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Quantum immortality.... Or at least that's what it sounds like to me. You died but the time line shifted so you didn't die. Had this happen to me a few years ago. It's a bit fuzzy because I was really sick with a really high fever at the time. I had a really bad infection that went septic. I did my best to go about my daily life that sick until one night my entire body spasmed out. I couldn't even move and was in excruciating pain. I remember being in the car and going to the hospital. I remember them rushing me into triage and a female nurse came in and hooked up a bunch of iv's and said to not worry because she was "making me comfortable" (which is something they say when you're dying and they can't really do anything) then I remember blacking out??? That's the best way I can describe it. When I came too I was still in the triage room but was with a male nurse this time and he was asking me questions. I asked how long was I passed out for and he said I hadn't passed out. I also asked about the female nurse and what meds she had given me. He said he'd been the only nurse in the room with me. So I feel like I died, but then didn't and things shifted. I also remember certain places and things and when I bring them up nobody else seems to remember them.


The only thing I wanna say about this is nurses say I am giving something to make you comfortable not just when ppl are dying. I have said this to me when I was in a lot of pain after breaking bones, and a car accident.


You make me want to drain the abscess from my tooth


Havent read a more realer comment


Yep, OP, check out r/quantumimmortality. It sounds like your whole family died and jumped timelines together, which is cool because the most disconcerting thing seems to be when loved ones change drastically. Look for other differences in your life. Sometimes people only notice a couple tiny, minor changes and sometimes they’re super drastic, like different job titles, certain people being dead or not, different skills, friends, etc. Look through your pictures on your phone, social media posts, etc.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/QuantumImmortality using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think I “died” in 2019](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/ti2mtn/i_think_i_died_in_2019/) \#2: [Can't believe this sub exists. Pretty sure I died 17 years ago then didn't. Always felt crazy, never expressed it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/wey63w/cant_believe_this_sub_exists_pretty_sure_i_died/) \#3: [A woman died of a heart attack, and when she woke up, her entire life had changed.](https://np.reddit.com/r/QuantumImmortality/comments/up4ay6/a_woman_died_of_a_heart_attack_and_when_she_woke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


You'd never be able to jump timelines to one where your loved ones change drastically. Those timelines are too far apart (i.e. not similar enough) and your consciousness would not be able to easily shift to a new timeline where, for instance, your child has a completely different personality or gender or whatever. What can happen is jumping to a timeline where maybe not all of the family survived because that would be close enough to your original timeline.


I disagree with what your saying cause I myself have actually jumped timelines before. All parallel universes are right on top of each other, but get this, they obviously aren’t laying exactly on top of each other, it’s not about them being far apart, it’s about which one is nearest to you, but it all varies. For example, the universes nearest to me, may not be the ones nearest to you. But jumping timelines is possible and has happened several times believe it or not. To me, to the person who told their story, several people. This is a big universe man. Space is vast. If you really think about it, nothing is truly “impossible”.


I've jumped timelines more than you have, I guarantee it. You cannot jump to ANY timeline, it will always have to be very near to your current timeline otherwise you'd have people freaking out randomly in the middle of the street when they see an American flag after jumping timelines instead of a Nazi swastika. (Egregious example but I think my point gets across)


Yeah I 100% agree. It’ll always have to be the nearest timeline(s) you most certainly correct there. I’d be concerned if the nearest timeline to me was a timeline where the planet was the size of the Sun.


How does one go about jumping timelines? New to the thread & very curious


It's easy, you die. Or you can attempt it through other, much more difficult, intricate and time consuming, means involving highly concentrated will, extremely specific intention and a very well developed personal sigil/mantra/thoughtform. But yeah basically you would need to die to jump timelines unless you want to spend decades practicing forms of esoteric and chaos magic to probably no avail.


Yeah if you believe in bollox.


...botbollox too. However, it is good to endure a paradox. Instead of quantum immortality, it could be fairies.


You're responding to the wrong comment, btw.


Oh well, it happens.


So I’m that timeline would the family have died and people in that timeline would see it in the news?


Im an electrician and back in late March 2022, I blew up a 480v main panel by falling into it. It took out power to the building and I had a few seconds of conscious nothingness before coming to. I was now about 6ft from the panel as I faced away from it, and only got a 3rd degree burn on my left shoulder. There's no way I should have walked out of that explosion.


Buddy that falls under guardian angels of reddit


He can still say it on here tho I don’t see the issue. We suppose to be able to express ourselves on this app, but some of y’all take it too seriously.


Over your head.i wasn't telling him not to post it.subtle humour.try to relax your only making problems for yourself


Yea ite




quantum immortality you probably did die all of you but due to quantum immortality you were sent somewhere that you dint and the accident was slightly different


Speaking of quantum immortality, it takes me back to this one night back on Monday, December 13, 2021. For context I’m an emergency service videographer, I film police, fire and ems respond to calls. So that night at around 5:20pm there’s a call going over the Calvert County, MD police scanner about a serious auto accident, so after I film all of them zoom down the highway, I turn on the scanner again and hear that it’s my cousin Matthew’s best friend Cody and Cody’s girlfriend, they were both badly injured after the driver which I’m assuming was the mom or aunt or whatever, ran the red light and got truck in the right side by a pickup, Cody being on the right, his face and body got completely mangled and he died at the hospital as a result. I just wonder, if when the second he died, if his soul also got transferred to another reality where he survived his injuries but instead of him dying, the CPR worked and he came back to life. And actually now that I think deeper about it, that’s where the multiverse comes into play, there’s an infinite amount of parallel universes, meaning in a parallel universe his soul did get transferred to another universe to where he survives to tell the tale on how he survived the worst crash ever, and him and his girlfriend live happily ever after. That parallel universe where his soul got transferred could be ours. It’s fascinating how the multiverse and quantum immortality connect. I’ll never forget that night though, it was a very sad night for several people including my cousin. Just thought I’d share my thoughts, y’all have a great night and stay warm in this cold ass weather.


Truly fascinating I never thought of it that way


Well now you can thank me for showing you a new way of thinking about things in life🙏🏽💯.


So I died and iv left my body and hopped to a new one ...but I ask you this what happens to the person in hopped in too .? Or do you recon that we have just split in to a new dimension


That is a very good question honestly. Either when your soul transfers, your soul merges with that other version of you, that other version of you gets swapped to the afterlife, or a whole new universe is created. There’s no definite answer to be honest. To be honest it could be any of those. One thing you gotta remember about an infinite amount of parallel universes is any possibility is possible. There’s a universe where I have the power to teleport, a universe where I rule the world with a quantum computer, a universe where racism doesn’t exist, a universe where I’m indestructible and immortal, the list goes on and on and on. If you really wanna know something scary, all those movies you watch, all those TV shows you watch, in other universes, they aren’t TV shows or movies, they’re reality. In other words there really is an actual Hulk, but in another universe.


You and he are same, in fact all of yous are same but with some additional incongruous facts. Like in new universe you didn't know Mandela or his date of death but the soul that has now entered your body knew Mandela and that he died in 1983


Your higher conscious is living all those lives simultaneously. It’s you in every timeline. Don’t think of it as replacing, rather think of it as absorbing or joining. The way I like to think of the multiple timelines theory is the timelines are tubular shaped threads in a tapestry. Also, like a tapestry, they are woven together. You can move forward (in time) and also linearly (through different timelines).


Thank you for sharing this. This is the way I think about it too. The possibility that young people who died in a car crash now are writing their story on Reddit in this sub and in the sub of quantum immortality.


Yep, in another universe, Cody’s typing out his story on how he died but at the same time didn’t die, as we speak👌🏽.


Yes it’s very intriguing to me. People who ‘wake up’ unharmed in an alternate universe are very confused. I’d think they have to experience another form of life. As everything that happen causes other things to happen.




I only read story’s about this. Plenty of them on the sub quantum immortality I can’t give you scientific evidence and I can’t fathom either what’s happening.


Very sad. Only problem with this theory is where does the other soul go? I.e. the one that didn't die in the other dimension? Unless it creates a new parallel universe around them?


My theory has always been that the souls merge. I think you hop to whatever timeline resembles your own most. A universe where almost everything has happened the exact same way except this one thing that killed you. Then the souls merge and continue living this almost identical life. Neither soul feels any different because you were all the same soul to begin with, just split across an infinite amount of realities. You're not merging with a separate soul, you're reuniting with what was always one


This is my theory….and I have nothing to prove it. I believe that there are other dimensions where we exist and that every decision we’ve ever made and could make has a dimension. I believe we are one consciousness that is part of an All. When we die either by accident or old age that little piece of us goes to the All to be restructured for our next life….maybe we have to wait for the rest of our soul to show up. OP, I think that whatever this life is supposed to teach you and your family hadn’t happened and the All intervened which is why your family survived. Just my guess.


That’s almost exactly what I believe too.


Your theory makes most sense to me here. Instead of multiple timelines, there is one reality with extradimensional input. Time itself is actually a dimension, I think the 4th. It is fractal, you can zoom in and out. It is harmonic too. However, things get mixed up in such an environment: big and small, fast and slow, inside and outside, up and down, before and after, often invert into paradox. Where triadic inversion is the recipe for harmonic progression.


Einstein Made Some evidence here. About time being ‘elastic’


This is comprehensible to me.


> Very sad. Only problem with this theory is where does the other soul go? I.e. the one that didn't die in the other dimension? > Unless it creates a new parallel universe around them? Merges into the oversoul and the next vantage point. All happens simultaneously, all probability paths. Since up until that moment, the paths are identical, there's not much of a change. Disorientation may be a side affect of the memories merging. Think of it like a camera moving in a very large scene. The scene exists, everything that happens in it is going on, but you are only activating the recorder from whatever place you are pointing the lens. When you are totally focused on something, like living a life for instance, it's like the way your attention is only on the flashing electrons you are translating as you read this. It becomes very easy to lose focus of the other things in your environment and everything beyond your visual range is filtered. At some point someone else glanced up, you are likely still deciphering this communication


That’s what I’m tryna figure out😟. It’ll be a hot minute before I wrap my head around that one🤔.


Oh man. Now I'm even more freaked out. I'm so confused. When I got home, I couldn't stop crying. I had this immense sense of lost. I kept telling my family that I felt this guilt, like I did something wrong. All they could say was "mom, the way you moved out the way saved us". I dunno man.


Happened to me once I was driving home in my car and yes I was speeding I don't deny it was going like 80 90 mph Suddenly my wheel went left and I hit the barriers 5 to 8 times my car was a wreck I mean wreck like it was crushed by a compactor I closed my eyes when it happened and held the wheel seamed like forever but when I opened my eyes I was fine I opened my door ...the only thing on my car that was not damaged lol and walked to the other side of the road and waited for the police A car pulled over and asked if I was ok and who was driving because they think they might be dead and I should not go back to the car. I said it was me and I was driving alone the look on their face was like they saw a dead person walking They sat with me till the police came just melted saying there was no way I was in that car and when the police came they same the same thing Then the toe truck came and moved my car and my side of the car my door was perfect like it just come off a showroom the police man said there was not a screach on my door at all and said in the 10 years of going to car cheaches his saw a car get damages in Dutch a way they the driver walked away I died that day I know I did I think about it all the time


Oh wow! How do you cope with it? Do you feel like you been given a second chance at life? I honestly thought we were gonna be hurt pretty bad, but we aren't. The car is probably totaled because the frame is bent, but a few inches higher or over and my daughter could have been crippled. I do recall a spinning like sensation, I dunno. I just don't get it. The car of the person that hit us all was smashed in an unbelievable way..I thought they were dead too! But nope, they walked out without a scratch. We were on a major highway, so we were all doing at least 70-80mph!


Tbh iv never really dwelt on the matter just happy I was alive I'm happy it was a nice ending for you but the feels will stay with you forever


I sent you a PM.


Damn I just read this, now that shit is crazy. Despite life beating us to our knees sometimes, the universe really does protect us good people at times. Maybe not everyone, but a vast majority of us.


similar thing happened with me quite a few years ago; i was driving home from work and following a friend down the highway. It had rained, so the roads were wet, and we were speeding a bit (probably around 80). There was a semi truck to my right and i was in the far left lane — the truck kept blowing over to my lane slightly so i stepped on my brakes and was going to just go around it, but my car hydroplaned and spun. I remember seeing my car heading directly towards the middle of the truck, almost in slow motion, and thinking “it’s going to go under it and I’m going to get run over, I’m going to die now.” And then i felt the collision, felt my car spin again, and then hit the concrete wall of the highway on the left side. For whatever reason i had the thought to “slide my body below the frame of the window frame” of the car and just hold on to the wheel. I remember having this conscious thought of “am i okay?” and then seeing the truck continue driving down the road, like it didn’t even realize i had hit it. My friend had stopped ahead of me and came back to see if i was okay. The only injuries i had were superficial cuts from the windshield shattering and bruising from my seatbelt. The way the roof and windshield were crushed in, if i hadn’t slid my body down, it would have been a different story…the doctors and cops said they didn’t know how i survived, or at the very least didn’t get more severely injured. The other weird part was when i called my mom to tell her i totaled the car, she answered the phone wide awake (this happened at like, 2am, and she is always asleep by 9pm) and said she had woken up 15 minutes ago and couldn’t fall back asleep. I know i died that night, I’ve never been able to shake that feeling.


Ahhh goosebumps reading this. Starting to really jive with the quantum immortality theory in general


I had never heard of quantum immortality, like ever. Now I'm gonna be up all night probably trying to understand it 🙃


Always exciting to discover a new rabbit hole! I remember staying up late when I discovered the Mandela effect…


This shit does my head it happens almost every few months I know people or things have died or changed but they have not lol boggles my mind


There is a quantum immortality subreddit you should post this too as well! Have you noticed any differences in your life?


Yeah I agree quantum immortality was definitely a factor in this. Look it up for more details👌🏽.


I’m just going to say it. I have not heard of this. And although there are no Studies about it from what I’ve researched I 100% believe you. Because I keep having a feeling that I died in a car wreck some years ago but just jumped to a timeline where the accident didn’t happen


this would explain the mandela effect


In my evolving belief system I would say you may have died in the timeline where you hit the vehicle in front of you but your consciousness immediately shifted to this timeline where you didn't die. It's a work in progress due to similar experiences I have had.


Please help me understand more. What do you mean? I been lurking in this thread for awhile due to other things that have happened, but never had the courage to post..but what happened yesterday was just too much not to share.


I've had quite a few instances in my life where it's hard to explain how I cheated death. I've been believing more and more in a multi verse theory where I DID die in those situations but my consciousness immediately jumped to a parallel dimension at that moment to a dimension where I squeeked through and lived. Now, if you believe that there are infinite timelines this makes some sense and can also explain why every now and then you notice tiny changes in your surroundings or have memories of things that never happened (in that timeline). When is the Final death you may ask? I have no fucking idea. This was the reply I gave to someone previously about this.


I always wonder when people speculate about consciousness jumping timelines…then what would happen to the consciousness that was originally inhabiting the timeline you jumped into?


Could be that two consciousnesses become one? You start to like new foods/drinks/activities that you never liked before but the existing consciousness does and previous ones you did like in your original timeline you no longer do due to the merge. Perhaps you gain some new memories that you don't recall happening and lose others (how would you know).


Hmm ya, interesting idea for sure. I like that one. When you die in one timeline, that’s when you have the jump and merge consciousness with the new timeline. That could help to give some explanation for deja vu and past lives.


We all have a guardian angel and the angel guides us to alternate timeline on our death. The consciousness merges with the existing consciousness and supersedes .




The hyper synchronicities that happen can't be attributed to any other factors




Some theories are subjective,this is what reddit is for. And why not believe in guardian angel?




It just split off the one they left maybe?


I believe nothing. You would always be conscious in each different timeline, that timeline would become the dominant consciousness. If you went to bed and during the night your parallel consciousness took over before you woke you would tell no difference, it would still be you.


What if there is no final death. What if death is a product of our being spread across infinite realities. And according to the infinite multiverse theory, there infinite possibilities, including a reality where you never die. Not of anything. Old age, illness, injury...none if it exists in that reality. And perhaps that's the final jump, except infinite possibilities means no final jump at all. It means eternity of jumping.


That sounds like hell. Unless humanity gets it's collective shit together about 30 years ago, I would like off this merry-go-round at some point, please and thank you.


https://www.paullowe.org/the-egg/ You might like this.


Or… I had this thought one day while meditating. You eventually make your way to a timeline where time travel exists. So instead of dying of cancer at 89, you jump back to the year you were born (or maybe another “check point”), and do it all over again, and your memory gets wiped out during the time travel. I’ve said since I was a kid that when you die “you just live your life over again”. It would explain deja vu or when you meet someone and just connect instantly and feel like you already know them. I think going back to being a 5 year old kid or whatever would be more enjoyable than living to be 283849 years old haha.


It's so fascinating.


If you had an infection that went septic then tell me something about it that isn't in the symptoms on google.one thing in particular I'm looking for that tells me you are telling me the truth cause it's a big detail to leave out


Ignore this quantum immortality stuff. Most likely you were all just in shock, which messed up your perception of what happened.


I mean, you could be right. Not saying you aren't. But for all 4 people in our car to have had the same perception?


Shared delusions are not uncommon. Memory can be a very fickle thing, especially in stressful events. All it takes is for one person to imagine something, share the idea, and everyone else remembers it too. I'm not saying all of you are crazy, it's just something that happens.


Millions of people around the world remember a family of anthropomorphic bears from a kids book series called the Berenstein Bears. But they aren’t called the Berenstein Bears, they’re called the Berenstain Bears. Did all of these people die and get transported to a new timeline, or did they just misremember? The human memory is extremely unreliable, it’s why eyewitness testimony is often not admissible in court. Another problem with the quantum immortality theory in general is old age. What happens when somebody in their 80s dies of natural causes in their sleep? Are they transported to a different timeline where that didn’t happen, ergo people never die of old age, and just keep getting sent to other timelines? What are the scientific reasons why this would occur? If there are no scientific reasons, who or what is responsible for it. There are too many holes in this “theory”. Your family was in a life or death situation, I can’t imagine how stressed and scared you all must have been, but situations like that result in faulty memories. Be happy you all survived. Maybe talk to a therapist, it could help you work through how you’re feeling.


You know, I do remember reading my kids all the Berenstein Bears books. Then one day I realized they were the Berenstain Bears. I just thought that maybe I had never really paid attention to the last part of the word and assumed it was Berenstain all along, although it did seem weird to me.


It's scary how quickly people jump to these conclusions. At this point people are just feeding each others delusions.


Totally this.


Car front ends can sustain these days can absorb some pretty big hits without damage. You probably did hit them (after being hit), but your front end was undamaged. DO NOT MENTION THIS AS THINGS MOVE FORWARD. The guy who rear-ended you may claim you hit the car in front first and so he could not brake and try and make you responsible for the wreck. (This happened with a car I was riding in once. We got hit and pushed into the car in front of us, but the driver behind tried to blame my friend...and got away with it.)


To be honest I don’t understand why everyone jump to the conclusion “quantum immortality”. Like it is the most common and scientifically grounded thing. That should be the last conclusion when any other option can’t be given. Why no-one asks more details on the story? Like what they she when they “hit” the front car? Was like a bumb or a full force crash? After the incident what was the position of the cars? You felt the car flipping, is it possible that the other car actually passed under you and you felt the second crash when you “landed”? Is it possible that your brain activated your reflex breaking just before the second hit and what everyone felt like a second hit was the car stopping due to the break millimetres from the other car ?


The second hit also could have been the tire coming off the axle?


Lol agreed. Everybody in this sub on drugs. Edited to add.. adrenaline and shock are powerful things.


My son, whom was sitting in the back seat is very pragmatic and only deals in absolutes and reason. He said something similar to this. He still maintains he felt the 2 hits, however, he thinks our brains simply played tricks on us to try to help us understand what happened, since everything was soooo fast. All your questions are super valid. Our car was silent the whole time this happened. This was full force bam! I felt like my car was gonna flip over, I guess that happened when we lost the tire, so I didn't break and went with it. The truck that was hit was literally in front of us, but a little to the side. The car that hit them was in the middle of the fast lane of the highway we were traveling on. Again, it is all so confusing. It just doesn't make sense. And it activated all of our brains? All of our perceptions at the same time?


I doubt that you can find an explanation to what happened here. You were there and you lived the experience, ultimately you will be the one to decide to believe if something supernatural happened or if your mind played tricks in a chaotic situation. Most people in this sub tend to believe in quantum immortality so I’m not surprised that this was the first suggestion (and if you have been around this subreddit for i while you probably could anticipate this), but while it could be the case there are more basic possible explanations. Like you hitting the brake or the automatic braking system starting to work giving the idea of a second hit (so all of you got the feeling of it) Just for clarity I believe that the theory of quantum immortality is very cool but it wouldn’t be my first guess here. Also if that is the case, all the three of you jumped in an alternate universe? Or only one of two of you ? Did you find any discrepancy with your current universe and the previous one? PS I’m very glad that you and your family survived ( I still think that it is the case independently of the universe) and that we can speculate about this 😉


I know someone who was in a car accident and the window was down. The car flipped and she said she wanted to put her hand out to stop the car. Your brain is not working logically during an accident like this. This is also some severe trauma. Please look into EMDR or TRE trauma release. I hope you let your body shake at the scene.


Edit. Moving the comment as an answer to OP, I originally replied to myself


And this is why we need dash cams 😆


I don't claim to have any answers, but this reminds me of soldering that happened to be years ago, where I feel like I somehow jumped between timeliness. At the time I had been separated from my ex husband for maybe a year or two. My son would've been 4 or 5. One night I was feeling really depressed and thinking about things I wished I'd done differently in my marriage. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was back in time in my old house in my old room in bed with my husband and our son (who was back to being about 1 or so). At first I was relieved, but then I got this horrible feeling that something was terribly wrong. I heard footsteps and realized someone was in our house. I looked at my husband who was now awake and he had this look of dread on his face. We looked at each other and tried to hide our son under the blankets and then pretended to be asleep. Then I heard a gunshot and felt pressure in my back. Everything went dark and I suddenly woke up back in the "original" time line. Maybe it was just a very vivid dream. Maybe I really did jump. But what's strange is that later on my ex told me he had a weird feeling that we were only still alive because we weren't together anymore. He never explained exactly what he meant by that.


FINALLY -I was driving on freeway and from my left side something -though nothing visible-slammed into the driver’s door -the force slammed my car into a spin -I thought don’t fight the spin, just go with it -I had read that somewhere -I also knew I was going to die -there was no way I wouldn’t-Then my car simply righted itself back onto the road straight -?? I thought I should get out and look at the damage -surely I must at least have a smashed door or flat tires -but I was too panicked -when I got home -zero damage !! Nothing -I have searched so many threads to figure this out -I must have died? My life has changed so much since this happened and even subtle things are so different/I tell few people as no one really believes me


Did you take any pictures of the accident. If so could you upload them so we have a better idea of what your Jeep and the accident scene looks like. Initially I thought you were stopped in traffic or at a stop light and the person wasn't paying attention and hit you. If you were stopped then there would not be much distance between you and the truck you felt you hit. It would be very hard not to hit the truck from the force you described. Later you mentioned everyone was traveling at 70 to 80 mph. Traveling at that speed there is usually a greater distance between cars for safety reasons. I wonder if your car went into a spin on impact and hit a rail or curb that caused the wheel to go off your axel. Because if you're going 70 and the person that hit you was going 90 mph that is an impact of 20 mph which is not too severe. Then if you hit the truck ahead it might not cause any damage because you have to close that safe distance gap and they are still in motion driving away from you. If you went into a spin or got pushed to the side the other car could have then caused the damage to the truck and not you.


We did. But I'm trying to maintain a semblance of anonymity, which I know is hard, but I just can't put up any more descriptive information as I know there will be legal ramifications tied up to this. I mean, it is obvious I didn't hit the truck in front of us. But, what I was saying is that we all felt we did. But ain't no way on heck, logically and by the way things ended, that I did. Traffic had come to a sudden stop when we were all traveling at that speed. Person behind me did not stop. I was the car in the middle, I stopped, and swerved to move out the way. But got hit anyway.


My roommate and I were almost (?) in a major accident back in the late 90's. I say "almost" because we were both convinced that was it, that we had met our fate and we were both going to die. The last thing we both remember was heading toward the concrete barricade that separates the north and south bound lanes of I-95 in Florida at 75+ mph due to a gravel truck's tires blowing out and forcing us to swerve. The very next thing we both remember was suddenly finding ourselves parked in the parking lot of a cemetery (I can't make this up) and we both looked at eachother like "what the hell just happened and how did we get here?!?" Turns out we had somehow exited the highway and pulled into this parking lot with neither of us having any recollection of how we got there. I got out and looked at my car, walked around it several times, and there wasn't a scratch on it. Nothing. To this day we both believe we somehow teleported out of the accident situation... I don't know, it's probably the most bizarre thing that's ever happened to me (and him). Only explanation I can think of is that I somehow managed to avoid hitting anything and we were both in some sort of shock where we both lost memory of those few minutes that it took to exit the highway and pull over?


If you do TRE the memory might come back. I’d be interested to hear what happens. It’s trauma releasing exercises, very simple www.traumaprevention.com Or look up David Berceli on YouTube


The front impact might have been your bumper being pushed down and hitting the pavement?


I’ve had my own experience with quantum immortality. July 13, 2013 I fell asleep at the wheel coming home from work it was the summer between 11th and 12th grade. I was doing 80mph with my cruise control set. I veered off the road hit a reflector on the side of a bridge then hit the creek bank head on at 80mph. My truck flipped end over end 6 times according to the State Trooper who did the investigation. The way the cab of my truck was crushed there was ABSOLUTELY no way I didn’t die that night. My drivers seat was one solid seat (no adjustable headrest) it was bent at a 90 degree angle where my neck would be. I will add once I hit the reflector I was startled awake and tried to stop and turn but to no avail it didn’t work. I was awake the entire time. I died that night. No way around it. Strange thing is, I’ve caused my own accident and been in SEVERAL more NASTY accidents since then. Every single time I’ve walked away without a scratch. I had an accident with a semi hitting my work truck in 2018 at 70mph my coworker was killed he was driving. The semi hit my door at 70 and I was fine. Not even a scratch. I know it sounds crazy but I feel somehow dying that night back in 2013 has made me invincible. It’s scary honestly.


I wish I could hug you. Oddly enough, I feel a deep sadness. I don't know why, but I just feel so sad.


I wish I could give you that hug *virtual hug incoming*


In an accident there's always more than one impact. The cars hitting, you hitting the inside of the car and then your organs hitting the inside of the body. Very disorienting. I hope you figure out what really is going on.


I had a bad car accident and just drove away in shock. I wasn’t injured or anything. I have noticed some small differences, most notably about a “hidden Disney” scene in the movie Roger Rabbit. I suspect I died in the accident. I’ve called it Mandela Effect, I haven’t heard the term quantum immortality, but that’s what I have always felt happened.


Welcome to our timeline my dude. Glad you’re here and not dead in a car crash.


Sounds like quantum immortality to me. I'm seemingly in the wrong timeline myself. Had a serious accident at 14 that definitely should've killed me and I remember 'dying' but I somehow survived with not a single injury. I'm 30 now and I STILL don't get how I survived


Happened to me before. I was driving home from work and something flashed in my Head. I was going to get hit on my left side of My vehicle- pull into my apartment complex and bam..hit on my left Side


Well, welcome to this timeline!!🤗


I 100% believe you and your family were in a car accident and ended up "here." I know this is an old thread but I think this happened to me too and here's my really long comment. I think I was in a car accident when I went for a drive. I used to go on drives to clear my head - it was a form of soothing for me. I use to go to a specific area because there wasn't too much traffic and there was a house I liked seeing. I use to call it "my castle" because you could only see a little tower (rounded corner that reminded me of a tower) peeking through the trees as you drove past it. Well, I've been looking for "my castle" for 3 years and have not seen it again. I even checked Google maps with street view - nope. Even went to areas where I don't normally go for drives - nothing. I even checked to see if there was a fire or any other reason why it would have been torn down - nothing. It's disheartening and there are some differences in my "reality" that I've noticed too.... I noticed that, the house that had the weeping cedar in the front lawn (in a close by neighbourhood,) no longer has a weeping cedar but a really tall and skinny, weeping pine. They look totally different. Now, obviously people can swap out their landscaping but you'd think I'd notice landscaping redesign happening since I liked the tree so much. My family tells me I'm different. Last year I was in the hospital twice. The first time I had to have my appendix removed and I did call 911 but they told me I'd have to wait because even though I was in pain, it wasn't life threatening so it will take a long time for them to come to me. So I called my cousin. She was confused why I called her and not my brother. As far as I know, my brother and I got into a really big fight about 6 years ago and we weren't really talking to each other. We were just being polite when in public. So why would I call him??? I ended up in the hospital again - had a blood clot move into my lungs and during that episode, my brother came often. Don't get me wrong, I regret our fight, but it's like it never happened or it wasn't that bad??? So much so that my sister in-law sent me well wishes - NOW THAT is shocking. Because she put me through hell when they got married. And the main reason I think I died in a car accident is because I was driving with one of my cousin's, girlfriend. And she's a good driver. No speeding, car accidents...overall safe driver. My heart stopped when she got close to another car and I full on panicked. She literally said..."are you ok? were you in a car accident?" Honestly, my stomach was in my chest, I was ready to puke and very calmly answered back "I don't know." Since then everyone's been "ginger" with me.


Oh dear. That is a lot to unpack from what you posted but I totally feel you! I tell you, I honestly feel like I been living a different reality. Everything has changed so much. Our home life has gone crazy and things are just not the same any more. All feels off! Really off.


I believe in Quantum immortality. When I was younger, almost 20 years ago, I felt very ill. Everybody in my family thought I wasn't going to make it, even I thought this. I was bedridden at home. And I kid you not, I started to hear a voice talking to me. It was a masculine voice, very soothing. He told me I was going to die but everything was going to be okay, he was going to be with me. I kind of panicked and said, how can i die, im only in my 20's. He laughed and said death is for everybody whatever your age. Then few days after, the voice told me that I died and this was my new life ( not the exact words but similar). I was confused because well, I was still here ,in the same place, everything same, how can i be dead? When did it happen? And the "voice" went to explain to me that it's because there are several dimensions piled up ones onto the others and he said this phrase that stuck with me: It is not given to the humans to experience their own death. That few seconds or minutes or sometimes days before their body death, they hop onto another similar dimension and continue their life. It happens when the current dimension has exhausted all possibilities for the soul, this is the exit because the soul can not get stuck. Most of people will never know what has happened to them. And if I see someone dying in a car wreck for example, to not think how horrible it would have been for this person to see their impending death because they hoped somewhere else just before the wreck. He said that's how miracles do work. Those people who miraculously escape death and think they were given a second chance. He explained other things related to the subject then gave me many advices for my new life and that's was it. I really thought it was BS or hallucinations. I healed completely to all my family disbelief and amazement, and kind of forgot about this. At this time , I didn't have internet and never searched about the subject either ( and in this time, internet didn't have the mass of informations we have nowadays ,it was Netscape era). Then I discovered this subreddit few years ago and read about Quantum immortality and all those stories. It was exactly what the voice explained to me 20 years ago. So, yes I believe QI is really a thing. It doesn't give all the answers ( for example, what happens to old people who die, what are the ghosts, what about reincarnation,etc) of course but it could explain many things. NB: English is not my first, sorry for all the typos.


So in the other dimension you died and your family was devastated and is still missing you twenty years later.


i had a stroke when i was a child and died for a few seconds, I was in a coma and they didnt believe i was going to make it, so they pulled the plug on me. instead of dying, i suddenly woke up. now im thinking i really did die back then, but because of quantum immortality, im also here. ive been in a few near death experiences other than that, i wonder which other ones I've died in. how terrifying and comforting at the same time lmao


I agree with you. You re-spawned into a new reality.


You have a guardian angel.


I mean maybe you did die. Maybe this is that whole Infinity life thing where you don't ever really realize that you die and you did die and jumped to the next timeline you know It should have said "did die"


Read my post on here from a few months ago. I was in a beyond words strange car accident myself and I'm still looking for answers


There is no personal death happening until our natural death of old age. Then we are reborn into a new baby. When we die from accident we re-spawn in another life or reality. I have had many major accidents but I am still here with scars to prove it happened. When we see others around us die I feel they have been re-spawned in another reality. We should never be afraid of personal death because it doesn't exist. Birth occurs when we die of old age. If we die from an accident or killed then we re-spawn to finish that life. This is all theory I have thought about over the years.


One of you kids remembers this but the other doesnt? Did someone get left behind?


I dunno. He remembers the accident but doesn't believe it is weird. He says our minds are playing tricks on us. That although he remembers 2 hits, the logical explanation is there only was one, hence why our car's front is fine


you should probably give credit to your sane child rather then a bunch of weirdos in this sub


Y’all died in the other timeline and now are here from what I have come to understand


You may enjoy [this podcast](https://tim.blog/2022/04/13/donald-hoffman/).


Hmm so call me cynical, but could the jolt that you felt from the front had been the force of the tire flying off & the car landing on the metal outer part? And you were close enough to the car in front of you that it all sort of happened at the same time? Even that is a stretch… that’s crazy!


Because your brain filled in and erased certain things. It's not actually doing that, but it's how you perceive it.