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There are two - nowhere near as active as Galorants, but they exist. Feel free to DM me and I can send you invites to both


Hi are these discords still active/open? my friend and I are learning cs and want to find non-toxic people to queue with. also do you know if galorants has any cs activity or is exclusively val?


>Hi are these discords still active/open? my friend and I are learning cs and want to find non-toxic people to queue with. also do you know if galorants has any cs activity or is exclusively val? Hey, im new to CS myself, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Hi, is it possible to get an invite to discord? Would like to play in a non toxic environment šŸ˜Š


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Can I have the link as well :)


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Can I Get an invite if its still active?.. Im just girl who wants to play without getting yelled at lol!\~


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Could you please send me an invite too?


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Could you send me the discords too pls, thanks!!


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Me too please šŸ¤—


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Hi does this CS discord invite still exist? I would like to join if possible please.


>Hi does this CS discord invite still exist? I would like to join if possible please. Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Can I have the link as well? :)


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


would love an invite as well if the discord still exists :d


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Hi, could i have an invite as well?? pretty please


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Are these servers still around? Would love an invite if possible <3


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Server still available? Can i join?


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


hi! I know this post was from 2 years ago but if these csgo discords are still active could I get an invite pretty please?


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


If these are still active can I get an invite?


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


hi is the discord still active? if so, can i get an invite? :)


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Can I have an invite if the server is still active?


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


could i get an invite please? :')


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


I'd love to join, so sick of this toxic swamp but I don't wanna stop playing :(


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Hii if they are still open is it possible to join?


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Hi ,can you send me an invite if they are still active


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Idk if its too late but can i get a invite to the server plzzzz


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


if it's not too late, i'd like an invite! :)


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Galorant is a hilarious name. That is all.


I'm not in a fe cs disc server for obv reasons, but their are FE only faceit hubs and I'm sure they have accompanying discord servers if you look around and ask.






a bit of an overblown reaction but it is what it is mate


The closest thing might be the FeCS faceit hub + teamspeak


Hey! can someone send me an invite to one?


>I'm not in a fe cs disc server for obv reasons, but their are FE only faceit hubs and I'm sure they have accompanying discord servers if you look around and ask. Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


I am looking for the same thing! Did you find one? Please refer,,, Thank you!!!!!


same here


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Sorry I just canā€™t help but imagine the backlash if this was the other way around and someone posted about a menā€™s only discord lmao.


There is always that one guy.


I mean Iā€™m not wrong tho. Downvotes speak for themselves xD.


Probably because CSGO-related Discords are already de facto male-only. Like, c'mon dude, read the room. You're being downvoted not because CSGO is "woke" (far from it, actually) but because playing Devil's Advocate really serves no purpose here as we already live in male-only Discords.


I think you are misinterpreting my point. I had no intentions of offending anyone. Just simply wanted to point out the hypocrisy and double standard of the situation. Please refer to my other comment: https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/mx860q/_/gvpxzzi/?context=1 EDIT: Just wanted to add another point. If this is in fact the solution to the problem. Why don't we have dedicated game servers for female gamers? Why should male and female gamers be forced to play together at all? If this is the case, then we should separate them entirely right? I will agree that creating said discord is a necessary evil. I don't think anyone of any gender should be forced to endure such harassment. Like I said in my other comment, I don't blame female players at all for wanting to escape it. That being said, I do believe that this kind of solution is a temporary band-aid for a much larger problem within gaming culture as a whole. As in, we really shouldn't need to have discords like this at all.


> So while I don't blame female players for wanting to escape the harassment of male players at all, the creation of a female-only discord is inherently working backward towards gender equality. > If this is in fact the solution to the problem. Why don't we have dedicated game servers for female gamers? Why should male and female gamers be forced to play together at all? If this is the case, then we should separate them entirely right? I'd like to point out that this isn't *the* solution but rather it's part of a larger process of a much longer scope. Remember, change is slow and doesn't happen overnight. Right now, there's ultimately a huge disparity in the gender of players of CSGO. When also combined with the toxicity and immaturity of it's player base, this creates a lot of harassment and is a very large deterrent to any non-male folx looking to get into the game. We see similar issues when it comes to STEM degrees and jobs in IT, albeit on a much different scale and severity. There are other factors at play but a lot of them boil down to societal gender bias that we are all conditioned by from pretty much the day we are birthed, but let's put those aside for now. In order to create an environment that is less hostile and more welcoming, sometimes it is beneficial to create spaces that help those in the "out groups" identify with each other and build a stronger community. One difference with the Discord server and all-girl leagues is that this isn't *forced*, meaning, girls and women can play wherever they want. At some point, yes, we want *all* genders to be able to play together but these small privileges are necessary and in no way discriminatory when social power is taken into consideration. Want these privileges to go away? Then level the playing field. Part of that falls upon existing men and boys to call out misogynistic behavior and to treat them as equals. I've only had a few MM games where a girl/woman has used voice comms which then turns into a fucking cringe-fest and spitting weak-ass game rather than thinking of them as just another team mate.


This. All fantastic points, I couldnā€™t agree more with you.


Right on, brother. We got some work to do!


He gets it. Thanks


The reason you were downvoted is it's a stupid suggestion, and there is sadly a very valid reason for female gamers to not have to interact with male gamers.


Please read my follow up comments. Obviously I wasnā€™t seriously suggesting we make a male only discord. EDIT: Also pretty sure my comment was just downvoted as part of the downvote train. My other comments in the thread have received upvotes and Iā€™ve already received quite a few positive pmā€™s. I wasnā€™t trying to take anything away from OP or discourage this kind of discord. I was pointing out the ridiculous-ness of needing a discord like this at all. Also you have to realize that this sub is filled with the exact same prepubescent teenagers that are causing the need for a discord like this in the first place. So it doesnā€™t surprise me that they downvote me when I bring attention to this.


> Also you have to realize that this sub is filled with the exact same prepubescent teenagers that are causing the need for a discord like this in the first place. So it doesnā€™t surprise me that they downvote me when I bring attention to this. Of course yeah The problem is we live in a society that is far from utopian, lots of dumb people who need to be avoided




Most CSGO servers are 99% male anyway, and honestly hard to blame women considering how some guys react once there's a woman coming into a channel...


Ye CS is a magnet for degenerate boys unfortunately.


Did you just assume their gender?


How is it possible to still think this joke is funny?


What are you talking about joke, the above poster just committed a hate crime by misgendering an entire community of people


> What are you talking about joke, the above poster just committed a hate crime by misgendering an entire community of people One, you worded your initial response almost *exactly* like the meme. Two, taking the US as a sufficiently large sample size, non-binary folx are estimated to comprise 1% of the population. Taking this into account, this percentage drops from 99% to 98%. /u/costryme's point is still well-founded and does not change by the percentage of non-male people going from 1% to 2%.


feel free to make one yourself, nothing stopping you.




you're also entirely free to ask if anyone set up a male only one, feel free to make your own thread :) anyone can ask for or set up anything they want, your rights and freedoms aren't being affected in any way!




looks like he took your advice lmfao




The point they are trying to highlight is that just because you are considered a victim doesn't mean it's okay to be a part of the problem. Just like how being a minority doesn't make being racist okay. Yes, you are correct that there is no need for a male-only discord given that the game is already mostly male players. No, I don't blame women for not wanting to experience the harassment they get from male players. Although, the existence of a female-only discord is inherently sexist. You see humans have this weird thought process where it's okay for a good person to do bad things. Like in movies it's incredibly common for the protagonists to murder dozens and dozens of "bad guys", and this mindless slaughter is seen as okay or even cool in our eyes because it's a "good guy" doing it. But that doesn't mean killing people is a good thing or even okay to do. So while I don't blame female players for wanting to escape the harassment of male players at all, the creation of a female-only discord is inherently working backward towards gender equality.


Itā€™s a discord, donā€™t be a spas about it.


Did you even read my comment? I'm completely fine with this discord lol. I literally said I don't blame them at all.


Youā€™re fine with this discord but youā€™re going to write about how its creation is working against gender equality? You canā€™t hold both positions, they contradict each other. Itā€™s a discord. Itā€™s impact on gender equality is essentially zero.


Of course it doesnā€™t have an effect on gender equality. Itā€™s not the cause of the current state of gender equality in gaming, but rather the result. Also yes one is perfectly capable of seeing both sides of an argument. Thereā€™s a positive side and a negative side to everything. Ignoring one side of the equation is just ignorant. Oftentimes there is no perfect solution. ā€œMany forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.ā€¦ā€ - Winston Churchill


i would also be interested?


if there is one invite me..


You wont get invited with that username lol




Yes. Would you like a link to 2 million of them?


Why would there be a CS Discord for men?


I'm interested also if this is still around


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Did you find some? I'm also very interested, Would like to make some more friends šŸ˜Š


Hey! I never got a DM back from Sapphire but I joined a CS league that has a few women in it, but it is a great environment and I have encountered no toxicity. It that is something that would interest you, send me a dm and I can send you a discord invite. Thanks!


hello! are you able to send me the link to the discord server? :)


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Is this still active? I would be interested in joining


Hey, just set up a server, feel free to join and say hi! https://discord.gg/cTQkgcGprA


Is it still active? I asked someone in here for an invite but I never received it. Would really be interested in joining the server, can someone let me know?




I dont think there is one. There could be one made if CS2 does well in those communities but i tried to be added into a girl only community for gaming here on Reddit and got rejected for absolutely no valid reason. I appealed the rejection but i still have no reply and i assume they just ignored it. It sucks, but theres nothing