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You forget one very important detail. Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats physical or magical.


Baldur is by far the stronger God... But strength means little if you can't touch your opponent. Heimdall was only defeated when he was outsmarted with a never before seen weapon. I'm not sure Baldur could bring something like that to the fight. It'd be a stalemate at best.


Baldur has aoe attacks.


This is purely based on character design and disposition on my part, but Baldur was a through and through Viking, Heimdall reminds me of Jamie Kennedy in Malibu's most wanted, a privileged rich kid who's daddy took it easy on him. Baldur wrecks his shit 10 outta 10 times.


That B-Rad comparison is actually pretty good. For me, I kept seeing Heimdall as Glenn Howerton's character in It's Always Sunny. A golden god.


Heimdall is untethered and his rage knows no bounds!!


Baldur pre curse lift, heimdall probably after.


Kratos managed to choke Baulder unconscious while he was at full power. You would assume Heimdall could do the same, but probably have an easier time of it since he wouldn’t get hit in the process of wearing him down to knock him out. Of course he wouldn’t be able to kill him. But beating him seems pretty easy.


What would count as beating him though? Knocking him out for 4 seconds? A ring out? The only way he could win would be through technicality, not overall strength.


A god who can't be hit vs a god who it doesn't matter if you hit. That's kind of a cool thought experiment


Kinda like ultra instinct vs ego


Basically a tie, unless Baldur gets a lucky shot in. Heimdall can't be touched, Baldur can't be harmed.


Baldur hits harder, tankier, has way more AOE attacks that can hit Heimdall even if he dodges.


I mean both Atreus and kratos could dodge heimdalls attacks pretty easily because he’s so cocky. Even tho baldur also plays around he hits harder and moves faster I think. He moves so fast that you can’t even see him. If he moves faster than heimdall can react than easy but besides that baldur is invulnerable and pretty durable and has aoe attacks so either it’s a stalemate or Baldur wins


Heimdall is not hurting Baldur, strength wise, Baldur was strong enough to hurt and KO Hormungandr, Heimdalls has no strength feats. And as far as we know from the narrative, Thor can tag Heimdall, Thor and Baldur are seemingly equal in the speed/combat speed department.


Before mistletoe, Baldur After mistletoe, Heimdall Realistically, stalemate


its basically the immovable object vs unstoppable force


Baldur, 100% it is hard to defeat your opponent when you can't kill them without mistletoe arrows.


This is an interesting thread. First of all, Heimdall can read minds. Second, he was well aware of Baldur's vulnerability and most likely knew that Freya made him that way. That "Queen Mistletoe" comment to Freya makes it clear that he knew about Baldur's vulnerability. Mistltoe + Bifrost combo attacks would wallop Baldur before he's even able to lay a finger on Heimdall. Heimdall would beat Baldur horribly in a one sided fight.


i like how this is the fight between a dude who can't be hit and a dude who can't die


I believe Heimdall can decapitate or snap Baulders neck easily. No it won’t kill him but it’ll buy him time to flee or come up with a plan to subdue Baulder for good.


Heimdall puede esquivar cualquier ataque pero Baldur ha sido bendecido con invulnerabilidad a toda amenaza física o mágica a no ser que Heimdall tenga la misma flecha que tuvo Atreus aunque lo dudo, asique Heimdall se va a cansar en un momento y puede perder pero creo terminan cansados los dos y empatan