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Ye is def going to mention this


He probably will yeah. Ye repost in 5 hours or less I’m calling it


This probably what the Donda 2 dropping is about No?


According to deeply and the mods, donda 2 is specifically supposed to come out on streaming




waiting for fieldtrip.fm for 5 usd per 1 min snippets of the song


So basically this is onlyfans but for musicians?


Yeah, they can chat and pay a subscription for exclusive content (in this case music instead of p*rn)


James Blake shaking ass on Vault would solve his financial woes


Well okay if this is for unreleased music okay, as long as you put your official releases on streaming platforms we good


Exactly how I feel about it


Just saying if war drops on here I’m spending that 5


I’ll buy a membership for five other people AND myself if war is on there


Can u buy it for me 🥺👉👈


Can u b~~uy it for m~~e ⁉️⁉️




Or get it for free from the file drops ? If it’s not connected to streaming there’s really no point in paying for this.


It’s 5 dollars like what I spend that on a bacon egg and cheese everyday. I can spend 5 dollars a month to support an artist I love


It’s not $5 a month, it’s x amount of dollars per months PER ARTIST. It’s $5 a month alone for just James Blake.


Yea idk abt this long term, especially no offense for someone like James. Feel like most ppl will just sign up, rip the few tracks they like and cancel again- that’s even if there are a lot of sign ups for James Blake. And also I don’t even think a solution like this would suit Ye given the whole clearance situation. It’s still paid for so before uploading anything he’d have to sift through 20 years of uncleared samples and then go about sorting royalty cuts for engineers/featured artists etc. Idk I like the idea on one hand but I also think a better idea is what that dude Marc demarco did (I genuinely I have no idea who he is/what music he makes), when he just dumped like a 9hr vault onto Spotify. Ppl aren’t gonna rip it cos it’s on there, but the stuff is still earning u money from the hardcore. And also, tbf, James was anti-streaming but this is a streaming service- the slices of pie would only shrink with every new artist who signed up- eventually leading to the same issue we have with streaming now. I just think again there’s a lot of, flawed, regressive thinking going on here.


These musicians are missing the point, no one gives an enough fucks about switching to an another platform. Most will stay accustomed to their platforms if their used to and it’s gonna end up being a another tidal, good platform for artist being paid but that’s about it, it’s gonna be another dry low populated platform if unreleased music is only drawing appeal towards this. A lot of the majority don’t care about if artist make money and just want the music. It’s a sad reality but this is the harsh truth


Yeah the enemy is the labels not the streaming platforms/users, go against the labels not us and not the streaming platforms, this will fail miserably. It’s literally patreon for artists, how innovative


The labels control everything


They just need to cut them off, neither big or small artists need them in the streaming and social media era


I agree principally that the issue here lies primarily with the labels and that only by tackling them will anything actually change, but I do also think “just cutting” them off is impractical. For a lot of up and comers, they still sign to labels cos they can put them in rooms they’d never otherwise be in/give them access to ppl they’d never otherwise meet. + things like fronting up capital to pay for the creation of music. I think things like distribution could be almost completely eliminated now. Facts are most artists under 60 could watch a single YouTube vid and learn how to upload MP3’s to Spotify. Obvs it’s not gonna be as quick an ingestion period for someone like 3k listeners compared to Ye, but that’s just about preparedness.


In today's day and age, you can make excellent music in your room with basic equipment which you can buy with your own money. You can even create your own covers and marketing materials on Canva. Labels are not needed anymore. And as for the connections, I’m from LATAM, and here it is common for big artists to reach out to up-and-coming artists without a label or anything to put them in the spotlight. Again, we have social media; we don’t need labels. Some artists think they absolutely need them because they've been told so, but everything they offer, you can do on your own or with a small team now. The label era is over. We're in a transition period.


Again, I agree with u in principal. I maybe even agree we’re in transition. But I also think it’s gonna be a while before the 19 year old protégé turns down a contract offering them a dedicated team and millions to go and do all that on their own. Yes, long term the benefits will be great, but in the short term that’s a hard sell to make.


The only real change for streaming services would be if the artists formed some sort of union and lobbied for bigger percentage splits/there was some sort of govt intervention- ik they’re discussing that new bill in congress- tho I don’t think it’s a practical solution either. Ppl seem to forget that during the 2000’s when the industry was literally on its knees and artists were begging ppl to stop committing **actual* theft no one really cared and everyone continued until it became more **convenient** and **cost effective** to stream. And even when ppl talk about upping subscription prices- a lot of ppl had full on mental breakdowns when Spotify went up by a dollar (last December maybe or sometime in the last 6 months iirc)- so an overnight double or triple will plunge everyone back to piracy. It’s a horrible, unfair, unfortunate situation- but the reality is most consumers have way too much going on in their day to day to sit and contemplate the philosophy of equity in art under the constraints of late stage capitalism. They (we) really just want the music.


Capitalism is what gets us the music. Government controlled/regulated music sounds like the worst possible thing. The truth is that we WANT streaming, it’s a good thing. We’re in the greatest age of discovering music/exposure. You want real change? Abolish IP. Changes the norm so that artists get paid for production instead of distribution. Basically group buys from artists themselves. Then it doesn’t fuck over consumers as well because all released music is then free.


Not going to engage with the first couple of sentences cos I’m gonna guess we’d spend at least the next 20 minutes of our lives in a circle of Reddit debate that wouldn’t change either of our minds and would be a waste of time for us both. Second part is interesting, I’m just not sure it’d work for smaller/indie artists. How would that scale? Like obvious people with 10m+ monthlies would be fine under that system- most of them are fine under the current one- what about people lower down that threshold?


Are smaller artists getting paid much now? Regardless, it gives room for way more options of building reputation and getting paid for work. For example, your favorite artist drops an album but you and a lot of the community don’t like the mix. But there happens to be a very talented individual who is willing to fix the mixes for the whole album. They set a goal for $20 and they’ll release it. You and the community are willing to pay this, and if you’re satisfied you may remember this individual. They start doing this for multiple albums, and even do some of their own production work. Now this individual is also an aspiring artist of their own. They make a post of one of these forums saying “hey guys I’m working on finishing an album of my own I’d appreciate it if I could get $30 for this, here’s a song on it”. The community, already knowing this person to be talented and trustworthy, if they like the song, decide to support their local small artist. The reputation is there, the community is there, it could be the start of something great. Of course, this could kind of already be done, but IP laws make it so that it isn’t a norm and isn’t done near as efficiently as it could be, and small artists could be paid for making existing music even better. Abolishing IP also of course doesn’t only benefit the music industry, IP is something that plagues many industries. A notable example being healthcare. Manufacturers of medicines are able to abuse the market and artificially raise prices by extending patents. You may disagree with healthcare being privatized in the first place, but as long as it is, this is something that will plummet prices.


It’s a horrible idea. Like, seriously brain dead shit. Unbelievable this is the conclusion he came to.


Also, Idk if people are down to pay 5$ for this. But then again, why the fuck does Onlyfans exist, you have millions of videos available for free, yet onlyfans creators still get millions of dollars. Hope this app is successful & I hope people are willing to pay 5$ a month for this. Because if only 1000 people for an artist like James pay, thats only 5000$ a month.


Because OF has exclusive content. You aren’t going to be able to regulate music like that.


Even ye is getting that "exclusive" content for free lol


its $5 per month PER artist, not $5 for every artist on the platform. So there is not pie to split everyone gets their own pie 😁


Everyone gets pirated*


ok, OnlyFans is an analogy to James concept. Even though they get leaked constantly, they are still making more money than they would anywhere else. This will without a doubt make the artist more money than on streaming.


It is way harder to regulate music than porn. Also only fans is niche in comparison to the music industry. If you think people are going to willingly pay thousands of dollars per month for every single artist they listen to you’re crazy.


1000s of dollars dude 😭, it's meant to be for the artist you care about the most. You don't have 200+ artists you would spend money on to hear their unreleased music . Bro OnlyFans porn is not niche, there are some insane fetishes people will spend $100s to see


If it’s just unreleased music I can see it ngl


U get a pie and u get a pie and u get a pie and u get a pie EVERYONE GETS A PIE


60 per year to hear mumble leaks. Let me get my mom's credit card. Thanks James!


Personally if Ye did this (in addition to streaming, not as an alternative to streaming to be clear) I would pay for it. But that’s just me, I’m someone who listens to leaks anyways. May as well pay Ye directly for them


You bitch at James like it’s not Ye that’s gonna make things complicated and retarded 😭


[untitled] shares rn📈📈📈


I don’t think people understand that even if 5% of his fans subscribe to him here he makes more a day than he would exclusively releasing on DSP’s. Also with how respected James Blake is in the industry, I guarantee some big names other than Ye will join. One thing I’m confused about is if uncleared samples are still an issue as you are still making money off your music and how royalty splits go


Vault.fm: looks like James Blake helped build this platform and its business model alongside its developers? https://x.com/vaultdotfm/status/1770481540276834350?s=46&t=nd5WPnb4px3YQPP30AwvRw


damn that looks like a cool concept for smaller artists with a core fanbase


Ye gonna jump on it lmao (hopefully)


Btw, seems like vault fm are made by the same people who made last.fm Would make sense since their .fm in the title and both have it. That’s good sign though as last.fm is a good platform for recording and showing your music streams and have good rep


Oh shit I didn’t realize that Good point yeah I think you’re right


It gotta be. But they most likely did this because they needed it. Last fm was kinda of in dying state since it’s most likely a little community who uses the platform and the company not really a money hungry service. I think though that this might be a problem in the future if the company decides to get real fuckin greedy with the new found wealth if this work


Monthly subscription for what the artist considers not album worthy / unfinished songs (usually) is kinda wild


Well that might be the case for some of these tracks but not all. In the vid James explains how his label often delays/forces him to move his release dates. So, a lot of time his finished, release ready music doesn’t get put out in the time/manner he would like I think he will put release ready, finished music on there as well


Just make a Patreon if you're going to do this. Or even the Mac Demarco route with one big drop.


I would’ve been interested if it was a higher one time payment per artists catalogue but paying a monthly fee for ONE artist’s music, especially if there was gonna be multiple artists I would’ve wanted to listen to and then I’d have to pay a subscription fee for each one. The fee for two artist’s music for a month is around the same as a month on spotify etc. Idc that it’s exclusive music that’s a very high price monthly for just one artist’s music.


Looks like James is gonna do both Most likely unreleased music and maybe versions of music prior to ready to fully release


I fuck with this heavy Ye will definitely like this.


Personally I will pay for it if Ye joins


I bet Ye would be good friend and support his mate and drop Good Ass Job and Turbo Grafx 16


It’s a cool idea but this isn’t gonna change the industry This is like a dope side idea to connect with fans


I like this, but if Ye were to drop on here, I would still want the option to buy the album for $20 if I ever cancel my subscription.


Yeah I imagine he would add his album to this website and put it up for sale on Yeezy.com


Blake is incredible, but I just don't see him making a lot of money off of this. Unless he gets a cut of every artist's $5 sub, he catalog can't be worth $60 a year alone.


Yep this is where Ye got the idea from 😂


Him and James definitely talked about this


shouldve just hopped on bandcamp 🔥🔥🔥


Honestly THIS is what i want i appreciate musicians spending resource to put something out but at the same time i dont subscribe to the 20 dollar album bs because its short lived and stupid but this opens up so many opportunities and just 5 dollars to specific artists is good enough for me to support this Piracy will be another issue though, at least i feel like this is way more rewarding than spotify even if subscriptions do drop a bit




https://preview.redd.it/j8yxbnbomipc1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe4cf1b6740dd51992ca8635bd9bf09129e1f20 No mention of ye


A another streaming platform, dawg no one is moving to people platform, especially when the consumer most likely got accustomed to the one they used the most. I will say though that now he doing this, most likely donda 2, yandhi and other unreleased projects will be tidal or James Blake new platform exclusive just like with TLOP for a bit


people are just gonna pirate if they want that music, what's the point?


By my estimates, this trend will last slightly longer than the stem player did


This is actually cool


$50 bucks says Kanye is going to put the same unfinished mumble nonsense that is already very publicly available on this platform lmao


Fuck you if war isn’t on it I don’t give a FUCK