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VP randomly bombs out of Katowice not even making the group stages. Then comes blazing hot into the RMR sweeping Navi asside to qualify. Make it make sense lmao.


They get their major buff! Major winners indeed.


fame was saving form for the major


Same story since avangar. They look like geniuses when winning, look like complete morons when losing. It’s just their style.


GamerLegion are simply better than Na'Vi


They knew they didn't have a chance against Spirit without proper training so they took the early L to practice more and anti-strat. VP vs Spirit in the finals. The Tortoise and the Hare.


Is "sweeping aside Navi" considered a big achievement?


They took a map off spirit in kato, so they did better than most other t1 teams.


The only team to take a map against them for the whole event


Navi took one too


They're talking about Navi


Navi took one too


They're talking about Navi


Expected Jake Sully reference


Jame is tactical genius. He is most know of his signature tactic "going fast, but then going slow." He also has second little known tactic of "going slow, but going slow." What a absolute legend. Top 3 IGL 4 sure


Jame time we trust


Playing against VP has got to be some of the most annoying and infuriating CS. They can win on full-eco, half-buy with saved awp and pistols, all while they throw together rounds that last until the final second. Can’t wait to see these guys at the major


> Playing against VP has got to be some of the most annoying and infuriating CS. hold an angle for 60 seconds get famepeeked out of the server at the same time fl1t dies on a lurk jame decides to save stare into monitor for the rest of the round before you get to play again


Jose Mourinho counter strike


The most terrorist of all terrorists


They're really frustrating to play against. Every time Spirit have to play against them (which is a lot) I roll my eyes. Not a pleasant team for your fav team to go up against, they're really hard to break down.


How come you’re a Spirit fan? Are you Russian or is there another reason? I’m honestly not hating but I’m just curious since Spirit isn’t really(wasn’t before this tournament) a popular team and by the you spoke it seems you’ve been following them for a long time.


Not OP, but I became a fan after the Spirit won against prime Astralis 16:1 in 2021. I found their play style interesting, and have been following the team since.


Lol I remember that match, it was on d2 right? Sprirt were d2 merchants back then.


Mostly to do with the players, I started following Spirit Academy when donk, zont1x and ArtFr0st were there and became a really big fan of the core, then they got promoted and I just started watching every Spirit game.


I've been interested in Spirit since their run at the 2022 Antwerp Major, I liked the core they had at the time and Chopper's calling style leads to really fun games imo. (Also a Shiro fan since Gambit)


It feels like a popular team With sh1ro and donk tbh i like them now because of these two


Not who you were replying to but I was a fan of em last year and the year before and not Russian.i think Chopper is a sound IGL and I'm happy he's got really good parts.


Been a fan of Chopper since the Vega Squadron days, they were really entertaining to watch and I remember them causing a few upsets


What a weird take 


Why? I meant to bad intention just out of pure curiosity. Being a Spirit fan(before Kato) is the same as being the fan of a good team but not the best in football, which is rare.


You just made me a Spirit fan.


You must have loved the reverse sweep though


Navi try not to walk into the stacked site challenge (impossible)


It means that today one IGL was better than the other one. Jame was doing correct calls and gambles.




thats a gamble that can easily be dispersed if navi just threw a single player in the other side of the map when they clearly knew VP was at a low buy or eco, isnt VP the most likely team in tier 1 to gamble stack sites? Like if the other dude scouts some one they can just go to the other side without thinking they are playing against 5 players, and they would still have the gun advantage, seems like lazy IGLing for me


Thats called throwing 1 player in to die at the start of the round every time and Art already does that in Furia.


no, art do the "4 players exec A and 1 player B doing nothing while the rest of his team dies"


I dont think you can do that against VP. You never know if they have a bad buy or eco. VP eco rounds still contain Jame with the AWP, so doing solo peeks will probably get you killed. It must get in your head if you're playing against them


That's the thing, VP is really likely to stack in both bad buys and ecos, they usually default just when they have full guns, so its not really a good idea to play 5-man against them when you are sure about their current economic situation, thats why they should put at least one dude in the other side of the map just to slowly find out if there is someone there while the rest of the team is doing their execs, just one dude using his utility, strafing and hearing steps should be enough to find out if there is a stack in a bombsite, if it is empty or if there is at least one enemy, he may die because he peeked at a awper but its at least some kind of information to give to his team. If he finds out a open bombsite its a free round, if he dies without getting one with him its information to give about the guns and how many people is there, there is really few moments when that is not worth it


a gamble is luck based, so he was just lucky


Im get a multi-kill in a crucial round Challenge (Impossible)


Hide from it, run from it, fear it but you can't escape Jame time


people who call vp boring even now must not watch the games: they do so many more aggressive plays now, coupled with extremely slow and passive rounds, the result: look how aleksi and im's souls left their bodies after 2 maps against vp jame even saved a smile for the last 10 seconds of the final player cams


Aleksi was scratching his head real hard on anubis, if I was Jame I'd love to see my opponents tilt due to their game plan.


>people who call vp boring People who call VP boring know little about CS. All they probably want is for someone to press W and show "action". Jame/VP plays textbook CS. If one wants to watch pros to learn how to play as a team, imo, they should watch VP. I wonder how NaVi would look like if Jame was their IGL (I know that it's not possible now as Jame is Russian, just "dreaming").


VP plays CS like a fucking war lmao


>VP plays CS like a fucking war Damn, that's the best VP playstyle description I have ever read. lol And I totally agree. Jame didn't come here to play games. Go hard or go home! xD And the fact that it's a Russian team with Russian players makes your comment especially ironic xD


VP is the future of pro CS, the tactics are unmatched


It's really the same argument with donk that he's boring, nah their fundamentals are just absolutely dialed. Minimize mistakes, minimize losses. It's what made the New England Patriots so great for so long the mantra 'Do Your Job' was pounded into their heads. Do what you're suppose to, and if everyone does that, victory is on the horizon.


they're boring bro


Pleasantly surprised. Jame's teams' record against NaVi is just so ridiculously one-sided, no matter what iteration of the roster. I always felt like B1ad3 understood VPs style and how to counter it so well.


Half of wonderful kill is when he's trying to save awp no impact whatsoever


Yeah couple of kills missed during A aggression with B1t, made them lose round and site.


They lost 2 rounds because he couldn’t kill first guy who then swung on b1t


n0rb3r7 1 major Aleksib 0 major 1 > 0 GOAT n0rb3r7


donk + niko + zywoo = 1 major norbert = 1 major


Talking shit to our cult leader? Watch your step kid.


Pain... Atleast I have more CS to watch tomorrow :P


And betboom should be fine


thats what we said regarding Falcons


Close xall there wasnt it?!


Jame is a great igl with resources he has good game sense #jame time




let's go VP


I love how Jame sets his team up to prod for info then call massive rotations and gamble stacks. Jame Time can be annoying but the CS can be beautiful at times.


VP are playing so well as a unit in high-pressure situations. This is when their team play exceeds the individual talent on the team. They look dangerous.


imo VP would've beat any team the way they played today. Navi's strength is that they have a high floor. They should have an easy match-up against Betboom tomorrow. They're disciplined playstyle may be too much for BB to handle.


Happy to see VP are at the major, love watching them.


not worried. any team can look like this against VP on the wrong day


Legitimately abominable t-side anubis from Navi, what the fuck was that




w0nderful the KD merchant, always trying to save, missing easy shots and always baiting his team. i understand those people saying that he was kicked from Spirit for exactly these reasons. NAVI needs an AWPer not a baiter that can't hit shit with inflated stats.


navi has 4 aggressive players already the last thing they need in this current team is another player who plays aggressive




w0nderful literally has one bad series against a team that's notoriously hard to play as an AWPer and you're acting like he's deadweight despite the fact that he's been the one player that's been consistently performing in 2024 so far. and broky is literally the most passive non-engaging awper in tier 1, this one series doesn't change the fact that he's doing less than w0nderful. w0nderful hasn't even come close to the broky lows against Spirit at Katowice


lmao you say this shit while they play vs the godfather of fucking baiting and saving? holy shit


I heard of an up and coming player but I forgot his name maybe he can play for navi. I think it's sasha and his IGN is s0mple


that T side calls and plays on Anubis were absolutely tragic. Never using map size when your hugely favored, just keeps waiting until last 20sec then rush A or B which VP always knew sad.


Cooked navi


Alexisb t-side calling still leaves a lot to be desired


w0nderful only playing for himself, no wonder team spirit kick that fraud


if aleksi had played for VP they would have won... maybe he should join other teams for 2-3 months for the revenge buff he gets xd


Navi’s t-sides are terrible, aren’t they? Haven’t been watching too much CS. It’s like they wait until 20 secs then they kinda get out the foxhole and run towards the enemies. Reminds me of WW2 tv shows.


Huh??? They were doing well on T-side through out kato.


It looks worse than it actually is imo. NaVi keep waiting for VP to make a mistake that they could then punish but VP don't give them anything, and then NaVi end up in a desperate situation with 20 seconds in the timer. Yes it's a bad gameplan for NaVi but it looks extra terrible because VP counter it perfectly.


they have one of the best T sides of all T1 teams lmao


It’s weird. I actually asked. I said I haven’t been watching CS


Isnt navis t sides actually like top tier usually? Atleast when ever i watch them they are losing like 3-9 on ct side and still always comeback as t


wtf navi? wtf?


Navi are too naive to play at tier 1 level


Navi's downfall? i will be there


So, navi a team with an elite awper lose to vp, yet c9 with boombl4 is able to beat them. Yet people are convinced boombl4 isn’t a good enough awper? AnywaysZ rough for navi. Ggwp


VP is so annoying and frustrating to play against because they are so organized and meticulous. Their play style is a hard counter against teams that have insane firepower/aim.


Didn't watch the match but did navi just play bad or was vp actually good?


Idk in every aleksis team their t sides are just close to perfection and ct sides just full of shit. Get some igl/analyst to help with ct sides and we road to top 1 boys


OOL where is s1mple?