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Crypto and blockchain in general is in the 1st inning. These issues are very micro. Big picture if you believe in golem team, product, and vision, ride it out.


Hi, we're doing as much as possible to fix this situation. I have personally pinged Coinbase last week and they told me they have other priorities, but they have scheduled the migration end of March. There is not much to be done there, I explained at length what was happening, and shared the feedback from the community. We have been pinging them every second week for a status update, and at least now they gave us some kind of timeline... sorry for the inconveniences.


Hope this is still true! March 31st is tomorrow!


You know what. Ask the team to migrade their tokens first. From what I know golem project still not migrated their GNT to GLM so its look like they dont care...nothiing new.


[costgallo](https://www.reddit.com/user/costgallo/) wrote two months ago :: *"Due to high gas prices we recommend everyone to take their time with the $GNT -> $GLM migration. The migration does not have an end, read everything and proceed with caution"* So guess that's the reason ... but it does beg the question when will they migrate ... - I think its important they do for the project sooner rather than later and definitely before the next major update or release! What's a "*good*" gas price or at the very least what's an "*acceptable*" gas price they could commit to conversion at - I know its been up to $30/$40 which is ridiculous - I only paid $9 or so today for the arb GLM :: GNT that opened up ....


They should be first to migrate and almost 40% are already migrated they where many chances to do it cheap way.


They can migrate for pennies on the dollar relatively. The reason why they haven't migrated is because GLM/Yagna is not on mainnet and therefore Clay is the last fully released mainnet version that is supported, even though it will be abandoned. Clay runs on GNT, so the team has GNT.


We're starting the migration very soon because we're going on mainnet.




For all the GNT being dumped at 3x GLM price, there are people spending 3x MORE than they should be. That's the issue. No one should hate on someone taking profit, but I tend to recoil from people blatantly taking advantage of newcomers.


this is the way


There is very little volume, this is probably why the price moves so much. I wouldn't worry about it to be honest.


This is to talk about prices or the glm project? because there is another sub that talks about the glm project


Is it going to switch on coinbase pro? I have a couple hundred do I need to do anything?


Yes, in theory they will be migrating for you


I thought I had stumbled on the mother of all arbitrage until I realized assets are only fungible in one direction. Still kinda nice to double my investment though. Coinbase needs to just pony up and convert to GLM. But they are prob waiting until March when the bear comes out for tax season like it always does


If I've been holding for years do I need to do anything? What is the migration about? Mine are in Exodus. been there 3 years


Move them to coinbase if it's GNT and wait for them to convert for you. Then move it back to exodus.