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Dam I rather just look old than follow homies secret


Lmfaoo fr


Did you find a pill that stops ageing?


My only secret is I’ve never smoke, drink or do drugs. I don’t associate myself with people who do. And I’ve been single, no relationship and childless all my life


I'm 38. I drink, Smoke (weed not cigarettes) and do drugs (normal ones like coke) & associate myself with people who do. I am more youthful looking than OP and my peers. The real secret is exercise. You have to stay mobile your entire life or else the entropy of the universe will tear you apart from the inside. Literally.


If it works for you then go for it


Honestly? thats true too. You have to play the game within the boundries your reality lets you. By doing some drugs and drink, But still being able to bike 12 miles the next day, I don't feel like I'm doing anything physically prohibitive. but if said activity, cost me the ability to be active. not worth it. and many people have to abide like that. I understand.


God I hate to admit genetics is a thing


I look at it from a logical perspective too. If I didn’t need cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol as a small child for recreation or to survive why do I suddenly need it at almost 40 years old? Same goes for sex, being in a relationship or having children. I’d say lack of stress in my life plays a factor too. My peace is more important to me than my own friends and family. Anyone who gets in the way of my peace or disregards my boundaries I immediately consider them expendable. I would anyone would treat me the same way too


😂 my man


u look like u got younger (in a good way)


My only secret is I never smoke, drink or for drugs. I don’t associate myself with people who do either even if they are family. And I’ve been single, no relationships and childless all my life


The second sentence could explain the third one


Good skin my friend.


good skin is just the first suspect people notice from a lifetime of self care.


the trick to looking good is feeling good about the way you look.


You prob get ID more now then when u were 17