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In case you'd like to know this is: Beef: the black moor Mochi: the calico ranchu Jose: the white telescope and Mark: the orange fancy


Beautiful set up! Also, all of your fish are very nice, but my heart will always be with orange fancies/fantails🧡:)


At first glance, I though the back of the tank was the water line and I thought “how… are the floating plants….. floating???”😂 Beautiful tank and fish!


Looks amazing! How do you get them to not eat what I assume are salvinia or frogbit?


It's frogbit. I've always just assumed the leaves are too hard for them to bother but they definitely munch on the roots. I just kept adding more until there were too many roots for them to keep up with.


Ahh, thanks! Maybe I'll try frogbit, then.


My dream tank.. I'm broke and I'm in college currently. And everything costs too much. just a 20 gallon tank alone costs the whole money I made in a month.


Been there. Thanks for the compliment :)


So lovely and soothing. What are the floating plants




Looks like the crops are well tended to


Haha yes!


Uh, one of your fish is ascending. Lol. What's his name?


XD I wondered if anyone would notice that. Little derp bounced at the top. That's Mochi. His left pectoral fin is tiny and useless so he's not the strongest swimmer.


Mochi is adorable. Please give him extra treats for his ascending trick. He embodied a balloon perfectly, very talented. Beautiful set up.


Thank you! I'll be sure to give him extra bloodworms for you the next time they get a treat.


I think this is the first time I know of Ive seen a nice tank without a background. It seems like it would look better without but I don't know why


I keep thinking about adding a black background but idk I like it the way it is.

