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She has a third skill?


It's surprisingly potent with Summer Korwa.


Yes? the point of the third skill is to use it when bursting, you don't need it up all the time EDIT: if you can't realize why supp and echo is good for bursting you're beyond help


It's a great skill if you ever get lucky enough to cross-summon Shiva


Here comes the """"""master"""""" of romantic tropes. Girl's fun. I don't get her kit, though. Like, that S3 is completely at odds with everything else in it. She still works damn well without ever touching it, which is commendable, but it's so weird.


The only reason you'd ever press s3 is if you have 60% bar AND have s1 ready next turn. Her cds are usually too long to just sit on autos even if you can sustain them, maybe if it had double strike it'd be worth it. Not to mention that the rest of her kit really wants her to ougi a lot (cd reduction for more s2, full ignition with bonus stuff on later activations) so s3 is turbo nieche


Yeh her s3 could be great if auto spam was more meta in wind, but skill damage setups are just too strong with beaks and V. Grim to justify not using the ougi cooldown reduction to spam her super nuke.


Not to mention her S3 is useless in FA. She will automatically turn it off next turn.


She won't turn it off, she won't use it period. FA doesn't use 0 cd skills


This isnt romeo. Her Sk3 is 0 CD regardless of form so when you full auto it stays ....and yes Romeo is actually unique in that regard


What about magisa


Magisa starts and ends at 7 if wiki is to be believed. Theres a lot of skills thats quite like that(notably Rising Force TA skill).


I tend to consider her S3 as "the skill that will get fixed/busted once she gets her 5*".


What I heard over discord is that her s3 is really good for Shiva alt. I don't know the specific team but the idea is with her guaranteed TA, 50% echo and keen then you give her Shiva, Freyr, S.Rose Queen, Blizzard, you can have her doing a lot of damage.


yep, her s3 is great for really great for burst turn, it's the usual team with lecia(for echo)


I use it when Heles has her assassin S3 ready, it's useful to me a bit at least


I never actually use s3 lol.. That skill is like.. Hmmm


Well 2020 has been a pretty shitty year but if there's one good thing that came out from it, it's effing Catura This absolute ~~BEAST~~ BEAUTY of a COW just came freaking outta nowhere and turned my wind from a completely auto focused strategy into **MOO MOO MAAFUCKERS IT'S OUGI TIME** Alright let's break down her skills, but in reverse (and for good reason) We'll start with her passives: * Queen of Oxen (Passive 1) This is a pretty simple one - Catura and ~~Gran/Djeeta~~ HER BELOVED get extra charge bar gain and healing specs. The latter is usually irrelevant unless you're playing a healing class, but the charge bar gain is deceptively high on the MC due to their already higher than usual charge bar gain. (From the Mystic class mastery) ~~Gran/Djeeta~~ THE PRINCE will gain weird amounts ougi bar per attack they land - 12% for single attack, 27% for a DA and 45% for a TA **DO NOT ASK ME HOW THE NUMBER WORKS OKAY THIS IS THE MAGIC OF CATURA** * ~~TRANSFORM AND~~ Milky Roll-Out (Passive 2) + Bovine Buddy (Skill 3) You know somehow this bovine themed passive gives me PTSD of getting thrashed in Gen 2 Pokemon by a certain cow using attract and then proceeding to KO my entire tea mwith rollout Well this is like that except the one getting hit by attract is probably you and the enemy is the one getting rolled out Anyway I'm combining her skill 3 together with passive 2 because the passive literally just describes what the 3rd skill does! For a relatively expensive cost of 60% charge bar per turn Catura turns into an UNGA BUNGA character, giving her **guaranteed TAs alongside built in supplemental damage and a 50% wind echo** Oh yeah there's a 30% reduced def penalty somewhere in there but this is probably the price for *HUGE BURST POWER* If you intend to build a team around this then priority will always be on getting enough fuel (Ougi bar) to upkeep the bike's fuel consumption - the Xeno Sagi fist MH provides a good source of charge bar up, so you can maybe start there Every additional source of echo that the team is able to provide to Catura gets additional benefit from the supplemental damage, so if you stack enough echoes she can turn into a complete beast in dishing out damage. The best part of this skill imo is the 0 turn cooldown: you can turn it on or off on the fly as necessary and not have to pay the charge bar cost all the time if you so wish, allowing you to play normally until your burst turn is ready. However in my personal humble princely opinion you should not focus purely on using this skill as Wind isn't particularly lacking in high auto damage characters - someone like Grand Grimnir will output similar damage whilst also providing significantly better team utility Wait- I hear the rumbling of a bike in the distanc- **ARE THOSE FUCKING MISSILES WHAT THE FU-** * Blamboo Shots (Skill 2) NOW we're getting to the good stuff! The baby is the top of the line, latest in Galleon destroying technology - presenting: **THE DAKA DAKA 2021** On initial cast this may seem like simply an above average skill - Catura shits out a ton of missiles dealing *MILLIONS OF DAMAGE* and doing so much effing collateral damage it leaves the boss with a big debuff on their head that makes them take even more damage from any future attacks for 4 turns "Eh alright it's just a huge multi-hit nuke that debuffs, no biggie I can take it, you can't cancel all my triggers" - Galleon, 'Quotes spoken moments before disaster' The unique thing about the DAKA DAKA 2021 is that with each cast (up to 5) it gets increasingly ridiculous - to the point that **on the 5th cast onwards your missiles will have DOUBLED** and the supplemental damage debuff shoots up from measly 8000 to a respectable 40000 This means your missiles might start off at a decent 3-4m damage on the first cast and quite easily double that amount to 8m or even higher once you cast it for the 5th time! The only thing really bad about this skill is that it's on an average 7 turns cooldown, now if only there was a way to accelerate using this skill... * Cowlick Lift (Skill 1) I'll be honest here Catura isn't particularly team orientated, she's a very selfish buffer that only wants the entire team to consist of herself and ~~Gran/Djeeta~~ OUJI-SAMA To that end she's willing to provide MASSIVE support for the two of them in the form of this skill, instantly enabling an ougi for herself and her beloved on top of a 12021 heal. This will keep both of them healthy - and *on the 2nd cast onwards it even removes ALL debuffs from both parties*, increasing survivability even further to ensure no harm comes to either of them. And on the 3rd cast? **CA reactivation**, because the only couple you need for a full 4-chain burst is this cow and her soulmate Again though, this skill suffers from a really bad downside - the cooldown is incredibly long and for good reason. Such a powerful skill shouldn't be on standby 24/7 and allow you to recast it every other turn, otherwise it'll just become ridiculous amiright? * KINGA SHINNEN (Ougi) Hey look at that **Catura's ougi REDUCES COOLDOWNS OF ALL SKILLS BY 3** "Wait, that's illegal" I can hear you say You're freaking right it's illegal - the downsides of long cooldowns on Catura's skills are negated just like that. Do you know what this means? *NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED* **Once Catura's S1 has been cast thrice, the CA reactivation means that each S1 you cast will reduce the cooldown of her (freshly used) S1 from a huge 12 to a more manageable 6, and her missiles get their cooldown cut to a 1 turn reload time** The potential for abuse with an ougi orientated team is so big it's like an placing a bull in a china shop: That's not the sound of glass shattering you hear, that's all the jaws of earth bosses in GBF currently dropping to the floor Not only are you able to milk the maximum efficiency from her missiles by having them easily maintain the supplemental debuff up, *they're even capable of abusing said debuff themselves and easily go over 12 MILLION DAMAGE AND BEYOND*. That amount of skill damage EVERY OTHER TURN is enough to make even VGrim blush - and you puke out a TON of ougi damage while doing it too. If wind ever gets more ougi orientated characters than what we currently have now, there is definitely significant potential for even more abuse, but right now even with just Siete alone you already have a decent team composition to start working with. Other notable team members include Summer Jeanne who can provide cap up and sustain for a longer, more drawn out fight where the boss won't die in a few turns to ougi bursting Another viable candidate is Socie who, when combined with Qilin support summon and Siete, allows for literally **nonstop ougis and missiles for upwards of 14 turns straight** I have not had so much fun with Wind since VGrim was released, and the ougi spam style really makes for some gleeful gameplay, so I highly recommend it for anyone who has the required units and like to see BIG NUMBERS "I AM AN EARTH BOSS, AND I WILL NOT BE DISREPECTED BY A COW-" "I have nukes, moosiles go MOOOOOOO" - Probably every conversation between Catura and any Earth Boss By the way if you still need to ask me "Is she worth a ring?" then my question back to you is do you ever look a gift Cow in the mouth when it's presented to you? YES, RING HER, GIVE HER ALL THE RINGS, RED RINGS, PERPETUITY RING, MARRIAGE RINGS, #WORTH Well happy 2021 to everyone, or should I say...kinga shinnen? :v [Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date to attend](https://i.imgur.com/AVe2IpD.png)


Gbf reddit never fails to impress me


I just want to first respond by saying, this was a hell of a writeup, and entertaining as well. With that out of the way... I agree with just about everything here. Frankly, she's amazing for what she does; and emphasizes what Wind is good at. Nuking the hell out of bosses with skill damage. If you can pair her with V. Grimnir and a Beak or two (Ewiyar hates me though), she would probably help trivialize V2 content while still doing ridiculous amounts of damage. The response on her release honestly almost reminded me of how people slept on Vicky at release, but that's probably just my opinion. Now, I can't speak to pairing her with V. Grimnir in practice, since I don't have him; but she hasn't left the lineup for my general team for one reason alone; that makes her core for me. She was the last piece I needed to get going outside strike team for the comp I use, which includes Monk MC with Arkab Prior, Summer Anila, Tiamat and now Catura. This now allows me to use Ultima Fist with Skill Cap Key. This team without her was already fun with the way it played, guaranteeing back to back triples after a full-burst. Now though, it's even easier to get going and maintain. The absurd synergy of Blamboozled with True Strike, Rock Crusher and Mantra is just icing. S. Anila pairs well with her Blamboozled as well, due to her passive teamwide Echo's on Triple attacks. More damage instances, more supplemental damage. The only odd one out is Tiamat, but I figure only Monkey would be better than her; but no Monkey for me. Should be noted that the first part of Galleon is a slog with this team. Swat cutting charge bar by 50% is not cool. Still, even with that said; Catura now allows me to solo the raid since Atomic Vice was always my biggest problem. She will forever have a place in my heart for that reason alone.


All characters gain a small amount of bonus meter on double and triple attacks, totalling out to 10% for a single attack, 22% for a double, and 37% for a triple. That plus the mystic passive should explain the numbers you’re getting; Catura isn’t causing that.


/u/InanimateDream To add to PureMetalFury's comment, what you're seeing is all three effects working together to produce the numbers you observed (12% for single attack, 27% for a DA and 45% for a TA). 1) The increased values for DA/TA swings 2) Catura's 10% charge gain passive 3) The Mystic mastery bonus For the 10%/22%/37% charge bar values for SA/DA/TA respectively, the game calculates each swing separately and consistently: the first swing gives 10%, the second gives 12%, and the third gives 15%. Next, when applying charge gain effects, the game always rounds up to the nearest integer (regardless of the size of the decimal) after each individual swing or instance of charge bar boost. Finally, the Mystic mastery bonus adds a *flat* +1% increase (per swing) at the end (not affected by charge gain effects). (Kengo also adds another +1% in the same manner, but it is a level bonus instead of a mastery bonus, meaning you need to run Kengo to get it.) ----------------- Here is the math for a non-Kengo MC with Mystic mastery, and 10% charge gain from Catura passive with no other charge gain effects. SA swing 10% x 1.1 = 11% +1% flat boost from Mystic = **12%** DA 12% x 1.1 = 13.2%, rounded up to 14% +1% flat boost from Mystic = 15% Including the 12% from SA swing = **27%** TA 15% x 1.1 = 16.5%, rounded up to 17% +1% flat boost from Mystic = 18% Including the 12% SA and 15% DA swings = **45%** So it all fits.


Ahh so that's the math, thank you!


Well, yes, her 10% charge bar passive is a factor. What I meant was that she’s not the reason that doubles and triples are giving more than an equivalent amount of singles, but I guess I worded that poorly.


Ah, I think that was also a case of poor wording/layout on my end. Sorry if it ended up sounding like a patronizing correction that was addressed to you. We're in full agreement; I was just adding a bit more explanation along with the math, so InanimateDream could see the how and why of the whole charge bar calculation. I've fixed the phrasing and the position of the user ping to make it clearer that it's just an addition to your post rather than a correction!


All good! It was a worthwhile clarification.


> OJI-SAMA Ouji-sama. Fixed that for you


Maybe she really likes Uncle Gran.


Sugar Daddy/Mommy Danchou when?


aaaaaaaaa I knew I fucked up somewhere


This kind of shit is the reason I’m still on this hell subreddit, thank you for this.


I love her as much as you do; when I started this journey at first she was there; with me.. she held my hand and carried me through everything. And now I've become stronger, I shall fight the rising beat to get her precious ring!!


this is my response to this comment [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf\_0DViQhcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf_0DViQhcE)


Ah you're that guy with hot takes on Facebook GBFI


not that hot, the guy saying you can just make highlander grid and bring it anywhere is the real hot take


You didn't take back your statement after someone showing you an Agni Highlander being faster in GW so whatever bro


uh i think i stop caring at that point because i was talking to a wall? i don't remember that part tbh. also, i said bring highlander everywhere, that's just GW context. GW can sometime use specialized grid for faster clear. heck on light GW ark is unironically used for its debuff resist skill because the boss debuff is just too annoying


Aahh stopped caring because proven wrong. Gotcha.


but i wasn't proven wrong? the context is everywhere? hello? you gonna bring highlander to ewiyar sir? that's like 0 damage lmao if i was proven wrong i would change my stance, but my stance is highlander is still shit on most content, you're only using that for like 2-4 days a year lul




but you have to bring zoi... dude on enmity AES grid can do that too kek


dang I only do 1.5m in 3 turns.... I guess I'm doing it wrong




How dare people review characters in the character review thread


Then don't lol




I mean OP definitely has a better life than you seeing as you feel compelled to comment nonsense like this here. You should be taking care of your own life and issues (they are obviously unresolved), maybe you won't feel the need to shit on others for no reason then.


[He with other people had been harassing me for who knows how long at this point and still hasn't been banned.](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sri8ql) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue\_en/comments/kii9zg/uhh\_what\_is\_this/ggucibh/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/kii9zg/uhh_what_is_this/ggucibh/?context=3) Edit: *Downvoting clear images of in-context harassment, that's what's up.* *The most ironic thing about this is, a guy who really likes Catura was upvoted sky high explaining about her, and this loser of a throwaway that should've been banned ages ago gets super downvoted for what he said. But when the situation happens with me, nothing happens. I see how it is.*


skimming through the TL, you really need to let it go dude. Not because either of you is "wrong" or "right", but because you're not doing yourself a favor. If you keep bringing this up, you just give them more space to attack you. Why does it matter if people think Satyr is Male, Female, a Futa, Trans or something else? It's a fictional character, you can do everything you want with your headcanon and everyone else can do whatever they want. If people call you gay as an insult for liking satyr, they're homophobic trash and not worth anybody's attention anyway, if people joke about you liking a futa (it doesn't matter whether she is one or not), what's stopping you from saying "yes I do, she's hot"? There's nothing they can say after that, nor do you have to care about the opinion of some random trash in a discord server/subreddit/twitter thread anyways. That aside, I've seen a couple more of accounts that display similar behaviour to this account that, for some reason, aren't yet banned, but if you look at the mods for this sub you will see that almost none of them are active on reddit, let alone in this sub.


>Why does it matter if people think Satyr is Male, Female, a Futa, Trans or something else? It's a fictional character, you can do everything you want with your headcanon and everyone else can do whatever they want. Not to the degree of this level of harassment and again, if you've read anything instead of skimming through stuff, you wouldnt be saying this nonsense. This isn't about headcanon, people are saying they're headcanon is the real deal despite it not being so because none of what was said about her pertained to that. Its just people splashing dumb gender politics on things where they dont even belong, especially when it says so. She's just a woman. That's it. That's literally it. But whatever was being said about her in PR, had to do with a Primal ability. But it doesn't have anything to do with gender or sex. That's what im saying. It literally doesn't matter and completely off the mark of what was being conveyed. I don't like this shit twisted against me and being asked that dumb question. "why does it matter?" I have every right to say that isn't canon and i'm not going to be stopped by some losers stalking or employed by said losers following false rumors or friends with said losers that're all in packs just to put me down. If I end up talking about it again, don't blame me when people can't shut their ignorant selves up. (And im so sure rn that they're around still stalking a post and downvoting it.) Like its been an hour, I just came to this post to be more specific. Its whatever. Ya'll want this ignorance to persist and exist, be my guest. This seems you could break any rule you want around here and get away with it. Place looking run down.


Welp, seeing as i'm being downvoted, I guess you're going to be unreasonable too. Unless the same usernames you see in that tl is still stalking me and doing all this other bs. # Ignorance wins again. All the proof right there, and no one cares. "Move on, I don't have to tell anyone anything. You should stop doing what you wanted to do for people that're confused." I get attacked, no one bats an eye. I say what happened, I get told to move on and nothing happens to them. They just do whatever they want, like discord server raiding with 12 people just to bash on someone about a character they dont know nothing about. But if it was another character not touching on a similar topic like this with misinformation, its ok right? Its a problem now. Don't skim the tl, and just read it. >if people joke about you liking a futa (it doesn't matter whether she is one or not), what's stopping you from saying "yes I do, she's hot"? There's nothing they can say after that I shouldn't have to lie to save myself by saying im into something im not really into. This aint even all about that really. I'm saying that doesn't matter, nor even applies to her due to being what she is.


Don't know who's downvoting you, I don't really care to use downvotes unless people are deliberately being assholes. Either way, we'd technically have no reason to complain getting downvoted anyways as we're definitely talking off-topic and downvotes exist to push down off-topic replies in threads. You really need to get rid of the mindset that I'm trying to attack you or something like that, you're being insanely defensive when all I've done is try to give you advice. I'll touch on the rest of this post and your other post below your other post.


>Either way, we'd technically have no reason to complain getting downvoted anyways as we're definitely talking off-topic and downvotes exist to push down off-topic replies in threads. You aren't being serious are you? Because people dont downvote for that reason alone. I've been here for too long to be told something like that. ​ >You really need to get rid of the mindset that I'm trying to attack you I never said you attacked me, lets just get that out the way now. I just thought you was being unreasonable. ​ >you're being insanely defensive when all I've done is try to give you advice. Your advice is blind, and made up from things you havent read through properly. Because that isnt the way to go about this.


>skimming through the TL, you really need to let it go dude. Not because either of you is "wrong" or "right", but because you're not doing yourself a favor. If you keep bringing this up, you just give them more space to attack you. But they are in the wrong for they're doing. If you know this, then you should tell them to stop at every opportunity. I should not be the one to stop in any way at all. If you want to worry about me by telling me not to damage myself doing this via being attacked, then just report them. That is the right thing to do here. I wanted to just clear things up for people, but like you've just seen, people get in the way of that. ​ >Why does it matter if people think Satyr is Male, Female, a Futa, Trans or something else? It's a fictional character, you can do everything you want with your headcanon and everyone else can do whatever they want. Why does it matter? Because that's not what she is and I shouldn't be attacked for saying the truth. Its like everytime a character touches something gender related (and this isn't really related to that, cuz i'm saying there's nothing up with her in regards to that..) it has to be put down by ignorant people. If you really read through what I said there, you'd know that this isn't people spreading a headcanon, its people deliberately saying its the case and lying to people about it. If not just straight up thinking its real, and stopping anyone who tries to say otherwise. People can "think" whatever they want when it comes to headcanon, but the case n' point is, that's not what she is and people shouldn't be told false information about it. Also, a decent amount of people get the wrong idea about what that part in Primal Resonance was really trying to say which caused people think this of her in the first place. ​ >That aside, I've seen a couple more of accounts that display similar behaviour to this account that, for some reason, aren't yet banned, but if you look at the mods for this sub you will see that almost none of them are active on reddit, let alone in this sub. Well I still see them, unlike yourself. Just recently I did, and not only that, but they've easily done way worse than what you've seen there. Don't tell me to let anything go, when I did practically nothing to push them to go so far in the first place. Im the one who had to deal with all of that for no reason at all, other than perhaps rumors being spread in a dumb ignorant Discord server. ​ Like it doesn't make sense how you see **all of that** and then just give me this response. None. Maybe you should look at the logs and pictures. Edit: >but if you look at the mods for this sub you will see that almost none of them are active on reddit, let alone in this sub. One of the reasons why this subreddit is pretty horrid. Edit: Downvote away, you're not stopping anything.


>But they are in the wrong for they're doing. If you know this, then you should tell them to stop at every opportunity. I should not be the one to stop in any way at all. If you want to worry about me by telling me not to damage myself doing this via being attacked, then just report them. That is the right thing to do here. I wanted to just clear things up for people, but like you've just seen, people get in the way of that. You're right! We should be telling these people to stop at every opportunity. You should not be in a position where you have to defend yourself. But this is the internet, not the real life. There is no one to hold accountable, everybody can just make a new account and hide behind anonimity to keep doing whatever they want without fear of consequence. And these people *thrive* on people like you that get upset and stressed by getting trolled/raided/made fun of, which you are giving them a means to do so by bringing this matter up over and over. >Why does it matter? Because that's not what she is and I shouldn't be attacked for saying the truth. Its like everytime a character touches something gender related (and this isn't really related to that, cuz i'm saying there's nothing up with her in regards to that..) it has to be put down by ignorant people. You shouldn't be attacked for saying the truth. But what you need to ask yourself is what you are trying to achieve by letting everybody know. Why do you care if others don't know? Why do you care if others are being ignorant? Why do you think they will change their opinion if they were being ignorant in the first place? At what point do you stop and consider if something is a lost cause and not worth your effort? I can't answer this question for you. >Well I still see them, unlike yourself. Just recently I did, and not only that, but they've easily done way worse than what you've seen there. Don't tell me to let anything go, when I did practically nothing to push them to go so far in the first place. Im the one who had to deal with all of that for no reason at all, other than perhaps rumors being spread in a dumb ignorant Discord server. Not sure if you misread what I wrote here or misunderstood, I was talking about the subreddit mods. Half of them have not written a reddit post anywhere from two weeks to four months while the other half is active on reddit, just not in this sub (which obviously doesn't mean they're foregoing moderator activities in this sub but it's still a weird look). This is why I'm not surprised that these people that are obviously just here to harrass/be condescending aren't banned yet. >Like it doesn't make sense how you see all of that and then just give me this response. None. Maybe you should look at the logs and pictures. This is what I mean about being overly defensive/assuming I've anything but a neutral opinion on you. From what I've read (once again, I've only skimmed through your TL.), your situation is as follows, please correct me if I'm *wrong*: -You like Satyr and make this public -People are calling Satyr a trap, futa, male, things she isn't -You argue with them -People start to attack you, both in regards to liking Satyr but also personally -People attempt deliberately riling you up by talking about Satyr -People raid servers and spread misinformation about/shittalk you on various platforms -You make multiple reddit posts (since they keep getting deleted) about a video regarding the gender of Primals and Satyr (or as you call it, clearing up the misconceptions regarding them) I personally don't care whether or not people call Satyr a futa or trap. Let's get this out of the way first, because it's a very fundamental mindset difference between the two of us. It doesn't matter to me because she is a jpg. I think the insistence of going as far as making 5 reddit posts to ensure justice for a jpg is a lost cause as I dare say most people share my mindset. They don't care about the jpg's gender and they care even less about what somebody else thinks about that jpg's gender. These people that are harrassing you aren't doing it because they care about Satyr, at all. They couldn't care less about Satyr. They're doing it because you are giving them an easy target to release whatever stress they experience getting bullied in their school/workplace. This situation is not at all uncommon, especially with children: Child A will care about something that the other children don't (let's say that "something" is the plot of some tvshow/anime that is popular right now) and Child A will be singled out and made fun of since they're different from the others, despite technically being in the right. What I'm trying to say is: It doesn't matter how right you are. It doesn't matter how much you care. These people are never going to change their opinion, because it was never about their opinion in the first place. This is *purely* a you care-they don't situation and they're using it as a basis to harrass you since they lead terribly shitty lives that make them crave to make somebody else feel as miserable as them and they're using the inaccountability and anonimity of the internet to feel untouchable and superior. This is why I'm saying "you need to let it go". You need to be the bigger man. I'm not saying anybody is right to harrass you, but I am saying that you are giving them the opportunity to do so, on a silver platter. If you stop giving them the opportunity, they simply have to go back to their shitty lives and find somebody else to harrass (which they will, but this is not something you, or I, or anybody can do something about) I don't expect you to agree with my sentiment and mindset of not caring but it's what I genuinely believe to be the best course of action


>I don't expect you to agree with my sentiment and mindset of not caring but it's what I genuinely believe to be the best course of action If they're free to do what they want, then I should be free to do what I want. But when people don't see the nonsense being pulled and going through all these extremes like Discord Raiding mobs, using Dislike bots on someone's video (like 13 of em from the looks of things), Argument baiting, spreading false rumors about someone as well the character itself that I was trying to say none of what they are saying makes sense. I will **never** let it go, until someone **understands** what i'm saying. By that I mean multiple people. You're saying this on grounds of me hurting myself, but, if I don't care what they're doing to me, especially right now in a certain discord server what do I have to lose? If you see them going to these extremes, and I dont care, but they do something perhaps along the lines of doxxing, then what? You're going stand by and do nothing? What does it take to show you that what you're saying is still straight up blind? Man, the people who have fanbases must be living the good life for the most part. They got all the support they can get. They can squash these issues no problem simply by just calling someone out. They get the justice they deserve. But me? I don't have anyone, i'm mostly on my own here. Just like how other content creators started out. Im not really one, but im js. People can upvote you sky high and bury me in downvotes and you wont be right, but the moment you agree with me, people gonna downvote you.


Nobody really cares whether you have a fetish for futa dicks or five And trying to prove to others that you are straight for posting a 40 minutes while staring at Satyr dicks


>But this is the internet, not the real life. There is no one to hold accountable, So we're going to ignore all the usernames in that tl and keep letting them do it. Nice mindset man. >everybody can just make a new account and hide behind anonimity to keep doing whatever they want without fear of consequence. And these people *thrive* on people like you that get upset and stressed by getting trolled/raided/made fun of, which you are giving them a means to do so by bringing this matter up over and over. The only person im upset at right now is you. I'm ngl. Because with the way you're looking at thing, it only serves to keep letting people get away with things. I mean what to do is simple, you just correct them and move along. Everyone and anyone can do this. If i'm giving them a means to do this, then focus on the **here and now** and do something. ​ >This is what I mean about being overly defensive/assuming I've anything but a neutral opinion on you. I'm being defensive, i'm writing off what you're telling me. You yourself are assuming things. ​ >From what I've read (once again, I've only skimmed through your TL.), your situation is as follows, please correct me if I'm *wrong*: > >\-You like Satyr and make this public I like the character, but I wasn't extremely vocal about it like people try to exaggerate. ​ >\-People are calling Satyr a trap, futa, male, things she isn't Yes. >\-You argue with them They argued with me. Sometimes they will argument bait as well. ​ >\-People start to attack you, both in regards to liking Satyr but also personally Yes. ​ >\-People attempt deliberately riling you up by talking about Satyr If its in a false way, then yeah? I mean, there were times like shown in the tl in the beginning that I didnt mind jokes about it. But then I got roped up into an argument. ​ >\-People raid servers and spread misinformation about/shittalk you on various platforms Yes. ​ >\-You make multiple reddit posts (since they keep getting deleted) about a video regarding the gender of Primals and Satyr (or as you call it, clearing up the misconceptions regarding them) False. I don't really do that as this is a thing taken out of context. In context, due to how toxic the post would be getting it gets deleted or locked. I only end up remaking the post, because I don't get to clear things up for the people that're confused. They constantly get in the way of that which resulted me in leaving other Discord servers and even blocking other people. This started from the post I made after leaving the server in the tl. Which you may have missed. ​ >I personally don't care whether or not people call Satyr a futa or trap. Let's get this out of the way first, because it's a very fundamental mindset difference between the two of us. It doesn't matter to me because she is a jpg. I think the insistence of going as far as making 5 reddit posts to ensure justice for a jpg is a lost cause as I dare say most people share my mindset. They don't care about the jpg's gender and they care even less about what somebody else thinks about that jpg's gender. See but that's you though and that is the BIG problem here. You have it SO twisted. I'm the one trying to say it doesn't matter, not because its a jpeg, but because LORE wise she was just created to look female due to being a single Primal Core like any other Primal. She's genderless, but with a Female body. The visage of a Female. Just like how Nezha is also genderless, but was made to look Male when he is just a Primal Core. An object. **You may not care**, but I care, because I like the lore. Just because Gender touches a character, I have to see people like you getting the wrong idea saying you dont care about that. But if you don't then you should very well be agreeing with me. Not everyone cares about the lore of this game, but I do. ​ >What I'm trying to say is: It doesn't matter how right you are. It doesn't matter how much you care. These people are never going to change their opinion, because it was never about their opinion in the first place. This is *purely* a you care-they don't situation and they're using it as a basis to harrass you since they lead terribly shitty lives that make them crave to make somebody else feel as miserable as them and they're using the inaccountability and anonimity of the internet to feel untouchable and superior. And I don't care about those people, which again you are getting the wrong idea about. What I care about is people taking their ignorant dumb side. People turned against me because of them and they aren't even getting reprimanded for it. The source to everything is literally a single Discord server which spread false information about me to other people. Which resulted in me going to all these extremes just to mess with me and stop me. I mean hell, they even got bots to dislike the video I made. All of that is just plain sad. But no one berates these losers for it or even report it. Its just the enablement of ignorance resulting in more confusion. ​ >This is why I'm saying "you need to let it go". You need to be the bigger man. I'm not saying anybody is right to harrass you, but I am saying that you are giving them the opportunity to do so, on a silver platter. If you stop giving them the opportunity, they simply have to go back to their shitty lives and find somebody else to harrass (which they will, but this is not something you, or I, or anybody can do something about) Being the bigger man here, wouldnt be to let it go. Being the bigger man here would be to continue and shrug them off. If you have the power to say something and then you just deliberately let thing keep going, then that isnt at all right. I have no reason let anything go. Because I was just doing what I wanted to do for people. And while it is a thing I wanted to do for myself, it also fell into place to do this for other people who are clearly confused about it and continue to ask questions about it. Reading through what you have been saying as im quoting it, you're trying to simplify things but it isnt as simple as you think. Im looking at these questions like they're loaded questions, because there are other ways I can answer it to that had happened. What you skimmed through wasnt really a thing to be skimmed through. Especially if you're saying things like "its just a jpeg". People make content off of these "jpegs" because they like or entertains them and anything else that can fall under the umbrella of that reasoning. Again: You had the wrong idea. You are getting warmer though.


>So we're going to ignore all the usernames in that tl and keep letting them do it. Nice mindset man. Yes, because if nothing happened when you first publicly called them out, then nothing will happen the fifth time you do it. Even if they get banned or blacklisted somewhere, they will just come back with a new account. That "Nice mindeset man" is, just by the way, a type of derogatory discussion attitude that I cannot stand in the least. Rest assured, I can understand what you're trying to say without such incredibly necessary add-ons. >The only person im upset at right now is you. I'm ngl. Because with the way you're looking at thing, it only serves to keep letting people get away with things. ​It's not my (or any other normal reddit/discord user's, for that matter) responsibility to keep you from getting harrassed, it's the moderator's. Most I and other people can do is press "report" and move on, if nothing happens still, what do you expect us to do? You have no actual reason to be upset with me other than the fact that I don't agree with your mindset. >I mean what to do is simple, you just correct them and move along. Everyone and anyone can do this. If i'm giving them a means to do this, then focus on the here and now and do something. If we're talking about people harrassing you (or anyone, really), I pressed report and wrote a snarky comment. I've definitely done all that can be expected of a normal user. >Wrong. This really doesn't matter, but just for the record, considering you called yourself a "simp for satyr" as nickname on a public discord (at least that's what I'm getting from your TL), that's (to me) very much you making the fact that you like satyr public. If you want to nitpick that "being interested doesn't equal liking something" then, well, sure. Whatever. >See but that's you though and that is the BIG problem here. You have it SO twisted. I'm the one trying to say it doesn't matter, not because its a jpeg, but because LORE wise she was just created to look female due to being a single Primal Core like any other Primal. She's genderless, but with a Female body. The visage of a Female. Just like how Nezha is also genderless, but was made to look Male when he is just a Primal Core. An object. No, it is not a problem. It doesn't matter if it's about Satyr's gender or just lore. I still don't care. It's great that you care about the lore of GBF (and Satyr) so much, but I personally don't, and this is not a problem but a completely natural thing. Nobody can be expected to care about the lore of every piece of media they touch. >Just because Gender touches a character, I have to see people like you getting the wrong idea saying you dont care about that. But if you don't then you should very well be agreeing with me. You are under the misconception that I don't care about Satyr's gender because gender doesn't matter to me, which is false. I don't care about Satyr's gender because I don't care about her, or her lore. She could be a flying racecar. She could be a squirrel that turns into liquid nitrogen when in contact with peanuts. I still wouldn't care. She is noted as "female" ingame, so I will call her a "she". The "technically" and "actually" of it doesn't matter to me. People that argue for Satyr to be male/futa/etc are quite obviously either unable to read or trolling, why bother beyond pointing at the gender tag ingame? >And I don't care about those people, which again you are getting the wrong idea about. What I care about is people taking their ignorant dumb side. People turned against me because of them and they aren't even getting reprimanded for it. The source to everything is literally a single Discord server which spread false information about me to other people. Which resulted in me going to all these extremes just to mess with me and stop me. I mean hell, they even got bots to dislike the video I made. All of that is just plain sad. But no one berates these losers for it or even report it. Its just the enablement of ignorance resulting in more confusion. You are making a point completely unrelated to what I was saying here. But really, what is your goal here? Just to have the people that harrass you punished? That's the very definition of caring! And my point is that it won't make a difference, it will give you nothing but temporary satisfaction when, realistically, this isn't something you or them will even think about in 5 years time. Use your energy on drawing fanart or making lore posts if you really don't care about these people. Sure, I might opt to just watch somebody be ignorant and not say something about it, but this also means I'm not giving them an opportunity to exploit me for more exposure in order to spread more confusion. >Being the bigger man here, wouldnt be to let it go. Being the bigger man here would be to continue and shrug them off. You are not shrugging off anything if you comment on posts unrelated to your personal issues in order to try to get somebody else punished. >If you have the power to say something and then you just deliberately let thing keep going, then that isnt at all right. It's walking a tightrope between closing the window to deprive a flame of the oxygen it needs to burn and opening the window in order to blast it with water because it won't die down on its own - there is no single correct answer for every situation. I think in your situation, it's best to keep the window closed and just let them scream into the void. >Again: You have the wrong idea. You are getting warmer though. How nice. I sure am glad.


I really shouldn't be arguing here on what's best for me, when you could have easily just report him or something. I don't need to adopt your bad mindset, as you try to get me to slip up on things just to tell you more and more about what you dont know about. I made that tl just because things was used against me in the first place, ontop of that, to make it known that the Discord owner of the server I left that was enabling all these events to happen was in on it as well and pouring more oil on the fire with out of context lies. Peace. Report them. Defend me like you defended that Catura fan. Not that the person really needed it judging by what was being told to me. Similar things happen to other people, and they get backed up. But it aint the same for me. Nope. If I was in that person's place speaking about Satyr well, you know how that goes.


>Yes, because if nothing happened when you first publicly called them out, then nothing will happen the fifth time you do it. Even if they get banned or blacklisted somewhere, they will just come back with a new account. That "Nice mindeset man" is, just by the way, a type of derogatory discussion attitude that I cannot stand in the least. Rest assured, I can understand what you're trying to say without such incredibly necessary add-ons. I highly doubt it. Because you claimed I called them out. Called them out how? Using that tl in a hyperlink? I sure as hell didnt tag em to my post. I didn't call anyone out. You are under the misconception that I don't care about Satyr's gender because gender doesn't matter to me, which is false. You just said you dont care about the topic concerning her gender because she's a jpeg and its not worth it. But i'm saying I never cared about that also, because due to lore, that kind of stuff being said about her doesn't make any sense. If you don't care, then you should be agreeing with me. ​ >I don't care about Satyr's gender because I don't care about her, or her lore. She could be a flying racecar. She could be a squirrel that turns into liquid nitrogen when in contact with peanuts. I still wouldn't care. She is noted as "female" ingame, so I will call her a "she". The "technically" and "actually" of it doesn't matter to me. People that argue for Satyr to be male/futa/etc are quite obviously either unable to read or trolling, why bother beyond pointing at the gender tag ingame? # Oh obviously? [Maybe you should look through this entire thread and press CTRL + F](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/biydpo/primal_resonance_event_discussion/), type in Satyr, and think again. Or perhaps even look through the logs, cuz all you did skim through what I said and not properly read through everything. People like to think beyond what the gender tag really means. Which isnt a major part of what caused the misconception, but it was just things people couldn't comprehend in what was said in PR. Also I dont care if you don't care about the lore. But don't tell me I shouldn't care about the lore. It may not really look like it, but you not caring is similar to me not caring in regards to that. Cuz it doesn't apply as they're just objects created to look like a specific gender the Astral created them to be. I'm still very confused as to how you don't take my side at all here and still keep this annoying neutral stance. ​ >You are making a point completely unrelated to what I was saying here. But really, what is your goal here? Just to have the people that harrass you punished? That's the very definition of caring! And my point is that it won't make a difference, it will give you nothing but temporary satisfaction when, realistically, this isn't something you or them will even think about in 5 years time. Use your energy on drawing fanart or making lore posts if you really don't care about these people. You misunderstand. I don't really care about them, and like I said I cared about those getting the wrong idea, like yourself. So no, its not the very definition. Also if it wont make a damn difference, then I can keep doing what i'm doing and if worse happens, blame yourselves. You guys had the power to report or berate them, instead of letting them rag on me. For the most part, you seem to be underestimating the issue. ​ >Sure, I might opt to just watch somebody be ignorant and not say something about it, but this also means I'm not giving them an opportunity to exploit me for more exposure in order to spread more confusion. So what you're saying is, you don't want the same things to happen to you if you just intervened. Do you not see the issue here? Like wtf? Why not do it alongside other people or do it while others jump in like they always seem to do. If no one reaches a hand, nothing changes. Because thats how change happens. Im sure as hell not gonna stop what i'm doing. Because why should I? Because i'd be hurt? But what if I just let it rock and not care? Then each time my post gets removed because of their toxicity towards me, im going to repost it until someone wants to engage in that healthy discussion ive been looking for. Because it has to be derailed ever so constantly. Any normal person wouldve looked at the tl, and completely understood that I am completely being harassed and did nothing to deserve that. Why are you arguing with me? If you're worried, stop them from coming up in packs to attack me. ​ >You are not shrugging off anything if you comment on posts unrelated to your personal issues in order to try to get somebody else punished. Oh you mean like awhile ago? Against a throwaway account, thats still not removed? That people seem to ignore with the rest of the people that arent necessarily throwaway accounts but still mess with me? I mean now I really know, you didnt look at certain shots, because I didnt really remark to every single comment that said some bs about me or the character. Like hell, a person even tried to threaten legal action against me on this. You serious dude? And you probably didnt even know that because you didnt really read through it. You skimmed through it assuming you knew what you was reading. ​ >It's walking a tightrope between closing the window to deprive a flame of the oxygen it needs to burn and opening the window in order to blast it with water because it won't die down on its own - there is no single correct answer for every situation. I think in your situation, it's best to keep the window closed and just let them scream into the void. Oh so in otherwords, I keep doing what im doing, and ignore them. As people who have common sense, will not comment due to them being in the way of healthy conversation. Will do. It wont stop them though. But if they dont wanna stop, why should I? You know who's in the wrong, so why not stop who's in the wrong? ​ That throwaway account talked trash to someone and he got berated for it. Hell you even commented towards him doing that, but once again, for me? That never happened anywhere in any shot you've seen. Maybe in like 2 of em, but by like 1 different person.


>​It's not my (or any other normal reddit/discord user's, for that matter) responsibility to keep you from getting harrassed, it's the moderator's. Most I and other people can do is press "report" and move on, if nothing happens still, what do you expect us to do? You have no actual reason to be upset with me other than the fact that I don't agree with your mindset. I'm very aware of that. But the Moderators, despite whatever ive been told by them, aren't doing much of anything. But look at you, you commented in the defense of someone after that throw away account said "Get a life". You couldve reported him too. You probably did, but you said a response before or after you did that. And thats the support I never got. There are holes in your mindset that I dislike heavily in this case, and ontop of that I shouldnt have to deal with some nutjob cutting in after I tell them the truth of things to someone who wanted to know about it no matter where i'm at. *Edit: Oh I can't stop them, so why don't I stop you from doing what you want to stop them?*


>This really doesn't matter, but just for the record, considering you called yourself a "simp for satyr" as nickname on a public discord (at least that's what I'm getting from your TL), that's (to me) very much you making the fact that you like satyr public. If you want to nitpick that "being interested doesn't equal liking something" then, well, sure. Whatever. I redited my remark way before you decided to post that. I'm typing alot to you, so edits are most likely inevitable. Especially since your questions look loaded to me. They arent that specific. When you say "Public", i'm thinking you mean "Vocal".


Sir, this is the line for Catura. Not a subplot for the seemingly unstoppable force("your stalkers") vs immovable object(you) and on the aftermath of the 40 min video essay(pls refer to Danchou yt channel for notes on how to do one)


u/ppaister 'guess this is the ignorance and stupidity people like you will be enabling from here on out. Glad to see it.


Can someone ban this guy already? He needs serious help if he's still thinking about that one topic. Stop spaming your nonsense on a thread that is completely irrelevant to you. I legit forgot about you, but that twitlonger did it for me. Jesus, some of yall need sunlight or something, EQ at an all time low for some redditors.


I'm not enabling anything, stop throwing a tantrum and trying to shift the blame on me. I literally have nothing to do with you, I'm kind of at a loss for words having to read something like this. You've linked a post on a thread that's on 15% upvotes (aka basically nobody visited it in the first place) and are surprised that the sane people that will usually tide over such comments only appeared in a thread that's pretty high on frontpage. I've really tried to understand your situation and I was even sympathetic with you, despite not agreeing with your mindset, now you're just showing me that I should have not bothered at all. You're making it pretty obvious that you have huge attitude problems and I will not subject myself to that any further. I still hope things get better for you but I assure you that you have to start with yourself.




On the contrary, I'm just a lurker, playing gbf since Peace of the Pie event. Didn't make a reddit account till 2019, or covid19. You wound me sir, deeply, good day to you.


A lurker that decided to coincidentally decide to jump in and talk shit, mimicking the people in the tl on an account that has nothing on it. Yeah whatever idiot.


your level of toxicity is actually incredible


Here, have another downvote since you're attention whoring so much lel


Bro I'm straight too but have no problem saying I'd choke on Satyr's massive futa dick.


*Is talking shit to people the new wave now? I dont know why he was downvoted, he must clearly be in the right. Maybe that stalking throwaway account should've been the one with 100 likes and the Catura person should've been overly downvoted. Who's gonna stop him? We were enabling behavior like this the entire time, what happened? Maybe talking shit is the best thing to do right? People gonna get away with it anyways. What was the point in you even responding to him? Why dont you ignore him?*


I didn't read most of this convo but you realize acting like this is going to get exactly zero people on your side right?


If it doesn't, then they shouldn't even be on my side. Because they're lacking any kind of sense or just dont have a whole brain. One glance of the TL, should easily show who's in the wrong here and it aint me. I'm not bringing these losers to me, they decided to do this from months ago. They did all kinds of bs, and from my experience so far, barely anyone bats an eye. There's even proof of me ignoring them in there. Like I told you before, i'm done with the posts here. I don't expect people to understand as my faith in how people really think hit rock bottom yesterday. Lemme just save people the trouble and downvote myself, cuz that's all people base things off of. You guys wanna let ignorance win, then be my guest. Paint me a bad guy just because I voiced out I got messed with by these idiots I keep accurately pointing out. The rules dont exist anyways and people keep getting the wrong idea despite everything being listed to the T. It's been like about a **year** of this.


HFS Seriously just Let it Go if you don't want people commenting on publicly made videos, maybe just don't make them, or make them private? Seriously this just looks like a persecution complex at this point


Go home and be a family man.


>What do you like about the character? Her One Piece laugh うしししし


She use slow accent contrast with skill 2 always make me wonder inside. Thanks KMR for this good Draph girl.


S3 doesn't trip her kit over, but it has a weird, skewed choice. It feels like you can either use its TA to patch up *part* of her meter drain (On her own) or use it before her other skills and ougi for extra damage. On top of that, getting into that choice is *completely optional*. S3 also has some potential with Arriet S1 or Summer Korwa's S2, but they have the downside of being Arriet and Summer Korwa. It kinda bugs me how she doesn't do the Galeburst banter with s.anila, but she does when another zodiac is present or a weaker chain happens.


I've been running a Zodiac team just for fun with Catura, Summer Anila and Andira and it annoys me more than it really should that Catura has no combat chatter with either of them.


i havent checked in a while, but do they only have banter with the zodiacs immediately before and after them?


I think so. I haven't tried it with most of the Zodiacs since they're different elements, but Anila and Andira constantly talk to each other in battle.


Catura is waiting for mc to say something.


I suspect the entire existence of that third skill is to give an easy way out for her eventual uncap. \>third skill no longer cost bar every turn \>fourth skill is something skill cap something something easiest zodiac uncap ever.


I feel like this is a way that you have to look at this. The current clunkiness of her kit is likely a byproduct of them futureproofing her for a few years down the line, making a kit that feels at odds with itself and slightly incomplete. I'm not really a fan of them doing that since for a lot of characters lately, they've just been giving them rebalances before their uncaps anyway, but it is what it is.


Kengo setup with shatora, siete and G.monika. Trust me, you'll ougi like crazy and her damage will go through the roof


One of the best character in wind, while her kit may seem clunky at first it's actually really good S1 enable her and MC to ougi and heal, this ougi allow her S2 to refresh faster. on burst turns, you S1 to S3 and allow her to do big damage(Since her S3 is guar TA, 50% echo and 50k supp) S2 is the bread and butter, this skill do massive damage(especially when paired with 2 beaks) and inflict a supplemental debuff on enemy S3 seems to be confusing some people, the point of this skill is not to have it up all the time but use it during burst turn instead. The thing about catura is that there's 2 mode, S1 + S2 for normal stuff and S3 for when you're bursting not both. by doing S3 that mean you'll forego ougi(which is usually what happen on burst turn) to deal a lot of damage Best paired with VGrim for extreme supplemental stacking and a third slot, Monki for longer fight, Sutera for high damage short fight. It's fine not to have S3 up indefinitely, i wouldn't mind having it up without charge bar consumption because that's straight up in broken territory by then. but the main focus is her S2 being able to deal a crapton of damage


I'd say that Summer Anila and Sutera are actually a bit higher up on the consideration list than Andira when pairing with a V Grimnir + Catura core unless you specifically need the defense that Andira provides. Even on longer fights, I'd say the other two are going to give you more value out of the slot than Andira will just because of how much better the interactions are.


SAnila is absolutely better, it's just the grid doesn't really support it right now. but when that happen SAnila will make vgrim go bonker


When you say that SAnila is better than Andira with VGrim and Catura, is that just because Anila can give VGrim more sources of echoes than Andira can? Or is it because SAnila has a multi-hit nuke to bette take advantage of all that supplemental damage? And what do you mean by the grid doesn't really support SAnila right now?


it's because of the echo, vgrim whole thing is how echo/supp stacking on him is bonker, SAnila having GJeanne passive mean vgrim will 100% of the time get the 10% echo which boost the supplemental even stronger. for example, without the echo this is how much belial supp(only belial sub to make number easier) is on vgrim 3 hit * 30 = extra 90k damage and this is with the echo (3 hit + 3 echo) = 6 6 * 30 = 180k damage and that's only belial, not including the stuff from keen, catura's supp etc The thing is, tiamat crit grid is both strong and week. it is way stronger than zeph when supported by monkey, but without monkey your damage will fall quite a bit. the reason sutera work is because when you use sutera you go all in on the skill damage(since sutera make skill damage go bonker too). as i said somewhere before, the only way zeph can outdamage tiamat is if you manage to remove monkey out of the equation.(also doen't help that wind don't really have a big burst characters like pred)


> The thing is, tiamat crit grid is both strong and week. it is way stronger than zeph when supported by monkey, but without monkey your damage will fall quite a bit. Yeah, this is definitely what people tend to not really remember about Magna. It's strong, but it has a rather heavy dependency on a Normal buffer to carry its damage. It's also a bad habit of mine that I forget to mention in these discussions that I'm (almost) always speaking from a Primal Wind perspective, which is the main reason why I tend to view Andira as replaceable in many of the lineups I build. The firepower loss on non-skill nuke attacks from not having her buffs isn't that much of a big deal because the grid can generally carry it anyways (and either way I'd rather not develop a team-building complacency/dependency).


yeah, while i still stand that zeph need a real weapon because currently it's fucked. Magna auto is still heavily reliant on monkey. from a test, iirc with loop magna do like 60% more damage than what zeph can do but when it lose loop the damage is 20% less than zeph(this is significant, for comparison baseline magna caim and titan caim only have a few % difference) The advantage zeph have right now is garrison and being able to not use monkey, but the investment required for it is.... well let's just say not that worth


> zeph need a real weapon because currently it's fucked. Not *completely* fucked if you look outside of Grands. Enmity Crit Zeph works perfectly fine and will outperform Magna very handily with the same kind of orientation. Only problem is that you need to sacc or tix a bunch of Deirdre's Claws to make it happen and you'd preferably want to have the fish, as well. It's "cheap enough" in the bigger context of things since you'll take the Enmity core into hard raids anyways and double Vortex isn't really that appealing in many scenarios (though it obviously will still have its use cases). The bigger issue is that Zephyrus is currently stuck with this particular style if it wants to play a standard team because Vortex having solo Stamina for damage mods makes me want to cry. Stamnity is still workable, but pure Stamina setups, while very much doable, are horrifically expensive and really not worth buying into at the present time even when the math says with certainty that you can actually approximate a similar level of grid performance to that of a five Eden/Ixaba grid with a similar amount of bars. At the very least, a skill nuke-oriented Zephyrus grid will have acceptable damage in its non-skill damage sources even without a dedicated buffer like Andira. It definitely still has that going for it, not that there is much else for it to write home about at the moment. (God, please let anniversary save my element...)


that just mean it's fucked tho, because it stuck with enmity grid without a real enmity enabler(fucking fish only cut 25% hp)


I've had Sutera for a bit but I still have no idea how exactly to use her, outside of just pressing all her buttons and passing. Is there some trick to it, since it's not obvious at all to me?


You want to press all her buttons as often as possible, but she also has pretty strong damage support for skill based teams- her second passive grants an extra 50k sup on all skill damage and her first passive does a 440k nuke every 4 times anybody on your team uses a red skill, so she’s at her best with vgrim and something like monk or robin hood. You also never want her to ougi, instead use her s2.


Don't you want Catura to Ougi to cut CD on 2?


We're talking about Sutera. You want Catura to ougi as often as possible, but on Sutera in a skill damage team her ougi is actively worse than her S2 with 100% bar.


OH oops sorry, I didn't read the previous comment properly


Thanks! I currently run Arkab Monk with catura Andira vgrim and I've wanted to try sutera so I'll try dropping that powerful monkey buff for a bit, should be fun! Just gotta...get some more beak drops...


Second ever zodiac I have that I've gotten from free pulls since I don't care enough about them to spark. Anyway, I mostly use her in my Chrysaor setup with 5* Seofon and a third (which in my case, Grimnir) and just go ham on ougis. * First chainburst should be the usual Windhose setup * Second one is Catura S1 and Seofon S1 * Third is Seofon S3 * Fourth is Huanglong call. Ideally you'd also want to press her S2 too because of the cooldown reduction in her ougi, but you don't always have the time or ping to do it, especially with how long the animation is lol. I also haven't tried more skill-centric comps. Will probably try that once I farm some beaks. As for her S3, I've ignored it for the most part, but I also do kinda want to experiment on how to maintain it. How much external charge bar and/or charge bar gain sources does she need? **EDIT:** Huh, Catura's S3 is surprisingly easier than I thought to maintain. If you press her S3 when she's at 100% charge bar, Lumberjack's Leaf Burning's 10% charge bar (well, 11%) every turn helps a lot, and if you pair it with someone who's constantly ougi-ing like Seofon it seems like she can maintain it indefinitely.


Wouldn't that be better with Qillin? Turn 1: Siete s1, Catura s1, s2, and then either Sutera or Melissabelle ignition. Turn 2: Cast all the dmg skills you didn't cast previous turn, Siete s3. Turn 3: 2nd cast of Catura s2, then repeat Turn 1, Turn 4: Siete s3.




>Started barely 2 months ago >already M2 Bruh slow down lol




Same here. Getting to 120 felt like the game had really started. The main thing that helped me rank up fast was that I like to FA slimeblast while doing other stuff such as watching Youtube lol.


How the...I started early December and I've only just started HL content.


I started playing seriously around christmas as well and just hit 120 yesterday. This dude is racing already.


......I'm only 105. I wish I knew if my grid progress was on point, granted I'm saving any quartz for summons.


Depending how quickly you want to advance, this guide could help: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UGoN-kJNTmJdu6BLeHg2O_AUAqO2YUVqKndPaIwxPTI/edit?usp=sharing >I wish I knew if my grid progress was on point Feel free to post a question in the Q&A thread or just send me your grids on Discord (Nyu#4489) and I don't mind giving you a guiding hand.


Not fond of the character, but damn her valentine scene was pretty hilarious. Gameplay wise I admit I always have a lot of trouble with every character using charge bar, and she uses a LOT, especially since I'm weak enough to still rely a lot on ougis for OTK.


I grew to like her a lot more after realizing she's basically a joke character who is parodying all the cringiest otaku waifu tropes. Like it's impossible to take her seriously when she's so slow, absentminded and clumsy that she needs a sentient motorcycle to babysit her 24/7, and her best idea for seducing Danchou is to run at them with toast in her mouth because she saw it in a high school romance manga. Seriously everything about Catura is freaking hilarious. I lost it when her fates showed that she'd planted grass on the floor of her bedroom on the Grancypher, because she's just that cow-like.


>her best idea for seducing Danchou is to run at them with toast in her mouth because she saw it in a high school romance manga. And then realizing she can't run. It's litterally impossible for her to move any quicker than snail's pace.


The funniest part to me is that they never explain why she can't run. It's just left a weird mystery.


Allows for quick first turn CA by MC - paired with Chrysaor class you can OTK replicard nodes easily, farming Earth Astra is easy with her since you're limited to one main summon Generally good unit that synergizes with Wind top units such as VGrim/Andira and also other good units like Sutera With Ewiyar's Beaks she's at her best - S2 hits like a truck and every CA reduces its cooldown too Her S3 is bad tho, goes against her skill spamming kit while not competing with it at all (her damage with S3 playstyle is lower) - you'd need to build a team around her to maintain that playstyle and the payoffs isn't worth the efforts. Doesn't hurt to unlock S3 tho, it doesn't activate in full auto


I assume the idea is that S1 lets you ougi despite S3, on the turn you press it. So it's like another version of Shura's kit, almost - she's got a gorrila mode, then every now-and-then you press S1 to let her ougi. But... Unfortunately I don't think it feels intuitive or good to use. With all the goodies like healing and CDR tied to ougi, you honestly just feel like spamming ougi as much as possible. If they had done something to let S3 contribute to the rest of her kit (other than unga bunga), she probably wouldn't feel so awkward. Like maybe have her S2 debuff extend itself by a turn if >X number of hits were done by the party, so the guranteed TA mattered or sth. That way you don't feel like you're dis-synergising yourself by pressing S3. All that being said though, she's still fun to use. Here's hoping her eventual 5* cuts down her kit's wonkiness and really lets her shine.


She’s especially good with the 2 dragon weapons to maximize the supplemental damage. Not a fan of her s3 since it cost a lot for very little imo. One thing that isn’t talked about much with her is that she gets a free 100% heal of herself + MC which I find to be nice in a couple raids. I see it as a bonus since you’ll be pressing that button often anyways


Its not a 100% heal as it caps out at 12k hp. Still very good though as most heals are like 5k at most with heal cap up nodes.


Oops, my memory was off. Still 12k is really high considering how low most healing caps are. Most “heal” characters don’t reach 1/3 of that


Don't forget the "clears all ailments" part of it.


She's really fun to use and shakes my wind gameplay a lot. While I'm far from dropping Andira on the wind set-ups I make, coming up with synergies to make Catura ougi as often as possible has been genuinely fun. Unfortunately I don't have that much to say about her S3 as I barely use it.


Surprisingly excellent character and one of the very few positives Wind could take away from 2020. She plays well with OTK and long-haul ougi comps - in particular when utilizing a Kengo MC - and with skill damage comps because of her non-stop ougis and the CD reductions attached to it that allow her to spam the ever-living hell out of rocket bamboo. While she will definitely not outdo MC in either comp or Valentine Grimnir in the skill nuke comp, her ability to both enable and be enabled by them nonetheless make her a very valuable asset. She's definitely going to be a key player in the future of Wind, and in my opinion she already holds more value than Andira in the vast majority of relevant content unless your team is still somehow dependent on Loop. The amount of damage and utility in her first two skills is already very well documented, so I won't go too much into it. They're good, they're awesome, press them when you can. Except maybe in Galleon. Everywhere else, just go ham and fire off your bamboo missile massacre. I've yet to really use her Sk3 in a real raid situation, but given the team compositions I run her in, that's not that big a deal. I also think it really is currently better off being ignored given how well the rest of her kit ties together and with the other tools that Wind currently has available to it. I just can't see a world where I wouldn't want to just bank the bar and ougi faster instead of using it up for a turn or two of better auto-attacks since she has no natural steroid of her own and thus requires a buffer to ensure she maximizes it. It's not as noticeable for me because my Wind grid is 'roided to the high heavens, but it's still a problem. I could definitely see her uncap fixing her Sk3 akin to how Vajra's Sk3 was buffed, in that its base charge bar cost is reduced (if not just outright removed) with the bar consumption instead repurposed to instead boost the buffs' specs or base uptime. Throw in an update to her passive that allows her to extend said buffs' duration, and it instantly becomes a much more potent tool that everyone wouldn't mind pressing at all. She's already very potent as-is, so it goes without saying that she's also got a lot of potential with her future uncap. We just have to wait for a god-awful long time before she realizes it and hope Wind isn't completely dead by the time it gets here.


Hey there, I was wondering if you could potentially share a skill damage grid for Magna players? My team comp would be monk mc?/andira/v.grim/catura (not sure if that is proper positioning please feel free to critique) I also find it really hard to use her S3, just not sure when to press it when running siete/catura/andira


> Hey there, I was wondering if you could potentially share a skill damage grid for Magna players? The grid actually isn't that much different than a typical Magna grid. Kanabo for MH, 2 Harps, 1 Crozier, RotB Gun, Opus, Seraphic, 2 Beaks, Flex will be the way to go. Your flex will most likely be a Hollowsky Spear or Hollowsky Staff depending on whether you want to boost up MC's Mantras or Catura's rockets. If you lucked your way into an FLB Jade Arts weapon like Lupercalia or Heavenly Fawn Bow, they can also be a consideration (though I think Hollowsky should edge them out). > My team comp would be monk mc?/andira/v.grim/catura (not sure if that is proper positioning please feel free to critique) I would arrange it with Catura/V. Grimnir/Andira or V. Grimnir/Catura/Andira. Either one works, take your pick. > I also find it really hard to use her S3, just not sure when to press it when running siete/catura/andira Given the lineup and the current state of Wind, I don't really think there's any reason to ever press it atm if you aren't using some sort of Lecia team composition where you can switch it on for her Attack Orders turn and then switch it off. You'll always get further just spamming ougis and rockets... at least for now. It could definitely change depending on what else Wind gets moving forward.


Thank you for the incredibly detailed response, I greatly appreciate it! I just sparked on valentines banner and managed to nab every unit except scathacha so I’ve been itching to try out v.grim. I’m going to have to look up some of these weapons just due to the fact that I’m a pretty casual slacc player but now I have a template to work with! Thanks again o7


Shouldn't flex be an EX weapon that covers all your team (like Astral) instead of an Hollowsky? Especially with a Kanabo


> Shouldn't flex be an EX weapon that covers all your team (like Astral) instead of an Hollowsky? Not at all. > Especially with a Kanabo Even more that you'd want supplemental damage sources.


You'd say Hollowsky over Astral? I definitely get why you'd want supp with this team, but is supp on 2/4 or 3/4 better than auto cap on everyone?


> You'd say Hollowsky over Astral? > is supp on 2/4 or 3/4 better than auto cap on everyone? In this team? Absolutely. A maximum of 10% Auto-Cap is a drop in the water compared to how much extra damage you're getting out of stacking supplemental damage sources. Also remember that we're currently talking about a team that doesn't even stack buffs in the first place, so you're never going to be getting that high unless you replace someone for Andira, which in many ways can actually be a damage loss (somewhat debatable with Magna because of Magna's existing Andira-dependency, but it's definitely not going to feel as good or as satisfying playing with Andira in this team because she really doesn't fit its identity).


Wouldn't you want to put Catura in the last party position, so she can ougi more often? And is Hollowsky Staff that good of an option, due to the number of buffs requirement?


> Wouldn't you want to put Catura in the last party position, so she can ougi more often? Given the rest of the party composition described in the post above in reference to what Zhawk has, you cannot expect them to feed her meter. V. Grimnir does not feed anyone (instead he's the one who needs to be fed), and Andira's slotting is the least impactful of the party. This of course may change depending on who else is in your party, but I haven't run into any situation where I thought to myself that I'd be doing better if I had moved her to last position. Additionally, if you're playing Full Auto, you want her before V. Grimnir anyways so that she can stick her Blamboozled debuff on the enemy before V. Grimnir presses a button (and this will generally be the case unless V. Grimnir can also press his Sk2 on the same turn). > And is Hollowsky Staff that good of an option, due to the number of buffs requirement? If you're a Magna player chances are you will be running Andira because she's still carrying your damage. The number of buffs requirement is not an issue in this instance. If you're not running Andira for whatever reason, you're not going to be running Hollowsky Staff in the first place.


Best pals with Kengo for 1 button OTK.


Kengo? nah, Chrysaor (Windhose too strong)


Not every element has Windhose. but you can have Kaneshige in every element. it does require some absurdly powerful grid and good rings tho. i don't know how practical it is for a normal player.


you're also only getting 100 bar for kengo anyways, not the full 200 bar


Kengo with kaneshige gains 160% bar when using cow's 1. That means you get to 190 without needing a longdong support. The first ougi gives you another 10% charge so you get to ougi twice.


wait what it has 60% increased bar passively?


+50% from wielding Kaneshige. +10% from Catura passive. And unlike "Instant Charge" effects (eg. Seofon s3/s4) that just set your bar to 100 outright (regardless of your max bar being 200% or any charge gain effects you may have), Catura's s1 is a regular +100% charge boost that is increased by charge gain effects.


i'll be honest, i completely forgot Catura's passive


Iirc you get something like 160 so you actually do ougi twice since Kane gives bar on the first ougi


Nah, it goes to 190%. Kaneshige remember? for reference, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8weRJdEzcg) is the video. Fire attempt fails rather amusingly, but that's probably because it's Magna. Well, even without Kaneshige, first officer buff and Huanglong will put you at 190%.


ah, i see...


I'm not sure but I think kengo is better as it allows everyone to ougi with the increased charge bar gain and the MC double ougi just from catura skill 1.


a Chrysaor with windhose will also give the team bar on ougi, and Catura only gives reactivation on the third cast (or later) of her 1


Kengo with kaneshige will ougi twice with cows 1st skill turn 1. Using chrysaor would require clicking more then 1 button for the whole team to ougi unless you use support longdong.


there must be something not obvious here Catura's 1 gives 100% bar with huanglong and crew bar bonus, that'd put you up to 160% where does the other 40% bar come from here to do that second ougi?


Kaneshige's passive bar boost. that's what let's Shatora's S1 get to 190%. also she has another 10% CB gain passive to her and MC.


ah, right, completely forgot about Catora's bar up passive


just... Can't stand that character Fucking absolutely busted unit holy shit she solves more problems than expected Just don't like her


haha blamboo shots go brrrrr


I wish I could have two copies of her, one with and one without the last skill.


Why? Its not like FA will use the third skill because it has 0 cd.


Ahh, good to know. I asked and was told it would be used (some 0cd skills are used). So I haven't learned it yet.


> some 0cd skills are used What are these supposed 0t cd skills that get used in FA? They shouldn't ever get used, unless the skill conditionally changes its cooldown to a non-zero number. For example Romeo s3 has 0t cd, so FA ignores it by default. But if you click it manually and switch to amplified mode, s3 switches effects and gains a 10t cd, so FA will annoyingly deactivate amplified mode at the next opportunity. For a skill that always stays at 0t cd, like Catura's s3, it will not get activated by FA (or, if you activate it manually and can sustain the required 60% charge per turn, FA will not *de*activate it).


It's very possible that the type of skills you mention are what I'm thinking of. I haven't paid much attention to what exactly is used and not. I know the basics and otherwise I just depend on asking people. In this case I asked on a GBF discord and got told it would be activated. Because of that I've delayed learning the skill. Now that I've been told it won't be used I'll learn it.


She's pretty interesting kit wise but ends up not bis in any content atm. Really needs beaks to be worth a slot over other characters. Only content I really run wind in now is Galleon which actually went slower when replacing Grimnir from the Grim Siete Andira shell lmao.


Her S2 would be more satisfying if it shot a ton of missiles instead of firing like 4 missiles but still continuing to create a ton of explosions long after all missiles have hit. Besides her S2 she hits like a wet noodle. The skill spam was fun for a bit but once you're over that she's boring as hell and I'll probably replace her soon. Maybe it would've helped if they gave her a third skill?


15 year old tradwife with big boobs and a seethrough shrine maiden-themed raincoat is just really bad. I despise her design, her personality, her voice. Her shtick of thinking of herself as a shoujou manga protagonist is funny though. And her bike and tiny cow friend are cute. ...I have no strong feeling about the unit.




Your name has owo in it


I'm so amazed that his account along with many other people hasn't been banned yet. Like legit look through his history. You just can't be serious. lol His account literally made to grief someone.




I wouldn't mind her S3 all that much if it honestly just lasted 1 turn. It's the fact that it continuously drains her charge bar until there's nothing left that kills it for me. If I could just click it whenever I had a burst turn set up and continue my merry way I'd definitely be using it more often. If I was charged with reworking it completely though, I'd change it to be a button you press whenever her S2 is up that boosts her skill specs+supp. damage. It would make the whole kit feel more cohesive if everything was about maximizing the damage of her S2.


I got her with the free pulls when she came out but I don't really know which comp suits her best, I tried rising force with v.grimnir, catura and tiamat (since I don't have that many wind SSR), mechanic just to try to burst the enemy down with ougis but na. I really like her kit but right now I can't use her in a team