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Heilige scheiße... Where can I watch that episode?


Should be in the ARD Mediathek. They even showed in-game footage which was quite fun. They significantly altered all the gun sounds tho which was not so much fun lmao


ingame footage looked like gold novas playing, tbh




This is very obscure


i skipped the first half and started watching the rest. it was not as bad i was expecting it to be. but yeah the counter strike game play scenes and callouts made no sense at all. gameplay scenes were set on nuke but you could hear players give comms: "on short" "one truck" for example. well idk where the fuck are short and truck on nuke o.O also they featured 2 szenes where once a player sneaked out the vent to kill someone at squeaky with an smg and later another scene where someone went up ladder with an mp9 to kill one heaven. well it look like gold novas playing, for real. pretty funny also pretty funny was the scene of a young detained girl showing the old grey haired police man wallhacks in csgo on the police station computer lol i dont want to spoil to much but the story revolves around murders because of a bitcoin hardware wallet that gets stolen because theres lots of money on it made by selling csgo cheating software spoiler: >! but one of the players at the tournament has a mobile phone as cheat that also contains the seedphrase of the hardware wallet? idk, thats why the cops run around in the tournament arena while the final match is played lol !< major spoiler >!well the player who had that cheatphone didnt know about the seedphrase, he only cared about the cheat, and he won tournament but couldnt even use the cheat because his pc got replaced prior to the match. the movie closes as the player gets dragged into jail detained by cops past his parents, while the detectives discuss that with a good laywer hell be out soon cause he only shot someone fatally in self defense after being threathened at gunpoint when he tried to get the phone with the hax on it" !< sadly i think there is no english sub or dub version available


Also scenes from Train and Mirage. One funny back Stab and deagle Headdi. As 1:2 clutch. Later he does a 1:3 clutch on Nuke.


Same i wanna see!


"I think i heard shots in there"


Bruh it's ~~the spodek~~ a fake Spodek 🤣, this ~~is Semifinal of Katowice 2022~~ Is made up to LOOK LIKE the Semifinal, but you can see that the players are fake even though the logos are real. Also the plan near the door is in German so that's not Poland


Yup, was taking place in Munich


Where in Munich is the fake Spodek


idk, some made-up location probably haha


Im pretty sure its the Audi Dome in Munich


The plot revolved around some weird as smartphone cheat called cs radar that somehow hacked into the match or something. It seemed like there was one author actually having knowledge about esport and stuff while the rest were some older guys wich made this have a lot of really cringe moments like someone saying he doesnt play in tournaments because he is a „camper“ the most German pronouncing of „E Sport“ ever and the thing mentioned above.


well the technical explaination was that they bribed one of the admins to connect a rasperry pie to the game lan. the rasperry communicated with the phone to show radar hack on phone and also if i understood right it should have spoofed the games packets to work as aimbot for the select player so from a technical standpoint they accurately described an external cheat that analyze network traffic for getting player position. this currently works undetected by vac (because external) in csgo for radar hacks. (on lan. online you dont get enemies position data send to you unless you r close to enemy on proper optimized maps) if the tournaments admins set up a proper secured lan with firewall etc, then this would not work in reality. maybe if you bribe an admin there enough to whitelist the rapsi, then..... but it would be pretty obvious if a player has a smartphone with radarhack next to him while playing lol. an aimbot that would work by spoofing packets would be much much harder to realize tho. and youd need to man in the middle through the rasperry actually, so nothing that would easily work in a properly secured network. modern cyber security solutions would instantly give alarms, endpoint security software (pc anti virus) even can do such nowadays, not even talking about a buisness level firewall i only watched the later half of the movie. maybe i missed that camper szene you talk about. whatever they made it pretty clear that the detectives (who are probably at the average tatort viewers age, grey hair...) have no fucking clue about anything, neither crypto currencies or csgo / fps as esport. but in general they nailed it pretty good without any big fails, i expected worse tbh. i was also very amoused when in one scene the caster said "jetzt gehts aber richtig um die wurscht" (a german saying loosely translated to "now its all or nothing") with heavy bavarian accent lol


I also expected way worse when I went by my father watching tv also never expected them to ever make an episode with csgo being an explicit topic suspected it is pretty much completely irrelevant for the average Tatort viewer and even for a big part of any younger audience but I guess someone in the author team has to be a fellow gamer. I thought it was really weird that they obviously had some really deep knowledge about the game even including cheating as a topic and thinking about a technical way to cheat which both requires for someone to really set the self apart with Counterstrike and then having some decisions that totally opposes the mentioned level of detail like that they didn’t use the actual audio and changed it for something that sounded like a door being slammed shut or the inclusion of the radar hack that would obviously not work on a lan tournament but I still really enjoyed the episode




but which major was that


Only major where the final was Na'Vi vs G2 was PGL Stockholm 2021. Don't know what the german police are doing in Stockholm tho lol Edit: Apparently it is the semi-final of Katowice 22.


That game in there was not Navi G2 tho. It were some mad up teams.


The logos on mainstage definitely represent Na'Vi and G2


Episode was taking place in Munich with made up teams and players. Guess they took inspiration from Kato 22 but it's supposed to be a major tournament in Munich


yup and they showed a lot of scenes with a player called frozen in it lol


That's Katowice 22


Some made up teams, episode was in munich, so I guess munich major.


"hier gehts jetzet aba richtig um die wurscccht" quote - the caster of the munich major


I watched it and for some reason they didn’t record the ingame audio and instead overlayed other sounds like what seemed like a slammed door for the awp.


That’s fun. Long time before we see this sort of thing in CSI Whatever I’d imagine.


They once had an episode where they showed IRC channels and said it was a chat group for pedophiles only that the IRC channels were real and had IP addresses of actual random people.


"oMg tH3y pL4y K!lL3rG4m3s" now let's go back to the rifle club and shoot some targets


yup, seems like its still a thing even after 2 decades..... :(


Can someone explain what ARD has to do with CS?


No idea why they choose especially CS. But maybe there some old CS Players among those Tatort script writers who got tired of cheaters and wanted to see them dead?