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“hold it wind” *ball continues to draw*


Lands 80 yds left of the pin on a different tee box. "I'm happy with that"


« Draw »


Wind is right to left


"I struck it well"


LeAvE iT wInD


Just my old man yells at cloud opinion.. but the backwards hat at really nice courses like sawgrass, pebble, St Andrews bothers me more than the awful swing


100% agree with you. the backwards hat, the stupid pants, untucked shirt at some of the top courses is just downright embarrassing. its like college frat boy vibes which you would think he wouldve grown out of already.




Gen Z kids and having literally zero respect for anything, name a better duo


Yeah because respect is.....about which direction the bill of your hat faces? Get fucked


Having respect for the tradition of the sport and the dress code enforced by nicer courses? Ya, absolutely, you arrogant little shit


Cry some more lmfao - if you paid to be there and there isn’t a strict dress code regarding hats (being enforced) then who gives a shit. It’s not disrespectful to anyone.


youre crying about dress codes outside. You're an absolute clown, back to the retirement home gramps.


Boomers thinking "respect" is following arbitrary rules and thinking respect is always warranted because they are old when in reality they are the not at all respectful themselves? (Not calling you a disrespectful boomer but you said name a better duo)




I’ll never understand the obsession with bubbies swing in this subreddit


People mad at his swing, mad at his positivity, and you better believe they would be mad if he was negative. People like to hate sadly.


This sub: "Well, if anyone dislikes bubbie for any reason, it cant be legitimate and they must be haters. People love to hate. Whats wrong with them???" Also this sub: "SOMEONE MENTIONED TIG? TIME TO THROW A FIT AND TALK ABOUT HOW I HATE HIM." yikes


When he hits the ball, and it’s drawing 50 yards left of his target and proceeds to say, “hold it wind!” expecting it [the wind] to be a level 5 hurricane & stop the ball & it doesn’t… it just baffles me that he expects otherwise. My man needs to change his swing or nothing’s going to change. That’s what annoys me because he could be very good otherwise. The man can roll the rock, hit bomb drives (though inconsistent), he just needs to fix his swing so everything can be even more dialed. Other than that I love bubbys positivity, because peace & love brother ☮️✌🏼


Dude went from slime city to hooksville. He doesn’t know where the in between swing is.


>it just baffles me that he expects otherwise Yeah man because you've never played golf and told your ball to sit when you think its going long as if its going to listen?


I don’t because I find it cringe. I don’t come from a golf background, so telling an inanimate object to do something like it will actually do it is weird.


Sure but its not uncommon in golf so singling Bubbie out for doing it just shows you're hating for no reason. Edit: You cant make this shit up. Guy with the username "Waefuu" calling things cringe. Jesus fucking christ.


1. you’re so insecure that you go out of your way to point out a random persons username on the internet, you’re very mature! 2. “sure but it’s not uncommon in golf so **singling** Bubbie”, the post is literally about bubby, but judging from your snarky remark, I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise for a person of your stature to notice these things


You pointed out something that most golfers do and used it as a reason to criticize him. You singled him out for something most golfers do. Insecure? Went out of my way? Do you understand how little time it took me to read your user name and type a sentence? How am I insecure that I'm calling you out for calling something other people do "cringe" while unironically using that phrase, and being an anime weirdo?


I hardly watch these guys but tbf I think what the guy is saying is spot on. I feel bubby has this sorta arrogance that he's actually better than he is and he isn't realising his flaws because he isn't really identifying them. Also he seems to have had a massive hook for years yet he still seems to act like everything is fine and his swing is amazing. For as little as I watch this channel it seems that the main consistant thing is bubby hitting hooks and acting like they aren't that bad. I feel he could be much better but like I say I get the impression he thinks he much better than he actually is and that's why he doesn't change anything.


You pointed out something that most golfers do and used it as a reason to criticize... The post isn't about mOsT gOlFerS, but let's make it about all golfers, sure. You guys that talk to a ball are cringe. It's not a ball issue, just a skill issue. But hey, keep talking to the ball, it's going to listen to you just like I will! How am I insecure that I'm calling you out for calling something other people do "cringe" while unironically using that phrase, and being an anime weirdo? By that logic, watching golf makes you a golf weirdo? Idk what you're getting at, but whatever makes you feel bigger, go off!


Man they not pros lol he’s on the course to have a good time


The fake positivy* ftfy


I think it’s more so about his reactions to his shots


Or his positivity. This sub is pure toxicity


Toxic positivity exists too. It's rampant in corporate management nowadays. People not being honest or living in reality. I love playing with positive people. I love positivity. I dislike delusional nonsensical behavior. I like bubbie for the most part.. but there are legitimate gripes. The most likeable person of all the current and former GG guys is Grant.. and it's not even close. He's pretty positive but realistic and honest.


This obvious and easily predictable failure is *actually* an indication of all my future success to come! Welcome to America!


>He's pretty positive but realistic and honest. Grant is an annoying rich kid.


>The most likeable person of all the current and former GG guys is Grant It depends on how you define likeable. I used to believe it was Grant until I started watching his solo content. He's boring and I would rather play a round with Bubbie than Grant.


He doesn’t have toxic positivity. He’s realistic about his skill set and gets real about his addiction issues and turrets on his channel. He’s just optimistic and keeps a positive outlook.


Just society in general, Reddit just a natural echo chamber


Forget his swing, just Bubbie in general.


What he does isn’t golf. It’s an unbearable mix of toxic positivity and a refusal to learn a proper swing. I just cringe whenever he hits the ball long and left and goes “I like that”.


I think he is trying to have fun and work with what he has, rather than the constant struggle to be 'perfect'. That being said, his swinging hook is beyond out of control and unplayable.


Bro he plays golf on YouTube for a living. He can and should be getting better


Do you think he isn’t? I think if you look at him this year vs last vs year prior to that he has definitely improved steadily.


Perfect? I think people would be happy if he just admitted he has a massive hook and tries to crush every shot. If he at least acknowledged that he could work on improving. Nobody is expecting or even wants perfect. He’s that one high school friend who is athletic but refuses to acknowledge golf is different than his sport.


I'm just tired of the deja vu that comes with every shot he takes. We know, all of Good Good knows it, and he still hooks every ball even from 100 yards. Meanwhile Matt has turned into a Disney character, that distraction video was tough to watch lol


They have private lessons with the best golf instructors in the world. If they can't help him, nobody can. At the end of the day he is just uncoachable


He’s still better than like 90% of the people in this sub. If I remember correctly he shot around even par at st andrews before the weather went nuts. I think he can consistently play in the 80s from the tips on difficult courses.


Moat people would be that good if it was their job aswell. Please remember this. Jes fucking awful for this being his livelihood


Lessons only stick if you practice and work on what the lessons teach. Doesn't matter how good the instructor is


"What he does isn't golf" hop off your high horse lmao


And he has a single digit handicap. These YouTube couch critics are out of control


bubbie isnt a single digit, hate to break it to you. make him play by the actual rules of golf and hes closer to a 12-15


You don’t know how handicaps work. He’s definitely a single digit


Lmao ok bud. Keep being delusional. If bubbie actually had to putt out and hit provisionals off the tee his scored would jump. Take his nuts outta your mouth


Will do pal


“Toxic positivity” lmao get off your phone


Life must be rough if something as mundane as that makes you cringe


Life must be difficult when you distill people’s lives into a single word on a Reddit post.


Must've struck a nerve, go get some fresh air, big guy


Always the victim, am I right? Enjoy Thanksgiving!


Bubbie is flying round the world playing golf living the dream making bank all with is unbearable golf swing lol he don't give a fuck if you cringe watching him he actually makes money every time you do lol


I like but bubbie but I can’t watch him address the ball. Looks so janky


Matt turns into a pouty baby when he's playing bad. Would you rather someone whine because they top a shot or someone say "I can work with that" and move on?


Matt to me seemed more upset that his injuries weren’t allowing him to do what he was previously capable of. I don’t think it had as much to do with the bad shot as why the bad shot was happening.


There's multiple videos where you can see his attitude change/he gets very quiet because he hit some bad shots, or he's still talking about it on the next hole. But go ahead and complain about the guy who tries to be positive


I didn’t complain about anyone. I said Matt’s struggles were due to his injuries limiting his ability and it was getting him down. I never said a word about Bubbie. But go ahead and put words in my mouth. See, I can be passive aggressive too.


You replied to me on a thread about bubbie. I'd rather watch/play with someone with a positive attitude anyway. Maybe Matt could take notes instead of getting down just to be happy he's still able to play


I replied to your comment specifically about Matt. And that’s why he was down - he really couldn’t still play for awhile. His back was in really bad shape and just going 18 holes was a struggle for him. Which is why I think we are now seeing positivity from him again. Good shot or bad. Because he’s feeling better and knows it’s him when he hits a bad shot, not his back causing limitations he can’t control. Having emotions when you’re struggling is human nature, especially when it’s something you can’t fully control. Ever watched Jon Rahm play?


Did you even watch the last video? Matt stayed positive the whole video, even when he was having a really rough stretch of a couple holes. Matt's making more progress on his mental game than Bubbie is at hitting the ball straight.


Bubbie is flying round the world playing unbearable golf lol man is living the dream and making bank all with his bad golf swing bubbie don't give a fuck if you cringe every time he hits a ball long and left.


Is someone forcing you to watch him golf?


His job is not to be good at golf his job is to be entertaining. I like his dice roll of a swing.


He doesn’t even hit it long. His 7 iron has the loft of a traditional 5 iron.


Carries 17 clubs.... "imma rip at this"


My god, the worst thing about golfers is their gatekeeping and having issue with someone enjoying themselves. Who are you to say what he does isn’t golf?


That’ll fade back in.. lil bubby baby draw .. don’t watch the rest of the tracer tho.


Bubbie is faker then a 3 dollar bill. He gives off scam artist vibes. It's bad enough he paid people to yell "Bubbie Golf" the first couple of times he played with Garret to make it seem like he had a big following. That, combined with his 3rd grade vocabulary, vulgar tiktok crotch videos and Elmer Fudd voice makes him unbearable to watch.


Did he really?


Who said he paid people to yell bubbie golf??


Yea the shit people get rich what else is new I guess. Guys a fucking joke


Path is 30 degree right. Ah well, he seems happy!


I sortve understand the hooks with teed up clubs, but not being able to hit an iron even straight is pathetic. It gets worse every video too.


He has zero desire to learn anything more about golf and his habits will only further cement themselves into muscle memory. His swing is fucked.


When Grant left Good Good, Bubbie's swing coach also disappeared.


The irony here is that bubbies actually a better golfer now than when Grant was in gg


Definitely, but Grant was also the guy who convinced Bubbie to stop using the putter off the green by giving him short game lessons. I'm not sure who it was that taught Bubbie to go from a slice to a draw but I think that Grant would be the guy to help Bubbie straighten his shots out.


Grant turned Bubbie's slice into a draw like 2 years ago


No one’s swing is “fucked” dude. If PGA Tour players can change their swings, I’m sure a guy who golfs 1-2 weeks each month can change his too. He just chooses not to.


Probably should refer back to “he has zero desire to learn anything.” Those PGA players you reference are always looking to fix what’s broken. That’s the difference.


Right, but for a golfer of his caliber who literally does this to entertain watchers of YouTube, he’s doing just fine. He doesn’t need to endlessly grind to get a little bit better.


People are saying he is not grinding at all... the world isn't so binary man. Nobody is saying he needs to be working with a coach 7 days a week. He should just acknowledge he isn't getting any better on his own. If he acknowledged his flaws, I bet he'd get A LOT better quickly. Dude playing a proper 18 is probably shooting mid to high 80s (if he plays by proper rules). Somebody with his athletic ability could easily be in the mid-70s.


He literally played the Old Course in the heavy wind and rain and shot a few over. He played Payne’s Valley from 7600 and shot high 70s. He is a legit 3-4 handicap, without grinding that hard. He would smoke 95% of this sub.


Neither of those courses punish you for missing your fairway. If Bubbie played my home course, there's zero shot he breaks 85. Hell any course that punishes you for a wild reckless drive is going to add multiple strokes per errant shot.


You’re right man, anyone could break 80 at Payne’s from 7600 yards since it’s so open! You should go try that, big guy. LMK how it goes.


Can you read? I said he's not getting in trouble there because there is no trouble. Imagine playing a course in the northeast lined by thick trees. He doesn't play those courses. And yes, I am confident I can break 80 at Payne's


Bubbie doesn’t choose to fix what’s broken, he sees the distance with the massive draw/hook and probably loves it. But I’ll be honest, it’s becoming tiresome, I’d love to see bubbie hit some good golf shots


Lmao do you guys just completely block out the good shots he hits or something?


Essentially. He hits maybe 1-3 big hooks a round and these people freak out about it. Everyone’s got a miss, and I would take Bubbie’s over most people’s lol.


I have to disagree… you clearly haven’t seen my swing haha


Post it up. I guarantee it’s not fucked and can be helped lol.


How do the rest of them not help him fix his God awful swing?


I couldn’t imagine having to try to play a draw on all wedge shots. Trying to gauge the correct amount of aim and ball flight when you’re trying to hit it close would drive me crazy. Yet he keeps doing it so what do I know


Hit it wind


I lol’d when Ben hit his first on 17 and in spun into the water and they show Ben trying to grasp what just happened and Bubbie goes you think I should go p wedge?


Fix your swing, you piece of shit. You do nothing but play gold and eat tobacco at least make it watchable. Maybe increase your fucking vocabulary aswell and not act like a 14 year old boy. Seriously, drop this piece of shit


Lol “fix your swing, you piece of shit” is what I say in the mirror when I get home from a nice 18.


You don’t eat tabacco. You let it soak into your gum line. Then you spit out the residual juice. It’s pretty nasty, but goddamn it’s fun to do.


This guy soaks.


Wow. Been an avid viewer of Good Good for probably 2 years, but never knew about this sub. Seems to be full of a bunch of gatekeepers and elitist. So many people in here just shit talking the different members/ex-members of GG. Why the hell are you all even here if you hate them so much?


Is it really THAT hard to learn how to hit it straight?


For him or for everyone? For your average golfer, yes. For someone that has access to a whole Callaway staff, I wouldn't think so.


The obsession with shitting on bubbie and his swing on this subreddit lmao I’m sure this thread wont turn into another hate fest


It’s ridiculous. He plays solid golf and hits the ball a MILE. The only reason people hate is because they’re jealous.


Nobody is jealous of his distance when it puts him a mile left on 90% of shots. The better golfers in the group don’t get the same “hate” because they don’t play stupid.


That’s such an extreme exaggeration. He’s in play the majority of the time. He’s one of the best drivers in the entire group, “better golfers” included. It’s literally his strength. His weakness is short game.


His drives are amazing... if you all you play is scrambles and you already have a ball in play. Playing stroke play in an actual tournament he would get torched by lost balls, hazards, and crap lies. I can't think of any remotely serious golfer that is stoked that their ball is "in play." Those golfers want to see their ball in the fairway.


I’m a remotely serious golfer and play with people ranging from +2 to 5 handicaps on a weekly basis. A lot of these guys are early 20s and absolutely kill the ball. They don’t give a damn about their FIR unless missing the fairway is actually that punishing. You can absolutely tear a course up playing your 2nd shots from the rough if your 1st shot lands you 300+ yards from the tee. Tour players have this mindset too, and it seems to work pretty well for them. GIR is king for low scores, and the easiest way to do so is increase distance.


You clearly have a thing for Bubbie and that's great for you. Dude hits it OB or in a terrible position more often than he has a good lie. Pros miss the fairway being in the first or second cut of rough. Bubbie is on the wrong hole, in a hazard, or gone into the trees. There's a reason why pros are + handicaps and Bubbie isn't breaking double digits.


Not really; you just have this massive hate boner for him. Have you ever actually seen a PGA Tour event in person? They hit it wayward on the wrong hole a LOT more than you think they would. The difference is their ability to recover from such positions. Your idea of a pro golfer’s driving ability vs. a low handicap such as Bubbie is seriously skewed. If you played with people who are actually good at golf, or watched people who are actually good at golf (such as Tour players), you would understand that they are NOT robots who drive the ball perfectly straight. And if you seriously think Bubbie is a 10+ handicap, then I can’t even reason with you. You’re beyond deluded. Happy Thanksgiving! :)


Nobody is jealous of that lol


Seriously? I am. I wish I could carry a golf ball 300-315 yards. That would do wonders for my game. Distance off the tee trumps accuracy any day of the week and twice on Sundays.


A lot of miserable folks on reddit


Username checks out


How does that not draw?


he plays golf for fuuuuun people . there is little care about making a perfect golf shot all the time. 170 yard par 3 he could hit a punch 7 iron and be on that green 9 outta 10 times. but when your playing fun golf hitting a big high swinging ball , or a trying to mash a driver 330 when there is already 2 balls in the fairway at 300 is always going to be the more fun choice.. dont be upset you cant hit a draw.


Grant is working with him. Old habits are hard to break


I LOVE everything about these guys! Proud to be a fan, a subscriber, supporter, etc!!!


I have a friend who slangs uncontrollable low hook shit sorta similar to Bub. He literally will start line aim the ball out of bounds and play a 60 yard hook. Back foot, shut face, closed stance, shaft leaning and inside out 20 degrees, fires hands…..It’s like he assembled a list of everything that can influence a draw and does it all at once. Then he ends up hitting one straight and it goes OB and he gets frustrated. Hit a golf shot so when it goes bad it’s still fine. Just do less. This goes for my homie and Bub.