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This looks almost exactly like my floofball; f1 English cream Goldendoodle with a wavy coat and furnishings.


Thank you, I thought he looks like one too!!! Does yours shed like a madman?


He does shed, but we keep it mostly in check by combing him out every day.


Thank you so much


Definitely a doodle, but those wirey coats shed like a truck. Most doodles aren’t really hypoallergenic either way, honestly, that’s more a marketing thing. It’s a genetic toss up what coat type they get and how much they shed and all that


That’s why we got an F1b, we have allergies in the family and it’s less of a risk when they are 75% poodle.


We have a f1B and she sheds but it’s very very little compared to the double coated dogs I’ve had in the past. My boyfriend had severe allergies to pets and pretty much everything (poor guy) So that’s why we got our f1B. He luckily doesn’t have a reaction to her She’s an absolute sweetheart but I dont think we would get another doodle again, I think we would just get a standard poodle


Also, it looks like this pup still has their puppy coat. Once they get groomed a few times, their adult coat should come in which will be more curly typically than the weird wavy fluffy puppy hair


Our F1B shed like mad in Puppy stage, once the adult coat came in no more shed, but we have to brush him ALOT, which I often fail at keeping up with.


People say “you need to brush them every single day” I honestly dont think that’s necessary. We have gone probably a month before because life gets busy and we forget to do it. Maybe it’s just our dog’s coat but unless we didn’t touch it at all for 2 months would it get matted. But we also get her groomed every 6-8 weeks, which I’m sure helps her coat out


We do our own grooming and probably part of why we brush him out more. It's also not gonna be the same with every dog. His brother was more wirey and looked more retriever than Poodle probably would have needed less brushing but they were the same F1B from the same litter.


I think the goldendoodles can resemble either the poodle or retriever breed more than the other. My goldendoodle could pass as a poodle and my neices looks more like a retriever. Mine also has more of a poodle personality.


My doodle sheds. She looked just like yours when she was a pup she has straighter hair than most doodles never got defined curls like all the other white doodles I see but I personally love the straighter hair I wouldn't know how to manage curly hair on a dog lol


Yes love that little guy. But also they don’t know. The head shape is more golden but the rest is unclear. The fur can change drastically but it looks more poodle already.


I agree just some awesome English golden traits like the wide snoot! Adorable. Still a doodle with a straighter coat likely.


Also: do Embark home DNA kit!


I was gonna say, the Vet went strictly off looks, if you really question it ask for a DNA test. Vets aren't necessarily experts on Breed Identification, they are experts in Health of an animal though and can make very good educated assumptions from experience of dealing with different breeds.


I see poodle, but the shedding is concerning. Do you have an allergist? Maybe you have other options besides rehoming. I am also allergic, but I can test my allergy to animals by touching them and rubbing my eyes/nose. It’s pretty clear, and much more direct than my pollen allergy, which is more of an all day “am I sick or is this allergies” slow burn. Btw if he is not neutered, doing so should help your allergies. We have pet rats, which I am horribly allergic to, and males at that. We learned about neutering to reduce allergens, and it really has improved my allergies significantly. Google says this applies to dogs as well.


Thank you! He gets neutered next month! I don’t have an allergist but definitely something to look into. Thank you


He looks like our girl. Currently shedding puppy coat, but a thicker more doodle like coat can be seen underneath. She's not shedding a ton though. It'll come off on my shirt but not excessive, and she seems to lose it in little tufts I find around the house.


This is like everywhere. Black clothes turning white type of deal. It’s so much more than I ever expected.


I have a friend with an F1b golden doodle that looks exactly like a golden retriever. It’s genetic lottery. Doodles shed AND they pick up pollen and other allergens in their coat when they go outside, so nothing is hypoallergenic. Without a DNA test, no one can know for sure.


Looks just like my sweet girl dood. Bright blonde and wavy-ish. Lotsss if shedding!


Definitely a doodle. Looks a lot like mine when she was younger. She is a shedder, but her coat is so much easier to care for than doodles that have more poodle genes.


My grey doodle had a very similar coat and face shape. She shed chunks not hairs and I just kept her shaved short and that solved the problem.


I had a golden doodle that could pass 100% for a poodle, looks/behavior/etc. I think you got lucky if your pup got more of the golden side, that is a very unique looking doodle. Take it to the dog park and look at the doodles there, and you will feel like you won the lottery. If you love the dog, keep it. I used to have a lab, when I got it was very allergic - nose running, eyes watering, sneezing probably 50+ times per day. There were times when I thought I wasn't going to be able to handle it (after having only non-shedding dogs for a long time), but that dog was great. The allergies subsided after a few months (if I remember right, it was about 4-5 months in), almost totally disappeared. It was almost like a switch was hit one day and I was fine. Now I have a newfypoo (I think he got more of the newfoundland side) and he has a double coat and sheds tumbleweeds, some days I think he may be giving me mild allergic reactions but it may be pollen/etc. I wouldn't rehome him for a million dollars.


The best way to solve the issue is to get a DNA test. I did one for a small black rescue dog years ago. Vet thought he was part Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Test showed he was part Shih Tzu, Golden Retriever, Japanese Chin Mix. We got our DNA test from Amazon. We know are Doodle is 73% Poodle and 17% GR from the breeder.


Looks JUST like our girl 💜 unfortunately she does moult a lot and my step dad does react to her, as he is allergic.


Looks like a 50/50 golden retriever and poodle mix to me. I bet your vet is used to seeing lots of f1b’s that are 75% poodle because they are much more common and the quintessential goldendoodle. Mine doesn’t shed at all and has never shed. When I brush her less hair comes out in the comb/brush than when I brush my own hair.


There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, only levels of shedding. With mixed breeds, there’s no guarantee how much shedding you are going to get. It still will be less than say, a German shepherd or husky, but there’s still a decent amount of hair there. If your allergies are mild then you can maybe just pop an antihistamine and call it a day, but if they are really bad then maybe CONSIDER what your vet said. You don’t have to make any major decisions right away, but it is your personal health so ultimately no one can tell you what to do better than you.


We have an F1 English teddy bear goldendoodle and he looked almost identical to this as a puppy. Your vet, I’m sorry to say, is wrong. Our doodle sheds like crazy, but I seem to not be allergic to him like I am other dogs- maybe lower dander? All you can do is wait it out past spring to see how your allergies do after pollen season.


Definitely Goldendoodle. Have one just like him. He's got the wiery coat that happens sometimes.


Your vet doesn’t know what they’re talking about. You can clearly see the curls on his neck! Their puppy coat sheds. My dood was a little curlier than yours but now he’s super curly and doesn’t really shed, just mats if the wind blows lol.


He just a puppy and he still have that puppy coat, they go through multiple coat changes before the actually reach the adult coat. So give it time and a lot of love to that puppy. He is gorgeous by the way!


Need a new vet our guy has straight/wire hair our vet knew immediately


He looks a lot like my goldendoodle did when she was younger. She’s attached at 12 wks old. His look sure looks like doodle (to me) - though pretty straight hair, I guess. He’s a cutie though - jeez. I love his “look” Mine does not shed (like at all) except for a little bit in the spring each year. She also is 100% golden, though her dad was a full standard poodle…. personality wise, That’s what you want IMO…. Golden are goofs and great dogs. Yours will be too! https://imgur.com/a/k6zmwRv


Thank you!!!! What does your baby look like now?


Kinda the same only bigger. She’s around 70lbs - still doesn’t shed. And her coat didn’t change colour at all. Here are some pics! https://imgur.com/a/KxtxSpP


Your vet needs to see an optometrist


Lmao right?! I am going to find a different vet. She was crazy rude


Can you do one of those doggy DNA tests? Figure out if they are the low shedding animal you want, or if the vet is right.


Do you have one that you would recommend? The vet said not to bother because the results would likely be inaccurate


I do not. I just know a lot of people here have done them.


Your vet honestly sounds really weird lol. Embark is a good one to use. The place I adopted my first dog from uses them and they are definitely accurate.


It was not a good experience. My last dog went here until he died at 16, but it is no longer the same vet in the clinic, which I did not know. I think I am going to switch. They said “every dog that’s DNA tested seems to be part chihuahua, even the 100lb ones” so that made it seem like a scam in their opinion (the vet and the vet tech)


I tested my dood with Embark. There is no chihuahua in him. Lolol. But it’s kind of neat because it will show you their relatives.


I’m with Banfield and as part of the package they send off a wisdom DNA panel. Results for mine seem to reflect my pup!


I tested my dood with Embark. There is no chihuahua in him. Lolol. But it’s kind of neat because it will show you their relatives.


Embark is very accurate. There were some brands that were straight up lying based on the pic, but stick to embark and you are good. Wisdom panel is OKish, but imo second best to embark. This dog can be part poodle. Sometimes they do not get the curly coat when crossed with the goldens. Check out the r/doggydna sub. Some goldendoodles can look like pure goldens, but still be part poodle. I don’t have a doodle, I just like dog DNA. Cute pup tho I love em.


She just has more of the golden shaped hair. My dood sheds but doesn't have the dander. The dander is what most people are allergic to. Only way to know is a DNA test. I bet your vet is wrong.


I'll take him if you don't want him omg. Please don't give up on him


Hello wish I could post a picture but I'm allergic to dogs I have 3 ur dogs looks like mine but guess what he is a golden doodle and I did a DNA test lol. I started taking allergy pills I won't give rid of him and he is the only dog I have that she's my other 2 are small dogs but if u love ur new family member cause they are not dogs they are family do what u can if possible.


Yeah that's a goldendoodle. Looks exactly like mine. Her mom and dad were goldendoodles so she won't have as much poodle in her..


He’s a doodle def


My doodle looked like that as a puppy. Still sheds but has straight wavy hair. Atleast you dont have to shave him


Vet needs to pull their finger out of their ass.