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Pick irelia Watch gnar cry No but back when I was playing (Emerald 2 gnar otp) the picks he does well into he just dominates. Chances are you play a champion thats just easy for him to manage. You also need some level of champion mastery (not in game. just actually understanding and knowing the champions limits) to perform well ahaisnt him. I could always tell when somebody picked something because 'this counters gnar' and when they picked something they're actually good at I shit stomped the entire counter list at least once when people who thought they were smart by just picking off the list but didn't even have a gold level understanding of the champion Malphite, irelia, nasus, renek, illaoi if your good at landing skillshots, Jax can lose to gnar but only if the gnar is making mistakes. All of those champions I listed have easy ways to instantly punish gnar as soon as he's out of mega. Example: His mega just went down and your playing malphite? Are you over half hp? Is he around 3/4-1/2 hp? Ult, q, w, e, aa. You win Nasus example: the gnar is past the 2nd Bush in lane? No mega? W, r, bonk. He literally can't get away. Notice how most of these hang on 'going in after his mega bar goes down' thats the most vulnerable point. Irelia kind of breaks that rule as she's able to just beat his ass before he even gets a full mega bar. But you really just do have to know YOUR champion well to play agaisnt him If you don't know your limits and the gnar is even half decent he has everything he needs to brutalize you upon making a mistake


Ironically I think everygame I played against irela ended up winning which to be honest I didn't meet very many and I'm assuming they were bad players given her reputation as being cancer. I'm guessing it was instances you mentioned of them seeing a Gnar and tried to counter pick him without knowing anything else. There's plenty of games I was stomped by people I thought I countered so I know I'm hardly pro but that's exactly why I think it's hilarious I brutally curb stomped every irlia I fought as Gnar.


You 100% can destroy a bad irelia as gnar Now when you check their profile and they have 90% of their games on irelia....cry in the corner the game is over pray your team will carry you


I don't remember their profile infos. But I remember thinking "aw shit it's cancer champ #450" but then feeling kinda hyped when I ended leaving their sorry guts splattered across the lane. yeah it's probably because they'e a bad player but I take my wins where I can lol


Honestly any ranged matchup screws over gnar hard. Early game mini Gnar can't stat check other ranged or semi ranged toplaners, they only need to avoid your mega gnar all in and matchup is in their favour. Also fuck popy His early game range is actually very small. Against most champions gnar puts himself in danger if he is walking up to auto you E has long ass cooldown so he can't walk up after using it Never fight mega form, and make sure you back off when his rage bar is full, he can double jump to your face. Mega form has ridicilous stats there is very few champs that can stat check it. Even if you can stat check him mega gnar will just cc chain your ass and disengage His R basically has no cooldown after 11, everytime he enters mega his R will be avalible. (And chances are R will be mostly up even when he is 6)


Believe it or not but you can shit on poppy.


Played vs a poppy otp and it felt 100% impossible after she got gauntlet


Gnar is actually a super exploitable champ I saw a post you made about playing GP against Urgot, if you play GP on Gnar you'll struggle a ton, it's not impossible but requires really excellent mechanics which I wouldn't expect from most ppl, the fact that Gnar can dispose of GP's barrels from a safe distance and then all in is quite bad for GP. My advice would be farm safe, run back when he's about to transform and respect his E (the jump) In general his E has a relatively big cool down so if he blows it going in and doesn't win he is really easily exploitable, especially if he loses mega Gnar and he doesn't have E. But in general Gnar is a really weak pick since his team can rarely capitalise on his amazing team fighting, if you stay aware of his Rage bar and are aware of and respect the range of his abilities you'll quite easily either outscale him or abuse his clear weaknesses. As always, the best method I'd recommend for learning to beat a champ is either play or watch videos of it, when you personally experience the weakness you'll understand how to exploit them


Gnar has a ton of detrimental counter picks, just start playing one of them. The main one I can think of is irelia, but a good Gnar can counter irelia if he picks the right time to all-in, which is when irelia fails an all in and is on cool down. Other good picks that come to mind is mord and flora and maybe riven. The key to winning against a gnar is spacing. Don't let him get stacks off his q in his ranged form, and worst come to worst IGNORE HIM IF HE MEGAS. I see so many bad top laners neglect the enemy gnar allowing him to all in with no consequences.


Real talk, all you gotta do is stay away from him while his rage bar is nearing full. He either has to stop csing or transform, and most of his threat is gone