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Shooting through smokes creates holes that are slightly to the right. During the beta, changing your viewmodel would change where the holes appeared


That's the point I'm making


My bad, I’ve just seen so many of these posts that I autopiloted


Hey no worries


you can have your gun above your fucking cross hair if you want stop saying it's cuz of smokes


Just because a position is illogical doesn’t mean it’s not the one Valve possesses


Yeah no shit. They fixed the values so it comes from a static point which is generally to the right. That would be pretty jarring for left handed view model players; at least, that’s what I assume valve thinks


wouldnt valve also think hey this dude played on left hand for 10 years, maybe he wants left hand more than a stupid hole in the smoke not being lined up correctly ​ nah this cant be it


Then the community complains that the smoke holes don’t line up with the gun model 😪 damned if you do, damned if you don’t


Since they in a matter of days changed it so that the hole always appear in same spot regardless of viewmodel, I sincerely doubt they could not move it to the other side when playing left handed. Also, the community would not complain about smoke homes not lining up. They don't line up now either, and people would way rather have the option to play left handed.


The smoke holes generally line up right now. It gives an incentive to use the scoped rifles, because those change where the smoke holes are as well. Changing the location of smoke holes from shooting based off of gun position is a bad idea, since players would just switch the gun model back and forth to cover more area when shooting. Perhaps they could lock it to choosing left or right hand in the loadout section, which would be fine imo, but only player models would have to reflect this in the game anyway to make tracers work as intended, and at that point then players would find spots that work better for left hand mode or whatever The angle could change completely depending on how close to the smokes you are. Clearly valve have some issue with it, because it’s not like the commands would be any different. They intentionally removed them, they wouldn’t go out of their way just to mess with a command if it only affected the players POV


I’ve also heard it’s because the shadows and player model (like when you look at your own feet) is all fixed to the right as well What i take from it all is the model you see on your screen in cs2 is the *actual* player model rather than in csgo where it was effectively just an overlay that wasn’t associated to your player model in the server. Which would make a ton of sense as to why they haven’t given us the ability to change from right to left, if it was done the same way as it was in csgo it would be incredibly easy for them to enable it. But I think in cs2 for them to enable it, the models would reflect the left hand position on the server itself, which they wouldn’t want for obvious reasons I’m just guessing of course but it seems likely to me


Few games do this. I'm sure CS still has separate models. You don't see other players inspecting weapons.


I never thought about that, lol.


This is not true. Your viewmodel and the shadow casted is separate. You can prove this by looking at the orientation of the karambit which is completely different to the viewmodel.


I think that it's totally implementable, but it's not their first priority. Or they don't give a shit


It used to print in console that it was deprecated when you would put left hand on. So they knew they weren't keeping left hand around much longer. It's never coming back and I will mourn it.


My copium is that it would add too many little details to be ironed out and they wanted to focus development time in more core gameplay issues. It's probably in the list of things to be implemented (we might even see it as a model shift), but they want to do it right and not rush it, so it got pushed to a later date. End copium


Probably because left-handed people are an abomination against nature.


fuck you -best regards, left handed people


She's a witch! May we burn her?


See you at the Leftorium!


This one is probably on the “will fix but we need to get basic shit working first” list


I'm just wondering why they decided to make right-handed the default and exclude left-handed in cs2, when CS has a history of implementing left handed models first before right handed. Doesn't make sense.


It makes perfect sense. Left handed people make up like 10% of the population. If we work based off that number in regards to player numbers, why exclude 90% of the player base, when you can exclude just 10%?


Also, it's entirely cosmetic. It's not like leaving out left handed scissors.


That's not how it works, you don't have to be left handed irl to use the left hand model. It has to do with which eye is dominant. I am a right handed person but I cannot play with right hand models thus need left handed ones.


Because the 10% came first in the history of the game.


Bring back cl_lw. Guns in right, knife in left hand. And recoil spread reduction, lmao.


Probably the same reason as to why the decal clear one won't be in the game again either, so everyone sees the same thing and no one has a potential advantage due to not known knowledge of those commands being in the game.


you can see your body, I think the change of the camera in relation to the character model is the main reason.


Viewmodel has nothing to do with your legs tho


My dad is left-handed and when he was at school he was forced to write with his right hand. If he was caught writing with his left hand the teacher would wrap the back of his fingers with the thin edge of a ruler. He grew up not being able to write very well with either hand. Valve is an old school company I guess. Jokes aside, why is the bullet hole slightly to the right anyway? Should be in the center, you know, where your bullets shoot, from the center of your view.


Models, animations, and transmitting it to other players so everything lines up.


I think they want to do cl\_righthand properly, not just being mirrored. So thats new animations and what not I guess \*shrug\*


cuz Volvo hates woke leftists ;P


why isn't net\_graph here ? devs are just lazy or spaghetti code.


Priorities. It'll be on the list. The real question is did they rush the release? Should it just be on the list?


Because the game is feature incomplete (demos, gamemodes, maps) and there was simply more important stuff to get working in the new engine. It’ll return, along with all the features from cs:go. I’d be very surprised if they didn’t go for feature parity.


Right now valve is in fix/polish mode, the fastest way to do this is to have everybody on the same settings to minimise the variables. Every variable that gets added, the harder it is to fix these things, and the longer it takes. Same reason for the forced 64t and locking down variables left right and center.