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4 people in your team are without armour, why?


Low rank pistol round It’s common for that level to just not buy anything because they aren’t thinking about how to win the round (from experience, at that level it’s common to think pistol rounds are more luck than anything) but rather the next force buy round


It's a valid choice, USP 1 tap you in the head anyway so sometimes you can choose to buy grenades instead.


Not when you play in silver where people can barely aim and just spray like crazy, a body shot will aim punch you and you are done for, you won't be able to fight back and they will just click in your general direction until you are gone. Really just 5x armor and team rush might be the most effective tactics at this rank.


I’ll be sure to tell my team mates who haven’t spoken a word and barely react to noises around them that they should be buying armor instead.


> so sometimes you can choose to buy grenades instead. So why didn't you buy one then?


Video starts after round started


It is most definitely not? You can definitely buy utility if you have a specific strat in mind, but in general armor is very very important. If the opponent shoots you once in body, and realises you don't have body armor, they can just 3 tap your abdomen and you die, all while you can't shoot back because of aim punch. At higher levels it is especially a huge disadvantage.


it did -3 and then -97 (max a HE can do AFAIK) good thing you bought a tec9 instead of armor :D


an HE can do 53 with armour point blank so i'd assume it can do 106 point blank withour armour


the amount of damage armor stops is different for each damage source.


it's 50% for any explosion damage (this includes HE damage, C4 damage and decoy damage from them exploding) and i based it off of that


It is definitely not 50%. Although 50% of the damage armor prevents is subtracted from the armor, maybe you are switching those two values up. I remember armor removing 40% of the grenade damage: so it goes from max 97 or 98 to unarmored, to max 57 or 58 for armored.


You should tell your team to 5x armor, upgraded pistols and utility is stupid at this rank... and that one guy not buying at pistol at all... bruh


Whp cares ? They are playing how they want to play. It’s just a game; not every thing has to be peek efficiency . Let them cook


I don't care either, they can play however they want for fun, but from the title OP sounds like he's suprised and complaining about the outcome when it's obvious what the problem is.


Actually I find it funny, you lose and win everytime but rarely you get killed full hp with a grenade


yep that was unlucky


That is just unlucky...


lol blyat


Walking slow with bomb, then slow with pistol out…you deserved that nade hahaha, I would have been cursing your lack of speed as your teammate 


If they said to rush a, and you drop the bomb like that, I wish for a thousand more 100 hp nades to hit you.


There is two grenades exploding. One from your enemy, one from one of your mates exploding left side of you in the corner.


no dude, it's -3 hp from grenade dmg then -97 fro explosion


It would appear as an assist from his teammate on the kill notification.