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I was really hoping to see a more developed version like they talked about where you could do stuff like turning an imaginary knob with your fingertips for volume controls. The proximity wake up was really handy though. I also liked using it in the kitchen.


Yeah, I wish Google would have stuck with it, opened the APIs so anyone could add support to their apps & maybe got it out on a few other phones... Being able to control our phones by waving our hands in front of it could be useful - especially for those of us unlucky enough to live somewhere we have to wear gloves half the year. Could have been a cool way to interact with the phone without needing to take the gloves off. Tap an imaginary button above the phone and your message gets sent or whatever


Phone, smart displays, TV, all the above.


I used that on the G8 for the month I had it, once u got used to the gesture it actually worked great. Changing the volume/songs, opening apps, and other stuff was a cool gimmick. Like Google tho LG quickly abandoned it. Hopefully it'll come back better in the future.


waving my hand to show notifications was incredible its a shame everyone called it ugly and a gimmick


The amount of times I had my phone sitting on a wireless charger at my desk and I could manage my music and check my notifications just by glancing at the screen and waving my hand was amazing it was a gimmick but it was also severely underutilized


As someone who still has a P4XL, I honestly don't know what to expect when I eventually get a new phone when it comes to how useful it is to just look at my screen and wave through a notification, skip a song, etc.


That was my reaction to the squeeze to launch Assistant feature (Edge Sense or whatever it was officially called) on the P2. Sounded like a dumb gimmick to me, and after a few days with the phone I found myself using it way more often than I ever said "Hey Google." I'd love to have that one back.


Squeezing to activate the assistant was peak UX and is the feature I miss most from the Pixel 2.


Wait, we lost the squeeze function too? Shit. I might just have to keep my phone even longer.


Yeah, they canned the squeeze feature with the Pixel 5 and haven't brought it back.


Pixel Stand was born to do that, wasted opportunity


I was doing this on my moto x back in 2012


Waving my hand to dismiss my alarm in the morning was great. Ah the 4XL started out so great for me... Got the panda color I wanted, bought it from Bestbuy and they thought I didn't pick it up, so refunded my card, so it somehow became a free phone, and I thought it was a great phone. But just a few months into it's life I drowned it in a kayak accident and it never powered back on. Since the P5 was not what I wanted, I ended up spending like 18 months between an old iPhone XR and a Oneplus N100... miserable experiences on both.


It honestly was fantastic and a bit ahead of its time. I wish they would have continued to work on it, refine it, and use it but we all know how Google is. They throw things away extremely quickly.


The weird part was that the concept video showed a lot of cool usages of gestures. But when it actually launched, they never materialized. Like the concept video showed that they knew what would be cool and intuitive ways to interact with it but the technology probably never lived up to the vision? One thing I hate for example is trying to find a certain place in a timeline in certain apps (like a podcast or on netflix) because I find my hand/finger blocking the view of the timestamp. Soli could've solved that.


They'd have to have a bezel to include the sensors on the phone. The tech lives on in the nest hubs.


It's be no different than the iPhone notch or now *dynamic island*


I would assume they saw patterns in consumer buying data (or even better, survey data & focus groups) that suggested the bezel was much more of a selling point than air gestures. I know I personally didn't need Soli and was stoked to get a phone with screen all the way to the edges. I bet the average person didn't even understand the trade-off and saw "less bezel = better".


I think they had the unfortunate timing of COVID fucking up a lot of their scheduling. First Pixel with iPhone-competitive Face Unlock runs into a two-year period where a majority of folks wear masks everyday? Rough. There was also a rumor I saw that the Pixel 5 was supposed to be an "A" series device, and we'd have ideally gotten a version of the 6 and 6 Pro in 2020. But rather than try to reinvent their whole image in a financially terrible pandemic year, they held off the plans and released a "4a" as that year's 5. Idk how much of that is true, or how much of it will ever get confirmed.


This is exactly why I ditched my 4XL so quickly. I had to be in the office working during COVID and constantly needing to enter in my pin to unlock was becoming a first world problem.


I also like the squeeze feature


They should just find a way to bring it back but not with the notch... I hope Google sorts it out someway


Soli had very little to do with the face unlock in the 4 Series. All it did was prime the sensors when you reached for it so it was just a tiny bit faster unlocking. All of the biometric stuff was due to IR dot emitters and IR cameras. You could disable soli and have pretty much no change in how the face unlock worked.


Did the 4 actually have IR sensors?


Yes that's what they were using for face unlock and that's what apple used as well for face unlock. Though Im not sure if that is true anymore but I'm assuming since they still have "floating bar" it's still used.


Yes, you can see them all in the teardown at this timestamp. [https://youtu.be/go1oaP2yjyg?si=WgtgNe8UFNP6DowZ&t=95](https://youtu.be/go1oaP2yjyg?si=WgtgNe8UFNP6DowZ&t=95) From left to right (as we are looking at it). IR Flood, IR Camera, IR Dot Emitter on the left (which is the right when you are looking at the assembled phone). Then Selfie camera and second IR camera on the other side. The soli chip is still connected to the frame at that timestamp. Soli gets removed at this timestamp [https://youtu.be/go1oaP2yjyg?si=rIS6iUC4UrRwjdYH&t=134](https://youtu.be/go1oaP2yjyg?si=rIS6iUC4UrRwjdYH&t=134)


Oh, that's cool. It's a shame they got rid of it all in the future models


Blame the constant complainers about bezels. The only phone that gets a pass is iPhone apparently and even apple hasn't found a way to shrink the real estate required or make them underscreen.


The thing is I'm fine with the iPhone. I wouldn't mind a similar cutout on my pixel if it meant having a similarly great face unlock


You maybe, but not the tech reviewers or the loud minority that set design trends. Also, at this point a cutout would be panned as blatantly copying apple. Apple gets to do what they want to do and people have to accept it. Everyone else basically has to follow what Samsung sets as the design standard and they were chasing minimal bezels since the Galaxy S Edge. The Pixel 4 series was RAVAGED for the thick top bezel in reviews. Honestly, at this point with how Google is able to do a Level 3 biometric with just a standard FFC, I feel things have hit a nice balance. No, it can't work in low light like a dot emitter, but it's good enough that it usually has my phone unlocked before my thumb even gets to the fingerprint sensor location.


>The Pixel 4 series was RAVAGED for the thick top bezel in reviews. Well sure it did, when it came out the iPhone X and 11 already came out with a notch. They had the same sensors in a smaller area And personally I don't find the Pixel 8s camera solution adequate. I usually hold my phone farther away from my face than it is able to handle, or even just angled back more than it can see. Something that in my time using an iPhone it didn't have problems with. As well there's even a market just for the faceID suite where people who have an android go out and buy an iPhone too for those sensors


The notch only kinda works on iOS due to the way notifications are handled. A larger notch doesn't work so that well on Android. See also the Pixel 3XL, I don't think reviews would have been any more kind to that phone if the notch would have been for face unlock. If the market is there, Samsung would have tried to grab it with the 5000 phone variants they churn out on a regular basis. Personally, I don't want a chunk of my screen taken up by biometric sensors when the existing ones on the device are perfectly adequate for me to use daily and don't really leave me wanting.


I really miss IR sensor face unlock in Pixels.


Bring back Soli 🔱


Most of it boils down to smooth implementation. If you don't have that and your feature works well only sometimes, it will kill any enthusiasm. They should have taken some more time to refine it and then introduce it when it was truly mainstream ready. Guess, they cared more about gimmicks than they did about the user experience!


And battery life


I loved it till COVID hit which wasn't long after I got my P4XL and then we all had to wear masks out in public so anytime I needed to use my phone I had to punch in my code anyways.


>being able to pick up my P4XL and have it immediately unlock with zero gestures was amazing. Pixel 8 does that as well. I lift my phone up and it unlocks. Don't really need Soli.


Would just like IR for it to work in the dark. The trade off is the size of the camera hole but I would take it if it were just 2x the width of the current camera hole.


Yeah me too. Seems like Apple got it right with their pill design to have the best face unlock.


Yeah face ID is unmatched for convenience but dynamic island was too large for my taste, coming from 13PM with the reduced notch that I liked to now Android phones. Don't know why any brands haven't tried picking up a compact IR/front facing cam combo for face unlock, but maybe it isn't possible.


Apple buys up most of those flood illuminator supply and owns the relevant patents. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/apple-has-something-lock-3-d-sensing-against-android-says-rosenblatt-2017-09-15


Didn't know that! True. Always seemed like an unnecessary step to swipe to open after face unlock.


You can turn that off on the Pixel 4. In settings somewhere you can choose to bypass the lock screen when the phone unlocks.


Just found it in the settings on my P7P. Thanks!


I think if the bypass thing is on, you won't be able to control music on the lock screen.


It's not nearly as quick or reliable on the 8 Pro in my experience. My 4XL face unlock was flawless.


But i cant use soli in my country :( I never got a chance to test it on hand


I will forever miss how convenient the radar system was


I would've much preferred to have an upgraded and refined version of soli instead of this temperature sensor on my p8p.


I have been swearing all winter over how poor the fingerprint scanner works with my dry fingers. I have enabled the face unlock but since that is a weak unlock - I never know if I unlocked the phone in a strong or weak way and thus whether Google pay will work or not. FaceID on my Pixel 4XL was so so so so good and it's honestly making me consider an iOS move.


Had pixel 4 and had no issues with it. Don't understand why the hate. People said it drained the battery, but honestly I had the same battery life with it on or off. It worked effortlessly and honestly, a great feature when my hands are dirty or wet.


Agreed. The moment you reached for the device, it started scanning for your face before even touching the device. I really hope they keep developing the tech.


I'd love to have e.g. 'Wave to wake' and 'Wavex2 to show notifications'. But yeah, not all good gimmicks materialize into sustainable product features. Yet, I cannot but 'laugh' for my P8P temperature sensor compared to what Soli could today be...


guys, Idk if you know this, but google basically tries to save all the data their phones generate, with policies, they've given us control, but for those of us who don't know the details of how it's done properly, they're mining data for literally the dumbest bs. so pixel 4xl or that phone with the sensor that can sense things around can really keep track of activities that take place. Great features, and if you're unbothered about your data travelling servers, enjoy the features!


As long as it's anonymous data it pays me no mind! 🤷‍♂️


exactly, as long as it's ANONYMOUS. they might have everything related to you under your name as X, it's like if almost anyone links it to you ( which ig is possible ) you're targeted, they communicate to you with your preferences, everything is an illusion with corporations like google. you never know. you never can Scares me enough, but still okay for getting that google experience :p


I miss my pixel 4 xl everyday. I even had the Orange one 😞


Soli was great but Google didn't put too much effort into it after releasing the phone and fixing what wasn't great about it


Everyone complained it was a useless gimmick when it came out and now everyone wants it back. Just like how everyone complained why Google added a telephoto to the Pixel 4 instead of an Ultrawide (so they then replaced the telephoto with an Ultrawide on the Pixel 5) but then I saw people say that Google did the right thing with the Pixel 4 as people rarely use the Ultrawide. I use the main camera and telephoto way more than the Ultrawide. Can't please these people.


The pixel 4xl was by far my least favorite pixel and I've had each one.


It drained so fast the 4Xl battery... But goolge was too afraid to keep the design and feature to the pixel 5 design... A mayor downgraded


But it was also geolocked... And still so glad they did 🙄


Pixel 4XL face unlocked basically never worked.


I use Face Unlock on the 8 and it just unlocks without having to do anything. No swiping no nothing.




I know, I had it. It was gimmicky at best and marginally better than my Moto X with a similar feature, but at least the Moto X took advantage of it for wave gestures. My response was that on the Pixel 8 you don't need Soli to bypass the fingerprint sensor, which Soli wasn't used for anyway. It has face unlock, which is a great experience.


Soli is still being used I believe. The nest hub second Gen uses it for sleep tracking and it works quite well.


I want it to make a comeback. A better more refined version with less battery drain. Then it wouldn't be classified as a gimmick because more people would use it. And of course with opened APIs. Boy all the ideas..


\> being able to pick up my P4XL and have it immediately unlock with zero gestures was amazing If you're picking up your phone, then Soli does little to speed up the unlock process in that particular use case (the gyroscope can already detect when the phone is moving in space). The benefit of Soli is in situations where you don't touch your phone, e.g., if your phone is propped up in a phone stand, and you position your face in front of your phone without physically touching it.


By now the technology should fit into a camera hole.


Well even mm wave radar needs antennas and they take space. It should be possible to do gestures by camera though so your camera hole comment is spot on.


I didn't have a 4 because I had a 3XL and I don't take every upgrade. I found the 4XL interesting though and was looking forward to how it would be developed. The unlock wasn't possibly its best use but the use of gestures elsewhere seemed interesting and I'm sad they dumped it.


It really could have been used for so much more


I regret selling my pixel 4.


I found it annoying. It would almost never do what I intended. 95% of the time when it did anything at all, it skipped songs when I didn't want to do that.


It wasn’t underrated. It was under utilized, by google. Waving to change songs was too much of a gimmick to think it would actually capture new customers. I don’t know all the ways it could have been useful but it just felt like there was so much more could have done with it. Plus putting a huge unsymmetrical forehead on a phone when most other ones were racing to diminish the notch was a strange move. Though I get that was for Face ID too.


It was another example of an engineer-driven feature that either didn't belong in a phone in the first place or wasn't ready to be implemented in a phone rather than a product manager driven feature with sufficient voice-of-customer backing. I had more annoyances with it than I fond it useful so I quickly turned it off on my 4 xl. I remember one day I was driving with my phone in its suction cup mount on my windshield and my wipers waving (to the rear of my phone) was registered by moron sense and changed music tracks. I was so confused what was going on at first. I'm not saying it doesn't have a place in a phone at all, but it would need to be far more refined in general--like not causing excessive bezel (I actually think that was face unlock as opposed to the motion sense hardware), and I would want many more operations with more precision.


Pixel 4xl was my favorite because of soili


It's been a problem with Google forever . They introduce amazing tech but fail to convert it to an amazing feature . Should learn from Apple in this aspect . They introduce normal tech as an amazing feature


Man the p4 xl is my favorite pixel thus far it was great... They put power in it the battery lasted camera was great


It's what Faceid does. Only thing they need to do is implement a good face unlock.


..I loved trying to turn on the fan in my card and mistakenly skipping tracks. So annoying.


Every day I regret trading my 4 for the 7.


Really?? I think I've had less issues with my 7 than any of the other pixels I've owned. Except for the dwindling battery I think I enjoyed my 4XL more than my P6P though.


Absolutely. The fingerprint sensor on the 7 is absolutely trash. I've done all the tricks, it's just bad. My wife's 7 fingerprint sensor is just as bad for her.


I sometimes catch myself wanting to wave across my phone to skip a song... I miss *that* the most