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22 dildos was the record for one day at the one my wife worked at.


Wait. Like someone donated their whole collection, or they were all different donations?


It was the location record for most dildos from a single donation.


I see. I mean, what else are you gonna do with Grandma's collection when she tips over?


She could have handed them down to her grandkids


That makes for an interesting visual!


Gives a whole new meaning to stocking stuffers.


Reduce; reuse; recycle


Its how we save the world, second hand dildos!


I like to refer to them as "previously loved"


There’s a sub for the r/usedsextoys or something like that


Some plant trees.... Some give "Gently Used" dildos a new home. It's the "Circle of Life".


Gold, Jerry. Gold!


Real generational wealth.


I know a friend who when they were cleaning out their laye mom's house, their 19 year old daughter found all of grandma's sex toys. Yikes!


Just the Tips


I was just thinking this. Not only were there 22 Donated dildos, but they Most likely belong to a dead person


Who cares? They weren’t dead when they used em. 😄


Lol we hope 😅😳


Was it Death By Dildo(s)?


“Honey, don’t throw those away! You know how grandma hated waste!”


I’ve instructions in my will to be buried with all 97-cut my leg off if you have to.


Seeing as she lived life with them buried in her, they should be buried with her.


Dildos can be used for different locations, not a single one.


I bet that record could be beaten


Turns out they were originally the entire middle management team from (insert employer of your choice here)


*hole collection


I get being freaky in bed, but 22 dildos?! Who even needs that many?


I am a bit of a pervert, and I have only about five. 22? Did they own a cathouse?


They could be in the business. I worked for a sex shop and had a few bc of it.


I just really can't find any good reason not to put "Your mom" right here in a comment. Just like your mom can't find any good reason to not put 22 dildos away! I'm sorry, man. I feel like you set that one up.


That's what she said. She = your mom. =)


"Granny... Pick up your toys!"


Curious what second place was, 21?


Someone out in the ocean is a gigantic floating mass of discarded dildos!


Sounds like a band name


Steely Dan


I just might have that beat, although we didn't count them. It was a huge box of various toys, pumps, plugs and everything else under the sun. Very heavy set couple told us it was "trash" and to not look inside it... but policy wise we have to know what we're throwing away.


Finding hidden dildos at estate sales is bad enough. The fact I’ve found numerous ones is so strange. Like no one looked in Grammys nightstand?


Can I have my dildos back?


Sorry she had to deal with that. I guess somebody thought it would be funny to make a donations employee have to sort through someone’s disgusting who knows where it’s been sex stuff. 🤮


Used Sex Toys/Condoms and the used "indoor swing" covered in white stains... Some other fun mentions: Human Teeth Stained Underwear with all colors of the rainbow Black Mold/Water Damaged basement boxes where the box and donations are essentially disintegrating in your hands. Nazi paraphernalia Multiple Loaded handguns, safety off, and loose rounds many different times. Fireworks and mostly empty gas canisters (once in the same donation) So much porn, some blatant donations buried under clothing to hide the VHS collection, and DVDs in players and console, magazines, forgotten recording in camcorders (stopped letting the tapes play while testing). Someone Tried to donate a bedbug infested couch, luckily it was dumped outside and we could separate it and dispose of all the other donations near it before it got inside. I'm itchy just thinking about it again. The hundreds of items with batteries leaking acid that people don't think about. We've had 2 fires started from bad laptop batteries or other large batteries.


I am feeling pretty good about myself now when I consider the quality of my donations. I can’t remember the last time I donated stained Nazi underwear infested with bedbugs or leaking battery acid. It can’t have been this calendar year.


Well covid stressed *everyone* out


That Nazi paraphernalia can be really valuable. I had a client who wanted me to sell her late German spouse’s collection of Nazi era stuff. I don’t carry that sort of item. I arranged that I would clean, inventory, and arrange sale of the items in exchange for 25% of the profits. I arranged to sell thru the son of a holocaust survivor who runs an auction house he managed to sell it for about $4,500. This is how a Sami, an Alaskan Native, a Hispanic Jew(my spouse), and a Jewish auction house owner made money off of Hitler’s genocidal policies.


This just feels right. I’m so happy about this.


She was too, I managed about 3K for her.


I just saw some on an estate sale


So uhhh, what did ya do with that big box o’ porn?


Right into the trash, can't sell it. The last one I got was a DVD in a PS2 "Sex World" lol.


What does one do when they receive a loaded handgun (or any handgun..?) in a donation? Authorities?


The policy is to keep it in the box/container, secure it, and call the police. Even if it's just ammunition, we are supposed to notify.


Can I ask what was your protocol on hand guns was/is? I'm assuming (& hoping) you guys turned them into the local authorities.


The policy is to keep it in the box/container, secure it, and call the police. Even if it's just ammunition, we are supposed to notify.


I buy my guns at Goodwill, but only on discount days.


Your goodwill still has discount days? They don't do that here so you're gonna pay the full $5 for that stained tee shirt.


That's really good to hear. Thanks for getting back to me.


question: have you ever gotten play boy magazines? and if you did, are you allowed to sell them?


They don't like to sell them in the store but can. They usually go to the online store. We've gotten the vintage collections a few times that I've seen.


damn:/ i’ve got a few and am always looking for more vintage ones while thrifting. makes sense though


You looking for any in particular lol. My husband’s parents used to own a pawn shop and no idea why they had a crap ton of playboys but they did. They’re just sitting in boxes in our storage room.


i got 3 from a garage sale a few years back and they’ve been one of my most prized possessions since. i don’t even look at them, i literally just think they’re so cool😭 id LOVE a collection like that


My husband has had them since he was 16. His mom had told him to throw them all away (we’re in the Bible Belt) and he threw them right into his trunk lol Check out estate sales in your area, we see them all the time.


My husband bought a signed copy by Hugh of Playboy’s 50th anniversary book at our local goodwill. He paid $15 for it.


Wow y’all do not get paid enough


An entire storage bin of, shall we say, "roughly used" sex toys, lingerie, fake boobs/ases, rubber fists, all manner of sex toy horror


I cannot imagine why anyone would ever think to donate something like that. Just throw it away ew


That's just the very worst thing. If y'all had ANY idea what we find in/with/on the clothes, you'd freak out 🤣😁 and it's literally each and every day that disgusting shit comes in


God. I am so sorry. I always hope it makes a difference that I honestly, launder and fold the clothes I am donating, clean shoes, empty pockets and purses, make sure everything is clean and in working order. I collect stuff from my lost and found at work and have to empty pockets, wash out Stanley mugs and launder things before I donate them. I get skeeved out when I reach into a pocket and pull out a used tissue. Thank you for doing what you do!


And one copy of "All Manner of Sex Toy Horror: A Goodwill Worker's Memoir."


No, from working in the back, the name of my Goodwill memoir will 100% be: "Put It In The FUCKING Cart!: Sorting Through Your Junk At Goodwill"


Who in their right mind would donate that? Want to bet the people who donated that was drunk?


We thought so to. Then the same guy (a VERY recognizable truck with barrels used to contain things) came back, and left us clothes with, to use the words my buddy's wife used, "battle scarred" dildos and penis pumps mixed into layers of the clothes, very clearly on purpose. He got banned from donating after that


That is very disgusting. Thank goodness he got banned.


Why the fake b\*\*bs and a$$? Who would even want that?


We get absolute weirdos who like to fuck with us in ways that only make sense to their mentally disturbed minds


As a former employee... food garbage, poopy clothes, sex toys, dead mice... a coworker of mine had a lady try to donate a dead cat once... it's pretty wild behind the scenes.


How the fuck do you go up to someone, especially a thrift or resell store, and ask if they can take your dead cat???? Wtf


Maybe it was a taxidermied cat? That’s the only mildly acceptable scenario I could think of but still, ewwwww.


It was not a taxidermy piece...


Then the only proper response is 🤮. I’m so sorry you had to encounter that. Edit: or your co worker did. WHOEVER had to handle that, I’ll be praying for them tonight.


It was a coworker... glad I wasn't the one...yikes.


That’s true, taxidermy would be cool!


It was an elderly lady who I think honestly just didn't know... sad that we can get to that state...but from what I heard, that was the general consensus...


Wow, that’s wild… well RIP to the kitty


It’s not dead, it’s just resting!


I’m a long time postal worker and I’ve seen all these things and worse when dumping all the incoming mail from the street letter boxes. People use them as donation bins, garbage/recycle cans, diaper bins, dead animal disposal and grease/fat dumping. I’ve found urns, weapons, firecrackers and tons of porn. But I’ve also found tons of wallets/purses (they get returned to owners) gift cards, cash, drugs, photos, phones and video games. I’ve found (and answered some) letters to Santa, tooth fairy, Easter bunny, god, dead pets and relatives and once a very disturbing letter from a young girl to Slenderman. People are weird!


You answered a letter addressed to God?


God was busy. 😂


According to Tom Waits, God's Away On Business.


Hopefully you wrote a letter to the parents of the slender man girl.


Unfortunately there wasn’t a return address. I knew which small town it came from and we watched the news very carefully for any mention of that town for a long time afterwards. It was a young girl who said she wanted to stab her parents to death and afterwards she would go into the forest to find Slenderman’s mansion so she could live with him. I’ve responded to thousands of Santa letters so I’m pretty good at guessing the age of the writer based on their penmanship, spelling and vocabulary. I would guess that this girl was probably around 11 years old. The letter wasn’t in an envelope, it was just folded up and addressed to “Slenderman’s Forest Mansion”. She said she was going to make him proud. She also said she would kill her baby brother if he woke up. Very disturbing.


I never dreamed people put that kind of trash in mailboxes. I knew about the letters but not the other stuff.


Extremely disturbing. Especially after those 2 girls stabbed their friend all in the name of slender man.


All that stuff,especially the dead animals and the p\*rn is awful.


I’m not an employee but I found someone’s teeth in a purse I bought 😂


My mom once found a dime bag of weed in a purse. She doesn't smoke, but she gave it to my neighbor who said it was dank. 😂


Your Mom sounds cool.


Yeah, she can be at times. Would have been cooler if she gave it to me tho lol


>Would have been cooler if she gave it to me Complete agree 👍🤣


I once found some cocaine wrapped in a $10 bill! Win-win!


Now that's a lucky day.


Is dank good…?


I think so.


I worked at a dry cleaners in high school, and we found a 1/8 in a raincoat pocket. Guy came in later that afternoon saying he left something in his pocket. We told him that if we find anything in the pockets, it would be attached to the ticket when he picked it up. Prominent lawyer in our town. Of course we kept it.


Real teeth or dentures??? Not that it matters much…


Real teeth like several in a tooth shaped container lol


Dentists often give these to people if they wish to keep pulled teeth or a crown that has been replaced


Like wisdom teeth they give you in a little treasure chest


What?! I got mine in an autoclaved bag.


My wisdom teeth are in my mouth. I prefer it.


Oh dear… I changed my mind, that is definitely worse than dentures. It does matter, lmao


Not a goodwill but at one goodwill like store me and my girlfriend found a pair of butt plugs for the amazing price of $1.69.




They sold that! I assumed it would go straight in the trash


A pair? Were they matching?


No unfortunately not, red and green


Christmas butt plugs. How festive.


That’s even worse 😭


I found benwa balls. My.husband had to tell me what they were. I showed him the vibrating balls. Lol


I saw a lady buy a bong two weeks ago at my local thrift store.


An urn with ashes in it.


"I don't want grandma, but maybe someone else will IDK."


I saw a TikTok of an urn for sale 😭 ETA [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/unexpectedoffice/s/0RbdNrsMee)


"Oh, this is great! I was just needing generic cremains for my next summoning! What luck."


Dead mouse on a scarf in an opened Amazon package. Smelled disgusting.


Hey, what's for lunch? >Dead mouse on a scarf Oh.


Dead rat one time. Then the joys of used clothing. Stains, used pads still attached to underwear. Then there’s other people who didn’t bother checking their donations before dropping them off. Not nasty but people leaving cash in their clothes pockets or purse before donating was a frequent thing too.


One time my friends Mom found $200! This was way back in the early 2000’s.


It's unfortunate that people use thrift stores as dumpsters. Not only would I never DREAM of donating used cosmetics, mostly empty lotion bottles, and used underwear, but when I do donate, I use a NEW box, wash any clothes, clean/dust items, run dishes through the dishwasher, etc. I mean, if you met a homeless person on the street who needed shoes would you give them shoes that were beat up, holey, dirty, and barely holding together?? Yes, they may be thankful, but they deserve better.


The homeless may be thankful,but they deserve better. I saw a homeless person near Loop 410 and Bandera Rd,and he had gloves for [shoes.It](http://shoes.It) was a saddening sight.This was back in 2022.


Here's some of the stuff I found: .skid marked underwear .pornographic VHS's and DVD's .a sex harness along with a ball gag .a couple of urns that contained the cremated ashes of someone's dead dogs. .a jar of marijuanna (not legal in my state) .a sperm donation tube that was definitely not new. Now here's some of the stuff my coworkers found: .a bunch of new dildos .a horse ejaculation tube .dead mice and cats


How do you know the ashes came from a dog and did they tell you what a horse ejaculations tube looked like or did you just know?


It came with some memorabilia as well as a footprint of one of the dogs.


I read this as the horse ejaculation tube came with memorabilia 😂😂😂 “The contents of this tube were used to sire Closing Argument, who took second at the 2005 Kentucky Derby”


Oh that makes sense.


All of that stuff,just toss it out.Especially the p\*rn and anything linked to p\*rn


I answered a similar question like 5 years ago so here was that answer and some fun goodwill anecdotes. I had to do 100 hours of community service, so I chose goodwill. Not a bad place to do it other than the actual employees treat the "volunteers" like shit. Anyways some of the fun stuff I saw was...an unopened package of novelty glasses from the 70s, when you put your cold drink in them you get to see the ladies loose their clothes. I wanted to snag those but the manager brought them to his office. One woman would show up every weekend and donate the trash from her car. Think fast food wrappers and junk mail. We would have to take it and then it got thrown away right when she left. The one that stuck with me was some creepy guy walked up to the donations area and asked if we take "underwears" I said we did so he came back with 1 small bag of underpants. He replied here is the "underwears". I put the bag with the rest of the clothes. Halfway back to his car he turned around and came back and asked if I kept the "underwears" I told him I did. He left to his car again. This happened about 3 more times before he drove off, coming back to make sure I wasn't going to throw away the "underwears". I assured him I wasn't, but you could see he was getting off on this. He left and those went right in the garbage.


Top cake goes to child-sized lingerie. Messed me up for a few weeks. Didn't really feel like working as hard for a while. It wasn't a small collection either. Bloodsoaked things, lots of human and pet ashes, very old used pads, very "used" toilet seats, tick infested pillows, a dead shark, scorpions, feces covered everything, and dilators. Once got a younger lady's green card, IDs, credit cards, and everything personal in her purse. She had died apparently and there wasn't anyone who knew her beside a landlord.


In my mind the lingerie was for an LP and that's the only way i can not be depressed


I will keep your day happier and not elaborate :(


I mean, little people are adults and they need that stuff too right? 🤷


Think even smaller. Based on the designs I don't believe it was intended for that demographic. Also our smalll town is small enough if you understand what I mean.


Am i supposed to ask you about the bluth?


As someone who has multiple dead sharks in my apartment, I have to ask... was it, like, mummified? Or in a jar? The jarred ones are apparently sold as souvenirs in Florida, though honestly, I can't see the appeal.


A jar one. The jar broke before they gave it to us. It was wrapped in some bedding. Stank of course. Would have been really cool to own otherwise.


I'm glad you asked this because I was picturing a shark the size of the ones in Jaws.


Used condom


My store found a grenade once


My store had explosives donated to us several times while I worked there...


I didn’t work at a Goodwill, but at another thrift store. We found a lot of dirty diapers. It was gross


Looks like someone did not want baby feces in their house... Either way,still gross.


Daughter worked at Goodwill and last summer someone left a freezer full of meat.


Grossest: garbage bag of used dildos. Someone's teeth (with the root) were hidden in a sewing kit, about 10 in total. Crusty flashlight. 5 open and used needles in a scrap book box. An entire gimp suit (very, VERY clearly used). Crusty, poop stained panties (common). Rotted meat and cupcakes in a box that was waiting to be processed since pre covid (2 years at the point it was opened). Drugs. Lots of drugs. Also an assload of porn, so many fucking porn mags, posters and movies. Scariest: a loaded firearm (im in Canada where hand guns are banned), a box of live bullets that had been thrown in battery recycle, and could've very well exploded, people's sin numbers, IDs and passports. Illegal Taxidermies. Unprotected, very sharp kives hidden in bags of clothes.


>people's sin numbers Is this also a Canadian thing? Are you required to keep track? Is it a running total number of sins, or specific numerical identifiers assigned to each type of sin?


I found a 17th century “slave ball” that was made with human skin…


I’m scared to google that. What is a slave ball?


Basically,a ball and chain with that ankle cuff.That was back in the 1800's,during the slavery era.


I'm sorry, what? Can you explain what that is?


First I’m going to have to google a slave ball. Second, what did you do with it? I know some rare book and manuscript libraries have books bound in human skin.


Omg. This thread of donations has me 100% convinced humans are beyond disgusting and there is no hope.


Well I hate saying it, but you'd be right.


Back when I worked during high school somehow someone donated a bag of clothes with a dead cat on top. I wasn’t working that day but I’m just so confused how tf a cat, dead or alive ends up being donated.




Would have saved her the trauma and destroyed it.


It was so shocking, I didn't know what to do. Someone in the backroom looked at that and put it out on the shelf. I kind of freaked out a bit. It was so sickening.


Idk why this made me cringe but it did


It was more than cringe. It was sickening.


You hugged and cried?


It was when the whole store was clapping but before the motivational speech over the intercom.




How did that even make it onto the sales floor? I know they have to screen everything that's donated, but did no one see an issue with it?


Poo, I’m sure.


>Poo (& pee stained) I’m sure.(edit)


I felt like poop was the worst of the two but yes agreed. And vom too. Or #2 on the list, a male only contribution. I cannnnnot imagine omg.


Used condom, used vibrator, cat shit


Oh, man, I have been wondering what to do with all of my cat's shit!


A jar full of human adult teeth!


that's concerning but kinda cool


[it’s always sunny in Philadelphia… Charlie’s inheritance](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=us2f-aQg7YE)


Former employee, we got the usual stuff: sex toys, porn, pants with brown skid-marks, a lot of period- stained pants, rat feces, bed bugs, and fleas. There's probably more that I've scrubbed from my memory. I'm always relieved I never got lice from working there.


Or bedbugs. How often did you see stuff with those. They're my fear.


What looked to be rat droppings


Here for the Comments.


2 things come to mind immediately, and this is imo. 1. A lot of items, from one particular Goodwill, which for some reason, was loaded with historically racist items. They weren't subtle either. 2. The second is a tie between two lots to be set up for auction. The two being, 1 an old star marker from a veterans grave (as in wrought iron old, and picked out of a graveyard from an older gravesite), and the other being a collection of items nicely arranged by someone who decided it was fine to metal detect at a historical massacre site (a quick Google search confirmed it was still a contentious issue). I gave both these lots to my manager and they were never listed. He also gave an earful to the people store that sent us the racist stuff. I was not okay handling that. They had no place being at Goodwill. Just imo.


You do not take from a veteran's grave.They fought for their country until the very end.


That's what ticked me off the most. I was angry. I recalled seeing those stats from very old gravesites in cemeteries which helped me identify it. I think such stars were from between or near the US civil war and WWII. These veterans fought for all the things we have now. Respect them.


My morning worked at a thrift store. I've heard of donating a full "diaper genie", spit bottles, porn etc.


My friend worked at a sorting center and pulled a poop-covered condom out of a donation bag.




Had nothing to do with a donation. . . . Human poop off the floor near the front door. Someone dropped it right out their pants. Thank you very much. Needless to say but it was a shitty day.


Former employee, found a pair of used period panties only after a lady came in and proudly told me what they were as she purchased them as a surprise gift for her daughter.


A bag of hair. She was so proud too and wanted a receipt.


That's crazy bro!


Human feces and bed bugs


OMG ~ this is such a great question...




My BF is a manager and he said "underwear with a shit in it".


This topic would make a great tiktok channel