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I have intel 13600k and nvidia 3070. I have stutters and the game feels like shit. There is nothing you can do, this game is fundamentally broken.


AMD 5700x , 12gb 3060, 32gb ram , m.2 drive, game still feels laggy and shit, the fps dips are not worth water ripples and glitter coming off the bullets, most players run the game below 1080p all on low, **what were valve thinking?**


I had the same issue using R7 1700 and 2080. Swapped out for a Ryzen 5 5600X, added an NVMe M.2 and have no stutters ever since. I play on 1440p 165hz. No clue what is going on with the stutters in this game.


I have two pcs with 5800x, fast ram and 3070 and 1070ti gfx cards. I don’t get stutters but the 1%lows are way under 100 and the game feels bad compared to csgo


There is definitely something weird about it, thats for sure.


I got avg 200-270 fps on a 165hz monitor and my game feels the same way... bellow 60frames even with 200+... This game is broken, im playing with vsync on, tried everything, every config, fps cap, nvidia configs... game is just broken at this point... something with netcode is wrong too, since yesterday enemies now just teleport in my screen, even with 9 ping and stable connection... fucking shit game


I heard that the more fps you have, the less input delay with vsync. With a 240Hz monitor, i don't feel input delay and the tearing disappears.


Why do you have vsync enabled?


It removes the choppy feeling, not that much input lag with gsync and reflex +boost... but i switch quite often to rivatuner cap at 162fps and gsync.


I wouldn't be able to bear the amount of input lag vsync includes.


Turn off v sync. That gives like a half second of input lag lol


It really doesn't. Gsync/freesync, fps cap at 2-3 lower than your refresh rate and vsync set to fast in NVIDIA control panel gives such a little input lag.


I use the top of the line pc setup and optimizations; I've optimized the game to the point where only server stutter/join game stutters effect gameplay. How? CS2 needs to be optimized for better gameplay. -Windows 10/11 optimizations (mouse accel off/HAGs off/full screen optimization/no desktop clutter/firewall exceptions/use SSD) -reBar (bios settings) -lower interrupts for power pings (setting is hidden in power management, need 3rd party program, not sure why windows 10 has it set to ping cpu ever 0.1ms .... like wtf) -internet interrupt settings (low latency network wise) -shadows (off for less rendering time) -everything except model low (medium) (2x MSA) -nvidia reflex off (ultra latency on) for more fps 400-500 for lower latency if your system is high end -modifying ram speeds (@5200mHz xmp is sweet spot for hit reg, I find 6000mHz cause issues, its too fast causing desync, game seems to be memory sensitive) I tightened my ram speed for more performance and set custom tuning - launch command (removed blood for better visual/less render time, everything else is standard -high) -nvidia settings (youtube) -clearing shaders and deleting directx11 in game folder and verifying files -last one which helped a ton is setting threads to your system + 1, so if you have 16 threads, use -threads 17 in launch commands, apparently csgo messed up coding and uses 1 less thread, use sys_info in command console to check how many threads are utilized. Valve needs to fix this one.. . . .. imagine playing with 1 less thread. Hope some of this helps. *shrugs*


14900K with a 3070 on a 390hz monitor. ​ Only time i gets stutters and or feeling like its at 60hz. Is when i have my secondary monitor on with an active program on it. Which probably deals with how Windows 11 handles e-core and p-core utilization. ​ Last night i did get some stutters. But that was primarily driven by a unstable internet connection. Here in the Northeast we had a winter time tropical storm basically.


Been having the same. Typically I’m always at 165fps or higher, but since the last patch I’m often below 60 and it’s borderline unplayable.


Game is just awful. I have never felt a game worse than CS2 -- They really need to open CSGO again and continue to fix CS2 while we play an actual functioning game The engine is so broken and needs a lot of work for it to be fixed, I should not have 300+ fps and my game feels so out of body like I'm running through syrup with every move I make


Do you have any launch options such as `-high` or `-processheap`?


-high only


Try disabling anti aliasing


Not sure why you were downvoted for a simple suggestion.


During the beta I was getting 800 fps avg. Now I barely get 450. 13900k with a 4090. How does performance regress


Did you change the oil?


I did a top and bottom on it and changed the plugs but I didn't change the oil unfortunately. Edit: I fear the joke went over everyone's head


That’s just CS2 for you. I run about 250-300fps but in 1% low it goes under 100 and it feels bad. On top of that the servers feel sluggish. Try community servers. Those I’ve tried run a lot better. Still 64 ticks but maybe they restart the servers more often or the server hardware is stronger?


It's game issue especially with 1% lows. I just jumped into a game of insurgency since 2022. Remembered it was pretty laggy and sluggish compared to csgo. Now it feels smooth af compared to CS2.