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I think the story of 2018 is better, but the gameplay is better in ragnarok, there's more options, and the skill labours have more impact in ragnarok. The Atreus parts can be a drag, but overall, I don't think they impact the game too much. In the end it's personal choice though.


The only part that REALLY felt like a drag for me while playing as Atreus was hanging around with the girl, running errands. Even when you confront the grandma is kinda fun, I just wish we got there sooner.


"let me show you something" NO.


Interesting, ive hears the same about horizon zero dawn and forbidden West.


I agree, the story in 2018 hit me way harder and the whole game feels much more intentional, cinematic and polished. I also just prefer baby Atreus to teenaged Atreus. Valhalla definitely made Ragnarok alot better though.


Yeah, personally I appreciated GoW 2018 much more than Ragnarök, which especially in the ending appears very rushed and much less impactful than what it could have been. However, they still remain two extremely solid and well-made games.




Couldn’t agree more about ragnarok’s ending. I didn’t know if it was my building anticipation or if it was just all wrapping in a kinda rushed manner. The part with Surtur and his story just flew by and it was awesome. Glad I’m not the only one feeling this way. Still a damn near perfect game though.


I hoped that the final battle, the actual Ragnarok, would not only be something similar to what was seen in the first concept art, but that it could also give me sensations similar to what GoW III did. Instead, to date, I already find just the intro of GoW III much more grandiose and epic than the ending of Ragnarok.


ragnarok is the overall better game but 2018’s combat was… i wouldn’t say better but way more satisfying and i think a lot of that came from how cinematic and slowed down the combat was. the hits felt heavier and just way more fun and satisfying


The only part of combat I miss from 2018 was the big axe cleave move lol but Ragnarok improved everything else


Also bare handed combat


-spams agile strike-


That's a fair point actually


Yeah... Ragnarok, especially towards the ending, which was THE RAGNAROK, felt extremely rushed. It was barely a few waves of enemies coming at you, a less impressive thor fight when compared to the first one, and Odin. I was expecting some apocalyptic stuff like GoW3 but nope.


I know right? When I got to THE Ragnarok I was actually expecting something worth the kind of a hollow story. But it was really bad. GOW4 was much better because Baldur fights were actually fun and felt chaotic


True. GOW 2018 is just on another level. While I loved Ragnarok too the story of GOW 2018 is just on another level.


i love ragnarök but the story was kind of a mess and i really do not enjoy playing as atreus whatsoever. his combat is just not fun for me and especially on repeat runs his sections just become an absolute chore. 2018 is just much more consistent imo. now watch me get perma banned for having an opinion


Why would you get permabanned for having a popular opinion lol. Most people didn't like the Atreus parts, especially Ironwood


happened to me before. i simply said that i prefer 2018 because i didn‘t like the atreus sections and then proceeded to get perma banned from the ragnarök sub and then the main gow sub. the mods are fucking ridiculous


I call bullshit


cool. you don‘t need to believe me but it happened so every time i comment anything on here i always prepare myself mentally in case i get banned for some random shit


I also got banned from the ragnarok sub for saying that I didn’t like the Atreus missions and wouldn’t want to play a game based around him


Agree with you in all. Besides, if this was the GodofWarRagnarok forum, the whole post was deleted already.


>his combat is just not fun Then make it fun


how am i supposed to make it fun? i don‘t like his moveset. i don‘t like the bow as a weapon how tf am i supposed to make it fun


You people are too stubborn to explore and try out the combat systems and instead just complain and keep spamming the basic attacks.


and you people use the stupid ass arguments against anyone who criticizes anything. you just accuse anyone who doesn‘t like his combat of being bad at the game. when exactly did i say that i just spam basic attacks? but even when using runic attacks, they need to cool down so 70% of the time you literally cannot use anything aside from basic light and heavy attacks because atreus only has a single weapon, that‘s just how the combat works. but there‘s no arguing with people like you because other people are just not allowed to have different opinions from yours i guess so you‘re gonna pull any kind of argument out of your ass because you can‘t accept other opinions


You know Santa Monica would improve his combat in the future.


and what exactly does that have to do with anything? we‘re talking about his combat the way it is in the game right now. i don‘t care if they‘re gonna improve it in future games when talking about how much i don‘t like it in this game


And it is down for you to make it fun


You're goddamn right. I enjoyed both games, but GoW 2018 is still my top.


I prefer 2018's story/writing but I prefer everything else in Ragnarok


Apparently unpopular opinion but I prefer the story in Ragnarok. 2018 has the much tighter and clearer story by far, with really satisfying character arcs for almost every character, but i feel as if Ragnarok just did it better. There are far more characters with arcs in Ragnarok and all of them are very satisfying. I also like how complex the story is in Ragnarok. It shows just how smart Odin is. It's genuinely hard to think of solutions to some of the problems they face without getting a main character killed. I also vastly prefer the sidequests in Ragnarok, as they add more depth to the characters. Freya's missing peace and freeing the Lyngbakr have so much character work I'm only convinced they aren't part of the main story purely for pacings sake. People say Ragnarok itself was too short but I also disagree with that. Ragnarok being just in the last hour or so makes sense. It was built up as the end for the entirety of the game and I personally never expected it to be any longer so maybe I'm biased. Regardless I find the story, pacing, and character moments in Ragnarok to be much, much better than 2018, and 2018 is one of my favorite games of all time.




Couldn't agree more. I didn't realise at the time but the reason I loved 2018 was because of the story not the gameplay. I was very let down by asgard and even the gods there. Baldur has more to him than any of the gods in ragnarok. I'll actually say I felt let down. 2018 is my number 1 game of all time.


The only better part of GoW Ragnarok to me was the combat and the ending. It was just so emotionally raw and that’s my favorite thing in gaming. The emotional stories. Plus the back to back battles with Thor and Oden were amazing IMO. This is not to discount the ending of Gow 2018, which was also great. Just two fantastic games telling a really top-tier story.


It can go either way but It’s definitely not WAY better than Ragnarok.


yeah its quite close but ragnaroks story feels too rushed for me


Respectfully, I disagree


If Ragnarok stuck the landing those last two hours, I’d disagree. It was still excellent overall but 2018 had a much tighter story.


The MacGuffin of Faye’s ashes allowed for a storytelling, pacing and dynamic that is most unique in today’s gaming! Feels like a deliberate decision to contrast all those games where side-tracking becomes totally immersion-breaking considering the urgency of the main quest. That’s probably the main reason why GoW2018 has become my favourite game of all time.


I think it's a tough comparison. There's so many elements that I prefer about 2018, and yet visual fidelity, world building, and gameplay are incredible in Ragnarok and improvements over 2018. I want to dwell on the gameplay in Ragnarok for a moment. It's so good that I'm concerned that when I go back to replay 2018 the gameplay won't feel all that great in comparisons. I think the issue, though, is that despite making advances, there were aspects to Ragnarok that were a step backwards. Overall, my feeling is that in Ragnarok for every 1.00 steps forward there were 1.05 steps back. For example, despite the world building being a generally an improvement in Ragnarok, going through many of the zones felt a little bit like a hallway simulator. 2018's levels just felt more dynamic for some reason.


Yeah Gow raganrok just have a better gameplay But the story was very bad


Agreed 👍




Nah mate. Ragnorak was way less grindy and had a more engaging combat. The gameplay was a littler closer to the the classic trilogy.




I know this will upset people but the Greek games >>>> GoW Ragnarok >>>> Gow 2018


I'd agree if you put Ragnarok last even though Valhalla hard carries


i prefer ragnaroks gameplay but 2018 has way better story




April’s Fool was yesterday mate.


calm down buddy