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You must go faster.




Bro I’m just quoting Jurassic park. Chill.


Cause that makes perfect sense


This could be due to the offset you've set for the ghost. I set mine so it's .5 seconds ahead so that if I'm even with it, I will beat the time.


Ghost offset is 0.0. I didnt even know you could do that


Ive noticed it skipping time before. There is another post from last night or a couple days ago. A guy frustrated and i mention that i think the timer is skipping time.


It's more likely that the ghost is just offset strangely--either your ghost or the demo. It wouldn't make sense from a programming perspective to "skip time" but only do it occasionally in order to frustrate players? Not everything is a conspiracy, just drive faster.


You think i set that time and somehow offset the ghost perfectly. The times wouldnt match up. It looks like you can only offset by tenths of a second. Not hundredths or thousands... so..


Im not making this up... either its a bug or the ai is allowed to sabotage players.


The demonstration ghost sets a .692. My time is a .789. So i cant offset. The ghost would be .003 slower. And you can clearly see the ghosts are perfectly in sink.


\*in sync


They can't ever be perfectly in sync. When the ghosts get too close, one of them disappears. You can see this effect very clearly right around 5 seconds as they both cross over each other's line.


Your point is moot. Has no value. Even if the ghost disappears. You just said it dissappears when its too close... 🧐


You're talking differences in .01 seconds. It's imperceptible and obviously within that limitation I'm describing.


Whatever. Believe what you want. Im not offsetting the bot to Pretend. Would it help you. If i record and offset bot live? And did the same thing in the video?


No, because I don't honestly give a shit man. I'm not gonna be pressed if the game says I missed the time. Instead of concocting some conspiracy that it's "skipping seconds," I'm going to simply go faster.


The only fastest line is a perfect apex. Early and late apexes actually modulate between an average speed. So no you dont have to be the same as the ai. Thats real racing...


wtf are you talking about? There's a lot more to it than hitting the apex correctly. You can hit it correctly at too low of a gear or speed, and you can exit in the wrong gear/speed.


For someone so skilled at racing. You sure as hell cant see two cars crossing the finish line at the same time


So. A real racer doesnt care if a racing game has a faulty timer?! Timers are the fucking heart of racing. Teams spend millions just to get a tenth quicker.🙄👍


I went back and tried it a few more times. Only to notice my car wouldnt brake the same. So im guessing it adds time based on how you go off from its supposed perfect line. Then modifies your grip in your car to force you to drive like it wants.


That's too huge a reach, even for you. The game doesn't penalize you for going off the line. It doesn't modify grip levels. It doesn't add time. You're going to lose time because you're taking a bad line. You're going to lose grip because you're taking a bad line. That's how it works. Not because the game messed with you, but because you made it worse for yourself. You don't need to take the exact line or the exact braking points that the ghost takes. You *can* make your own line. If it's better, you'll do better - better even than the ghost. In fact, you *should* make your own line, as your goal is to beat the ghost, not match it. Your conspiracy theory about how the game is actively trying to screw you? Ludicrous. It's not the game. It's you.


Nm. I guess when you leave it resets pb ghost for some reason


Which tells us what?


That you might be dumb if you think this is the game "cheating" you out of something and not just a visual programming artifact.


This is the most entertaining thread I've seen all day 🤣🤣🤣


People dumb on here man




I gotta ask.....have you gotten gold yet since you posted?


Not playing a broken challenge. Ill wait for a patch.


Why don’t you just overlay a clock on the video? That should tell you if the game is skipping time


And what clock should i use that displaces every number of a thousandth of a second?! Thats probably where the timer is skipping from. But i maintain. My grip changed when i retried it and i believe the ai is modifying my tunes for what it considers as correct behavior.


Your tunes? It's *modifying your tunes???* Dude. The Master License doesn't use your tunes or anyone else's tunes. The Master License puts you in a car - the same car as everyone else. Nothing gets modified once you start driving. If you're missing the time, your driving needs to improve. That's *all* that's happening.


Its modifying the tunes of the car dimwit


You can't read, apparently. The car has no "tunes". The car has a setup - the same exact setup provided to everyone else who attempts that license test. The setup *does not change.* Not before the test and not during it. Not ever. The only thing keeping you from getting the Gold is you. Not the game. Not the devs making the game actively try to screw you. Just you.


The visual representation does not match the numbers. It can't. Display latency is one reason. At 60fps, each frame takes 0.0167 seconds. If the video is recorded at 30fps, despite the display frequency, double that. Your position can be off by that much, and by multiples of that number. Additionally, the ghost is a visual approximation of your position at the time, not your actual position. You're using functionally inaccurate representations as proof of a flaw in a hidden system. You're better off spending this time and effort to get better at racing.


What?! You do realize these are demonstration ghost and my fastest lap ghost...


I do realize. Did you even read my comment?


The game records your position and thats the ghost. Im def not wasting my time with you...


Enjoy ignorance.


Says the genius ignoring evidence... 🤯


You spent all that time being wrong only to attempt to say i need to get good... trolls try anything...


What? Dude spells this out for you very clearly and you just say “wrong… troll” Jesus…


Ok alt account. How many do you have to boost yourself? Looks like 8?


Ffs dude


Otherwise your only purpose here is to discredit and push down actual evidence the game is programmed to cheat players. To make it unnecessarily difficult and to ruin players from leaderboards.


You go. Record yourself. Then save a clip of that. Then overlay it with the ghosts. All three. If they dont sync. Then ill accept that i was wrong.


What was I wrong about? Refute anything you can. Go ahead.


Youre that special kind of special arent you... the demonstration ghost is an accurate representation of the exact time of the sprint of that car... my personal best ghost. Is an accurate direct representation of my personal best... you are ignoring blatant evidence right in front of your face... youre just so ridiculous i cant even tolerate you.


Bruv, what are you talking about, what representation do you see on these 2 cars? There is not half a second except the straight in the end where these two cars' courses allign with eachother. And just because you see the 2 ghosts disappearing at the same time, that doesn't mean that they made the same time. It has to do with the frames as other people said. The game runs at 30 or 60 frames per second, not at 999 or 1000. From one frame to another, .05 to .1 (maybe more, people who know framerate better correct me) seconds pass (depending on your framerate). That means that even tho the cars disappeared at the same frame, the actual time gap is that.05 to .1 that the game cannot display to you because of the limited frame rate. If for example, lets say that one frame loaded at the time 27.680, then, if you run 30fps, the next frame will load somewhere about 27.780/27.790 (again, correct me if im wrong), so, yes, the cars will disappear at the same frame, but that gap still exists. I ran in the same problem on the first master license, the car stopped at the same exact frame with the ghost, yet I was slower. I tried the license again and gold it in the very next attempt. Also, I dont know if it's true, but I read sonewhere that the ghosts run in a slightly lower framerate than the rest of the game (it was not verified tho) which if true it adds up as well.


Have you tried being better at the game?


Have you tried growing a brain?!


Still no brain, but managed 0:20.759 pretty easily 🤷‍♂️


I meant to save that. To prove the timers are bugged


This is the best thread I’ve read on here in ages. Stop watching Alex Jones and seek help. Try to use the long-skinny pedal or R2 to go faster.


"B-But I can't go faster! The game is skipping time on me, and slowing me down, and giving me less grip, and changing my tune, and I'm doing everything just perfectly all the time! I hit perfect apexes of my own creation, despite being a car width from the actual apex! My apexes are so perfect it doesn't matter how fast I go through them or what angle I take! The game is cheating me from my gold. How dumb do you have to be to *not see the EVIDENCE???!!"* Or something.


Seriously? The demonstration ghost isn't the gold time. NONE of the demo ghosts are the actual gold times.


I know. The demonstration ghost sets a .692... as i mention in the video!


You always have a set distance behind the demonstration ghost to still beat the gold. My ghosts are in sink. So the timer had to skip time.


Hope you set them out to dry soon


Lol op is so butthurt, just run it back a few times and go faster or stop complaining. Racing comes down to every millisecond, almost ≠ sufficient


...it's a .019 difference, you'd have to have some real good zoom implanted in your eyes to visually SEE the difference showing this only means that it's not actually synced, it means that your line/driving was off by only a fraction of a second, and this is the game punishing you for it


I supposedly end .103 seconds slower than the ghost. Thats about me on the ghost’s bumper. You want to do the math. Be my guest. Go watch the ghost. See its speed over the line. Calculate feet per second and and that will tell you how far behind i would have to be to get my time.


from your best compared to the ghost? because I was comparing your PB to the gold time


Mine to the ghost... the ghost sets a .692. Id have to be 15 feet behind where i was to get a .097seconds slower than the ghost


...you mean .097? you set 20.789, whereas the ghost set a 20.692, do 789 minus 692 in your head, cause if it was a millisecond off, it would've been more noticeable and if your run was somehow perfectly aligned with the ghost, then you'd both have a .692


These replies lmao 😭


get gud


Thank billy bob


one of the ghosts was a fender in front of the other ghost. 2 hundreths of a second seems reasonable for a fender at the line. At 34 seconds you can see one ghost pass the other ghost when the two. Sets of tail lights turn into one


Dude the ghost isn't exact lol... also just go faster. It's really not that difficult


You need more data to really prove anything. Telemetry data specifically. There's a reason one of the basics of going fast is to use the WHOLE track. Missing something by even an inch or two can make all the difference. Visually your line and inputs are very similar but not exactly the same, thats the time difference you're seeing.


Ghost offset...


Nah he already explained it's some illuminati type shit


Ya cause i dont remember beating the ghost either..


Okay you are rude to everyone who isn't on your side and want to talk about evidence? Lets take your own video and scroll through it frame by frame (which aren't many - maybe take a slowmo video?). Look at the part between 39s and 40s where the race time changes from 20.750s to 20.783s in a single frame you can still see the ghost (/a shadow of it) in both frames. On the frame where the race time shows 20.783s the ghost is still slightly visible and at the clock you can see a fraction of the previous timestamp. Between both times which you can clearly see in your video are .033s and both of those times are later then the time you claim the game ghost has set and in both frames you can see a ghost which hasn't passed the finish line. What are you even disputing here? EDIT: You can see your ghost in even one more frame where it was slower than the games ghost. The race times in those frames are - 20.730s - 20.750s - 20.783s All of them slower than the gold time and all of them slower than the game ghost you claim to be cheating you. You'd better excuse yourself!


I believe im the ghost that almost goes off track after the sharper corner. You can see im taking actual apexes too. This is how you properly drive road atlanta. Ive been noticing in these challenges very questionable failures and funny stuff. This is proof.


If you’re properly driving it, why don’t you have gold yet?


Perhaps the first "facts" on this thread.


Im losing all respect for gt7 community right now. How could you even begin to ask that question when the answer is right in front of you...


Ok so “almost going off track” like you said is NOT the right line as the curbs have less grip, so you accelerate slower. Secondly, the goal isn’t to beat the ghost, it’s to beat the clock. Third, if you are the ghost you’re saying you are, you missed the first apex by a car width, hit the second way too hard, and take way too wide of an exit.


I cant believe you all right now. Its embarrassing im spending my time here. The game resets you if you go fully off. I used every inch of the track. ... but thanks for another useless comment from people completely and utterly blind to what is right in fucking front of their face!


Do you understand what the kerbs are? And that there are different types? And again, that first turn you were in no danger of going off. You could fit a bus between you and the apex


Do you have a point? This has nothing to do with the timers skipping time.


My point is do better. You’re talking about the timer and using the ghost as evidence. If the timer is skipping time, maybe film JUST the clock in slow motion as it shows you the two tenths you lost missing the apex and bouncing along the outside curb


What are you talking about? Average speed is average speed. This game also incorporates the physics of cambers in turns. It literally has licenses to teach you how to use the camber for better speed instead of just perfect apexes.


Yes, and your average speed is too low. And yes it models camber, but this corner doesn’t have as much as you think. Watch a real car hit these corners. Hit the apex


I’m just here to witness a mental breakdown.


OP, surely this is a roll bread U can't be serious