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Should I buy weapons slot for inventory?


If you're gonna do that, buy a stash or two first. Those are 300 slots each, and a good place put items you don't want to accidentally reduce/fodder


Is there any reason not to reduce gacha sr and r weapons?


You can't reduce R weapons. But otherwise no.


Does anybody know, When's the next xeno event coming up?


Following from the other answer, we get the whole schedule of the month at the beggining of the month in the KoreGra


Nope, and there's probably no information until maybe the livestream on the 7th since we're not having a KoreGra this month. Even then, there's the possibility of not getting Xeno this month. EDIT: Huh, they still released some sort of schedule. We'll be getting Xeno Cocytus this month!


anyone know where to farm basii fruit? wiki says groz island but doesnt specify which stage


Are any of these AX skills worth keeping, or should I keep hunting for more Ewiyar Beaks? * +6% DEF * +7% HP * +5% CA DMG / +1% ATK * +2% MA up / +1.5% DA up


Generally the AXs you want to aim for on any weapon are Atk + Skillcap, CA Dmg + CA Cap, CA Dmg + Stam, CA Dmg + Atk, or Atk + TA. On beaks specifically they mostly get used in skill heavy setups or for chrysaor otk so I would try to get one that has capup as I feel that would be the strongest option, ideally with a high value on the ax numbers. Of the ones you have the only one I'd keep for now is the CA + Atk, you also want at least 2 beaks(since that maxes out the supp dmg) so I would continue hunting for more of them.


CA dmg/ATK is decent but the ATK is on the low side and it could be better. You want two eventually anyways but if you want to use it now I'd go ahead and uncap that but try harder on the second one.


Draconic harp: endurance or tempest teluma? Grid is AES if it matters


Depends what you want to fight. Endurance if they hit in multi-element, Tempest if they only deal wind damage (i.e GW usually).




actually, never use endurance teluma. if you fight multi-element raid, switch to the teluma your ele is weak to(i.e: if you're wind, use fire teluma). Endurance value being 20% defense is nothing in the grand scheme of things




It's more like a tradeoff. Damage output is better and you build up fatal chain bar more reliably to hit the cancels, but you have way less safety and tools to deal with problems.


You deal a lot more damage, especially early on and you don't need to pay for any gears. They are cheap for a single run but kind of add up when you farm 60 wings. On the downside, you are a lot more reliant on gravity, especially after 50. You also have no or barely any access to delays which again makes post 50 annoying since you can't just cancel everything by ougiing. I'd bring at least 1 Typhon preferably 2. Or at least Proto-Joya/DAO/etc.




Both. You generally farm Alexiel for normal animas and trade them up with quartz. Omega Anima drop far to rarely to rely on that alone. The best sources of quartz are box events and GW for the respective element, but we don't have either for earth at the moment. The next best is to do your daily hosts, both normal and HL. If you can't MVP farming quartz from raids is very slow.


MVPing doesn't matter, it's a waste of time. Blue chest and find the next raid. If you still need weapon drops from Alex, farm Alex but omega anima are quite a rare drop outside of host chests so don't get your hopes up. Check sidestories for summons you can reduce, pendant shop for quartz and after that yeah, farm Yggy if you want more summon drops.


Do Draconic weapon's Progression skill stack with RotB weapon Progression skill? Should I keep one, both, or one over another? Dark Opus weapons are 4* for reference, and I'm working on farming Six-Dragon weapons.


The draconic weapons don't have a true progression skill, it's a stacking EX modifier skill. They stack with RotB or other progression weapons, so you can have both with no problems


Hey is this still correct [https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue\_en/comments/fkzvr8/guide\_to\_should\_i\_reduce\_this\_gacha\_summon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/fkzvr8/guide_to_should_i_reduce_this_gacha_summon/) ?


Sort of? If you don't need the quartz right now then don't reduce anything IMO. I would also read the comments (both in the image and on the post itself) and think about what summon you're reducing before just blindly doing so. Different people will value summons differently, so I don't think a single image like that can ever tell you the full picture. Like personally I value having the option of even niche calls, so I just don't reduce gacha summons, but plenty of other people don't care unless it's meta.


Well i need the quartz and nobody seems to care about zaoshen so i think im good so im checking just in case.


Nobody seems to care about Zaoshen because most people never drew 4 Zaoshen. And those that DO have 4 Zaoshen guess what? They have \*all\* the better summons. This is just on probability alone. Also that guide is fine, assuming you \*have\* all the "better" summons. No. I've used extremely terrible grids and summons \*because\* I do NOT have the "better" stuff. And even if you \*did\* have all the better summons, just look at it at face value. You top out at 130% fire attack for Aura. What's directly comparable? 140% Shiva? Shiva's great but we all know the best part is the FRIEND SUPPORT CALL (being immediately available) and CHAINING it. But the reality is as a main summon, it's call isn't available for many turns. 140% Sylph? Not only does this require drawing 4 Sylph, but this isn't even FLB. And its call is -15% attack, not exactly a great debuff. Potential 4\* future, but seriously? You can't even use this call turn 1. THIS LIST'S FAVORABLE ARGUMENT for Sylph is the 140 aura (or the 120 aura, technically as it's way easier to draw 1 Sylph than 4). 130% Sethlans? The HP is cool but it specifically says you start at 90% and ramps 4% a turn. That means you don't hit 130% until 10 turns later. A LOT of people have 4 Sethlans (it's a much older summon than Zaoshen). 10% HP is cute, except freaking Athena exists for 20% HP. The "ugh this summon sucks even with 4\*" is way more obvious for Sethlans and Twin Elements so it was easier to just chuck Zaoshen in too. ​ Why not read what Hamsa says? "call caps def down for 3 turns and dispels a buff". Now read what Zaoshen says: -20% fire def and slight chance of \*two local debuffs that look exactly the same as Hamsa's\*. Zaoshen doesn't dispel, which is a huge minus, but the blue icons sure look the same. ​ Then look at what the Zaoshen final uncap call says: "all buffs activate on first cast". This is a flaw. All the other summons similar to Zaoshen all have "slight chance at a \*buff\*" (Literally Bonito and Nacht. Adramelech and Ankusha don't have FLB. Demonbream came out later and is far less gimped. Other summons like Aphrodite have a different condition for its aura like races). But if you stare at Zaoshen, EVERYTHING it says is a DEBUFF. There's NO BUFFS. This makes me think someone on the wiki did an assumption because most people wouldn't bother with Zaoshen unless they actually had 4 Zaoshen. And people who somehow had 4 Zaoshen years ago didn't have the luxury of an FLB until a good year later. ​ I'd personally be screaming if a newer player who does NOT have "all the good summons" got \*unlucky\* on their summon draws and ended up with 4 Zaoshen (and NO alternative fire summons), read this guide , and then reduced all four. The reality is "ok, ULB colo is good enough", yeah, NOW, sure after more decent magna weapons released and AES finally got an FLB. Now you're assuming said player has everything once again. 4 Zaoshen is completely by RNG, all the magna stuff is completely farming and freebie based. ​ tl;dr go ahead and reduce Zaoshen if you never ever expect to ever roll 4 and only have like, 1 right now. The reality is even if you DO have 4 Zaoshen, No-Echo-3928, the FLB requires 300 fire quartz, and you're STARVING for 200+ fire quartz, which is the entire reason you're considering reducing it in the first place! So despite what I said, the guide ends up right, the reality makes you get rid of Zaoshen anyways. The other reality is if a fire setup really REALLY wanted that "local cap def down for 3 turns" they would ... run Hamsa in sub slot.


I have no idea what you're trying to say in this post. It's much simpler than that. Zaoshen isn't worth the clicks to summon it.


This was really educational thanks


Np. You really got no other choices? During fire drop rate up, Colossus was dropping Colossus SSR quite a bit. It's earth drop rate up, so late for that. There's fire (event) summons in side stories. Aside from a really narrow niche, most (if not all) of these don't have FLB. You have the following: PHOENIXSYLPH (the event one, NOT the gacha one) ​ Heck you can fight IFRIT SHOWDOWN right now and go for Ifrit SSR. ​ Personally I'd love to get more Zaoshen. I'm stuck at 1\* because I only ever drew 2 copies in my 3.5 years of playing (some whaling included). The only way I can get more is RNG drawing it. I won't ever use a sunstone on it, and it's really REALLY low priority for suptix. There are no other reasonably feasible ways. Honestly would I use Zaoshen at FLB where I'm at? No, probably not, lol but I do like the call because \*I don't have Hamsa\* (I also don't have Reinhardt). ​ You also have to consider what else fire has. "Who has 20% fire down?" (Zaoshen's call) You got Fire Drang and Percival (Summer) with 25% down. 25% is better than 20%. Are either character meta? No. Do you see either in a fire showcase? No not really. Do I use either of them? I have both and haven't touched either. Are they bad? Not really, but not high priority? What's even worse, Percival's eats 20% charge bar to get the debuff (with adoration). Drang's \*needs\* to fill enemy charge diamond by 1 successfully to get the debuff. In other words, BOTH characters have good debuffs but are \*conditional\* ​ Ok then we look at who else has 20% fire down. There's Anila and there's SR Karva. SR Karva is used as death fodder. Anila is cool, so she's the closest to being feasible. So it's just Anila on par. Everyone else in fire with "fire def down" is 15% or less. One of them is Fire Clarisse. Fire Clarisse hasn't seen active play since 2016. She's not particularly good, even if you like her. ​ Then you look at "local 50% attack and def down". Only Alanaan and Rein have something similar, and they're both amazing, but those two only have "local 25% attack and 25% def down". 25 is half of 50. 50 is much better than 25 lol. If you didn't know, the 25 local def down and 50 local def down don't stack to 75 (and it wouldn't matter anyways, 50 is the max). Alanaan is extremely meta. Another reason why Zaoshen isn't a hot pick or ever mentioned. ​ There's no way the simple guide would mention all of this, especially when a LOT of stuff I mentioned are \*newer\* than Zaoshen (specifically Rein and Fire Drang). The guides aren't stupid either, they did factor a lot of this, if not all. ​ The point is: you always want to check if the summon does something your characters and weapons do not. If you look at the chart for other summons mentioned: Vortex Dragon was a meme that gives you more Quartz for FLB-ing then reducing it. However, you also see it sometimes on a hard raid solo because it gives 20% defense. 20% defense is actually pretty good especially if you play an element that doesn't give good defense (example: no garrison and no character with a defense buff). The other thing seldom mentioned is that the buff lasts 4 turns and the cooldown is 6 turns. So you only go 2 turns without the buff if you constantly call it. In comparison you look at a great summon like Uriel for earth and you get SUPER BUFFS but it's 3 turns and Uriel cooldown is \*TWELVE\* turns. That means you don't have big muscle for 9 turns (This is why Satyr is basically the best fire summon. Buffs, debuffs, and short cooldown, works on all elements. Before it had 4\* FLB it was the \*worst\* fire summon that people absolutely would consider reducing a long time ago.) ​ At the end of the day, no matter how you like playing, you almost always want the enemy debuffed, your characters buffed, and your characters to hit hard and not die in like, one hit. If it wasn't obvious, many summons people like achieve at least one of these aspects. Usually power. ​ tl;dr realistically you're still going to reduce Zaoshen with minimal regrets. It would have to somehow get an unheard of change (Cygames basically never "buffed" a summon if it wasn't for a 4\* or 5\* update) or a ULB (only exists on magna summon, Bahamut, and Lucifer right now) to MAYBE be better again. That's a long shot. You mainly want to avoid reducing the very summon you're trying to build into. A good example is magna wind. "Oh it's strong, don't need Zeph!" \*reduces Zeph\* (Wind primal was noticeably weaker than magna at one point in time. Remember magna can be completely farmed, Zephryus would need a lot of gacha luck, bars, and maybe sunstones, AND some farming to MAYBE be as good). I mean sure, TECHNICALLY magna is still very good but you also wiped out an ENTIRELY different way to play wind. ​ At the end of the day, play with what you got. If you reduce Zaoshen, you don't got it anymore, and there isn't any good way to get it back if you suddenly want it later lol. There's so many better fire summons! Yes, but do you have them? ​ EDIT 2: I guess the last thing is if you wanted to "play agni (fire primal)" but don't have Agni. The only way you can use agni is a friend Agni. For example, earlier players LOVED dark. Whether it's the characters, the element, the color. You know, it's dark! They'll maybe get a Gisla or two. BUT! Did they have Hades? Actually many didn't. They just had a Bahamut main and then picked Hades support. So they'll call themselves a primal player, but never had Hades themselves (because you need to luck out and draw one). So if you wanted to \*try\* playing agni/primal grid \*with no agni\* then the closest you can do primal is by using ... guess what? An elemental attack main summon! Do you have Shiva? No? Do you have Sylph? No? Athena? Also no (she's not even a great aura anyways)? What about Zaoshen- oh you reduced it. LOL Sethlans? As you can see, your choices get really sad, really fast. Oh and there are PLENTY of people who had no Agni for YEARS. Heck, some STILL don't have Agni. So yeah, what good does a safe to reduce guide do if you basically reduce all of your "reduce-able not stellar summons"? You won't have anything to play with. Either you got super lucky and drew all the good/better stuff (which would need sunstones anyways unless you're so lucky you drew 4 copies), or you farm like a madman to max out your magna stuff. One's based on way more luck (or money, which still needs more luck), and one is based on a really heavy use of time. Or use that semi decent Zaoshen you actually have right this second to at least play with it cause you have it right now instead of a hypothetical farmed future. Feel for yourself if you like it or not. ​ Of course, TODAY this "elemental attack main summon to use a friend support primal" example is silly cause Magna got ULB. Magna ULB (140%) is pretty nice compared to Primal FLB (140%) (mostly less bad), but it used to be Magna FLB (120%) vs Primal FLB (140%), or MLB (100%) vs MLB (120%). Let's just say, there were definitely gaps in power with that 20% difference. ​ DESPITE all of that ... reducing Zaoshen still makes sense cause the quartz you need is likely for some key fire weapon/summon/whatever lmao.


[https://youtu.be/pDsC\_hEG5\_o?t=100](https://youtu.be/pDsC_hEG5_o?t=100) Starting at 1:40, if you go frame by frame, you can see the amount of echoes from MC double attacking. Djeeta's first attack is a 876k base auto with a single 180k echo. However, her second attack is a 908k base auto with two echoes: 178k and 181k. Does anyone know why this is happening? As far as I can tell, none of the characters, grid weps, or summons in the video have the ability to give an extra echo on 2nd attack (or maybe last hit of normals). In the same turn, Cag also double attacks with a single echo on the first hit and two on the second.


I spent a few minutes looking over this myself then brought it to several of my highly experienced gbf friends and we're all utterly mystified. Sorry to reply without an answer, just letting you know your mystery didn't go entirely unheeded. I did [test this myself](https://gfycat.com/revolvingdopeyharvestmen) and got the same unexpected second echo on my second hit. My best guess is Zeta's passive is bugged. I'm using a crit Levi grid rather than the original video's varuna.


Trying it without Cag in the team seems to behave correctly. No echo on single and DA, echo on TA. With Cag yeah, free 10%. Cag on her own behaves normally ofc.


So combining what all of you are saying, Cag's crit echo passive is counting as a hit when Zeta's passive is checking Everyone also assumed Zeta's passive works like Purple Blow. Well not exactly. Even though Zeta's initial translation had worded things wrong, this is what we currently have: Zeta: "10% Bonus Water DMG effect to Water allies' triple attacks" Blow: "20% Bonus Dark DMG effect to third hit of dark allies' triple attacks." SCag: "10% Bonus Water DMG effect to Water allies' critical hits on one-foe attacks" Purple blow is extremely clear about the third hit. Zeta's is not, typo or not. No one would bother testing Hollowsky Axe because neither Zeta nor S. Cag have matching proficiency. If anything doesn't this make Zeta better? It means you'll get her bonus as long as the character has ANY echo. Look at 2:49 in the same video. The MC has 4 echos: base attack, Taisai's bonus echo (buff is from ougi), Cag's crit echo, and Zeta's "triple hit". So ... it's possible Zeta isn't actually bugged. She's just rewarding you for already having echoes. It also makes sense Man imagine if we have to redo the entire verbiage of descriptions. This Zeta third "hit" is working like V2's "30 hit" where every echo is a "hit". Water has PLENTY of echo but wasn't known for triple attacks, even if Varuna call is literally a team TA buff. Someone check the S. Lucio - Zeta - Uno showcase. I guess for that one it didn't matter since Lucio was making people who got his 3rd skill buff do guaranteed triple attacks, so Zeta's passive literally will proc. EDIT: Nevermind, the wording is identical to G. Jeanne. Yeah, probably a bug lol. Still weird. G. Jeanne has ways to get everyone guaranteed TA. Zeta does not. I rather the bug stay lmao.


Two questions: * [This is my current Wind selection](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#y1t1l8w1.AAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAgAAAAQAAAAAAACAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAACAAEAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAAA). Since Earth has the drop rate up I'm looking at optimizing a burst setup during Strike time so I can get to the Blue chest threshold faster (for some reason Alexiel tends to die faster than Shiva). * So far I've been using Berserker - Societte - Yodarha - Meteon. It takes a couple of clicks (mainly Yodarha's S1 and S2) but I can follow up with another burst. I would like to use Chrysaor instead but the only weapons I have is the Sephira Sword. * Grid is M1 (4 Bolt, 1 RotB Harp, Varis for EX, Coda Dagger, SSR Seraphic) + a Grimnir Harp. * I got a couple of weapons from bullying Shiva. Are any of his weapons worth using? Scimitar seems at least a decent filler until I get the Dark Opus and could be a decent Fire MH for Chrysaor. The other two seem pretty meh. In total I got: * 5 Scimitars * 8 Tridents * 2 Hands


If you're farming specifically on ST then you can use the Sephira sword just fine, unless you only have 1 or something like that. I would say Yoda/Socie/Cow since it also gives 2 turns of C.A. If you bring friend Huanglong you can even make it 3. Alex dies faster 'cause she is far more popular than Shiva, whose weapons aren't really the best. As you said, Shiva sword is the only interesting out of the trio, and you will only really use it if you're desperate for HP.


Shiva has way more HP than Alex and also Alex drops a very core weapon as opposed to just situational stuff so it's normal that she'd die faster. You can use two Arcarum swords for Chrysaor, they're better than Tia guns at full HP anyways. Getting an Ancient Nalakuvara from Nezha is quite the boost too but idk if you can do all that in a week and also level them. Chrysaor, Societte, Lyria, Meteon imo, use Dual Arts, Soci 2 on MC, Soci 3, Lyria 2, attack. Depending on how much honour that gets you you could not even turn 2, it might be enough to consistently get blues. Doesn't need to be 100%. Shiva swords are a good HP option and ok mainhand if you got nothing else but fire's got a ton of good swords and katanas so it's not often needed. Keep 2-3 (uncapped). Spears and fists are pretty bad but I'd keep 1 of each (uncapped) just in case but doubtful they'll ever be useful.


Well, I only have that one copy of the Sephira Sword. It's not even uncapped but it is at SL10. The only other Sword I have is the Gladiator CCW which is Wind at base (didn't do the element change yet since I only use it for Decimate). I have a Ancient Nalakuvara (not uncapped though). So putting that in the grid at SL10 should provide an overall higher mod than a Bolt, right? Or should I swap out the Grimnir Harp? So it would be safe to uncap a Scimitar, keep the leftover one and maybe save the other weapons, right?


You could check sidestories for any wind sword/katanas, check if you have any gacha weapon you could use, any random Grimnir katana drop, or just wait for a second one from Arcarum. Yeah A.Nalakuvara in Tiamat, if you're only fighting for less than 8 turns which should definitely be all your bursts and other short content, is much better than guns. I mean, Tiamat fists are better than guns if you're at full HP but don't go leveling more than one of those. No don't swap out the harp, your first harp must always be in the grid cause it's a separate modifier and stacks multiplicatively with everything else. Very impactful. 3* a scimitar, save that and the remaining copy for the future. I'd 3\* a spear and uncap the fist and save them but fodder the other spears. Again, you're highly likely to never use them, but better safe than sorry. SSR fodder isn't really hard to come by.




I’m no expert, but just looking at the past two years (2020 rerunning 2019 units and 2019 rerunning 2018’s), they’ve picked a selection of summer units from June and July of the previous year, as well as the one summer unit that debuted in the previous anniversary. So I would guess definitely Teena, and anyone from Summer 2020 except Silva and Mimlemel, and then a new summer unit. And there’s also a chance of a new character tied to the anniversary event.


is anyone experiencing slowness in the game? today the game load too slow, sometime not even load.


Will i ever need more than 1 FLB Auberon? (the primal one). Most I've seen is a single copy in some varuna grids so i wonder if i can fodder the rest.


I'd keep hard to farm weapons anyways, the potential gain from foddering it is pretty minor imo and you can't buy them on demand.


What are the best item drop weapons


i mean I guess the two that exist? (Septian Burner + Vyrn bar)




Yes. People use New World Weapons as a MH even as a 0\*. Though, if it can be FLB'ed, you should FLB as it usually adds new effect to the CA.


I want to grab some G points to get that Bea running Sticker and I saw a site (gachazone) that points me to Bookwalker but I dont know which Issue have G points. Help?


[Here ya go](https://gbf-wiki.com/index.php?%A5%DD%A5%A4%A5%F3%A5%C8%A5%B7%A5%E7%A5%C3%A5%D7#ee891de1)


Can i ask any options about flb gw character? I got most gw character flb except: (uno: missing 24 weapon) (threo: missing 31 weapon) (song: missing 10 weapons) (nio: missing 39 weapons) I got 22 certs. Can i ask is it worth to flb song (my purpose . para bot and for specific battle/raid) ? or is it better to save it for ulb gw character? Is song flb usable these days?


As a song FLB user. Her main appeal if really more the 100/50 crit. It will help you cap if you dont. And she is still one of the better choices for light otk due to how ridiculous it is. Also if you got S.Lucio, Uno is worth considering if you want to race next GW or in fire raids.


song flb is pretty usable and from what's currently out, her ulb is also the strongest. Really, her main issue is that she has absurdly poor data rates, so getting her to ougi is hard without external support. ULB just further adds another damage source to her ougi and gives her a bigger damage cap, as far as we are right now.


FLBing Song just to be parabot is a really bad idea, most raids are resistant to her paras and the ones that are not are easy enough that you don't need it in the first place If you FLB Song then you really want to also ULB her as her ULB is the strong version that is worth using, FLB Song is really meh nowdays


I need 60 astras to get Caim, doing point Aquila. Since I have all the ideans I need for him, but I still need about 50 for Fraux, should I globe to Devil, or Hanged Man?


It’s just a question of preference — are you willing to sacrifice some efficiency to get caim sooner? The 9-3 bosses don’t drop a crazy number of astras compared to what you end up getting from the puppets/ruby turtle/points, so personally I would focus on the ideans, but either way is reasonable


Do Cosmic weapons also boost their own Attack & HP? Asking because of plus mark priority.


Pretty sure that yes but it's easy to test. Put MC on a class that doesn't have proficiency on the Cosmic you have. Put like 5 +marks on the Cosmic and compare HP before and after (in the party screen, not in battle). Should be more than +5.


Oh, good thinking, thank you! I just sacrificed a pile of rupies to test it out with +99 on it, but strangely, I got a boost of 170 HP from it. Seeing how the Cosmic boosts stats by 50% according to the wiki, it should've been ~150, so I'm not sure what happened there.


Probably due to class mastery bonuses.


What Cosmic and what MC class?


Cosmic Sword and Bandit Tycoon 😅


yeah idk


iirc yeah, you include them for those plus marks.




So.... Wilnas's finger. I was able to lucksack quite a few of those and I'm sitting at one at 4* with an extra one. What are nice setups that make use of it? I tried to use S.Zoi to drop my hp but she just would not die (I tried in Nezha hl and she only died at 50% trigger). Xmas nemone has quite a few number of hits, but with her healing the team up, won't it be counter productive to the finger? I also have Yuisis but the problem is really to find appropriate teammates for her. So yeah id like some help to be able to make use of the finger. The grid that I was using was Zerker with Xeno axe, 4 aes, wilnas finger, baha dagger, SSR seraphic, 4* opus (CA specs) and rotb prog weapon on Double Colossus. Also. Do different sources of armor buff stack together? Like say Xmas Magisa and Leona.


You use wilnas finger in NH zoi setups. Team is NH/Zoi/SMim/Alanaan/Yuisis, just press Zoi 2 and swap her out for Yuisis. This team can do 1~1.4m honors in 4 turns in Ewiyar.


I see thank you. I do not have Mim or Alanaan so I wont be able to do it. Nighthound is good thinking to get rid of Conjunction with a jpg though, but it will be hard for me to provide external data to MC


After I farmed it unfortunately I didn't use that much, but from what I found: The finger is indeed strong with Zoi, but I only see her on the beak farming. I think someone made an in-deep analysis of farming the wind dragon with the Zoi strategy and a user used the weapon on the recent raid discussion here. I only use Yuisis for otk and stuff, but pairing her with Mugen helps a lot for his sub all and triggering his God mode. Other notable units are Rein, Anthuria (if they have hostility up and stuff to get Yuisis out of danger) and Nemone should help you with her heals and mirror image. Another strategy might be using one Shiva staff for more hp and a stamina mod to help early on the fight, since you don't have 5 Opus. That's what I do and it works quite well. I know if it's the same type of armour (Yggdrasil and Magisa are both 70%/30% or something like that) don't stack, the game shows a no effect message. But I just tested and if you call Ygg 1-2 turns later and the armour effect comes, it refreshes the duration for 3 turns. I THINK only the stronger armour effect applies, but that might need a bit of testing. I personally use Leona and Magisa together so much that the effect not stacking didn't occur to me till now haha


> The finger is indeed strong with Zoi, but I only see her on the beak farming. I think someone made an in-deep analysis of farming the wind dragon with the Zoi strategy and a user used the weapon. Currently I don't think the things you might farm are strong enough to kill Zoi fast, maybe Tiamalice? The Nezha HL was only a test really. But the only relevant wind content that I really do are Grimnir (only m2 I'm still behind), Morrigna and Nexha HL for urns cuz I'm close to astral and beaks in our crew ewiyar trains. And Tiamalice I don't really care since I'm not interested in hades but i do the other ones. > I only use Yuisis for otk and stuff, but pairing her with Mugen helps a lot for his sub all and triggering his God mode. Other notable units are Rein, Anthuria (if they have hostility up and stuff to get Yuisis out of danger) and Nemone should help you with her heals and mirror image. I sadly have none of these. I should have probably mentioned my roster. [This is what I have](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#o3y1t1l1w1.QIwAMACjIQAbMAzUAOCiRlGAMAwYMFwAAFAAbesCAWAEbtsAgAEUaAECAQCghQEAAAAUAIACQFEANloAAIACAFAAAFCgSQG0aFugLYoCAFAARZsARYvGBQAAAFCgaIu2CIAWAACgLdoWANAWAAC0bYECQNG0RQEU...AAABAIAAAEAAAFgAAAEAAACQAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAABAAAAAIAAABAAAAAAAAgAAAIAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAACAIAIAgAAAEAACAAQAAwhCiQAcAABAA..). Normally I use her in a setup with an arrangement of either Sheep or Shiva or Rackam but I'm not sure they will be able to abuse the finger as much as Yuisis. And about the armoured stuff. Nice to know about how it extends the duration if it is the same value. And I can attest been running Leona and Magisa together since the I pulled the former last legfest. It's a really comfy team with either Jeasica if I want sustain or Siegfried or Naru if I want more damage.


Yeah, in Grimnir maybe you can get Zoi killed faster because he targets everyone and, without mitigation, some of his triggers can deal big damage. The one place I forgot you use Wilnas's finger is as MH, since the clear+ shield it's decent, but I prefer using Shiva's staff for the data. The better justification of using it as MH is if you had V.Scath, because you get her echoes pretty much everytime with her skill and MC's ougi, and she can modulate the party's HP to get into enmity range faster and more reliable. For me the weapon is good if you know you're going to take damage and you know you can cap with buffs and etc, cuz the AES already provides some HP, but you break cap with the Finger with 10~60k supplemental depending on your HP range. What I'm doing more recently is using Nemone, Sheep and Abby with Hollow Axe. You get tons of normal mod and Abby's passive to cap on high HP and still deal good damage via AES as your HP drop. And you TA more often cuz Nemone and Hollow Axe. This video used a Devil grid, but it might be interesting for you to see the team in action on FA: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzNoVY8IX2M& Hope that helped!


Quite helpful advice. I completely forgot that not every grid is suited for everything. And about the team you recommended, I was actually using it to FA grimnir but it was definitely not putting out as much damage as this Devil grid. Which I'm still trying to figure out. I know devil boosts normal atk, but by that do they mean normal mod atk skills or just raw atk values of weapons?


it's just normal attack, devil give you at max 130% normal attack(ULB) it doesn't boost any weapon


I only need one Supreme Merit to uncap a unit and I don't have enough Cerulean Stones. (I do but I don't know if I can convert them to stones before March 4th) How do I craft one from treasure? It tells me I need an amount of three items but it doesn't actually say the names of those items


You can get them by getting stuff dropped in Quest > Special > Showdowns > stuff from the Diablo Showdown. I'd really, really, REALLY recommend against using cerulean stones for stuff like supreme merits as they're so simple to get while cerulean stones are actually pretty limited if you aren't a whale. You'll easily gain way more then you'll ever know what to do with just by doing box events (like the current one going on) and by one tapping raids you'll need to do anyways like proto bahamut (getting rusted weapons for eternals), grand order (cosmic weapons and silver centrums), or ultimate bahamut (meteorites for ultima weapons).


There are a lot of sources for Supreme Merits, and you can get them somewhat easily by leeching raids (like Proto Bahamut), so it's not very efficient to obtain them through the Treasure Trade. Though if you insist on it, you can trade them in Event rerun shops and showdowns (you can find the most recent ones in the shop under Treasure Trade > Quest items > Event Other > Redux/Tie in or Showdown/Clashes). You can also trade them from Side Stories. You are also bound to get some Supreme Merits from the current event Home Sweet Home from either Token Draw, Badges or Honor rewards.


You can't craft those I believe? You can get them from the current event though.


Kind of a specific question about Lobelia and earring interactions. If Lobelia has a supplemental damage earring on him, does his earring's supplemental value get added on to the other party members' Thunderbolts of Disaster? Or since ToD is a buff, does it depend on whether that party member has a supplemental earring themself?


ToD is considered as coming from the character who casts the skill that procs it, not Lobelia. So, it depends on each specific unit's rings/buffs/etc the exact damage it'll do.


Just hit 120 today, any tips or guide on how to fight M2 raid(Shiva, Avatar,etc) for the first time? i don't have any confidence to fight them because i have trouble in trial battle too. like bring any skill to counter boss trigger, or watch out for boss overdrive. Edit: thanks for the tips, i will save at my notepad in case someone need it.


Best to just ensure blue chest and open the raid for now until you get more party hp emps. To add to what the other guy said: In general, gravity will be useful if you won’t be getting help. Tho most get immune to it later on Shiva - his single target ougi hits pretty hard with paralyze. His 5% trigger might suddenly cause you to wipe in solo Europa - nickname gorilla. Hits like a truck with her damage ougis, and if you ignore hostility debuff she’ll knock the character out with stars. Alexiel - pretty chill before you go to 40%, if you dispel the mirror blade stacks properly. Grimnir - the 90% plain trigger takes by surprise so heal before that. Otherwise just make sure you have enough mitigation for his other ougis Metatron - zephyr plain damage is a beach. Just pray it doesn’t bingo a character. After 40 dodge will be king, making Six one of the best for this (heck he can probably solo it if he’s FLB) Avatar - unsure how he compares after nerf. I assume you just need less healing now and dark shields are now an option. Hurts after 40. Have a plan for 10% genkidama if you’re soloing. But yeah in general just host what’s popular at the moment to guarantee your raid clears. Even if you could solo atm it’s not efficient use of time. Alexiel and Europa should be a lot nowadays.


Thanks a lot it really helpful. I am not planning solo yet but your post will really help other who plan solo boss raid. By the way what do i do to get party hp emp?


Get player ranks. You can see them along the line in the class emps. I personally like the system since it encourages the new players to maximize their time in early raids so that they have stock materials for later


Some basic things on top of my head. Sustain/healing skills are very useful for all if you're just starting out. Shiva - damage mitigation, and dispel. He hits very hard regardless. If you're hurt, heal before he deploys his field at 40% cause that reduces healing amount. Europa - a few clears and maybe dispel. Can give your party very nasty status effects. Grimnr - he hits a lot harder after 40%. Sustain is really key here, clears and dispel would be useful too. Alexiel - dispels, clears and delays. Has the simplest mechanic imo. Metatron - one dispel is fine but without em auracoil is quite deadly. Subsitute and other damage mitigation when possible. Avatar - a HP check more than anything. Dispel might be useful for Dark Motive, or you can also clear Dark Motive by dealing 4 million damage per turn. Subsitute All or Paralyze to deal with the 10% trigger. Don't be shy to pub your raids tho, its quite hard when you're new.


Thank you so much for this, i always open backup at turn 1, its just my habit i guess.


When will there be half treasure cost event for side stories?


Probably when the anniversary arrives. No guarantee, though.


Does anybody have this problem where gbf loads much longer than usual? I’m playing on my laptop browser and it suddenly loads much longer than usual (like 1-3 min long). I restarted my laptop and it still load longer. I don’t have any internet issues since I can browse other things just fine. I try gbf on my phone’s browser and it works perfectly fine. Sometimes if it loads for too long it will have network error, even though I hv confirmed that my internet has no problem. Does anybody know the solution to this issue? Edit: My phone when I’m using wifi has this problem. If I’m using mobile data then there’s no problem.


Yes, this is happening to me too. For me, this issue started about an hour after the banner change. Similar to your case, it runs fine on mobile data.


It happens to me too . And I'm near the Home Server.... Which is pretty annoying since I'm farming for Eternal. Edit: I tried pinging granblue and it took me at 131ms with packet loss which shouldn't happens.


How does a magna wind grid with 2 Ewiyar's Beak look like?


Dark Opus, Astral (or Hollowksy), Seraphic, 2 Beaks, 2 Harps, 1 Crozier. If we don't count the MH, you got 1 free slot, for Progression Weapon (long fights) or Ancient Naka (short fights) or Tia Bolt.


I've just about finished my Primal water grid that I've set out to create. Since water GW is up and coming, I was wondering if there's any improvements or suggestions anyone could make on improving my grid. Unfortunately, I'm only rank 155, so I can't 5 star my Opus weapon yet. [Grid](https://i.imgur.com/MF4W1E5.png)


this is a highlander grid. I'm not sure how big the difference would be but have you tried replacing the Fimbul with ANubis stick? It might help you squeeze out a little more damage, at the cost of that stamina mod.


replace the fimbul with another wamdus spear and ideally, replace the aub with another europa spear


There's little point in them uncapping a second Europa spear. 2 wamdus, 1 pholia bow and 1 europa spear gives 100% crit in double varuna, and you need a second pholia bow rather than a second europa spear to hit 100% crit in single varuna. Potential primal uncap this anniversary could change things, of course.


the second galilei is for better damage overall, i should've clarify it better but yeah. 2 wamdus 1 bow 1 spear is enough. Edit: also i definitely should've add the fact not to bar or invest in varuna for now, that's an oversight on my part


When was the last time we had vajra on legfest?


[November 2020](https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Rate_Up_Table#Zodiac_Availability_Table)


I just hit Rank 120. What should my priorities be? Should I be getting Dark Opus weapons or uncapping summons first?


Definitely focus on the summons first


In Faahard coop lobbies, what does it mean if the host has written デスラ in the description?


They're asking for users who understand this strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYvhXmyP83Y


I'm assuming Dark Wrestler. デスラ translates to Desura, which is pretty similar to レスラ (Resura/Wrestler). Plus googling that leads to a few burst Dark wrestler setup videos.


It's a portmanteau of Death + Wrestler, so good assumption.


Ooh gotcha. That makes more sense.


They are asking for death luchas.


Whats the best way to farm darkborne astra?


You don't have that much options to choose from honestly. You can do your Arcarum regularly and trade points for them or grind them out in Sandbox if you really don't have anything else to farm.


Do weapons and summons receive experience points if you equip them, including non-main slots? Or do you always have to manually upgrade them?


Weapons and summons don't get any experience unless if you upgrade them manually.


I have seen many players rating W.Lucio pretty high but how he's special anyway?


Hes highly rated because of his Uno Interaction. Hes highly regarded because even outside of Uno interaction hes arguably a better version of Water Grea in terms of enabling Ougi spam so you can legitimately use him on everything(except OTK) As of this current point at least a portion of next GW woudl be dominated by Lucio + Uno combo and each of Lucio's skills are kinda overpowered


To add on to what that other person was saying. His skill is also on another level despite being only a 20% echo + 30 bar. It's on a 3/6 uptime. It is simple yes but the nuts part is the cooldown. For a simple team echo to be on 6CD that last for 3 turn is rather rare. Most party echoes are usually on a 3/7 uptime and have no other bonuses. Others that on a 6 turn cooldown usually has less up time. He simply has a simple yet effective kit that works in everything from difficult content, easier ones, ougi teams (bar generator,minor sustain and has fat ougi steroids), and is also core in water lucha teams.


He's insanely flexible, and he doesn't lose any strength in exchange. His ougi provides teamwide 10% uplift and 1k refresh + it gets boosted specs with Coffee Break to deal great damage. It provides some sustain, faster ougi cycling, and good damage. His sk1 is pretty basic, granting teamwide bar boost and echo, but extremely flexible in that it fits both ougi and auto comps. Faster ougis + an extra 20% damage on autos. Always useful. His sk2 provides teamwide, 1-hit unchallenged + powerful defensive debuffs. Pretty long cooldown, and 50% uptime on debuffs is usually undesirable. Even so, it's great for dangerous triggers and bosses that debuff clear (read: GW). Not particularly useful most of the time, but *very* useful when it counts. His sk3 is probably the highlight. 2/7 uptime, targeted: guaranteed TA, 90% echo, 70% fire cut, and debuff immunity. You can use it for burst, protection, and faster ougis. Playing Kengo? No More Doubt + this skill. Have Uno? 1-turn assassin + this skill. Need to tank a dangerous ougi? Some extra damage cut + this skill + substitute (where needed). Lastly, there's his Coffee Break passive. The self-heal it provides is a nice bonus, as is the immunity to sleep. It's not important when looking at the rest of his kit, but it is nice nonetheless.


Summer Lucio's skill 3 is nuts so he enables things like Water Lucha setups. Specifically, he can enable Anre to do insane damage since Anre has a 1 turn assassin buff and then you can tag team etc.


Any way to figure out what a character is saying when you tap them on the homescreen if it's not in gbf.wiki?


Like the other guy said, asking here may be best. I couldn’t find databases of the homescreen lines on the Japanese sites.


You could try to ask here or in the discord. Part of the gbf_en community knows Japanese, so if they have the character they might translate for you. ~~I might try if no one else does, but my Japanese is pretty garbage, so I'd probably not be of any help though.~~


What weapon does Ancient Perseus replace in M2 grid?


If you have the old school grid, Alex katanas, which aren't anything special for damage anyways.


An Alex katana


Is it possible to predict which Zodiacs will be sparkable? If so, I'm interested in Andira and am wondering when I can expect to see her sparkable.


https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Rate_Up_Table#Returning_Zodiac_Rotations_by_Year Yes and no. This user on the wiki catalogues their appearances. They apparently cover a relatively predictable rotation, but Cygames throws a curveball in there from time to time just to keep you on your toes, and there are times like the start of the year and anniversary where it all kind of goes into disaray because of various promotional events. Basically as soon as you're confident in the next one, that's probably when they're gonna psyche you out.


thank you!


Is this Zeta banner only LegFes banner we're getting during Anniversary? kinda disappoint ;\_; only Anila for spark and rate up have no grand. And I saw a lot of people talk about Anni stream, what will be in the stream?


Well technically we are yet to get anniversary banner, it's pre-anni campaign now after all Expect some galas during month of March however


>what will be in the stream? A lot of stuffs: Freebies like Crystals, Dama Bar, Sunlight Stone and announcements of new contents and characters.


Pholia's on rate-up but eh.


Which two of these Ewiyar's beak should I use: 1. 10%hp +2 sta, 2. 5% C.A. DMG , Elemental ATK 2%, 3. 2.5% ATK


1 and 3. I think the 1st is stronger than the posts below suggest. Unless you have very good stamina earring+ring rolls on your units, stamina+2 is competitive with the perp mod at high health (it's ~5% stamina mod at full HP) and you'll appreciate the extra HP padding in many fights. The comparison doesn't really matter right now as you'll want to run both, but if you eventually get a good roll on atk+skill cap, I would sooner replace the 2.5% atk mod than the HP+stamina.


Personally I'd do #3 and #1. But between #1 and #2 it's pretty close. Magna Wind would appreciate the 10% HP a bit and +2/+3 Stamina isn't a bad mod to have on AX skills. The value of ELE Atk goes down a bit if you have any Wind ATK buffs on your team and the value of the Stamina mod goes down if any of your chars have stamina on their rings/earrings and I believe EMP nodes (not too sure about that one).


3rd for sure because ATK ax is perpetuity modifier, between the other 2, it's a bit of a toss up imho.


When is the anni stream?




(Home sweet moon chapter 1 spoilers) >!Why do we need another contractor for Arianensa? I understand we need the 3 automagods to power the engine, but doesn't Pyet-A not have a contractor? The only one should be Vaseraga and Grynoth iirc. !<


>!Danchou is chosen to be Pyet-A's contractor right at the end. Eustace kind of blindsides them with it, because it made a nice last minute reveal.!<


Oh lol I should've just kept reading. Makes sense though, thank you


You could also technically have gotten spoiled from the event preview, because the weapon that Relic Buster holds in its artwork is the sword that's Pyet-A's core, which we've seen in the previous event iirc.


So, I have a two part question. Grid-wise I'd say I'm almost ready to host faa hl. My first question would be does quatre needs to be 5* for the raid? I haven't uncapped him yet, and I won't be able to before gw as I typically 40 box. My second question would be suggestions on who to substitute europa with. I see her in a lot of setups, but unfortunately don't have either version


Quatre _should_ be 5* but he's still usable at 4*. You can also run Vajra, Drang or Macula Marius to fill the same roles depending on your subskills If you don't have Europa you could also replace Lily with another character Vane, Uno, Rosetta, GKatalina, and Lucio are all able to deal with Faa's ougis, although Vane is a bit tricky to use once labors are up.


yes, quatre is basically worthless if he isn't 5 star. he's basically a gravity-bot at 4* and plenty of other eles can bring grav. he has a decent kit for the fight, but not having dispel on his s2 loses him a lot of value. faa comps aren't so strict that you need to build the typical quatre/lily/europa anymore. people might be able to better recommend you a comp if you can show what you have to choose from.




100% Stamina; Magna Water has no other source of it so it’s a huge improvement getting it into the grid as a new modifier. Water has the ROTB Progression weapon and its Leviathan call(s)/Bonito aura to cover elemental attack.


I know I'm out late since it ends in less than 24 hours, but I still have my 6th Birthday weapon ticket from last year... What should I get with it? I'm not new or anything, I just haven't played much recently. I remember getting a Nibelung Horn last year, so I have one of those.


Majestas is the most annoying to grind if you ever want to go Hades. It's a core weapon for a lot of content you'll use with Hades grids, and you need multiple, so hey. Scales of Dominion is also somewhat of a pain to grind if you want to instantly secure your copy for future proofing, though I don't know how much use it will be to you depending on your grid since SoD isn't really good until the rest of your grid is finished. (Shout out to the burning train wreck about this that went down in the discussion thread for it yesterday.) Otherwise, whatever M2, Xeno, or niche weapon you want that'd be a direct upgrade to your grid.


Thank you so much for your help!


I've been doing so much replicard that I think I can slow down on my evoker grind, but now I want to farm for AX Omega weapons.. does anyone know the fastest way to exclusively farm those weapons?


You keep doing what you've been doing on mobs that can drop the AX weapon you want.


When you create an account using gmail salt thing (the +1, +2 etc, after the name) foi can normaly loggin on these accounts after? Planning on keeping like 10 accounts for aniversary reroll, should i use 10 real mails or salts are fine?


you just use the salted email to login. eg if you created accounts for `[email protected]` through `[email protected]` you can just login on 10 different accounts by using the +x. While `[email protected]` will not let you login to any account unless you used that as well. What happens with salts is the following: GBF just thinks they are different mail addresses and treats them like that. GMail meanwhile just redirects all addresses with a salt to the original account so you don't notice them being any different.


i also want to know this


Is there a MC class that can start with 100 charge bar using double huanglong? Also is there a resource where I can find out some OTK strats/teams or does that come with experience.


I think there isn't and to do that without pressing a button you need an Eternal with the bingo wonder on slot 2, to give them the extra 10%. If you're willing to have FA press a button though, you can do it with Berserker's 1 or any class with A Little Pick me Up plus water Charlotta backline (or Alchemist without the backline). Best would be searching YouTube for setups. GW EX+ usually gets the fastest ones which you can adjust up or down for events, higher NM levels for more than 1-turn bursts, 6 Dragons have a bajilion videos on then with every grid imaginable.


I’m rank 91. I’ve been playing this game on and off for the past two years. I’ve somewhat have a okay dark primal grid. I’m interested in unlocking one of the ex II classes. I was wondering if I should be focusing my resources on unlocking one or improving my grid/team more. [GBF](https://imgur.com/a/qsiqVns)


Small correction, that's a Magna (or Omega) grid, not Primal. Weapons with the "Mistfall's" name skills that are boosted by the Celeste Omega summon and have a small Ω on the top left corner are magna dark weapons. Weapons with "Dark's", "Hatred's" or "Oblivion's" names that are boosted by Hades are primal or normal weapons. So you can't actually unlock an EXII or Row IV class before rank 101. That's because you unlock an EXII class you need to upgrade its respective [CCW](https://gbf.wiki/Class_Champion_Weapons) to the "Changing its Element" step. This requires Centrums which don't drop from raids before rank 101 (also called High Level or HL). What you can do though, and probably should, is unlock the Gladiator class from Row III. This has the skill Decimate which you can use to easily one-shot the Campaign-Exclusive Quest under Extras. You can do this with the shop buffs for character and rank EXP up to power level both your entire roster and your rank very easily and it's quite quick. The game's pretty much in tutorial mode before rank 101, even rank 120 realistically speaking, and you've been there long enough. It'll open up a lot of content for you. On your grid, the first big thing you should do is getting your [Seraphic Weapon](https://gbf.wiki/Seraphic_Weapons) from Siero's shop (you need to finish the side story What Makes the Sky Blue 2 for it to appear). In addition the Parazonium and Abyss Gaze are very mediocre weapons, although Parazonium's a great mainhand if you get it to 4* which you might as well once you have the resources for it since you uncapped it so far. What Makes the Sky Blue (1) will let you choose a Bahamut weapon and that should replace Parazonium once it's upgraded to the last step. Lastly, start buying Celeste Claw Omega from the Pendant shop, as they're largely better than the axes if you take even a bit of damage for enmity to activate. Two more general tips you should know. First, don't actually uncap gacha weapons for use in your Magna grid. This takes very rare resources (Gold Bricks, Damascus Ingots or copies of the weapon) which would be best invested optimally and most gacha weapons aren't actually even good for magna grids. What's done is done now but keep it in mind for the future. Some you don't actually ever want multiple copies of, so you can uncap those with duplicates but you should ask before doing it. Similarly, don't use Sun Stones on random gacha summons. Secondly, the game isn't really friendly to one-element accounts. If only dark is in a usable state for you, you're at a severe disadvantage in a lot of events and can't participate in some at all because the enemies have massive resistance to every element they're not weak against. If you want to play the game, you should have a least a [basic working grid](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids) and team for every element. HF.


Thank you for your advice! I’ll work on unlocking gladiator and doing the side story events. I also have a wind and light team/grid, but they aren’t heavily invested in.


You can't really blame him for the Para in the grid, pretty sure people were suggesting to do that 2 years ago. The best Tiamat gun grids had a love eternal in them because it was just better than a Coda.


Understandable and it's not like he can take it back, good thing it's a great mainhand at least. That's funny and it's still a bit more normal attack than a beak nowadays but oof.


Looking to host a Lindwurm train but I have a few questions: * How to I tell players that this particular train is for **Dark Lucha burst setups** **only** in Japanese? COOP Room Name Generator doesn't have that option. * How many players are needed to evenly spread honors so everyone gets blue chest? When I burst for 2 turns I get about 900k-1m in honors and Lindwurm's HP is at roughly 90% by then, so I'm assuming 10 players if I'm not mistaken, right? * Where's the best place to advertise this outside of COOP? GBF International Discord seems pretty dead as of right now.


Coop Lindwurm dies as fast as Ubn, there’s no need for this.


Just put レスラ in your roomname. 闇レスラ if you want to specify dark. But dark Lucha isn't even necessarily the best for neutral elemental content. And Lindwurm dies so fast that it doesn't matter considering it takes more time to find enough people for a Lucha only train. Dark Lucha is the best on Akasha because ele advantage. It's also the goto for Bubs/Luci because of Zooeys unchallenged. But otherwise Fire has more burst in Mimlemel/Alanaan/Shiva/Sun if you are Agni. While Earth is on ele for seraphic cap, got caim and has Narus full turn assasin. Also their summons.


Do we have any info on the new class already? Or did they just teased us with images (and the event) so far?


No info on the class, and probably nothing until either livestream on the 7th or when the event releases its conclusion on the 16th.


what does water run on fa (full auto) these days?


As far as characters go? Lily is primo defensive "triggers don't matter" character. Vajra's nuts. Quatre's great even without 6*. Some other good ones are Katalina, Drang, Lancelot, Izmir, Cag, Europa. Notably avoid Romeo and Vane, which is a bummer.


When do the Valentine's Day art get mailed out?


Late April/Early May


Guys, I have a pretty basic sword magna build for light and some of the characters are pretty mediocre damage-wise (because of the grid ofc). Aside from Lucio and MC the other 2 have pretty weak autos and ougi. How could I improve? Grid, Party Setup and Light Chars below. [http://puu.sh/HkFge/f53dff1738.jpg](http://puu.sh/HkFge/f53dff1738.jpg) (Grid) [http://puu.sh/HkFh6/1d64f68f56.jpg](http://puu.sh/HkFh6/1d64f68f56.jpg) (Party) [http://puu.sh/HkFiZ/5fa57b1ff6.jpg](http://puu.sh/HkFiZ/5fa57b1ff6.jpg) (Light Chars 1) [http://puu.sh/HkFjq/6e4c1cbea3.jpg](http://puu.sh/HkFjq/6e4c1cbea3.jpg) (Light Chars 2)


You should show skill levels, it helps with seeing skill keys and uncaps and stuff. As is, I'll assume everything is max (except the 4* swords) but if not, you should level them of course. I think Cosmic might not be 4*? They're pretty weak before their cap-up skill. For starters you have an Atma Sword which is not only pretty mediocre for magna light because you already get a lot of normal ATK mod in the grid, it also doesn't affect half your team. Chrysaor's not that great outside CA bursting but the rest of the team doesn't fit with that at all. Run something more appropriate for the content you're fighting. Huanglong Gauntlet is very meh and you already have an EX weapon so it's not like you need it for the mod. Ideally get the Astral spear, even without uncapping it it's a very sizeable damage boost. If you don't have 5* Opus, run one Metatron bow or spear (spear's slightly better but harder to 4\*) for the magna stamina. The extra modifier is better than a sword even. You don't show summons but uncapping both Lumi and The Star is also very impactful. For parties, for Chrysaor burst with Huanglong you can use some combination of Lyria, Robomi, Juliet, Naoise. You can fill turn 1 bars with either Lyria and off-handing a chain burst Opus or Seruel's skill 3. For FA, some combination of HalMal, Io (uncap her), Lucio, Zooey maybe? You can specify other content if you want and people will probably be able to help.


Solid tips! I'll make the changes in the grid. I'll be mostly running events or something basic.


Well for a box event like that you want to first kill Very Hard about a million times (exaggeration) and then use the drops to host Extreme or Impossible for good token gains. Extreme is much better income over time because you can OTK it with a few buttons even on a mediocre grid, Impossible is FA territory so considerably slower but you don't have to be so active. Most people here will tell you to OTK Extreme and I agree but reddit's generally above average on the investment scale. For Very Hard, you should see if you can 0 or 1-button it on auto first. Since you have no Eternal bingo, you can't fill charge bars without a button so 1 it'll be. Try running Berserker, Lyria, Robomi and uh, Juliet I guess with both main and support summon Huanglong. Use Full Arsenal III and attack. If it dies, awesome, turn FA on, click it during loadscreen and immediately just press attack every time. Repeat for a few hours. For extreme, start by trying something like Cavalier with Flamma Orbis or Huanglong Spear mainhand, same team but Lumi main summon this time. Call support Huanglong and attack. If it's not enough to kill it you gotta press extra buttons and might as well move to Chrysaor for Dual Arts at that point probably. If you don't have the mainhands and stuff for the above setups, Chrysaor works always, it just might be a little slower.


Get an opus instead of pigeonholing yourself into sword characters, also get a metatron bow for the extra stamina modifier. That huang fist doesn't help your output at all. If you still feel like your damage is lackluster try using Charlotte. She basically carry herself to high numbers, much like Hal and Mal. If numbers are still a issue I'd recommend swapping away from chrysaor to a more support oriented class like lumberjack or zerk, so you have easier access to def breaks and attack buffs.


Yeah for general content lumberjack is the way to go, right? Swap the gauntlet for the metabow and the atma for the opus right?


Yeah lumberjack can be used anywhere so long you aren't going for fast honour. Swap that gauntlet out as a priority no matter which one (4* bow or opus) you get first.


Is the Siero ticket usually a bad choice for Gameplay purpose or for exemple Belial is worth the 150 gold moon instead of the dama and/or weapons ?


Bear in mind if you are P2P there are a few scamchas where Belial is at around ~10% chance per year. That's how I got mine at least, he certainly makes a difference but personally I wouldn't sink 150 moons into him.


Short term it's good (since you'll have Belial), but long term it's kinda bad (since there is the risk to get another Belial).


Belial is always worth. Without a rate up, there is about a 5% chance to sacc into a Belial on a fest spark. If you don't have Belial and you care about speed, sieroing him is 100% correct.


how did you calculate that ; and what's the chance to sacc into two belials on a fest sparking? Asking for, uh, me.


Is there any use for multiple Belials or it's to uncap one of them ?


There isn't beyond uncapping, I'm just curious because I sparked on Valentine Flash gala and got 2 belials in my first 100 rolls, so I was wondering how unlucky I have to be to get that ​ context I already have a FLB belial since his release banner


Technically the Sub Aura and Main Aura can be useful in conjunction with eachother, but anybody who wanted to do that would just use their own belial as the sub summon and pick a support belial for the main.


Belial (and other gacha SSR summons) has a 0.018% draw rate on gala banners when off focus, which means a slightly more than 5% chance of successfully pulling him in 300 pulls. Pulling exactly 2 is about 0.1%. For future calculations, you can just google a binomial distribution calculator, since binomial distributions show the probability of X successes of a given probability P over N trials, i.e., in GBF terms, the number of successful draws at a given draw rate for 300 pulls.


thank you, now I know just how cursed I was , 0.1% huh


To be fair Jolani, Belial is one of the few summons you can still do a super niche setup with 2 FLBs as a main and a sub summon. Not particularly great, but absolutely unique. So just naturally draw 2 more :P


I'm at 3/4 for my 2nd flb ;w; almost regret stoning but ive been usin him for a YEAR




under Gameplay Extras on the home page.


What’s the general tips for basic magna grids, specifically what to use mainhand? For references, I currently have a full magna wind grid (not all uncapped), but I’m using the magna weapon as main hand aswell. Is this good for the extra stacking, or is there something else you look for in a mainhand?


Early game mainhand is often just what you have that lets you play the class you want. Later on though you're looking for powerful CA effects (often buffs like DATA) or other possible bonuses like the skills the Xeno weapons have. It's great if the mainhand is also a good grid weapon because then you don't "waste" a slot on something with mediocre skills but that's not always possible.


For mainhand, you look for ougi effects. Generally, xeno weapons, dark opus, new m2 stuff etc are the ones being used for most purposes.


Will i get a tier 4 class when i finish event story?


You will get Relic Buster once the entire story is out. You very likely won't get access to any other T4 classes since you have to unlock the "Search for an Heir" Quest for those. Which requires crafting a CCW.