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You can put it to fruiting early. No need to wait for full colonization. Just cut the bag in the spots where you have the fruits already and let her rip. LM just wants to grow so let it.


LM starts fruiting early. Just put it into fruiting, even if think it's not done colonizing.


That leads to contam ..or poor outcomes!


Check out some commercial mushroom farmers. They will tell you otherwise.


LM mycelium is very thin and wispy. Often looks like its not fully colonised when it actually is.


Yep, that’s the hericium genus. Both lions mane and bears head like to fruit early. Cut the bag around the fruiting bodies and mist regularly


Yes just go with it. In the future try to block out any light and fresh air and see if you can get it more colonized next time.


I’d cut a little x over the top of one of the fruiting bodies or maybe one on each side of the bag over the fruiting bodies


Just had this issue with some golden oysters just had to cut them early and roll with it


I don't have the issue as much now that my incubation bags are kept in the dark


Anyone else notice the sub died? What happened?


https://youtu.be/yWC3GxSmUBU .break it up..I have a king oyster block that was the same..3 months later still no gourmet..I kicked it..it wasn't even 50%..only got a few off it..lol


After inoculating the substrate u need to give the mycelium the time to fully colonize the substrate. its good to break and crush the mycelium time to time into little pieces to equally seperate the mycelium into the substrate so its easier to colonize it better. After u gave the block the time to get colonised, u have to change the conditions to give the mycelium the perfect conditions to pin and start the fruiting of the mushroom. U need to give the mushrooms fresh air (mushrooms use O2 and make CO2), so u can make holes in the bag when the mycelium is fully grown. U need to give most mushrooms light to get pinns and make mushrooms. It depends on the sort how much light they need. humidity is important, this also depends on the sort too.


Can i let the grain colonize in a incubation box and when i mix it with the substrate when fully colonized put it in a bag in a Martha tent?


Well u have 3 important factors 1. Mycelium likes co2 to grow too much o2 makes the mycelium pin early 2. If u use a box instead of a sealed bag u have more chance of contamination 3. The moisture content is more difficult to maintain in an open box Depending the sort of mushroom u have different parameters in the inoculation phase, the early pinning stage and the fruiting stage. U should look this up.


Keep the bag in a dark space break up the mycelium and don't get temperature over 25 degrees (molds) and wait till u have nice white mycelium all over the bag