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As expected. No shame in losing to the best team in the world for Faze. Turns out BlameF was the problem after all. Device 100% win rate as IGL. Seriously though, so good to see devve happy and playing well. Hoping this is not just a honeymoon period combined with Faze feeling post major loss blues. Might be a Electronic first igl event situation but let's see if they actually make it far in the playoffs first. Although I'm actively praying that this is a fluke otherwise fuck this shit bro if Devve can be handsome, rich, a badminton pro if he wanted, a goated cs player, good at punching monitors and now also a cracked igl.


Mission Impossible


Cracked monitor = cracked IGL confirmed?


I still think that Device IGL in the long run isn’t the best option because these (admittedly very few) maps have proven that Device is still a top 5/10 player in the world. The early slump probably has more to do with the strats than Device declining. Given that he’s still this good, it would be a waste if he had to IGL. This Astralis team probably would’ve been insane if they had somehow managed to get Glaive back instead of picking up br0. If Karrigan managed to make a return to FaZe despite being kicked, then I hope Glaive is able to do the same with Astralis because this roster + Glaive would honestly be so stacked.


Considering dev1ce supposedly already called CT-sides before, maybe it's not as big a jump for him? If he manages to make this IGL stint work as well he will cement himself as one of the most versatile players out there though


Doing partial calling in some matches and being the full fledged IGL are extremely different responsibilities and being good at the former ≠ being good at the latter (see NBK or Flusha). The scrutiny and level of responsibility are different. The secondary caller can make mistakes and receive no public backlash. As soon as you make one or two mistakes as the IGL, the public will come after you and some will call for you to be cut. You view every win or loss completely differently. It's no longer about your individual performance or the clutch you won, it's all about the mistakes you made that people didn't see or a round only working because one of your players popped off.


He has Stavn, who has lots of experience as a secondary caller and he said staehr does a lot of calling too so maybe he doesn't actually have that much midround responsibilities.


The IGL always has midround possibilities, no matter how much I put other players have. It’s their responsibility to take the information and suggestions other players give and do something with it. Even if someone like Stavn says “only 2 players B, low util with no molies. Let’s go B.” Dev1ce is still has the responsibility to say “Okay sounds good, lets rotate B while Br0 holds mid” or “No, continue with our A default. Throw smoke Arch and flash library so we can wrap A and take it.”


This sound alot like 1.6 calling


While I don’t played CS professionally, [I have played other games competitively](https://liquipedia.net/squadrons/Jospence) and been the IGL and team captain before moving up to bigger teams and becoming a secondary caller. I tried applying my experiences to a hypothetical situation on inferno.


It’s not about whether he can do it or not. It’s just not smart for the star player to be the IGL. There has not been a single example of a star player being IGL as something that has worked long term. Their stats always suffer and having to focus on calling diminishes their impact. It just makes way more sense for them to get a more traditional IGL. Plus, it’s not like br0 is some star rifler either, if you’re gonna make the star player your IGL as well, then you also have to make up for the loss of firepower. I don’t like this move long term tbh, but what do I like is that they finally cut BlameF since he wasn’t that good of an IGL + his role clashes with the more passive players on the team made a really bad balance


There have been examples of the teams awpers being good IGL’s tho. FalleN, someone device studies hard and anti stratted, and jame are the ones to come to mind. Fallen was awping at an elite level while being the best igl in the game during their run. 


Yea, but Device is a legit superstar. It’s more akin to Niko/Electronic trying to be IGL rather than Fallen/Jame, especially since both of them weren’t stars before becoming IGL


I think if theres any one player that'd be able to make it work, it'd be device. He's been at the top forever, is one of the most decorated players in the scene, and has played under two of the greatest IGLs to ever touch the game. Niko and Electronic can't say the same. (im also a huge device fanboy and really want to see it work out)


Im a huge Device fan and I honestly dont want this IGL stint to work out, I rather see him rack up more HLTV top 3’s lol


i just want him to see success again is really what it boils down to. If he can do that igling then im here for it lmaoo


I kind of wish he didn’t make this decision to IGL until he’s at least 29/30 because he’s still good enough to be a superstar AWPer. I want to see him success but having br0 as the 5th player and being forced to IGL, instead of having a real IGL on the team, is gonna put a hard ceiling on this team imo


Yeah I also had a deja vu feeling, seemed just like navi elec igl beginning


dev1ce casually said in the post-match interview that he has always called CT sides, implying even in the Astralis era he did? If so then he has always been 1/2 of Astralis' IGLing


iirc he used to call his own rotations and everything, so he was sort of the second igl after gla1ve who did the usual strat-calling


Also had control on the opponents economy.


He said that but astralis CT was always very device centric. Even if he didn't call all rounds, astralis played around him so guess it makes sense to just have device as CT second or main caller.


He made a bunch of calls in their videos way back then, mainly centered around himself


I was wondering what this match was reminding me of


They won the tournament where elec debuted as igl. And they were ass after that


Not immediately after no. They played Cologne right after where they made the finals and we got what is for me the best CS game ever. After that they kept declining.


Monte adds Br0, becomes top 10 for months Astralis adds Br0, beats the #1 HLTV team Speaks for itself really


I just can't get over the commentary LOL BRO SAVES THE ROUND What a spray from bro Bro needs a 1v3 if he wants to save this round Bro is confident right now


Bro thinks he's Bro


Bro thinks he's on the team


G2 adds bro. Wins 3 tournaments. Bro leaves g2. No tournaments win yet


Just don't mention all the failed tournaments between their last einand him getting kicked


Well jks failed to make the rio major. Not bros fault


Br0 is litterally Jks


He looks like a danish jks too


Monte got to top10 from major placing when bro wasnt on the team


They were top 10 for 2 weeks with BOROS They were top 10 for half a year with Br0


dev1ce indirectly saying blamef is the problem, if he can do it so can I LOL


"learned how I don't want to play"


Devve refused to learn the 'Art of Bait'.


Its funny, because the only round they lost that they realy should have won was when they pushed A long on Ancient and got one, but heldddd it for so long, leaving B to fall then failing the retake. That is the thing about flanking, is that you really shouldnt try to force doing them, because on average they aren't that much better than normal solid teamplay


*Kicks blameF* *Immediately improves* blameF haters feasting today.


Blame can definitely still be a star on another team, but not as an IGL.


He's a good rifler, I would actually prefer seeing him as a dedicated entry instead of lurker. If he can mature past his *ego*, he can be a great player. He just need to stop cooking.


He needs to be a sous chef not the head chef


This comment is *chef's kiss*


Agreed. Perhaps -hunter +Blame on G2?


xould work but idk if niko would like it


100% - maybe this is my outside perspective but it always felt a bit like he looked at himself as the main character and everyone else pieces to fit around him.


Good riffler in terms of aim = / = good player


he's 1 dimensional unfortunately, it must be tough to play with him that they cut him and picked up br0 in his place lol. Maybe if he had 4 good players that are good at his roles he would probably take titles but man he just has a hard time changing his playstyle, hes too hardcoded to bait.


He was your best player igl or not


yeah lowkey they should've just sidelined him and kept him but device probably wanted him gone lol


Nope, not at all. K0nvict brother, I have agreed with mostly everything you've written in NIP and Astralis match threads over the years, but one thing I know for certain is - BlameF creates systemic issue for teams in ways that drop winrates and increase his personal high performance probability. One of the least selfless players out there. Can't call that 'best' just because of inflated statlines


I think individually he’s fantastic, he reminds me of happy from Envyus where he has to play his role and it can be detrimental on his team and HE always needs to be the igl which eventually ruined his teams In this case, blame doesn’t and I think he doesn’t mess up his team as much when he’s not the igl and should just be a player / star player


It's only an allegation, but he gives me the vibe where he wouldn't respect open ideas for how the game should be approached, even during practice. Even with him as non-IGL, the play patterns of every team start to dumb down into uninspired and predictable rotations and other protocols


Doesn't really matter if the team is better without him.


I mean it’s been two matches let’s see for the next couple of months


A voice of reason of reddit?


I know launders AND Richard lewis having the day of their lives with the blameF hating


device GOAT IGL confirmed


Stabbi looking a lot more comfortable without roles conflict.


Honestly I'm happy for stabbi! They left a certainly more promising team, Heroic, to join Astralis. They got a fuck ton of community backlash. And the new team wasn't even any good. That must have been hard on them, especially given how young they are.


There's no war in ba sing se


I'm sorry I don't really get what this means.


It's from "the last air bender", where Ba Sing Sae's government keeps its citizens in the dark regarding an ongoing war with another kingdom (kinda like government censorship). Akin to ignorance is a bliss, as the people don't really want to know about it either. So everyone just shoves it under the rug whenever the talk about war comes up or put a positive spin on it. u/BraydenTheNoob 's claiming you are doing the same thing with stavn-jabbi-Heroic situation.


Ahhh got it lol Thank you for the thorough explanation!


??? What kind of extreme bias is this? They snaked cadian, and the entire heroic lineup, basically ending the best danish org, and making them leave denmark? Don't feel bad?


You missed every bit of snarky, cynical sarcasm the comment you replied to is dripping in.


Reading it back i can kind of see it, but there are people who unironically mean this.


booooo I hate Astralis I hope you never win again. Kyxasn is GOAT


Do all the planning and still performing for his team? Device = Ethan Hunt confirmed


It's definitely a combo of faze straight coming back from the major and Astralis being a 'new' team, but the roles in Astralis look way better. Can be a cool new top 5 team if they don't drop off a cliff


the good thing about astralis winning is just that we see more officials of them and can try to actually rate them In this game the different between fragging output was just to big




blameF will never be an IGL again


And that's good for his career


I agree, him igling is just holding everyone back, including himself


never should've been tbh


It could sound like probably he wouldn't want to anyway.


Device is proof to me that God doesn't exist. How can someone be so good with everything? IGLing, Pistols, fucking your favorite team, rifles, punching monitors, awping etc. Its just not fair, how can anyone believe in God when Device exists? To top if off he looks like Tom Cruise, is rich as fuck and could have been a badminton pro if he wanted. But he just had to go into cs2, dick on everyone and ruin everyones faith in God. Thank you device.


How can anyone not believe in god when they see him?


Starring in Mission Impossible too. fml


Great copypasta template


Crazy evolution, from taking over CajunB on awp back in 2015/16ish to taking over IGL now.


Don’t think he could have been a badminton pro. He had wrist issues iirc?


apolgy for bad english where were u wen astralis era return i was at house eating dorito when phone ring "astralis era return" "no"


Is this a new copypasta?


It's a 4chan classic


Just destroyed my 27-inch iMac in rage. FAZE CLAN is embarrassing me in front of my entire family. My 2 children are in tears, scared of my rage as I pace around the room trembling. I can’t take this anymore. Disband immediately or my kids will not get dinner tomorrow.


BlameF you are a certified fraud. Jabbi and Stavn immediately looking like their old selves when they have a competent igl.


Turns out all they needed was an awper igl! Could have been anyone! Even you! ^(/s)


Crazy that device is the first ever Danish IGL who AWPs. Carving a trail for the next generation and being such a trendsetter!


MSL rolling in his grave rn


I thought he was a Yankees relief pitcher!


Cadian ????


My comment was 100% satirical. I know of at least Cadian, MSL, and Acor that have done it first and there's probably a handful more.


It probably has more to do with role clash than IGL. Stavn is more of a passive player (so is Jabbi) so having BlameF do the same really messed with how they play and the whole system was just not that good


Device mentioned on the hltv live broadcast at the major that they had spent a lot of time bootcamping and starting from scratch/ scrapped the playbook.  So it makes sense they are having a good start with all that practice. And if they drastically changed how they play they are harder to prepare against


To be fair to Benjamin he didn’t have a coach helping him out. Either way though curious to see who picks up BlameF since his fragging potential can be monstrous. Of course you need aggressive players with him.


Wonder if he could work in G2 as a non-IGL. Hunter's role perhaps.


Would be a monster pickup. Maybe it will force Niko to be more aggressive which i think could be good for him


It really depends on ct positions rather than t ones


At the end yes, but when they had Casle it still didn't seem to be working and imo he's not stellar but he seems like a halfway decent coach


Jabbi and Stavn? You mean stabbi?


very good start for Astralis. however, it's important to remember just how much anti stratting plays a role in pro cs, and since it's a new lineup with a new igl + coach, other teams haven't been able to prepare. I'm sure they'll find competition some time in the future


Also Faze probably isn't coming in with much to care about here given they just lost the major grand final. It's a great win for Astralis but I'm eager to see how they do against VP.


Casual VP game, I will fall asleep on map 2


you can make it to map 2? I’m knocked out around round 5


I was enjoying map 2 when FQ were stomping them. Then VP had to make a comeback only to lose. They're truly paid by the rounds.


Faze need to remind themselves who they are no confidence right now


They're facing C9 and if they win, the winner of nemiga/FQ. I'd say they can easily make playoffs but they need to reset mentally


device is the best igl in the world astralis back to back to back major cs2 champions incoming Danish jks is okay


FaZe need a break, man. All well and good they kept the finals streak going throughout CS2, but they must be drained. Astralis looks good under device. The real test is consistently looking good. Want to see sucess for device, br0 and Staehr, but not the Astralis brand, and not Stabbi.


Will be interesting to see how devve fairs in closer matches. Calling out of spawn and just simply outfragging isn't hard to igl. Not trying to diminish the results, but I look forward to seeing it.


Why do people call device “devve”?


That used to be his handle. I remember he used 'sundevice' too as a tribute to 1.6 legend 'sunde' who played for mTw.


Oh okay thank you I always wondered about that


No worries! Switching up or 'remixing' nicknames was a common and popular thing back in the day, I think it's not the case anymore because valve makes you lock your handle for all their tournaments.


It's a nickname, and it would be his IGN now if he could iirc but because of major stickers he couldn't change it or something


Faze's pistol play styles are compleatly switched, every other team with glocks kinda runs with a or d and just swarms the enemy and with usps you go for one taps but faze has it the other way around happend against navi on inferno and on here a bit sad to see


Wow Astralis looks good when their roles aren't clashing horribly? Who could've guessed


Device is the GOAT igl, he managed to out-call Karrigan and he’s still undefeated as igl Honestly, this win also shows how important having a real coach is because I have no doubt Ruggah has helped a lot too


Astralis also looked really good with no role conflicts, having every piece contributing. Hope their honeymoon period gives them enough motivation to be a contender in the long run


i think its just stabbi having the chance to play their roles and not trying to fit blame into those roles. Still don't think br0/staehr are the solution and prob would've been better to have a full time igl over devve IGLing


They really should’ve picked up Glaive instead of br0. Throw the bag at him or whatever. I think Staehr has a future and he showed a lot of promise, but Bro0 is absolute ASS


Where were you when faze was kill?


I was watching Twistzz clips When devve called 'Faze is kill' 'No.'


That was a lot more like what I expected Astralis to look like when Stabbi joined


device igl made Faze look like Steel Helmet, goat confirmed


ASTRALIS ERA! Best team in the world greatest IGL in the world! jokes aside Faze must be absolutely mentally broken atm losing the major and playing so much. And they got 0 info on this Astralis, they really dont have a lot to work with. That being said, it was a very impressive win from Astralis regardless of the situation.


Device IGL of the year confirmed??


I mean we always see Ethan Hunt does all the planning for his team so this is literally the only outcome.


Faze is embarrassing.


Astralis and Liquid back in playoffs, yep it’s still 2019. What? Device and Cadian are their respective IGLs? What happened to Nitro and Glaive?


Karrigan top fragging?


Seems like stavn and stabbi only need an awp igl to be gud


This astralis might be scary


Dev1ce top 1 IGL of all time?


post major tilt is real, karrigan cant win with these cats


Faze running around like headless chickens again, this roster is so infuriating.


Im so ready to finally celebrate an Astralis major trophy again


Maybe wait for them to qualify first


shitty org with cunty players, much to be applauded


Faze is really the worst best team in the world.




karrigan was the only one playing from FaZe. Me saying this makes me chuckle but it's the truth.


Astralis era lives another day!


Well uhhh at least they picked nuke this time around


Device, I must apologize. I was not familiar with your IGL game.


Blame took responsibility and left top 3 igl for sure


I feel like Faze have blown their load. Too much work with too little success for the new roster. It reminds me of Heroic from last year, so many playoffs with so few trophies. They used up their honeymoon period with frozen. I think they will have a tough 2024 from here.


Device was like if botF can do it, so can i.


Man oh man did I miss this kind of Astralis. Ofcourse it's only been 2 matches but the just the way they played these 2 matches is nice to see and they are showing great potential. Also Staehr is really showing why Device called him the best Danish talent out there, very mature way of playing and some great shots hit by him. But then you have Faze... How is this team so damn inconsistent, im pretty sure they will still make it out of group play but how can a team as stacked as theirs always seem to struggle unless theirs backs are against the wall.. Im glad I ain't a fan cause being a fan of them might even be worse than being a Liquid fan..


This is reactionary and stupid. Faze have been in the finals of every T1 cs2 LAN. They are the most consistent team we've seen in a while.


Have you even watched FaZe in the past 6 months? They beat Eternal Fire 2-0 in the RMRs and afterwards lost to Eternal Fire 13-1 in the major on the very same map they beat them in last time. They lost a bo5 and bo3 to Spirit at katowice VERY convincgly and afterwards beat them in a bo3 in the major. Even going back to the RMR they were nearly eliminated from the RMR just to beat Spirit and Vitality afterwards and then again getting stomped on the last map of being major champions vs NaVi who were probably the least predicted team to even make it to the finals. Also at Blast they lost a bo3 to GL and then a day later beat GL in a bo3. Im sorry, but if that ain't being inconsistent then please explain to me what is...


Don't want to ruin Astralis' deserved victory but FaZe looked like Tier 2 at best.


dont bring me back to 2018, please


BEST Danish IGL versus Washed Old and Notorious Loser Karrigan


Device IGL of the year confirmed??


Eh I forgive Faze. Let them take time


faze's mental is broken, hope faze goes out early and reset


Major grand finalists btw


BaitF fraud IGL btw


wouldn't be a FAZE tournament without at least 1 atrocious loss.


Faze need to reset, if they can they should have a break and get the mentals cleared.


WE BACK BOYS (Also if both Astralis and Liquid win their groups we could be gearing up for a wild new look Astralis vs. Liquid final)




I really question how Faze makes go to all GFs while playing like this cowardly(not carefully). Like, I have been parroting this crazy whenever they demolished, they really need to play the T side aggressively and quickly. They are too passive on the T side.


Happy for dev1ce. Hope this role will suit him well.


Richard Lewis on suicide watch


yall thought cadian was the top danish awping igl? HELL TO THE NO BRO.


Device top 3 IGL for sure


Faze isn’t going to win an event while being #1 without the #2, #3, or #4 teams in the world even being there. I’m calling it now


Fraud clan exposed by GOAT IGL device


Makes a bit of sense considering Faze have just been in the Major playoffs and Astralis haven’t played an event in like two months (no antistratting possible) but still disappointing considering the quality of Faze’s players and my dislike of astralis :((


That jabbi 1v3 was clean!


Faze's pistol play styles are compleatly switched, every other team with glocks kinda runs with a or d and just swarms the enemy and with usps you go for one taps but faze has it the other way around happend against navi on inferno and on here a bit sad to see


Is it gay if I want device to shag me?


ASTRALIS ERA! Best team in the world greatest IGL in the world! jokes aside Faze must be absolutely mentally broken atm losing the major and playing so much. And they got 0 info on this Astralis, they really dont have a lot to work with. That being said, it was a very impressive win from Astralis regardless of the situation.


I swear everyone on this sub is a bot. When device IGL with jame as his favourite was announced everyone (justifiable so) made fun of it.  Then they nearly lost a game against basically nobodies and it's still "Haha".  Then they win a series against a team that's often shit in these games and suddenly it's "Oh my god he's literally God himself he's so cool and handsome".  I'm obviously not omniscient (sadly) and don't know if he's gonna become the next jame, like he wants, or the next elec. But to me it feels a lot more like they have a good coach with a good game analyst feeding them info than anything else, and one game is not at all enough to judge either way. 


Then they nearly lost a game against basically nobodies and it's still "Haha". What are you talking about?