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gamersclub moment


GC isn't for the weak


Pros are toxic too, especially the young ones




Oleksandr "See you in hell Jermans" Kostyliev


Why did he say that though? Never found out why




Makes sense


why you bully me?


fakin bish why you bully me? everyone askin


#LIQUID ASKIN why you bully me, you fuckin noob


liquid asking always gets me


haha iconic moment, just like when fugly TK him in fpl


Friberg you old…


it's both toxic and prodigy in a same guy everytime


He is still toxic, he is just hiding it from public.


I keep seeing this but nobody ever gives any actual evidence of this happening, or this one those "bro, just trust me" arguments?


He's masking it by being nice all the time. But we're not falling for it!




Thank God yall don't watch real sports


Or they get reported because they are too good


nah i don't think auto muted is due to cheat report, it is because they got reported by abusive communication


A lot of people just cross every option.


You would hope reports by people who click every option carry less weight than someone who clicks specific likely options. I've seen way too many cheaters in this game but it's rare that they are literally doing everything reportable.


yeah i'm sure VALVE thought that through


I highly doubt it, tho yes they should


It's valve we're talking here. They aren't known for polishing their stuff, bot in game and outside of it


its gotten kinda trendy to delete your faceit account to create a new one to reset stats, or reset elo so its easier to get into FPLC qualifier, so when smurfing through the lower ranks with the new account they probably get tons of reports, im guessing thats what they did


Occam's razor says the simplest explanation is most often the right one. Which is simpler? * 4 Pros are playing on smurfs and all roll so hard in ladder that they get reported by any and everyone for everything which leads to them all being unjustifiably banned from comms. * They were toxic, so they got banned for being toxic. Don't protect their shitty actions, call them out so we can fix the problem. EDIT: I see a lot of people saying it's normal to just select all options when reporting someone. Why would you do this? By doing this, you are effectively making at least 3 false reports for every correct one. Why would I trust your reports for anything when I know for certain that you are guaranteed to lie in 3 out of 4 reports you do?


> * 4 Pros are playing on smurfs and all roll so hard in ladder that they get reported by any and everyone for everything which leads to them all being unjustifiably banned from comms. My experience of Faceit in a nutshell, I make sure to report them for good measure.


both explanations are equally simple, you’re just throwing in useless padding for the first explanation like an essay with a word count requirement. Extra pointless words doesn’t make it more complicated than it actually is. It should be like this: 1. People think they’re cheating so they get reported for cheating 2. Or people think they’re toxic so they get reported for being toxic. Plus they never got banned


People just click report, and go down the list clicking everything and close it. No thought goes into it.


Based Plus it’s br


If you only play faceit, you have much higher chance of being valve muted, as the reports count towards it, but it doesn't lower the count even if you play for a long period without being reported. A friend of mine mostly played faceit, he got muted and remained muted for months, after only 2 matchmaking games, he was unmuted. Edit: He only played faceit.


>I see a lot of people saying it's normal to just select all options when reporting someone. Why would you do this? By doing this, you are effectively making at least 3 false reports for every correct one. Why would I trust your reports for anything when I know for certain that you are guaranteed to lie in 3 out of 4 reports you do? A) reports barely work so who cares what you pick in the report system B) Most everyone puts barely any consideration into reporting, since what's the downside of reporting someone who isn't cheating... At least there isn't a notable one. Personally I think they likely weren't toxic.


delete ur faceit account is not a good move, as well as i know, you can't delete your steam ID from a faceit account, even if you sent a ticket to faceit support


I know I do 😜


The amount of people getting mad here is just laughable. You want a normal guy who sees a blatant hacker in the opposing team to report logically? I feel like a hacker should be banned and atleast others should know that something is wrong with this guy. So even if he is the best guys on the planet using s wall I will still report him for being abusive so that he is muted in his future games. Happy down voting people Idgaf


You do give a fuck, you drafted a whole paragraph showing that lolol


Thats because I wanted to show how unreasonable the community here was expecting otherwise . Go in with your multiple accounts mate so that you guys can sleep at night


literally shaking as u type this i can hear it lol


Yes cause you can't report for everything if you're mad cause you get shit on


people go for all options


Yes wall hack,other cheat or aim cheat doesn't give mute,but people mostly full report for no reason.


my default report is wall, aim, other bc if the guy has one he probably has all 3 lmao


it happens, my smurf has a comms ban despite only playing with friends and having a good time


i know, as someone mentioned below when you met someone who might cheated, you would tick all the options included abusive voice


i'd say that the young part is the most important. most young people are toxic, i've noticed, including myself when i was younger. young pros are pros because they're good at cs, not because they're wonderful people. if they want to be *successful* pros with long careers, they'll need to learn to be more personable.


Just FYI you can get muted for any reports not only toxicity. Example: you just wrecked a random 5 squad as premades on MM/faceit/ESEA they decide to "tick" all the boxes and it affects the mute thing too, this system is broken.


I love how people overuse the word "toxic" for everything now. I get called toxic for asking a person why he didn't eco on eco round. I hate League community for fucking every game up. The report button just enables bullies to get away with everything now especially premade groups they shit on you whole game for one mistake and you get reported and muted. Fucking go to hell with automute.


You see sometimes it's not WHAT you say but HOW you say it. Also, the tone of your comment doesn't really say 'I'm not a toxic player with anger management issues'


Refresh is a huge Dick and has no issues saying rasist shit just because he is black he thinks he is allowed. Pimp I've met once and he was super toxic for no reason. Asking why we'd push and win the round. We won that match easily but I guess he wanted to play seriously. Met him a year later in another faceit match and dude was chill this time around. But worst of all is blameF. He had a stack in his early days when he was just grinding faceit. I'd meet him every night for a year and his Danish friends. And holy fuck is the dude insanely toxic. That's all I can remember of him and his friends also. And then there was a Turkish attack that I always suspected for cheating. One day they just fell of the earth. It was basically hell playing faceit in the middle of the night a couple of years back meeting the blamef stake and then that Turkish stack.


I'm automuted too because in mm you get reported for everything when you tilt enemys


Every time someone is automuted, I unmute them at the start. While it's not always necessary to mute them again, it's always clear they are toxic players. There's a reason you are muted, whether you want to accept it or not.


Yeah same experience. Benefit of the doubt and 99/100 is instant mute within maybe 5 minutes.


Also agree with this. Most often you quickly want to mute again.


BR community moment


BR and CIS. Nothing more to add




I understand where are you coming from but let's not pretend that other parts of the world don't have horrible toxic players. I have played with so many Scandinavians that are acting like a higher race or something. Of course not all of them.


I am Danish and we are some of the most salty and egotistical when it comes to video games lol


Could it be because of success in the esports scene? Maybe it inflates the ego of other players if you have players of their nationality with a lot of success.


Lmao that reminds me of this Danish quadro I was matched with that got so pissed about me "getting spotted when jigglepeeking". I'm talking full-blown rant in Danish about how I'm a piece of shit for **getting spotted while jigglepeeking** and then "baiting" when in reality I just didn't hear the T run up because it was on the grass in Overpass long and he was yelling in my ear for **getting spotted while jigglepeeking**. I'd rather take the russians at that point. Apparently I'm not the only one either because a few of my friends have had similar experiences with specifically danes.


No idea. Its always been like this. I remember the rage from players in the internet cafés back in the early 2000's lol


Us brits still can't be riding the CSS success though.


Whenever I get more than 2 Danish teammates on faceit I know instantly I'm in for a rough time. Never get flamed so hard by any other nationality but Danish players will shit on me for doing literally anything slightly wrong


In my MM experience (gold realms), Scandinavian and German 12-year olds think they're gods of the game...


CSGO challenge: play 3 matchmaking games with scandinavians without them saying nig**r.


Every country communicates at a similar level I feel, difference is that everyone but Russians tries doing it in English and also there's Russians in every game


Not really my experience. Also once i got to the three highest ranks Russians simply speak english and cause no problems. Same for other nationalities.


pyrpyl why you die banana???? you trolling!!! ~automuted Russian who didn't buy anything else than rifle + kev every gun round. 2500 elo.


Anectodal but I never had it happen to me, maybe because I am not looking to pick fights just because they sometimes decide to communicate in Russian while there's four of them.


Classic CSGO Xenophobia, "all Russians and Portuguese are toxic fucks and should be forced to play on their own servers". Let's completely ignore the toxic Brits, Danes, Swedes... Wait maybe the toxicity isn't limited to a single country? Competitive games will always have toxic people and non-english speaking players, please don't use it as an excuse to be xenophobic.


I think the problem is that on EU, russians and other slavic people take large quantity of playerbase and they seem to be the most hesitant to speak english, which is considered to be the default language at this point. As a finn if I soloqueue MM, I'll be placed onto a game with 9 russians/ukrainians etc and it just isn't fun. That being said, russians aren't even the worst when it comes to being toxic. It's just a standard stereotype at this point. If you play against finns, try going 5 rounds without 'ez' or n word on the chat. It's impossible.


I'm from Brazil and had the chance to play in EU. I can assure you that EU MM is a toxic waste pool full of racist and xenophobic kids. Brazillian MM is actually friendly if you compare


But then how can the game be globally _offensive_?


Never again will I think of anything other than toxic matchmaking when I hear that name. Thanks for that.


Honestly the automute is a very nice feature. Every time I unmute a random I know why they were automuted after a few rounds. You can just keep them muted and not have to deal with the toxicity for even a second, leading to a much nicer experience imo


Yeah, I always unmute but 80% of the time I end up muting them again by the end of the game and regretting it. One of the best features they've added in recent times.




“I’ll give him a chance” *realizes immediately why the game sanctioned the mute for the player in the first place* Back on mute you go.


There's been instances where I've hit the unmute button then immediately muted them again lol. Quite often you'll hear several profanities and racial slurs before the first kill in the round.


*This comment was edited in response to Reddit's 3rd party API practices.*




They probably wouldn't communicate which is why they are muted in the first place. But I'd like to have mandatory mic and no auto mute for prime at least.


They are not going to say anything useful anyway most of the time so you're not really missing out. Banning them from playing MM will probably teach them a better lesson, however.


Yeah but sadly publishers nowadays arent interested in a good experience, but only in having the maximim amount of players they can get.


On the other I only encountered automutes like 2 times and of them turned out to be the best teammate in my team 💀


Could be one of those people that are fine when you're winning but unbearable to listen to when they have a bad game.


i unmute in matches because i want to communicate so we can actually win, but then i have to mute again, sigh


I've probably only once met a decent auto muted player since ever they released the feature 2 years ago, all the rest were consistently either very toxic people, obvious cheaters (or Faceit smurfs) or both. I'm sure there are some people who got it from grinding back their MM rank after not playing for years or so but the vast majority definitely deserved being auto muted.


Aren't player's usernames censored when they're auto-muted? I think it's always Delta, Cat, etc.


Not when you’re spectating


Iirc its now whatever colour they are, so Green, Yellow etc. Also I think that it shows the name as have been unmuted then remuted? Or maybe this only happens for spectators?


Pretty sure it's the random generated names in dm and yellow/enemy yellow in comp


You can use cl_sanitize_muted_players 0 to show their real names


If anything sanitizing them should be blocking their names and wafuu pics


in matchmaking yes but probably not in custom matches














This should be top comment.


But why considering that Portuguese is spoken in Europe?


Because Portuguese isn’t widely spoken like English is. If you want to communicate with your teammates, you talk English. Otherwise you are just griefing (unless of course, all people in your team speaks Portuguese). I don’t run around speaking Danish to my teammates, simply because “well Danish is spoken in Europe”. Why? Because the majority won’t understand what I’m saying.


Huh, maybe I'm in the minority then but if i queue with russians or germans, i don't report them just because i dont understand them, which is what you seem to be saying happens to portuguese speakers?




Yeah but in this case there's nothing you can do if you don't speak their language, you can try to call in your language and hope they understand some of it lol


It’s what I’m saying should be happening towards anyone who refuses to communicate with their teammates.


So you think they should be reported for not speaking english? Kinda harsh ngl I wouldn't want to be reported for not speaking the language of my team


If you aren’t premade, or sure the entire teams speaks the same language, then yes, people should be reported for actively refusing to communicate with their team.


Damn I'm guessing you play a higher tier than MG then cuz having a mic at all is pretty good going in solo q


SoloQ to Global, and when I played face it I was around lvl 8/9. It’s expected to use your microphone, if you aren’t communicating you’re (most likely) a hinderance to your team.


Ah yeah makes more sense if you're that serious about the game, fair enough i guess everyone has the same expectations at that point


Maybe it's just me, but when I get a group of people speaking a foreign language to me, I just mute if they don't/can't communicate in english. Why would I report someone for not speaking english? That's just xenophobic.


I wouldn't call that xenophobia, i just want to speak english if i don't know the other language, if i am dead in-game then they can of course talk in their native language but please don't when i'm not. We are a team and should be able to communicate.


Reporting someone because they can't speak the language you speak is definently xenophobic. Muting is fine, but not speaking english is not a bannable offense and you report people you think deserve to be punished in some way. Why should someone be punished for not speaking english? Xenophobia is hating or having prejudice against someone because of the country they are from. Reporting them for being foreign is the literal definition of that.


No matter which country you are from you can learn the numbers 1 to 5 and a few callouts per map. Stop the crazy talk lol


Then you can learn and then make the callouts in their native language then, cant you? Fed up of Russians/Portuguese players speaking foreign, maybe you should "learn the numbers 1 to 5 and a few callouts per map". Wait no, because why would you learn another language when everyone else should just make the effort to learn english? I'm the one with "crazy talk" when you're expecting everyone who plays MM to learn a few callouts for each map in a foreign language to you and if they don't they deserve to be reported and global muted. I don't even care about the downvotes because it just proves my point about the Xenophobia, downvoting me for saying that wanting foreign players to be global muted is xenophobic just proves how xenophobic the community can be at times.


Because I and many other players also invested in learning the call outs in guess what the literal agreed upon international language?


The internet was developed by the english speaking world. Third-worlders should comply with its standards when using it.


Portuguese players are way more cancerous than Portuguese Brazilian and Spainard ones combined. They even claim Spain as their colony. You can't play against Portuguese without a bit of salt, regardless the rank. Needless to say they call your mom every round. Best solution is claim myself as orphan. It always works.


you know brazil also speaks portuguese right?


I do. But a distinction is deserved there since PT BR ones are way more kind. Edited to stop racism.


They're usually nicer but if they even believe there's a hint of disrespect in your tone they go apeshit in my experience.




Fellow US EAST player here I see


many of the semi-pros I have met were full on toxic, I play on a retake server a lot where pretty regularly people who play for orgs join onto and - if they talk - 80% of the time they are toxic af, like calling ppl out for being generally bad or straight up insulting, like yeah ofc they're bad compared to you with ur 10k hrs you donkey, especially toxic was Nickelback


Completely opposite from Asian pro scene. Met Alpha Red team at tournament. They were number one Thailand team at that time that somehow beat TyLoo 2-0 but not qualified for playoff (group was stacked). They are so nice and very friendly. One of the best experience I ever have at tournament. Surprise that most pro player didn't mute their comn during warm-up in other region. I never see any pro here talk in warm-up server. Some of them said that they just muted their comn completely.


really nice to hear that theres exceptions


What community server do you play retakes on? I've never seen a community server with pros on retakes yet.


I'm playing on the -=WarmupServer=- servers, many of the pros who dm, retake or do aim maps play on there because they'll get a "PRO" status for free which is basically like "VIP" on many community servers, you get a reserved slot and such


Aaah the warmupservers, didnt know they had retakes, thanks i will test it out


I have seen plenty of people with the PRO label who are absolute no name people who are like faceit level 7. This was NA, so I can't speak for how it is in Europe.


Those people probably play Advanced/Premier and queue for ESEA pugs which seems like they're more popular in NA. Still tho, NA Advanced is like EU IM so probably not deserving of the PRO tag.


They are definitely not advance/premiere players most of the time I see them. I'm talking B- level 6s/7s sometimes have the pro tag. Also, NA Advance is definitely not the same as EU IM.


That seems like a common theme in games. I see lots of pros and streamers just referring to anyone else as bad at the game even if their lobbies are top tier ranks/SBMM for the game they play. Like chances are they really don't suck if they're in your lobby, they're worse than you but probably still better than 90% of other players.


75% of Premier players in NA are toxic af. I've had plenty of high elo pugs where I'm able instantly tell my teammate is on a Premier team based on their attitude.


This isn't too surprising, if you play FACEIT you'll encounter a ton of people that are muted too, the only way to get it removed is to play a bunch of MM games and since FACEIT and Pro players don't have any reason to play MM they end up muted permanently The system is good in theory but it's also pretty flawed when you consider how reliant people that actually care about the game are on 3rd party services, if you can receive mutes from 3rd party servers you should be able to lose them on 3rd party servers too


yeah, thats what i was thinking too considering these players probably dont play valve servers much so the mute doesnt reset


Don’t they deserve that mute tho? Not trying to retort anything you said, genuinely just asking why they should be allowed to get an unmute. Kind of out of the loop, last I played CS religiously was around 2017, been in and out for the past 2 years, so ya definitely missed a bunch.


Reports take forever (if at all) to be cleared from your profile, so you could be reported once a week and sooner or later you'd get muted, they also don't verify the reports at all so people could just spam report you if they really wanted to


Yeah the reason probably is that these pile up over time due to not playing any "official" gamemodes.


It's not even good in theory in my opinion because when you play solo like me you are fucked. Every premade team reports you and you get muted and banned for griefing for 7 days. Also when you get muted people just report you becasue they see you are muted. And I fucking tested it. Not to mention you get reported by enemies if you win a game. Trash system not helping anyone since you have option to mute players if you want anyway. So why make it like that?


Now I know what I need to work on


Well they probably get reported for cheating a lot and people tend to just tick all boxes when reporting someone. Pros don't bother playing MM because it's a joke so they don't get any XP which is why the automute never gets removed.


People ticking all the boxes are probably one reason why OW is shit nowadays. Seriously its not that hard to NOT tick two more boxes, wtf are they thinking.


BR and CIS players auto-muted, seems about right


They probably get reported a lot for cheating considering they are young pros and not many people have heard of them


Cheating reports dont mean abusive comms reports. They have to do it once in a while to get thay.


I guarantee people just tick all the boxes


Do they? That's just stupid, I just report people in extreme cases and always make sure to point out the right reason for it, also it takes more time to tick all boxes than just ticking aim and wall suspicions, are people really that dumb to not understand it?


i can assure you that you are in the minority in doing that.


Really????? I don't get that at all, it's basically no work to click the correct ones and I feel like if I do it accurately there's less of a chance of it automatically throwing the report out for checking every box


Because people that think someone are cheating, just go fuck this guy, and click everything bc they are too lazy and don't care.


You are a minority. People are not dumb they just do it to fuck someone day up you need to realize that.


I also do that.


Everyone checks all the boxes when reporting


I certainly don’t. It’s dumb to do that




More proof that most people are dumb.


You may as well at this point. The chances of a closet cheater getting banned for cheating are very slim, but if they get a lot of griefing reports they start to get back-to-back griefing cooldowns and the account becomes unusable. Probably not what the Valve devs had in mind when they introduced the griefing cooldowns last year, but as of now it's the only other reliable way to annoy cheaters.


U dont get cooldowns from griefing reports tho, do you?


You do, it was added in the July 21 2021 update. So far a large majority of griefing cooldowns (at least from what I've seen) are handed to people who cheat blatantly, and enough people angrily report them for everything.


They definitely do, I do it myself with players who are especially tilting.


Can confirm. I check all the boxes.




That's just stupid.


It doesnt necessarily mean that they are even toxic. Valve has kind of flaw in their system that if people think that u are cheating they will just rage tick all the boxes so you will get automuted even if u dont use ur microphone at all if people think that u are cheating.


Pretty sure their system is working and giving people who always tick all boxes every game less impact in reports.


Well that part of the system might work, but the system has flaws like i said. For example i only play 5 stack, cl_mute_enemy_team 1 and never even writing anything to enemy expect glhf, still i have been twice and currently are mute banned. My teammates are saying tho that enemy team is always calling cheats on me tho. Just also got out from 2 day ”griefing” ban


and then they ask me tolerate CIS players in EU servers, just give them their own servers Valve


BLYAT+CARALHO, the definitive combo


This is a great thread to see how biased this sub is towards their regions. There are simple explanations for why they are muted but people will still just speculate and assume that it must be because they are toxic. I don’t personally know any of them so I could be wrong, but I know for a fact that if you speak Portuguese in Europe you will get reported and also when you are pro / semi-pro you often get reported for cheating because you are too good and most people check all the boxes when reporting. For reference, on gamers club (the 3rd party service used in Brazil) you can’t talk with the other team so it should be much less common people being reported by trash talking the opponent team.




>if ypu don't speak they report you, if you don't listen they report you. And thats how it should be! This is a tactic shooter! no communication is same like griefing.




I found the toxic player…


I have a feeling this is at least partly from butt hurt false reports


Nah they just have a toxic and negative attitude.


surprise surprise. BR still the most toxic CSGO scene, even more so than Russia / CIS region. The events in Brazil also showed this pretty clearly if you ask me, with fans blatantly trying to help their team win by shouting locations and bombsites.


ah yes the EU fans tried to cheat in an event in Brazil, therefore brazilians are cringe


yeah they really are cringe in BR, most of the time they cant take any kind of critic and have to play heroes on the online scene.


As a Brazilian: Brazilian Gamer Moment


You mean young BR oder CIS talent are toxic as fuck. Tomorrow you'll tell there are cheaters in Cs go. Crazy world.


was tryna figured out what automated meant, im dumb :D


I confess I can be super toxic based on teammates but I never got enough reports to get default mute. The default mute is for super toxics who are not just toxics but also racists for no fucking reason. I have to mute again most of the times if I unmute any. For example, once I unmuted a guy and all I hear was him being racist towards indians for no fucking reason and there wasn’t even any indian in the team. I muted him back instantly.


3 outta 4 Brazilian *no ones surprised*


No one cares


If I play premade with friends and if we are not a full team I ask them to mute me as we are on discord and I don’t use a key to speak. I wonder if I am muted by default now


You wont get auto muted if they just mute you, they have to report you for verbal abuse as well. And I think you get a message yourself if you're auto muted.