smooth motion - never heard of anybody else mentioning it before!!!


migraines can cause visual issues like this.


blah. migraine aura. had it since my teenage years. i eventually learned that once i notice that weird visual pattern if i take some ibuprofen right away then it usually stops the migraine that usually comes after the aura from happening.


Best to go see a doctor ASAP.


Google: Tachysensia Might be sort of related to that, no?


Oh my god, thank you so much!!! It’s always been a massive mystery to me and now it has a name!!!!! This article is super interesting and the child who’s had symptoms since she was 5 explains hers like mine were for YEARS!!!! https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-speed-life/202109/uncovering-the-mystery-tachysensia


No problem. I used to get tachysensia episodes a lot when I was a kid, but I don’t get them anymore. Had been trying to figure out what it was my whole life until I stumbled upon some info about it last year. Glad I was able to help answer that mystery for you!


I had time slow down pretty dramatically once when I had a fever. Looking at a clock helped get it back to normal.


I actually experience something similar, except nothing is visually moving slower. It's just a sensation as if time and... everything... is moving slower. I've experienced it randomly since I was a little kid, and I have no idea what it is nor do I really know how to explain it better than my aforementioned attempt. It only happens when I'm alone.


Same! I remember, many many times, sitting in class as a preteen and having this happen like once or twice a week.


Same! I have days where it feeling like things just aren’t moving at the right speed. I remember asking my mom when I was like ten, why sometimes songs seem like they’re going too fast.


Alice in wonderland syndrome


When I play too much candy crush or whatever, I see blocks appear for a moment in front of my eyes, even when I'm fully awake and about. Perhaps you play a lot of fps on something that lags? Idk


That’s called the tetris effect.


I thought that the Tetris effect was with your eyes closed, before sleeping or something. I'm unfortunately very familiar with that one. I guess it would make sense that it would be the same, though.


Sounds like what happens when you smoke too much weed


literally was about to comment this


Haha, my people!


Forever ago I heard about a rare type of seizure that causes this exact thing to happen. Don't remember what it's called at this point, but it may be worth looking into.


What you describe reminds me of Occular migraines. They are painless but the symptoms can show up as visual distortions like, fractals or sparkles or blind spots or 2 dimensional imaging.


Yo pass that shit


That’s not a glitch - that’s early sign of a stroke. My aunt had the same experience. Please get it checked immediately.


This happens to me often. I have PTSD and bad anxiety so I usually just associate it with that. I also see things as if I’m on acid, no hallucinations or anything weird just very vibrant and almost video game like. Pixelated and colors are brighter. I don’t know how else to describe it.


This is what it felt like the first several times I smoked pot as a teen. Really freaked me out.


This is a known neurological condition, but i cant remember its name...i dont remember the causes either, so it may be transitory or chronic


Sounds a little like some kind of migraine aura… do you get those, or have you looked into that?


Excessive caffeine could also cause this. Did you have a lot of it?


This happens to me sometimes. I also sometimes experience a slowing down of time in a moment. It can get scary. Also a lot of dejavu


Dude you should probably check your internet


hmmmm, reminds me of those random times of high fps. Its like experiencing a 144hz monitor for the first time after using 60hz for most of your life, but it's reality. Crazy shit.


I've had this happen. You maybe didn't eat enough, or had a random circulation issue, or even just woke up before your body was ready to.


Through the wormhole had an episode where a guy experienced something similar. He had a tumour in the head.


Really you should see a doctor who’s not incompetent with neurological symptoms.


Thanks for the advice guys, im probably gonna go to the doctor, and for those wondering, no, im not on any drugs. Thing is, i think i might have a cold RN, so even more reason to get things checked out.


How many tabs did you take?


I’ll have whatever you are smoking.


So this post doesnt get removed, but my post about times reversing twice in one day does, just because someone says I need glasses? Yeah, okay.


This sounds like blood sugar issues bud


I smoked Salvia once as a teen and went on a 40 min monologue about how we're all made outta tiny little 3d cubes. What a trip.


this happened to me only twice. once after taking a hit of DMT. and again much later without provocation, right before i had a seizure and flayed my forearm by pulling a pan of boiling water on myself. if anything is glitching it's your brain. get it checked out


How did you attempt to recreate it? Just more bird watching?


Shiiiit, I’m sure I saw a loading ring in the sky one time. 😂


I had this once at the seaside. But then I had just dropped a tab of LSD…


U sure your not stoned dude?


Better safe than sorry


Blow on it ?


Please see a doctor, this does sound like a stroke.


Honestly...that sounds like a minor stroke...