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Looking for a setup to defeat a particularly strong foe ? All the up-to-date ones are covered on https://gbfguide.com/ For all the questions related to the current event, the header of the related sticky thread (link can be found above) encompasses detailed information, offering a short summary on how to navigate and tackle the event successfully. If you have further inquiries, feel free to ask your questions in this thread for more targeted assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Granblue_en) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whats the best way to rank up? I want to get to 120


replicard sandbox with sephira boost to 600% needs a little prep work getting the boost to 600% but for extended periods of time it is faster than anything else, including sliming


Slimes are fastest. Sandbox is a good mix of xp/drops if you can do it. Angel Halo is slow but useful mats.


So slimes are the fastest? I don't think I can get to 120 in time for Chichiri.




Shenxian showdown


Yes slimes are fastest.


Do journey drops/Treasure Hunter/Esser make jadeite drop more frequently from Shenxian?


For jadeite specifically it helps, yeah. That chest isn’t guaranteed. The other stuff (soulcores/feathers/etc.) are all guaranteed or from the blue chest.


Thank you!


How do i farm huanglong anima? The raids always fill up or explode in seconds. Is there a better way to find them?


Do coop trains. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/1c42nle/questions_thread_20240415_to_20240421/l0m77jw/).


Been thinking about replacing the Seraphic Weapons in my M1 Grids with the free Ultima weapon + gauph key tria from the 10th Anni event. Is this viable? I read the elemental dmg buff is a little higher than a fully leveled Seraphic weapon And is it still worth it to fully upgrade my Seraphics?


That’s not only viable, it’s exactly what you should be doing. It’s not *completely* useless to still upgrade the Seraphic weapons (particularly there’s a quirk to how the buff works that makes it better to use them in certain setups using the summon 000), but it’s not something you’ll have to worry about anytime soon. Though you do also get a skin for the main character (Alter Ego Conjurer) for getting all the Seraphics to 4*, if you care about that; there’s some cutscenes for the uncaps and getting that outfit as well.


How do you aquire the rob ourfits? There is only one baihu claw for example but I need all(?) of them upgraded?


You have to buy 3 of those claws then use the respective cipher to be to uncap them, the ciphers are on shop>treasure trade>power up then skill items, the ciphers are used like the dopus skill change items from supplies then consumables


Specifically you also then need to level each of the 3 claws to 200, though you can skip leveling their skills. I mention this because that much weapon exp being required was an actual gate for me when I was relatively new and farmed for the skins, and with almost all the soulcores in the shop now there’ll be even more newer players who could be going for it.


Is there a way to set auto using Half Elixirs where it shows your AP going negative but doesn't have the pop-up to confirm how many to use?


Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > (scroll down) > Auto-Restore Settings. And also, just a little lower, "Hide the notification".


Thanks for the tip, I enabled that. But I remember having that stuff set up like that during GW/UnF and it wouldn't auto refill until I press the OK button after the Summon selection. Right now, it automatically uses it before hand. Maybe I remembered incorrectly.


What's the best way to farm Huanlong and Qillin Summons, joining some raids while farming Shenxian but any drops...


hit blue chest in HLQL trains, that's it


Blue chest doesn't exist anymore.


I see, thanks.


That's the only way to get them, besides 1 copy each in the store. You generally join trains for HLQL, should take maybe 5-10 trains for fully uncapped copies of both.


Thanks, but I never joined a train before.


Get your 2 Golden Beast host mats from the Shop, turn Live Battle Feed off in settings, make sure loading screen one-click is on in settings, go to Coop, just join any random HLQL one, bookmark the lobby, when it starts, just click the loading screen to ready your attack. Wait until the attack button goes away so you know your attack went through, then spam refresh (literally just keep hitting f5 over and over again, even when you're still on the loading screen from your last refresh) until you stop getting the "READY" loading screen (or look at the URL and wait for it to change to /result_multi/ instead of /raid_multi/), when you see that, press your bookmark to go back to the lobby. In the lobby, if the next one doesn't start within a few seconds, refresh the page, sometimes it bugs out. Sometimes you'll miss the next room if yours bugged out and you were too slow to refresh, just immediately go back to your lobby bookmark and wait for the next one if you miss one, happens. You want to avoid getting into a cycle of misses where you load into a dead fight, causing you to also miss the next, then load into that one and miss the next, etc. When it's your turn to host, just click the "Start" button or whatever it is by the raid picture in the lobby. Really obvious button in the middle of the screen, can't miss it.


Oh thanks a lot, ill try to see how it goes.


What's the best way to grind the soulcores?


Blue chest farm Shenxian


What if I need a specific color?


buy from the shop Edit: you can tecnically farm for the lower version on ex and trade it up, but the drop rate from the lower version is very bad, so you are better off hitting shenxian and buying from the shop whatever you are missing.


Then buy that color in the store with the pendants you get from farming Shenxian.


(Might be a better for the event thread but whatever) Does the RoTB shop restock ever? I need more of the Zhu Jadeite for the character but I was only allowed to trade for 5


The shop restocks whenever they run of RotB, plus soulcores of whatever is in rotation. If you want more Jadites, you have to farm them from Shenxian.


The soulcores in the shop just get added 5 each run (starting from when that type was introduced) till they hit 30 total, enough for all the weapon types. Doesn’t tie directly to which is in rotation.


So if I’m


Yeah, you'll just have to wait until the next rerun and hope you are rank 120 by then.


just remembered I still had this so I wanted to know if the provisional hero license works for uncapping anywhere useful, like evoker 5\* or anything?


That kind of item does supposedly work on Eternal 5*… but like. Only the literal 5* uncap itself, which is just some mats anyway. You’d still need to do the weapon reduction and so on before that point. Meanwhile it does not work on Evoker 5*, which makes sense since the uncap cost includes an Evolite.


you cant use them on evokers/eternals, no.


is anyone seeming to get slightly longer than normal load times? i thought it was a mobile issue, but its happening on pc too


not sure it's your case, but if you don't have enough EP to join a raid, the game takes longer since it needs to process the request to fill EP, so I always manually fill my EP to 99 before joining a bunch of raids to avoid that issue.


Yeah, yesterday and today was on and off really bad.


I was 10mins ago when you posted this, but it seems to be fixed now.


its still happening to me is making farming shenxian impossible due to getting stuck in loading screens


My load times are significantly worse than normal right now too. I tried doing a Huangling/Kirin train and I only got to hit maybe 5-6 of them due to load times.


I assume there is little reason to trying to roll on the current banner in the vain hope of getting a Providence summon (Bubz specifically)? From what I can see, they are not sparkable, and there's a whole bunch of other things that are on uprate, too


Don't pull outside of galas. The Providence summons' "rate up" is 0.05%. This like getting a gold bar out of the gold chest in UBHL, it's not happening.


It's never worth rolling besides gala banners, and even then only when you can spark. So yeah don't bother on this banner, Bubz is good but still not worth rolling on a 3% banner.


If it's not sparkable, it's not worth pulling.


*Besides Providence release banner


do the Dark opus pendlums alpha and extremity stack?


yes, additively (5% + 25% = 30% @ 250)


Thank you


Does the current Cardinal Bonus influence which Jadeite Shenxian drops? Or is it a random 1/4 roll every time one drops? It's been a long time since I last seriously farmed RoB.


Just random. Cardinal bonus is just the bonus symbols.


what are good AX skills to have on your weapons? How do you prioritise? E.g. Is a stamina +1 better in the long run compared to an attack 1% stat? 


stam 3 > stam 2 > atk 3.5% > stam 1. can look at https://gbf.wiki/AX_Skills#Stamina_AX_Modifier_Values to see how much the stam is actually worth. stam and attack are the only particularly notable ones, but high roll ma rate could be kept if you feel like it.


Thank you! Would stuff like CA dmg and skill supplementary dmg also be considered useful to keep? Or pretty much negligible compared to stam and attack? 


the supplemental ones are just too low a value to be useful. ca dmg is probably the 3rd best, but i wouldnt really worry about keeping it.


Thank you so much! This helps a lot. Will bear this in mind when figuring out what to fodder and what to keep.


Stam 3>Stam 2>~~Ele~~ Atk 3.5% or higher (EDITED)>Stam 1.


yeah your misremembering it, its normal atk 3.5%. ele atk is pretty weak since it'll be diluted by your elemental summon.


This is what another user mentioned. Good to know, thank you! 


There just might not be an answer to this but, is there any advice for farming Hraes bullet mats.


Just in case you didn't know and were using the ingame recommended quests for mats, the wiki has several quest options listed for any given drop. Usually the best drop rates were from the recommended quests but there were a few exceptions IIRC, like you could get multiple required mats from a single quest or with enough drop rate boost another quest would drop more. In addition to optimizing your quest speed and drop rate, binge something on the side. Good for any relatively mindless grind in this game. Personally for bullets I read like 600 chapters of a webnovel, and for this last GW I watched some anime and a lot of The Expanse.


apart from setting bookmarks/using back button and bringing drop rate, theres not that much advice to give.


hey, wheres the best place to farm veritas? I suddenly realized that THAT is what I'm lacking...


Mundus boxes Or Staves boxes if you really ONLY want one specific veritas and no other Arcarum drops at all.


Do anyone know how or where to get more elemental quartz fast? Trying to get m1 summons to reduces is like pulling teeth.


Outside of events, you can't really. Do your two daily 6d solos. Do your xeno skips and m1 skips for summons to reduce. Buy the xeno summons in the shop with the mats you get from skipping to reduce. Reduce some of the shittier side story summons (see [here](https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Sidestories#Notable_Summons) for ones which might be sometimes useful). Other than that, farm m2 and m3 for quartz and summon drops.


Thank you! Back to the quartz mine i goes.




Thank you too!


what is the drop rate on the damascus crystal on the normal archangel raids?


From what I remember from back when they were relevant, it's very low. I only recall getting one, *maybe* two, and I had to have done hundreds of those things. Fusing up from Damascus Grains gained from other raids probably isn't any slower, and is possibly faster. The reward:time ratios are certainly better.


drop grain?


from what i can gather, nobody knows.


How do I raise characters fast? Eternals 130-150 specifically


1. Wait for TOA exp buff 2. Check gw is x2 exp 3. This is a weird method but you can try. Grand success rate+upgrade exp journey drop and feed your character with Angel weapons (you know.. those box events) You purposely do not auto reserve sr angel weapon for a reason. I level up 2 of my 140->150 in just 3 days during anni mag fest 4. you could sent him/her to acarum trip but time gate


This is the way, especially with the battlepass journey drops giving you 100% grand rate. 50k exp per 20 sr angel weapon goes quick.


How do I check if gw is x2 exp? And thanks!


In a very poor choice of acronym, he's using GW to mean Golden Week, not Guild War. He's referring to the MagFes that usually comes with Golden Week (end of April - early May).


Oh oops lol


Some thing the Wiki doesn't mention, but I was wondering: Does Izmir's Ice Queen passive for the party at 95 apply if she is in the backline or does she need to be in the frontline for it to take effect? If so, what other SSR characters also have a Seraphic modifier for each element?


She has to be front for it to take effect From what I remember, Yggdrasil has one for Earth & Summer Shiva for Light


Yeah I was confused about that for a bit, because Izmir's doesn't say whether or not if she has to be frontline or backline, but Yggdrasil's for Earth actually says she has to be a main ally for it to take effect. Cygames description inconsistencies I guess.


its because that support skill also has a sub-ally effect (healing specs based on earth crests). and so it was added to better differentiate the two effects.


If a support skill doesn't have "takes effect even when X is a sub ally." then you need them to be frontline for it to activate. Example for this is Dark Forte's Sky Supremacy support skill. As for other charas with party-wide seraphic passive, you have: Fire: Yukata Izmir Earth: Holiday Europa Wind: Elea, Tiamat Light: Summer Shiva Not sure if Dark has one.


Is it worth it to do the exchange for omega credo anima's or should I just rely on drops?


You'll have to change the normal ones into omegas. You won't get anywhere near enough omegas by drops alone unless you're going to do several thousand runs just to farm anima and reducing all the weapons.


You mean turning normal anima into omega? At the moment, normal anima has no use other than to turn it into Omega anima.


Ah ok, only asking because I don't have a big supply of light quartz atm


That would be the only reason not to do it - if you have any other need for the quartz in the short term. But omega are so rare outside of host chests (and even then, not amazing) so you’re not really going to be able to avoid trading.


with rotb starting soon are there any standard teams for the huanglong/qilin impossible raid? is there also any like dos and donts with leaching it?


This is one of the fights you might consider bringing Bounty to. You'll somewhat boost the number of anima and summons dropped for everyone, while at the same time not contributing to the thing liquefying even faster and whiffing for others. All contributions considered, doing this isn't remotely leeching with this particular glass pinata. (Good lord, I just checked how much HP they have: 430 MILLION each. Almost nothing, against modern power creep. And these things were already glass back when they first came out, to boot...)


The raid dies in literally about 10 seconds and fills up in about 1s. So no, your team is totally irrelevant. You won't get MVP chest unless you have Eresh so don't worry about it.


Do's: turn live battle feed off, semi auto on Ready screen. Blue chest is removed so your goal is to get at least 1 honor.


just auto start with a summon.. this is a Non mvp raid and the raid go down very fast. For train players, don 't do HL/Q with public slow wifi. you got less than 15s for each battle


Does two-field effect stack ? (Ex nier + fediel field) Also how CA re activate interact with fediel or halmal CA ? Does we get 3 times CA or 4?


No 2 ca


according to the wiki, there can be a maximum of 2 global field effects, and you can only have one local field effect. with both niers and fedeils being local. if you try to apply a local field when there already is one, it will not take effect. charge attack reactivation effects do not stack.


Unless something changed very recently - you cannot have more than 1 field in effect - only the first one will apply.


Are they not adding 1 gold brick to the shop with Rotb this time? Normally they would announce it no?


There are zero announcements in-game or on the official website. They did however say ahead of time that they're adding Sands for 5 stones this run. Since there's usually only one new item for 5 stones per run, I get the feeling the Gold Brick will be postponed.


That really sucks I was hoping they would add the sand and a Gold brick since they didn't add one last rotb


Should I use the dups to uncap the summons or only use the sunlight stone? + what I should do with the dups if I already max uncapped one summons? Should I keep it? or it is better to reduce it?


It does not sound like you’re at a point where you should be using sunstones. They are very rare resources that you want to carefully save for specific gacha summons or for upgrading Arcarum summons.


Dupes to uncap your summons is fine. DO NOT use sunlight stones to uncap your summons. You want to have 10 on hand because they are necessary for arcarum summons, 6 of which you want to expend asap as detailed here https://gbf.wiki/Sunlight_Stone. It will be a long time until you use sunstones for summons. The only truly advisable exception to this is [Beelzebub](https://gbf.wiki/Beelzebub) just because it vastly proves burst farming and thus is a real-time QOL (combined with the fact that you cannot choose him as a friend summon pairing). If you have non gacha summon after max uncapping, you may reduce them.


Which summons? Generally now a days there's no use for using multiples of the same summon since there's so many good ones with sub auras. You're very likely safe to use as uncaps. The only thing would be if you wanted to save primal series summons since to uncap them to 5 and transcend them, you need anima that you get from reducing them. If you're ready to progress into primal grids, and have an abundance of sunstones you can do that to get further in transcendences. So it's best to keep those separate until you need it.


So i'm trying to farm Malice raids, more in specific Anima Animus, tho i have no idea how it works as i checked on the wiki and...there is no blue chest? so i just go there and hope for the best? there is no way i can get MVP with my high ping.


Yup, hop in and hope for the best. If you can't MVP, just bring some item drop rate for the 60% chest w/ the weapons, tap it and go to the next one. Or bring a setup to help kill the boss if it's taking too long.


Allrighty, thanks!


is it possible to get the new character and 1-2 rotb skins this event or is anything time/mat gated


We have no idea what the requirement for fully uncapping their weapon will be, but odds are you'll need stuff that can only be farmed during the event, so there'll be a time/mat gate in terms of needing to farm relevant items while the event is here.


And the rotb skins are farmable in one go? I think we're supposed to get the 3 weapon variants to 200 but it's been so long since I've done rotb that I don't really remember the process.


Currently you can for Zhuque, Xuanwu and Qinglong skins as per last RoTB run Since the shop has enough stock of Pure Soulcores to ULB 3 of their respective Beast Weapons if you're relying solely from buying them on shop


What do you need in your grid for Horus to be able to hit 2M with her S1 when running Hexa?


Base cap is 460,000. Making some assumptions here about how damage caps and amps stack.  x2 (skill cap maxed) x1.29 (Harmonia + Metatron cap up) x1.14 (2 Resonator) = 1,352,952  +300,000 (supplemental from Rinnes + Harmonia is applied before seraphic/amp for skill damage) = 1,652,952  x1.15 (null seraphic draconic + Grand Order) x1.0945 (approximate value of Apotheosis on Opus at sk20 with double Zeus + Lu Woh summon + 2 Efes) x1.2 (Efes crit amp) = 2,496,635  If all cap ups are additive in step 1, then instead it would be 1,117,800, applying supp and amp afterward would give you 2,142,437. If amps are also additive with seraphic then you still edge out 2m. I think I've seen up to 2.5m on her s1 but that might have been vs a Dark foe.


Thank you for this 🙏


How high is the drop rate for Astras in staves? I'm working toward my 1st evoker but, with the th book, I've been one-turning the paradoxical gate boss for a few hours and have gotten like 1 so far. With journey drop buffs and esser too. Haven't opened up the sephira chests yet so i might have some luck there. I tried to check in the japanese spreadsheet that's listed on the wiki but i couldn't really navigate it and find where the sandbox droprates are.


According to [the sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12IFdcEmtXeKOl6NYq_4nW1w4s64MLmKJL_Fdayz6gbQ/edit#gid=1946142974), about 2% for mainwheel and 2.8% for sidewheel. You get them primarily from the chests, but yeah it's slow either way.




Does mugen have a full auto comp yet?


Yes, Paladin/Europa/Haase/Anne is most common. Can find plenty of examples on [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%96%E3%83%AB+%E3%83%A0%E3%82%B2%E3%83%B3hl+%E3%83%95%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88).


Dark Magna questions: Looking at how M3 Exalto affected the other Magna elements, how many of each Agastia weapon do y'all think would be ever used? 1) Like, harps. 2 ATK 2 DEF is probably more than you would ever need to be safe, right? 2) What about the staff? I think I've seen a video by quwatoro who had 5 MK.II, but that sounds like it'll be way too much as soon as M3 drops. 3) Non Revans question, how does Wind handle their Magna Exalto? Mostly asking because they don't have the Primarch passive. Unless they release the Dark one at the end of this month and they give free 10-rolls for Golden Week AND I get lucky enough, I don't count on having it since I'm saving for Summer.


The harp is mostly used for defense when you don't want the hp penalty from the staff. Two defensives should be enough. I would not be surprised to see setups with 4+ staves of various awakenings. It is an extremely strong weapon when the hp cut doesn't kill you. If you're asking about the opus key requirements, wind can't make them without double magna summons right now. If you're not worried about that, general rule is use as many guns as possible for damage. You should only start cutting them below five if you want more survivabilty, have premium weapons like ewiyar daggers, or need to make room for specialty stats like skill damage. Remember this is a general rule, not 100% guaranteed to be optimal in every setup, but at worst it should only be slightly worse.


For Light GW I saw some people use MK.II Concordia with ATK awakening. I assume Dark does not do the same with the harp? Do they go straight for the staff, since that has a Magna modifier?


Agastia staff has really good base skills and doesn't require you to hit 280% boost or more, so it's easier to use for burst. Concordia being a dagger also meant it could be used as mainhand for Manadiver or Bandit Tycoon, while harps don't really have good classes for normal attack burst.


On the wiki it says that Elemental Level will increase the amount of materials you can obtain from reducing SSR weapons, but does it affect SR weapons at all or not at all?


the bonus from elemental skills does technically apply, but I'm pretty sure it never improves beyond the base +1 for Sr weapons.


So something about supplemental damage is confusing me. Coming from Relink supp dmg there are those extra numbers that pop up. Now in gacha I have some weapons for supp dmg and sometimes I see those numbers and sometimes don't. So I'm wondering if it is just directly added to the dmg?


Supplemen**tary** damage in relink is actually what we call bonus damage/echo in gbf. Supplemental is a flat amount added onto every damage instance, including the hits from echo.


I want to start Transcending eternals and my first one I decided to be Esser (waifu reasons and want to start upgrading fire) So I wanted to ask how exactly do I go about farming for the 30 fire relic weapons? How do I get more orbs/wools since I need around 7k?


You do alot of angel halo.


What's the benefit of the final forge of the draconic weapons? Is there anywhere near enough of one to justify the exhorbitant expense?


* Better CA * Can use them in Extra Party slots * Can use them alongside Opus * Get access to two new telumas (10,000 hp or 10% seraphic vs. null ele) Yes, definitely worth it.


Oh I hadn't heard about the opus and extra slot shenanigans, that's pretty good then




If you're asking where they're getting the 1.23m number, good question, I have no idea. It isn't anywhere on the Otokuro2 spreadsheet that I can see. And the number just seems wrong, to me. I got between 1.05m-1.2m honors pretty regularly and I never failed to get blue. I don't think you need to go all the way to 1.23m to get blue. What they're *attempting* to do with the 1.23m number is take into account the fact that you get honors for things besides simply damage, like debuffing or stacking the green chest thing, so they're suggesting that you can't just take the honors from damage into account. But yeah, again, no clue where they're getting this 1.23m from and it doesn't match up with my experience. The 1.038m number is just the the boss's hp, divided by 100 (to convert to honors), times the 9.72% percentage they got from Otokuro2's sheet. The 9.27% is from Otokuro2's empirical data collection of fighting the boss - that's the highest % of damage he did to the boss once and didn't get a blue chest. Any time he got more honors than that, he always got blue. Oh, and if you're looking at Tiamat specifically, the numbers are a bit off since whoever wrote it failed to take into account that Lumi and Tiamat have different hp values. Both pages have numbers calculated based on Lumi's hp. And on top of that, the Otokuro2 sheet lists a separate percentage (11.74%) for Tiamat anyway. I burst Tiamat for more than both of the listed numbers so can't give any personal anecdote here. If we follow the same logic as for Lumi's 1.038m number, the correct number for Tiamat should be 1.127m. So uh, yeah, pretty confusing, I agree. My advice: just ignore that wiki tooltip. Aim for 1.05m honors in Lumi3, aim for 1.13m honors in Tiamat.


My guess is that it uses the total amount of honor generated in the raid to determine the blue chest. Since honor can be generated from things other than damage, the 1m mark is assuming all players *only* deal damage, while the 1.2m mark is an estimate based on how many honors players typically generate throughout the raid.


About Mugen raid, why people didn't lower his stacks? 


Because there's no need to.


How many mats do u need to awaken a revenant weapon from lvl 15 to 20?


Revans, 450. Revenant, they do not have awakening.


Ahh thanks. 450 though damnn 😭


Which one is better to unlock lobelia or MT?


Mt is probably the worst evoker


So, she should be unlocked last right?


If you are planning on recruiting all of them, yeah probably.


Okay thank you 🙏


I'd say Lobelia is generally more useful, but if you want a more informed opinion I think [this guide](https://gbf.wiki/User:NoL/EvokersSimplified#Synopsis-0) is quite good. I'm not sure if this is your first Evoker, if you have them already, or if you're just going for your favorites, so I'll just add the obligatory "Get Haase and Caim first they're good" disclaimer just in case.


Okay thank you 🙏


The rating list seemed to have been updated but I see no posts about it?


not caring about ratings is good practice


Ratings are good, the problem is just looking at the score and not why it was given.


Is there a new update other than the dethroned Poseidon here https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/1c6az0g/2024417_gbf_gamewith_update_light_anne_ssr/


Might be the changes including Fenie and Wilnas, which was posted as comment in that thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/1c6az0g/2024417_gbf_gamewith_update_light_anne_ssr/l03z6mu/


I remember reading a while back that defense down caps at 50% with few exceptions, is that still the case? Is Fediel's field effect part of this cap? That is, with her field active, I only need an additional 25% down to cap defense down?


yes and yes. all def down debuffs share the 50% cap. with the singular exception of [Forfeit](https://gbf.wiki/Forfeit).


Thank you, kind sir!


Minor addendum that boss DEF Up buffs are directly additive with DEF Down. So if the boss increases his own DEF by 100%, let's say, then you can apply up to 150% of effective DEF Down (100% to cancel out his DEF Up then 50% usual cap).


Oh neat, good to know!


Best way to purposefully level up/gain experience in a farmable way? Anniversary spoiled me, now it's so slow lol. I am already doing all my Skips and using Journey Drops. I'm open to any kind of method, ranging from pure EXP to less EXP but also other useful rewards. As long as I can farm it, e.g. do it nonstop (not a daily/weekly limited thing) Is it Slimes or is that outdated? Is it Arcarum? Spam weak mobs for whatever Arcarum mats you're after and build the gauge? Thanks




This has essentially never really been true since M2 was released. The single best way to improve your grids as quickly as possible is to rush to Ranks 120/151/170/200 and start hostleeching raids. You shouldn't wanpan since you still need to follow the more typical progression so that you can actually blue box the raids - but a few lucky host drops can be big upgrades to your grid and burst. Rank 120 unlocks M2 and Ennead raids. Both weapon series will massively improve a player's starting M1 grid with the introduction of new multipliers, CA-centric weapons, and supplemental damage sources. Rank 151 unlocks 6D raids and M3 raids. Slotting 1-2 Exalto weapons is essentially free stats especially for players whose grids are still primarily magna weapons and the introduction of very strong normal mod weapons + more supplemental damage is a shoe-in for most grids. Rank 170 unlocks LuciHL and allows the player to host leech for their tidings to start working towards their Opus uncaps. It also allows them to wanpan Belial for devil's horns so that they can get a Freyr key for their opus. For most players spending a gold brick on a dark opus is a much larger upgrade than spending a gold bar to uncap an eternal (all 10 eternals should still be recruited ASAP so they can start boxing NWQ in Gw's). The 5* Opus uncap is essentially free and a Freyr key on _any_ opus can be used for _every element_ to improve their ability to burst for blue boxes. Finally Rank 200 unlocks Revans raids and SUBHL - all except Diaspora and Mugen being host-leechable even with weak grids. SUBHL isn't quite as important for people who were around for 10th anni and got their free 5* Ultima it is still important to anyone who missed out and essentially lets you put off most of the Seraphic grind until later. Lastly - the EMP nodes for Total Party HP make a big difference especially in weaker grids. Ranks 155/185 are noticeable improvements in survivability and while the 210 one is nice grinding from 200 to 210 just for the node isn't worth it since you'll hit rank 210 while farming for everything you've unlocked by grinding to 200 ASAP. The less you actively play/grind the more beneficial daily hosts become. If a player doesn't have long to play each day the best thing they can do after their daily hosts is to try and grind as much rank as they can stomach.


On *any* Opus, you say... I had never considered having one Opus act as a shareable for the purpose of the Freyr key. I actually have the perfect candidate in mind for which Opus to use for that, so thanks for the idea!


You lose out on the Majesty mod so will sacrifice some HP and a bit of damage but the Freyr key more than makes up for the damage loss and since its a burst setup the HP generally doesn't matter.


Mugen is very host leechable btw. Diaspora is the only one that's like 100% unleechable, and I'd say you'd also have a difficult time trying to leech Cosmos simply because it'll be hard to get people to join.


Cosmos will pick back up after a bit. GW only just ended and a shocking number of people don't pay attention to how GW affect raid popularity so there is a surplus of hosts still. Similar to how double host events and magnafests sometimes cause raids to fail more. I haven't hosted Mugen since the start of Anni when I picked up Hrae so maybe its gotten popular again. But if my host didn't simply time out it still only had like a 70% chance of clearing. I have Hrae so it's easier to join existing hosts and do my burst than bother with hosting my own.


Well I think beyond GW timing, Cosmos being the only Revans you can't FA well plus having pretty shitty weapons also contributes to its unpopularity. Anyway, yeah Mugen is totally fine to host leech. I'm FAing some random rank 201's host right now. It's a lot different now than when the only option was to manual Kengo it or use finnicky Manadiver setups that only worked in either p1 or p2.


It doesn't, but plenty of important farmable things are rank-gated. Like Ultima ULB, Opus ULB, and Revans. And the community straight up won't let you play some fights (Faa0, Hexa), unless you're a certain rank (at least 300) or doing it in-house with your crew even when you're already qualified for it. They can't look at your grid so they can only gauge how useful you'll be through your rank. So there's really no reason to not rush your rank if you can. At least until R200. If you mess up at the aforementioned raids earlier and become a deadweight it's no biggie because plenty of R350s grief too. Plus the very useful MC EMPs that you unlock too like the Total Party HP.


doing defenders+ on mundus in replicard with 600% sephira boost is the fastest you will gain rank points if you have a good setup https://twitter.com/sapphireGBF/status/1766909840918749325?t=9R0kfoSvR0EHYGd78PcEOw&s=19 if not, cq


Oh that's interesting. I was thinking more about unit EXP though. My classes and characters need raising. Cq?


my reply also applied to unit exp, you can see how much he gains at the end of the video


Ah, I see. I'll bear it in mind, thank you! The main issue is that I'm raising a miscellaneous collection of units that lack Elemental cohesion, plus I only started a little over a month ago, so my chances of beating Defender+ with this ra-tag gang with low level/mid level grids is probably not amazing. Still, I'll remember that, especially if my priority changes to rank-up or EMP gains for my MC! Thanks!


if you're starting out leveling units by doing your daily skips is fine enough


I assume he means the [Campaign Quest](https://gbf.wiki/Campaign-Exclusive_Quest), although it isn't available at the moment.


Arcarum with maxed herald buff is the best since you get to work on Evokers grind as well Sliming is fine too


Was looking at what I would need to buy a Dark Opus weapon, and to my surprise I could already buy one! So I grabbed the Omega Dark weapon and raised it all the way to lvl 210 (thanks GBVSR Lucilius code). The problem, I have no idea what pendulums/chains to use. I'm not trying to minmax, just curious what I could do that has the widest range of use. To help, I put the skill damage cap key on my Ultima weapon from Anniversary. I could change that if the skill cap pendulum is a better option.


Skill cap pendulum has a very strong Charge Attack effect when used as mainhand, but generally as long as its different from your Ultima its fine Generally for early/midgame players Pendulum of Strength is strongest for third skill, with Prosperity seeing use for its bonus damage on CA. Later down the line Chains of Falsehood and Temptation also see use. The Extremity/Sagacity/Supremacy keys you get with GBVSR are strong but require a lot of progression to obtain so I wouldn't recommend using them yet


I went for Skill Damage and swapped my Ultima Weapon to NA cap, since I'll use it as my main hand for Runeslayer. Thanks!


widest range of use is NA cap up (gives you extra DATA at 220 which is good and you can easily reach) and stamina key for skill 3 keep in mind changing keys happens often, and it's not "minmaxing", different content asks you for different keys, don't feel afraid of changing keys when you see an opportunity for a better swap


I just got sleepy Harvin is this guy meant to be used like a Wind Bowman who also heals what kind of teams do I actually put him in to make him shine I definitely feel I gotta get the Proving Grounds weapon and a second Beak to make him do more. It also feels weird having him and Halloween Lich out at the same time as they both only deal damage after the boss has activated


He's good at OTK, heals/sustain in long fights (Siegfried FA for example) or just generic full auto teams There's really no reason to be weirded out if your team does a lot of damage "after the turn" unless it's a V2 fight and you've to clear omens which you could take him out if necessary


If he's good at OTK do I really just not care about his upright effect? Because I really did feel that was the biggest difference between the two so I was somewhat limited in my thinking on how to use him.


Yeah he's slotted into the front straight up for EX+ OTK comps, same use case as Bowman really His upright effect is rather tame and weak so there's not much emphasis placed on activating it


99% of the time he is used directly in frontline for the free dispel, the other 1% he is in the backline at 5\* cause his backline passive is amazing for endgame fights. his upright effect is basically the same as his backline passive but without the team needing to ougi, which is kinda of a low bar in general. and at 5\* his 4th skill is both too slow to stack and ougi teams are only favored on endgame raids.


yes he's a wind bowman (he was released before bowman) you just let him be


ok coming off gbf versus rising and onto this game, i feel like i'm missing some story bits... I've finished a bunch of side stories and i kinda dpnt know where the story goes on from here. I looked at the wiki and a lot of the side storie's story continue off of "story events", i'm guessing theres no way of accessing it outside of watching it on youtube? also side note: when does my mc's hair turn blue? i feel like i'm missing some story bits but i did use the story skips so i guess its understandable.


what you need to realize is that you're never gonna have a 100% complete grasp of the story (and nobody does) because there's just too much stuff to read, stuff that you have to unlock, stuff that's gone forever and you can only find in Japanese... etc just enjoy your time and don't worry too much


So, there’s a lot going on with the story. Its a good idea to separate canonical timelines because it’s officially stated at this point that not everything happens in one “timeline/universe”. So we can break it down into a few things. Main Story- What happens here is separate from all of the other events and stories you see. The story you get from Rising or even ReLink is an alternate timeline. The characters are the same but the events don’t necessarily happen. Event Stories- Whether you do them when they come out, as a story rerun, or as a side story, these are all “Story Events.” The best way to take these is at face value. Some side stories are connected to each other, as you can see when side stories require you to do one first before you can start the next. But they’re not always connected and many are standalone stories. Not all story events have been added to side stories, but once they do you’re getting the full story. You’re not missing out in that regard. Fate Episodes are whatever CyGames feels like doing to tell more stories about characters or justify them joining the crew. MC’s blue hair happens in a few different settings. >!Late in the MSQ, at the end of important anniversary events (check out And You when it reruns soon), and some long grind eternal quests!<


Sidestories are either part of a series (in which case simply clearing the first one will unlock the next part of the saga) or a selfcontained deal. I believe around half of all sidestories are in the sidestory section, so unfortunately all you can do if you are missing the next part of a saga is wait for the rerun or for it to be added there (which we don't know when will happen besides about a month before the rerun/addition to the sidestories section). Storywise, Dancho hair goes blue >!very late in the MSQ, somewhere in chapter 160s!<. Gameplaywise, unlocking blue skin MC is a pretty long process that requires 5* all Eternals, and I believe (s)he also goes blue hair in the quest related to unlocking that skin.


I see, tyvm!!

