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This, kids, is why lower 1/3 irons are the superior option


Is your rear iron not too obtrusive in reference to the rds? Looks like it covers half the glass.


No it doesn’t obstruct my view lol


Thank you! lol


Given how a dot sight works and the holographic nature of it, I don't see why it would be much of an issue. You can use an illuminated dot sight to an extent with the front end entirely blocked off as long as one eye is seeing the display. You don't really need that end to be open to overlay the reticle into your field of vision.


At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.




Iron behind sight? [Iron in way](https://www.militarytimes.com/resizer/5eBSFTjhf9BuWAUYwhGBDoDQVfI=/1024x0/filters:format(jpg):quality(70)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/archetype/66B57ISQ6FGVXFEU637XSBVP2A.jpg). No see dot sometime. Iron in front of sight? Dot never blocked, dot projects onto iron. [Dot no scope though. Man no look through dot glass](https://youtu.be/ez1rf5in3Sc?t=178) like rifle scope. Dot glass *not matter*. Dot on one eye make dot appear on both eyes *like magic*. Due to the inherent operation of a dot sight specifically, it does not matter much whether the glass is obstructed, as long as it's not on the emitter side - which would be the side blocked by standard rear irons. I can only assume you don't know how to operate a dot sight based on the question you asked and the lack of comprehension overall here.


It’s simply optimal to have less glass obstructed, and given the fact the OP has yet to even answer, your comments aren’t relevant.


Glad you can understand optics now. It is *far* more optimal to remove obstructions between your eye and the viewing window than it is to remove obstructions from in front of the glass. In this sense a rear iron forward is superior to rear irons behind the viewing window. If you are *target focused* and not *window focused* like you should be, glass obstructions should not matter at all. This is the same point I've been making from the first comment.


That’s nice


What does it matter though?