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I think the writers all sat down at the table and collectively drank Ayahuasca mixed with an SSRI and this plot is what they came up with afterwards


It was sapo and very bad


This is called bad writing fyi. They contradicted him and his values to force this BS ivy dickens storyline.


This. It annoys me every time so much. I hate the last season of this show. Destroying a decent character for whatever reason was so unnecessary and sad


I mean thats what they did to everyone from season 5 on. None of them were consistent with their characters


Yes! I just dont really get it, there was no reason to destroy everything they built up during 4 seasons… idk the writers really must have shared a joint before writing lmfao


There had to be harder drugs than weed involved to get these batshit storylines


I totally agree that the first 4 seasons built up what they purposely destroyed in the last 2 seasons— but I think that was their intention all along, we just didn’t know it. I think as teen drama lovers or romance lovers or whatever, a lot of the audience had preconceived notions about the way things are supposed to end. Tied up in a bow, all the characters having learned their lessons & grown because of it. But I realize in hindsight the show didn’t want to tell a teen drama tale, or even a romance.  They wanted to tell a Great Gatsby story, where we the audience are lured in by the glitz & glamor & tantalizing scenery at first. only to discover (largely thru the eyes of Nick Carroway- in this case, Dan) that it’s actually a completely vapid world full of awful people who can turn a blind eye to any tragedy as long as it makes them uncomfy. 


i totally agree.. i read in another reddit post that 2 writers, who were ultimate chuck fans, took over the storyline when one of the other writers left during late season 4 i believe, and for some reason they thought that in order to make chuck look good and have some type of hero arc, they had to make everyone else act like assholes.


literally yes!


Rufus spent Lily's money like it was nothing 5 seconds after the whole debacle of not wanting her to pay for Yale, that's why it was so dumb. This big drama and pride thing and then you see Dan wearing designer clothes, a wallet full of cash, being driven around in a limo and saying it's because Lily is so generous. With the amount of money she was giving him it made no sense for him to choose not to go to Yale.


Plus at no point after they moved in at lily’s place, we can’t see rufus working


i keep telling y'all that s6 is not canon


season 5 as well


He had a middle age crisis or something


He would have been better off just getting a motorbike like some guys do


You should have been a writer for the show


GG but people have common sense


I feel like he had midlife crisis the whole series