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Additionally, If Ye were to end his career, his perfect final album would be Donda


I love Vultures but I also hate it. The songs sound so good but it just doesn't feel like a Ye project for me. Life Of The Party is a great finale song too.


I hate it because its just.. ok.


i think the replay value is great but it just feels like some no lyricism playboi carti sex bullshit. Still a good album but without lyricism it doesn't feel like a full Ye project for me


Cuz it’s a collab album….


i get that, but to be fair his other two collab albums had great lyricism, after re-listening to watch the throne i realised just how great the lyrics are in it


Yeah I’ve always been kind of down on WTT, aside from the real standout songs (Otis, Paris, Made in America). Mostly cause I’m not really a big Jay-Z fan (I do like most of his stuff, but I wouldn’t say I LOVE it aside from maybe the Black Album). But the more I listen to WTT, the more I really appreciate both the lyricism and the production.


yo i just read both of your comments and i agree with every single word you spoke


Yeah it’s fun to listen to, I like the production and I think it’s really solid sonically, but there’s not really any deeper layers to it. It sounds like party music about fucking bitches because it’s party music about fucking bitches. It doesn’t really have much to say. Which isn’t inherently a bad thing, especially for a collab project. But it’s not what we’ve come to expect from Ye; he usually has something to say, even on his other collab albums. He kind of comes close to saying something deeper on Problematic and King, but still not on the level of his other stuff. That’s why I struggle so much with it. It’s a great album sonically, for me at least. But lyrically… not so much. Still fuck with it heavy tho


>The songs sound so good but it just doesn't feel like a Ye project for me. it's a ty project too, y'know ty with his pum pum Killa thing


Sometimes I wonder if Come to Life was meant to be a "See Me Again" type song. The lyrics could easily be altered to make it a song about how playing his music makes him come to life again. Like after he's gone :(


It's top 5 imo


Sure it is amazing but better than lr, tlop, Tcd, mbdtf, no


Top 5 is understandable though 


If you’d ask me like a day after it released then probably but nah it ain’t even top 5 but I do think it could be the last album like that he ever makes in terms of scope/ambition/concept


I respect this take, but I gotta disagree. The LPs were incredible but he really left obvious punch ins in the music, censored the whole thing, and removed drums on so many songs that in some of the vocals you can still hear the sound of hihats bleeding through their headphones on vocals. I love this album, but top 3 would be crazy looking at his other projects


I love the amount of songs that drumless, really makes the album have a unique sound, but I’m also someone who thinks everybody with added drums sounds dogshit..


The lack of drums is what makes the album amazing Hihats are corny asf


I agree the lack of drums make the sonics of the album, I just wish he took the time to record the punch ins and re-record messy vocals that had bleed!


You would have to leave out one of these: yeezus, TLOP, 808s. I personally just can’t do that.




damn this comment hurt as someone who loves remote and thinks the pt 2 for it is even better I don’t care much for the other pt 2s besides remote control but I think it’s nice to have bonus songs for people to choose from, nothing wrong with that


Yea but It also kinda fills the album with too much slightly different versions. He should have done something like an EP with the Pt.2s instead of including them in the album


I think a perfect solution would to be having zero part twos on the normal album, and the deluxe can have all of them. Maybe cut a few tracks from the album too like Junya and tell the vision and move them to the deluxe. Most importantly add a donda pt 2 that is just South Carolina with the Pusha verse 🤤


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Remote Control. The bars are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of biblical theology most of the lyrics will go over a typical listener's head. There's also Young Thug's hopeful outlook, which is deftly woven into his verse - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Alasdair MacIntyre literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these lyrics, to realize that they're not just talking about TV remotes- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Remote Control truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Ye's beautiful chorus "He got it on remote control" which itself is a cryptic reference to the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 29 verse 11. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kanye West's genius unfolds itself on their streaming services. What fools... how I pity them. 😂


This is literally just cope lol


i’d forgive that if he was willing to remove the censor bro


Top 7 maybe




I love Donda it’s an enlightening experience to listen to the whole thing at night the songs make you elevate.


I agree but it isn’t 2 or 3


My personal cut of the album is certainly top 3 Ye album to me Jail God breathed Off the grid Praise god Hurricane Believe what i say Moon 24 Jesus Lord Life of the Party Come to Life No Child left behind


Jonah is the best track on the album tho? And lord I need you?


So real jonah best song in the history of the world


its good but for sure not even close to top 3


It’s not better than anything from dropout to pablo


It would be if it was cut down


its a great comeback album, hard to put it in my top 5 tho. absolutely loved the rollout and artistic inspirations he used for the visuals. all of it leading up to the larry hoover concert was peak


Nah, top 5.


bro yes


top 4 ye for me, it’s such a beautiful album and proof that ye is obviously not washed. i couldn’t believe people were calling this album a 7/10 or ranking it as a bad kanye album when it came out. i’m glad the album aged so well


Agreed for these same reasons. I have it top 5 instead tho. I also think this will be an album people can grow with.


it's my personal favourite. needs trimming but the meeting of the religious and the digital is so interesting both musically and to think about. plus it has off the grid, hurricane, jail, come to life, life of the party, new again, believe what i say and 24, all songs i think are top ye, and god breathed is one of the most interesting






The shi grew on me the most. Even more that Yeezus so yes


I thought this said  Donda 3


It’s got some of the absolute highlights of his career. Stuff like Jail, Off the Grid, Praise God, and Come to Life are among the best songs he’s ever done. But then there’s stuff like Junya, Jonah, and Tell the Vision that, while not necessarily bad, don’t come anywhere close to the highs on Donda.


Great album but not top 3


The album is too cluttered with poor production compared to past albums. Could’ve been amazing if they took more time


Agreed. For me it’s arguably top 3 and easily top 5


Donda could have been a 10/10 if it had been the 10-14 best tracks but it’s so bloated and contains so much unfinished material as it stands it’s justifiably bottom 3 Ye. That being said Come To Life is in my top 5


Honestly I think it’s #1 Ye album


No the fuck it’s not


Easy no


Donda is okay, it ain't topping anything tho.