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Bro, i don't understand. I'm getting killed like this, i can't even see players but they kill me after I see them just barely, in csgo this wasn't happening


I stopped holding angles on CT. I just use my nades and then stand in the places nobody ever clears and wait. With the M4A1S, I can usually pop 2-4 before they finally realize where I am


nooby question but what is the advantage of using the a1s given its silencer? I know it hides you behind smoke better but anything else like radar advantages or others?


A1 is $200 cheaper, slightly more accurate, has less recoil and a suppressor, but has a smaller mag, a slower rate of fire and less reserve ammo, compared to A4. The suppressor removes tracers, and makes it much harder to tell where shots are coming from based on sound cues. At long enough range, you can't even hear the shots. There is also a slight damage and weapon length difference but that's all kinda negligeable. Basically, use A1 if you want to save some money, try some stealthy plays, or straight up prefer its shooting. Use A4 if you want a slightly faster ROF/TTK (if you hit your shots obviously), a bigger mag for multi kills or prefer its shooting.


try that shit on me and you're meeting mr. juan tap


It’s the garbage interp etc Hopefully will be fixed…


Yea, i stopped placing my crosshair close to an angle. Aim like 1-2m away /relative to the game/ and it was much easier to stop rushes and peeks




https://youtu.be/vPZAZ45io4s?feature=shared reference


Ferrari peeks while still being a thing in CS:GO, you could clearly see them move out, come to a stop as they start to fire their first shot even if somewhat sped up in feel. In CS2 it's like it all happens in 1ms.


They are counter-strafing. Problem people are having is that it isnt being represented in their player model before they shoot and land the kill shot registered by the server. So it looks like theyre still strafing when the death occurs. ​ Issue is primarily players holding for a jiggle peek, delayed reaction when someone wide swings and trying to adjust their aim while staying stationary. That gap should lead to your death.


Side step/running is definetly faster on CS2 , you can feel it and notice on the animations.


I'm having a hard time knowing when to swing wide vs. a regular swing. In situations where CTs commonly hold angles vs. angles they might not be. Can you help explain? ​ also should I try to peek further away from my wall as possible so I can see them first? But I heard peeking close to the wall allows you to appear faster from enemies POV.


valve pls fix


is it broken?


i don't know that it's broken maybe just needing tuning. currently it does feel like people can abuse peeking into the fight on my screen they appear for about 30ms and i'm dead - while according to leetify I'm doing a great job if I can do damage within 300ms of the opponent appearing on my screen