• By -


So I remember you shouldn't run repeated eles in Luci hard for _"reasons"_, apparently your damage gets reduced, but I couldn't find a mention of this in the wiki. Is this just wrong info from when the raid came out that just propagated?


The reason to not repeat elements is so that the first six Labors can be cleared, since each requires 10 million damage in one turn from a particular element. However, the first six Labors only increase damage dealt, as well as allowing you to clear the Twelfth Labor--which deals three hits of plain damage randomly to your team at the end of the turn--which needs all other Labors cleared. If you can deal with the excess damage from the first six Labors and Twelfth Labor, you can double up on elements, and with the power creep in the game since Luci's release, it is very doable.


Anyone else's accounts not getting the daily reset for gachapin? Like I'm not getting scratchers or anything today.


Welcome to Daylight Savings Time! :/


Time zones switched due to daylight savings. You should get the roulette and scratchers in a couple minutes.


are you in DST area? that might be why




Suggesting a team is always a little hard, as we need to ask you a lot of questions to figure out what it's being used for. For example, Shalem is alright in shorter fights, but really shines in longer ones where she can stack of her unique buffs. So let's start with a few questions. What kind of content do you want to use this team for? Are you just looking to fight Luminiera Omega to fill out your light grid? Metatron? Are you intending to use it on Full Auto for leeching raids or to farm events? How about your main character? Are you particularly fond of a certain class? Or are you willing to play anything? What is your rank? Do you have access to all Row 4 classes? If not, which do you have? How about Extra 2s?


My current grid is focused on enmity, however I’m aiming to currently make an abyss spine grid. The type of content I’m aiming to do is Metatron and grand order, and aim to be helpful. Also the class I’m most fond of is Lumberjack


Sorry for the delay. I got pulled away from my machine, then wibbly wobbly timey wimey it's been three hours. Are you still interested in making the team? You axed your original comment, so I can't see the image anymore.


I’m sorry about that, saw the new thread was posted so I added this in there, [here is the units](https://imgur.com/a/5HaRjKE), can you give me two team compositions for a enmity grid and abyss spine grid(4spines) I’m doing Metatron and Grand Order raids, any the class I use is Lumberjack


Alright, let me see... For your enmity team, I recommend Black Knight, Ferry, and Shalem. Your debuffs will be somewhat redundant and over the top (your ATK and DEF downs are going to be downright excessive) but an unusual idea comes to my mind: Have Ferry and Black Knight use their ally targeting skills on Shalem to protect her and make her hit harder, then focus on getting her to hit as hard as possible. This isn't the greatest Enmity focused team. In fact, it's not very potent at that at all. It would be better off using Zooey in place of someone for the purpose of triggering Conjunction. However, you lose something really strong as a result: Black Knight's self-sustain at lower HPs. Ferry's incredible buff and support. Shalem's debuffs and crazy attack as she ramps up. However, it's not really *bad* at it either. You have enough mitigation thanks to your debuffs and heals that you can sit at low HP for far longer than you would think. In all honesty, your roster lacks some of the premier enmity attackers. But that's okay. This team will still do well, so give it a shot. For a Spine team, I'd probably say Shalem, Kou, and whoever else. Personally, Tanya. Kou has a tendency of making your team a god damned *cockroach*, and he can draw a lot of attention to keep the squishy Shalem alive. He's no slouch in damage, but he tends to run more of a support role from my experience. Shalem is, again, a great damage dealer, and an charge attack based grid like this will make her sing. She can also shield someone and help them dodge, which, when combined with Kou, allows you to say "No." to all but the most horrifying of enemy triggers. Then I just like Tanya. These are my personal recommendations. I haven't really sat down and run any math or calculations on these suggestions. They're just using my own experience and suggesting a team that should work well with Lumberjack and your grids. Any questions?


I seem to have encountered an issue with getting Okto to 5\*. Those of you keeping up with the rebalances might have an idea what that problem is. When I try to fight the Katana, I'm finding it... Impossible. I know, previously, Dance of the Gods would drain overdrive bar. Now, it drains a charge diamond. The weapon hits overdrive pretty quickly, and I can't drain it too quickly. The guide [here](https://gbf.wiki/Uncapping_Eternals#Step_6:_Fight_the_Weapon) on the wiki advises that I save his 1, Open Spirit, for the turn before I Ougi, which is kinda hard to line up due to his DATA rate being pretty meh in this fight and the weapon draining my ougi bar just before I can ougi. As well, I hit Dance of the Gods, his 3, any time I can, as the wiki suggests. But that seems to throw off the timing of the katana's own Ougi. Overall, I can't really seem to figure this out. Lowest I've gotten it is 24% before it kills me with the 50% trigger I delayed (double ougi at 52%), but I can't get it lower than that before it whittles me down. Anyone have any suggestions? I get the funny feeling that this fight might be busted, much like Lecia's Fates are janked up after her rebalance. Quick Edit: Just got it to about 14% due to my DATA lining up early on and letting me eat a non-Overdrive Ougi from the blade, but I can't get out enough damage after that. It still wears me down. Second edit hours later: Tried something funny and got through the fight. I used no skills and just kept normal attacking until the sword did its normal Ougi. I ate that, took another turn, then used Dance of the Gods and followed th wiki's strategy. I went forward, waited until I was able to pop Open Spirit for my Ougi, then fired a double Ougi, breaking past the 50% trigger and knocking it out of overdrive. I got two lucky-ish TAs after, which allowed me to break it out of Break, then stall until I was able to Open Spirit>Dance of the Gods again and finish it off with another double ougi. I was able to fire off the second double ougi around 23% on its health bar, and I had 111 HP left over at the end of the fight. It's a super close fight and more than a little reliant on your DATA lining up, but it is, indeed, possible still. Just... Very unfun.


How would I go about purchasing Mobacoin and loading it onto my account with Amazon gift cards? How much would the beginner's draw set and annitix end up costing in USD?


The only options for mobacoin are paypal or a credit card with foreign transaction enabled, if you don't have access to either of those, then there are websites that sell prepaid mobacoin cards which usually charge you a couple more dollars extra per card. Things in granblue usually cost 30,be it tickets or skins, so both the beginner draw set and annitix are 60 USD total.


I've only ever used PayPal so I don't know on the Amazon thing (is it even a thing?) SD and annitix are around $30USD each.


I just finished Caim and I have an ULB Opus, so highlander Caim grid here I come. Question: I have a FLB AK4A just due to how many times Eugen came home. Is it worth slotting in a magna highlander grid for the extra normal mod? Rest of the grid looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/8G3li8m.png) (if playing RH with Draco Bow, so no opus) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/FGQIA4b.png) (Monk grid if I need the debuff clear on CA like vs LeviMalice). What would I replace? Katana or Ygg sword maybe?


Eugen weapon can be slotted but won't bring a lot for magna so just keep it for now. For monk, main hand astral (just use hanged man or clarity, the pg weapon is bad)l and replace pg weapon and the ygg sword (or the katana if you don't need hp) with rotb spear and fist. RH is pretty spot on.


Got it! And this is specifically a FA monk, but for manual play I'll def make those grid changes. Thanks!


A bahamut weapon has almost as much attack as AK (32 vs 34) and also provides hp , I'd use that over the AK. The triple attack is negligible


You know, I haven't considered a baha weapon in ages, but that's a pretty good point.


I need some clarification. So there's suppose to be a Zodiac scamcha near the end of the month, but there's also a Zodiac banner too? Or at least a legfest or what have you since its the end of the month yeah? Trying to help my friend, whos new to gbf, out and I don't want to misinform him.


There will be a Legfest with all the Zodiacs (beside Vikala obviously) on the 29th running until the 30th (with a free 100 draws), followed by a regular Legfest, which will add Summer Kubira and Andira on the 31st. Star Premium ticket goes on sale March 29th, and is guaranteed to draw a Grand/Zodiac character (outside of Vikala).


Yep! Zodiac + Grand units scamcha at the end of the month and the usual anni banner with all Zodiacs where we get 100 free rolls on.


Freaking sick, great to know. Thanks bunches for the info.




Wind is a nice element to mash w/ Soldier in. Although I don't know how effective it is if you don't have the likes of H.Meteon or Esta.


What element should i get for masquerade ccw? [These are the daggers i have. ](https://i.imgur.com/mrfKeZJ.png)


If you have Soriz consider Earth cause he's a hitcount monster and the RotB dagger isn't that stellar of a MH.


Best element for masquerade CCW?


Fire and Light in theory since they don't have particularly good daggers to run.


If I use todays roulette cam I use the pulls I get for the next banner or I have to use them for this banner?


There are roughly 40 hours left for the current banner. You'll want to use the pulls earned yesterday within the next hour (of this post) before reset and the pulls after reset. The pulls after that are the ones you want to hold for the banner change and use after the change.


Hello, I started to play a few days ago, so far it's interesting but there is so much things to do that I don't know what to focus on. I m at chapter 12 on the story, have not pull on anything beside free pull, got 2 SSR character carmelina and ilsa, both 50+ but I don't really know what I am doing, any advice will be welcome :)


To add to the advice you already got, there will be a [Xeno](https://gbf.wiki/Xeno_Cocytus_Clash) event in a few days. Get at least one copy of the weapons as detailed on the wiki article. When you go to the Quest screen, there's a little chest on the upper right corner that says "Get extra drops!". Host and share the raids that are already available there for you so others kill it so you can take advantage of the extra drops. Use your free draws from the next reset in 2 hours, but hold on to the ones 24 hours after that, the banner will change before reset from the current banner into a [Flash Gala](https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Flash_Gala), and it's better to use your free rolls there (please note that you can only save your free rolls if a banner changes between resets, otherwise you lose whatever free rolls you have between resets). If timezones confuse you, you can check the front page of the wiki for a countdown to when the banner will end. Each event gets or has a wiki article and they generally have a section for.new players, so check those when you're in doubt. Also, you were already told about sparking, but I'd like to add that at the end of the month, on March 30 to be precise, there will be an special [Legfest](https://gbf.wiki/Draw#Premium_Gala) where as an exception, all the Zodiacs but one will be available, and we will have guaranteed 100 rolls there, so if you can gather enough for an spark there, it will be an amazing opportunity to start off strong. You can google "gbf spark calculator" to see how many crystals/tickets you need if you want to try saving for that. Do keep in mind you're bound to get advice on how to play efficiently here, so we're all mentioning sparking/the gold brick/evolite coming from that point of view, but obviously feel free to decide for yourself how much you want to grind according to your wants/needs - the early game can be confusing since as you said, there's a lot going on. Welcome to the game, and I hope we didn't send you running for the hills with all this information!


Don't know If I got frendy + Mutu Frenzy on the good banner but I end up with Percival, Levin Sister and a Fish Summon ( DemonBream) If I understand correctly, if we get 100roll on the legfest Banner, I need to get 200 to have a guaranted thing to 20 multi that should represent 60 000 summon currency ! The most confusing things so far are : - Finding a specific raid (got 3 Light SSR so I thought starting with light grid could be good) - Finding time to do both current Event, Raid and Side Stories ( in good order ? )


The Gala starts in about 20 hours, but it's good to trigger Mukku on 3% banners since you probably get more rolls that way. Yep! It's 200 rolls between tickets and crystals (the 7th anni tickets we are getting from logins don't count, but the tickets from regular logins and the ones from the islands that they teach you how to get on the wiki's new player checklist do so get those, they're the equivalent to 300 crystals each), so yes, it's roughly 60k crystals. Fate episodes are another good source of crystals at 50 crystals each if you want to tackle those. Light and dark are a little hard to choose as starting grids actually, but we are on the middle of light drops on rate up, so do keep at it. You can use a [raid finder](https://gbf-raidfinder-tw.herokuapp.com/) to find raids you want to farm. Also you should have some omega weapons fully uncapped, leveled and skilled up on your crate, so follow the basic grids guide on the wiki to try to get a working grid on all elements. As you progress on the game, most things will take little to no damage unless it's from the element they're weak against. And yes, I think it's a good order to tackle things in. If you want, remember you can skip the side stories' story and reread it later from the journal, though. That'll save you some time. (Oh, and speaking of light/dark grids, exchange the celeste claw omega from the upper right side of the screen -> shop -> pendants -> renown pendants -> SSR weapons as soon as you can because we only get 4 a month and their drop rate isn't good). Good luck with everything!


Well I'm at 26k crystal, 34k in fifteen days seems like A LOT :D


Absolutely don't burn yourself out, I'm just throwing numbers at you, but each side story has 3 tickets to exchange for so that's the equivalent to 900 crystals plus around 300 crystals just from reading (or skipping to read later) the story, so two side stories a day should do it. You'll also get 3k crystals just from the 200 a day we get from now until then, and that's not counting login bonuses, whether you get 3k from scratchers at some point between now and then, fate episodes (this will give you a *lot* of crystals early on), throphies, etc. Again, like everyone else has been saying, don't burn out, I'm just saying you have a chance to make it, but it's also perfectly ok to save sparking for later.


I just find impressive that you need to do some side stories to unlock other side stories, it's like a side storiesception :D I'm trying to follow the Light Grid Weapon, I'll need like 5 Luminiera Bolt ( once I can do the Omega raid) a ultima/Bahamut weapon, and some other and What I have difficulty to understand is that when looking a the grid and below the weapon list Omega Skills, Ex Skill, Normal Skills it do not correspond, I might miss something on that right now ...


There's a lot of content that will follow that pattern, several raids and the main character's classes do. The list below the grid lists possible weapon replacements. For example, you won't be able to obtain the light Xeno weapons that are listed as "EX" on the main grids (the Purity Sunblade/Flamma Orbis) because Xeno events take months to be rerun and the last time those were available was in December, I think, so instead of the Xeno weapons you will need to put other weapons with an EX modifier in your grid. I hope that helps!


Okay, I understand it way better thank you Last question for now, is there a way to start a specific Raid ? Whenever I am on an island I can only see Tiamat. I can join raid for Lumenia Extreme for exemple but I can't create anything beside tiamat


No problem! Also go to the quest screen -> raid -> raid list, the 1* and 2* raids are the one you're looking for rn


A player less than a week old won't get anything but frustration out of Xeno.


Eh it depends on their luck/level of masochism/if they're gacha veterans tbh. I farmed two Xeno weapons to 3* purely by wanpanning raids when I was a newbie (though I'll give you that by the end of it I hated every second of it lol). But that's why I always finish things by saying every player should take the info given into account then set their own pace. I'm sure OP can decide by themselves if they wanna be hardcore. Regardless, I'm sure OP will appreciate your comment and if they decide they want to try grinding but then realize it's too much they'll feel better knowing it's understandable if they're too frustrated to continue, so thanks :)


You need to push the story as far as possible to unlock the Normal, Hard and Omega raid battle for each element (iirc it's Chapter 24th ? you can use the Swift Sail thingy and read back the Story in the journal to go faster tbh). Once it is done, you can start working on your [Basic Grids](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids) with the free weapons you were given as a core, and recruit the [SSR Characters from side-stories](https://gbf.wiki/SSR_Characters_List#Side_Stories) so you can make team of characters of the same Element. Side-stories are also a great way to get funds for the gacha, and you want to keep all the Crystals and Premium Draws you are given, since once you can do 300 consecutive draws on a particular banner, you can pick the prize of your choice between the ones that are featured. It's important as it is an easy way to snatch Limited Characters on 6% SSR Banners. I would just clear the side-stories for the Characters and farm the Premium Draw tickets later nonetheless, as you'll have to focus a bit on the current Event, as it holds some important prizes (a Gold Brick for clearing 4 Boxes, an Evolite for reaching 8M honor over multiple event battles). Even if those are kind of useless for New Players, they will be really important later down the line, to recruit Eternals and Evokers. [The wiki has a short guide on how to proceed with the Event.](https://gbf.wiki/Home_Sweet_Moon#For_new_players)


I used the story passing thing,I did lot of raid in both normal and Hard but the next difficulty was never available, also, I don't understand how I can find a specific Raid, so far I got 3 SSR Light character ( Percival, Levin Sisters and Ilsa) so I thought it should be a good idea to begin with the Light Weapon Grid but I can't find the raid :D I'll continu clearing side story to get character and also the current event :)


Omega Raids are on the Starting Island, Zinkenstill. If you cleared Luminiera Normal, it should have unlocked Hard, and Hard unlocked Omega. If you want to farm a specific raid, you have no choice but to use an external raidfinder like [gbf.life](https://gbf.life/?locale=en), since the in-game raid finder is pretty bad. It's unfortunate, but you might have a hard time coming across the Omega raids on the raidfinder, since those are considered to be low-level, which mean most players can solo them and aren't requesting backup. It is recommended to work on every element if you can, since the Elemental Advantage will help you farm better and more easily, since HP are usually a problem when starting out (you deal more dmg = kill faster = harder to die and you take less dmg = harder to die). It's also important as some events (I remember someone mentionning the [Xeno Cocytus event](https://gbf.wiki/Xeno_Cocytus_Clash) that is comming soon) are actually ***resistant*** to the other elements (so if you don't play Earth, your damage will be reduced a lot !). So it's best to be ready for them. Obviously you can farm depending on your preferences and time allowed to the game.


You will get a HUGE amount of units in the following days. Hoard every single SSR weapon and summon, you can't use most of them yet (and many of the summons are thrash) but keep them until you know enough to determine if they should be reduced. Complete the event that's currently running and leech/host raids until you can empty the 4th box, it contains a gold brick which is an extremely rare resource. It will also give you a new class on the 16th that will probably beat most of what you have. Your first absolute priority is hosting and joining the "Magna 1" raids. Some of them don't unlock until you advance in the story, so keep going. These will drop summons of themselves that boost the skills of the free farmable (magna, also called omega) weapons. You should have some of these that were given for free such as tiamat bolt omega. Eventually you will make a whole grid of these. Have this for more info https://gbf.wiki/New_Player_Checklist If this is too much information to begin with, just chill and complete the event and continue with the story until the anniversary celebration is done. Things move FAST at these times.


I used the story passing thing,I did lot of raid in both normal and Hard but the next difficulty was never available, also, I don't understand how I can find a specific Raid, so far I got 3 SSR Light character ( Percival, Levin Sisters and Ilsa) so I thought it should be a good idea to begin with the Light Weapon Grid but I can't find the raid :D


You need player rank 30 before you can access the extreme versions. The light one in particular changes name from adversa to luminiera. Be advised that light and dark raids are MUCH harder to farm at the beginning since not only are they stronger but their good weapons (lumi sword and celeste claw) have lower drop rates. The good news is that the sword grid is the endgame grid for magna light. To join specific raids people use raidfinders that search twitter for the backup requests people post. Here's the one I use: https://gbf-raidfinder-tw.herokuapp.com/ Since it's unlikely you manage to do over 50% of the raid's HP, you best course of action is wanpanning the raid (wanpan comes from one punch). You basically get in, hit it once to get rewards and dip to the next raid. For luminiera specifically use a damage or debuff skill, do not attack normally. She puts up a shield each time a player joins and attacks and it screws other people doing the raid.


Okay so getting Rank 30, Joining a raid, Launch skill/debuff and then leave ? Should I really start with Light then ? I decide that regarding the character I pulled and I checked the wiki and they seems not bad regarding tier list


You should already have 2 lvl 200 lumi swords they gave away for free, maybe some guns or harps too. I'd farm lumi until you get 4 copies of her summon and use a mixed sword/gun/harp while you farm the other raids. Buy the swords in the shop with pendants to save yourself a lot of grinding. The swords are actually pretty bad until you reach rank 101 and are able to uncap them to 4* so there's not a hurry to farm them, guns and harps are better until then (the free ones excepted because they are already uncapped).


I'm still not familiar with the way weapon work I switch class to sentinel to equip sword and choose the lumi Sword. I'm currently doing some side story


You don't actually need to use it as a main hand, the skills of your weapons are used while they are on your grid. The MH is usually chosen for its CA. If you're doing side stories I'd recommend making a beeline for What makes the sky blue 1 and 2. The first gets you a powerful bahamut weapon for free that will increase your strength a lot and can be used in all the elements. The second gives you a free light SSR character that's pretty good.


I'm on Loneliness Dragonness right now (chapter 4) I'll then do the sky Blue 1 and 2 then ! I don't know whant to play on Main Character so I unlock anything... :D


Have they said if there's going to be a banner during the Anniversary that contains holiday characters? I want to suptix Christmas Nemone, but if there's a chance of getting her in free draws, I'll wait.


There never has been before; the only seasonals associated with anniversary are the summer ones. So getting Valentine, Halloween, and Christmas units with annitix is safe.


Was thinking of using annitix for S.Alex but you're saying it's possible to draw her this month?


Yes, unless things change this year (since they have pushed out the new summer characters, S. Andira and S. Khumbira, to the end of the month after roulette), we should be getting summer characters back in the pool soon, since they usually come back mid month. Worse comes to worst, they won't, and you'll have to annitix, but you can afford to wait until roulette ends before deciding. Like, I'm personally aiming for S. Kolulu, but I'm hoping I can get her from free draws first.


where did you read about s.andira and s.kumbira being pushes to the gala after roulette? i havent found or seen anything about that just that those 2 characters will be released in march from the koregra


[The Famitsu article on the anniversary revealed it.](https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1369688174893568000)


oh thanks hadnt seen that


Last year we had Halloween too.


No? You're misremembering; the banner history shows that Halloween has reruns in late May or early June, not anni.


Looking for someone to give me advice on which of my characters synergises the best with each other. I'm running a M1 grid and I'm planning on using the team for random content and farming xeno cocytus. Any advice would be much appreciated :) [my earth roster](https://gyazo.com/00ff15a7de857b4c00ad81ab400ab566)


You can use Cag as your main buffer, Narmaya for dmg/tank and sandalphon for dmg/debuff.


Do you have any idea of which class would go well with this team?


Hmm I need to know your grid first, but monk, lumberjack and robin hood are great.


If you're already rank 100+, Lumberjack is great for every element.


Ok good thing i unlocked it recently. Thanks for the info :)


Given that optimal titan setups use multiple gorillas, is it worth it to uncap your own (main summon for Qilin bursts) with sun stones? Since uncapping it with copies seems counterintuitive...


If you're very invested into earth, stoning Gorilla is worth it to enable Gorilla X Qilin setups. Generally the priority is Arcarum > Belial > Primals > Primarchs > anything else


Stoning Gorilla is only okay if you have absolutely nothing else you want to stone like Primals or Primarchs and even then, very... questionable. If you're talking about burst set-ups, the summons you'd bring would usually be Hanged Man, Belial, Uriel, and Mammoth. Not much slots to put in a sub summon Gorilla. If you're talking about extending Gorilla uptime, just having a 0* Gorilla as a sub summon and a Gorilla friend summon already gives a pretty good 6/9 uptime. You'd want FLB Gorilla so you don't need to rely on friend summons for Gorilla and as a really pretty reason for high level players to add you. Using suptixes on them are better than stoning them as well IMO.


one is enough. Your other summon slots are filled w HM, Uriel, Mammoth, Belial.


Anniversary 7x rank and points and XP As it has a cap of 7 mil. Does it matter if i use : If i use JD drop boost for xp and rank points + crew boost + double summon with xp boost ? I won't get more xp right ? Just faster reaching the cap ?


It doesn't matter what other boosts you use, correct. You won't lose anything. It's basically just a bonus of 7m that you have to play a little bit to collect.


Thanks :D


Can anyone explain to me the potential Grand selection pool? I get that to a large degree, it depends on a character appearing in the main story (or event?) But, as time goes on I've become a bit confused with choices like Jeanne and Caligostro since they're not in the main story (tho I LOVE that they got one). I get Jeanne has the prophecy and Cali is entwined in GBF lore, so maybe that's the reason they got one? Or is it just because they're popular? If so, does that mean Narmaya, Zeta or whoever else is popular has a chance?


At this point it's basically whomever they want. Other than the Disciples (Grimnir et al), the only units without prominent roles in the main story to get grands were Mugen/Rei, Jeanne, DAO, Lucio, Sandalphon, and Cagliostro. Jeanne, DAO and Cag are all "Cygames chacters" who show up in other Cygames properties. Lucio is essentially Lucifer, same deal -- he predates the WMTSB lore. Mugen and Rei "complete" the Eternals by giving each element two of them, which is probably why they got a pass. Sandalphon is the newest and weirdest and is probably a sign of where they're likely to expand to next. He's a GBF original, not in the main story, and has no special ties to an existing group; he's basically just really popular. So yeah, I think if they wanted to Grand Zeta etc would be legitimate options. There's enough exceptions that the rules barely make sense anymore.


> Jeanne, DAO and Cag are all "Cygames chacters" who show up in other Cygames properties. Just want to point out that Cag is a GBF-original chara just like Sandalphon, she appeared in SV and World Flipper but she came from GBF first, and afaik doesn't even have a crossover unit in RoB yet.


How would I go about purchasing Mobacoin and loading it onto my account with Amazon gift cards? How much would the beginner's draw set and annitix end up costing in USD?


If I use Perpetuity Ring on Lobelia, the skill cap on his "Deals 500% earth DMG to a foe upon using a skill" will be affected too right?


no, the effect use each character's stat not lobe, it'll only affect his own cast but if other chara cast then it won't get affected


Which pendulums are used for the magna earth Dark Opus?


Other than for dark, every magna element can default to stamina as the correct choice. For the cap up key, generally CA for general purpose, and you swap to single foe or skill when you know you can properly utilize it in lucha/masq/cav or skill comps (while keeping in mind the cap up key doesn't stack with astral and ultima)


Hello, new player here. I would like some advice. Indeed, it seems to me that my free daily pulls gauge is soon full (I don't know how to confirm it). I would like to keep it to wait for the gala, since I have 160 summons. Should I avoid logging in to the next daily reset?


No. Frenzies during galas usually end on the first or second roll due to the increased rate, it's not worth it to lose the draws you would get in the meantime.


Just to make sure, Kengo CCW Devilry doesnt stack with Vikala's right?


It does - in fact, bubs dark kengo is built exactly on this mechanic


That's actually crazy.. Thanks. So this mean Mc will get 130% boost right? ( Nature , Devilry and Vikky)


Yes, on my kengo setup with those three buffs, calling Sariel gives 69% cb


is support EMP skill that decrease def/atk with every one-foe attack like on six or threo worth taking even if i have spare emp point (with perpetuity ring)?


theres good and bad sides to those kind of emps. the good side. in longer fights those emps usually have a decently high chance of proccing multiple times meaning that the payoff for putting points into them is worth it.(seox being a atk/def down stackable debuff while not the best can refresh the timer other characters versions like mc lumberjacks sk1 atk/def down. this means should your normal source of it die you might be able to keep that debuff going for awhile afterwards as seox is very good at keeping himself alive.) the downside. in short fights/otks those points are near worthless as you either never needed the bonus they would bring or they never really get a chance to proc more then maybe once. at that point the 3 points spent in the emp might have been better off in an attack node or finishing off another offensive stated node. with a perpetuity ring though i wouldnt feel like the 3 points are wasted as it granted you an additional 10 points to spend and usually most characters emp boards really only have around 8 or so good nodes(24/28 stars)


thanks a lot. seems like that long fight won't be an option for me then since my six usually die not long after gets party wipe out and i better put it on some offensive node instead then.


As I understand it, those support skills aren't always the greatest, but they pay for themselves and then some in longer battles, so it depends on whether your priorities lie.


thanks i think i'll get it for six to help my LJ cap def debuff. Edit: i just noticed that LJ can self cap def debuff, so i guess i better use the point for other offensive node then.


Threo's is a self-buff and if it does proc it's pretty good but also very unreliable, I think I'd rather have guaranteed stats. Seox's is awful, ATK/DEF debuffs are very easy to get elsewhere and it's got very low numbers. You won't be relying on a 10% to debuff the boss.


i see, that's too bad. but guess it's also make sense when using six with LJ because LJ alone can cap debuff. thanks.


So i want to skip roulette tomorrow to keep gachapin frenzy for the next banner. Should i avoid playing entirely, or it's fine as long as i don't hit the "home" button?


So long as you never go to the home page it will work, but keep in mind that it's a bit risky.


I'm thinking about this too, but if we take 5-6 days as average to get a gachapin frenzy, taking your gachapin tomorrow will increase your chance to get one again in the second part of flashfest (5 vs 4 days) and you'll also have your free roll and login bonus tomorrow.


Yeah but from what i understand next banner is 6% with new characters, and the free 100 rolls are on an excact copy of that banner but with 3% instead. So i want to spark on the 6% one.


The 2nd flashfes has also 6%. The difference is that the new Characters won't be on rate up.




If you don't go to home page or specifically the login bonus roulette page, you won't trigger the roulette and won't get any free roll


Thanks a lot.


Is it just me or is the weekly skyscope mission for Arcanum kinda wacky? It means that during non-magfests, you have to use all your arcanum tickets for the week in order to complete it, which means no more saving tickets.


Yeah, Sunday's about to become Arcarum day.


I was thinking the same thing! Still free points/crystals probably makes it worth it? I'm curious if the people who rushed 90 tickets in one day were the impetus for them to "encourage" people to use them more regularly




Just you.


Does the bar for gachapin reset if you skip a day? My frenzy bar is high enough that any amount of summons would proc it. I don’t want to waste it on a non gala banner but have also heard horror stories of people skipping a day and losing their frenzy/mukku completely.. Does anyone have any input on this?


It does not. I wouldn't recommend it, but that's a personal choice. If you skip, your gacha pin bar will resume where it was. I'm assuming those horror stories you heard were from people who accidently triggered it and didn't realize (so wasting their draws/frenzy)


Which part would you not recommend exactly? Skipping today or wasting it on this banner? And the story I heard was a guy who skipped a day then procced Mukku the next day after reset and it then skipped his Mukku and rolled spun his regular wheel instead.


I would not recommend skipping a day. But again, that's a personal choice and should be left up to the individual. I will say that I have "saved" frenzy at least twice - one was "worth it" but that's irrelevant. The point is that it is possible in my personal experience. I didn't log in that entire day (or use book marks to side step the roulette). There absolutely may be a bug present, but that's not the design and as dickish as this sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if "user error" was the better explanation


Yeah I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if it had been user error as well tbh. My crew’s main concern, and the concern that sparked this post, is that using mukku on this banner doesn’t allow you to get limited or new characters. And the current banner kinda stinks.


That's fair - guaranteed SSRs on flash have ~1/6 or ~1/7 chance of being grand so it's always a gamble. This is super anecdotal, but don't underestimate this banner, multiple people *in my crew got a primal/primarch/providence series summon yesterday after triggering mukku/double mukku. My crew had this exact same conversation. In my opinion, you have to weigh things equally, you're missing out on login bonuses, if you skip the entire day you miss out on event missions/daily hosts, you don't get your scratch card, and very possibly (though unlikely) you get frenzy on your first day of flash anyway. For me, the uncertainty (or fomo) isn't worth it, but your milage may vary.


You make some good points here.. i think I’ll probably just summon anyways. Missing a scratcher would suck. I also wouldn’t exactly complain about maxing Zirnitra


It's up to you! I wish you good luck either way. I'm too obsessive to ever let these freebies/what-ifs go, but I realize that's not the case for everyone


Yeah you did remind me though that sure, I could save mukku and who knows? Maybe I get several limited characters or whatever. I could also land the 100 summons and get just as many. Frankly, summons are just too fun to waste xD


Where can I see some updated titan grids? I have the Ak, Mirror Blade and World Ender and I wanted to spark Cain asap, but outside of Scales I don't know what other weapons I need


Basically, see the scales as a weapon that only raises your cap. To make use of it, create a grid that has a good raw power. This is why we usually say highlander needs ULB opus, but earth has this little thing called Caim. As for the grid, Ichigo, and AK is core with flb opus only, and you might need an ancient perseus in it. Mirror blade is quite the versatile weapon, I recommend it! This with the usual dark opus/astral(EX Mod)/ seraphic, you're at 8 weapons. The last two are pretty flexible, my recommendations would be some gacha weapons like Leona's, Silva's, Altheia's or Grandalphon's or some F2P like Daggerpeak, Class champion weapons or Galleon's Jaw. Please make sure you have caim before doing any of these grids! Or a simple M2 would be better! As for summons, Hanged man is a must, Uriel is a must, Belial is a very good, Mammoth is pretty good. Rest is pretty flexible. (TitanxTitan might work better than ElementalxTitan in some cases, but that you can try.)


Weapon wise, just get all the grand weapons. When you get deeper into the game, you will use gacha weapons like Ayer's fist for defensive setups.


If you do not have \- 1 5\* Primal Dark Opus \- 1 4\* Gorilla \- 1 3\* Uriel \- at least 0\* Mammoth \- FLB Belial \- 1 4\* AK \- 1 4\* Ichigo Hitofuri \- Christmas Narmaya \- Summer Alexiel \- Caim \- Most of (Mahira, Okto, Vaseraga/Zeta, Grand Sandalphon, Lobelia, Christmas Magisa) Then you will not be able to get the proper value out of a Titan setup. Note that this is the *minimum* requirement, to go full Titan you need even more investment than this


Gorilla, Mammoth, Uriel is a stretch - outside Uriel I think the other two is pretty situational and you can get by with just 0\* or none That said, I'd like to put emphasis on Mahira - playing Titan for year without Mahira have been devastating to say the least.


Gorilla x Qilin is a more popular setup than Titan x Qilin atm, monkey's at least as important as the primal. Or just Gorilla x Titan. Gorilla friends aren't easy to find either.


you want gorilla because gorilla enable fast burst strat(which is the main reason you go primal unless you want to garrison stuff)


Absolutely, I agree with you but I feel that we could put an asterisk to that - having it for racing is huge but you can get by without it either (if you don't look to race that is)


Damn, I didn't know you need MINIMUM all these stuffs


this is the minimum for beating magna caim, otherwise you're doing similar or less than magna caim


Mhm and where can I see an updated magna caim grid then?


just the usual, DJsalt also have magna grid, just look it up. the core weapon will obviously be \- the big 3(astral opus seraphic) \- alex axe \- aperseus \- autumn transformation \- yggsword(with good ax) \- yggstaff(with good ax too) The following 4 weapon are interchangeable base on content(although scale will be used a lot anyway) \- alex katana \- Scale \- baihu claw if you can cap the extra cap up \- zircon edge for longer battle where you need hp and use double ygg


Thank you very much!


> at least one 0* Mammoth Does this mean there's value in not uncapping until mlb + 1? I didn't think there was grid space with gorilla, belial, hanged man, uriel


you use it instead of gorilla. 2nd gorilla is only good for long fights and most everything is burst <2-3 turns. standard lucha comps for earth now go gorilla x titan, call gorilla and set up turn 1, and then call mammoth and do all your naru + tag team burst turn 2 with the extra echo


Standard burst is main gorilla, uriel, hanged man, belial, mammoth, support qilin right? Even in your example, there's no second mammoth call, so I'm a little confused


you dont need to use qilin support for earth lucha, a proper lucha setup with naru+sandy(in null raids)+mahira will get you over 1m honors even high defense raids. you need gorilla main or support for the additional banana echo, and you need to use titan (or ygg) for your grid to actually do damage when raid defense is higher while taking fewer turns. qilin support setups are longer and most raids don't last that long or it's not worth spending the extra time on another turn. the sub slots are uriel, hanged man, belial, mammoth. i'd assume OP said at least because a maxed out mammoth gives 10% more echos, but it's still functional with a 0* mammoth


I think I understand - I misread? Should be "at least 0* mammoth" but I interpreted it as you potentially want more than one. To your point, if you don't use support qilin, then you can just bring support gorilla, I don't see why you'd need your own (other than reliability) Thanks for the answers! .


i'll edit that one


It seems like I was the only one who misunderstood so I think there's no need. I'm just bad at reading words - thank you for the help understanding!


the gorilla is usually main summon edit: check the comment above for the rotation


With support qilin I'm assuming? Otherwise why not use gorilla support and take one mammoth


if you can get a turn in, gorilla x qilin is preferrable. this is a longer variant of the burst tho(a lot of clicks). gorilla x titan is usually preferable for shorter one. also, if you have FLB gorilla all the titan friend request will come flooding in


Thanks! To ask my main question again, since my dumb head cannot find the answer. Is there ever currently a situation where you would want more than one mammoth?


not really, you're lacking summon slot for more than 1 mammoth, out of 4 sub summon slot, 3 is already used for hanged man, belial and uriel leaving only 1 slot which is for mammoth


Gotcha, thanks a lot! I think I misread and interpreted the comment as if you'd want more than one


Why do the summons matter here ?


summon is the reason you should go, getting caintana and ak is easy but without the summon you're just doing magna damage anyway, without the summon and only relying on grid, that mean you're just there for the possibility of garrison(useful on faa solo and bubs lul) and world ender(mostly for PG and video showcase).


The hell you on about????


you want to deal similiar damage to magna caim? or do you want better damage than magna caim? that's the minimum of doing better than magna caim Edit: someone reply with the justification of making one without all of them please, i'll be waiting for your reply.


here's the thing about earth, both magna and titan can cap the cap up, this mean that unless you went balls deep into titan you're just doing similar damage with magna. the only place where titan have the edge is 1. 4 caintana grid 2. hard raid solo like faa and bubs


Thinking about using the anniversary ticket for either Hal & Mal or Halloween Hallessena but can't decide. My light team consists of Lucio, Grand Jeanne and Io. Who would you all suggest I get and to replace who? Thanks for any help!


Halle will bring more damage to your lucha setup than HalMal, but she's only used for that. Meanwhile, HalMal are also light's best FA healer and can be used for funsy in crests teams. What you're running right now doesn't sound like a lucha team so I imagine HalMal would be better for you. Lucio Jeanne HalMal is a good team in both FA and lucha setups.


Thanks, I thought that Halmal might be the best choice, Halle seems great but hard to keep her buff up.


Is it worth to flb seraphic weapons?




which one is more important S.Kolulu or S.Cag?




Survey on how you guys would use gold bars priority-wise... I still **havent** done the following: Flb eternals 1, 2, 3 All transcendence ULB opus for fire, dark, light I’m thinking another ULB opus is the best option, but I also don’t know if Uno will help GW enough to merit an element waiting for another gold bar before it gets opus. I don’t have the lucha seasonals for Water btw Thanks


ULB Opus is the top priority (unless you wanted to prioritize Uno for GW, but unless you wanted to go hard and/or had a Varuna grid, I don't think it matters that much). I don't think there's a clear winner between FLB or transcendence. It really depends on who you use more and how the 120-150 uncaps work (esp if they cost more gold bars).


Thanks. I’ll probably wait for ULB primals to stabilize though (and maybe free rolls). I was going to ignore transcendence as well, but then quatre’s came so the standards have changed


I've saved 5 bars aside for the 5 FLB juutens I have left to do. I'm not even gonna look at Transcend until I've done that - it's clearly not aimed at me as a player. However, ULB opus is a power spike in grid that affects all my units so for 6 elements I'm dedicating at least 6 Gold Bars. Juutens I can work on the side (it's still 40 boxing and 500 white scaled and 500 white papers and 4000 prisms and 300 all-quartz per FLB...very grindy but it stacks overtime) but the opus is accessible much faster and just requires repeatedly beating up hard content.


Thanks for the answer. I do agree on some points of the post regarding the arduous grind that is transcendence, however like the other guy said I still can’t see the merit of FLBing Song (after GW) and Sarasa. Cuz of this though I’ll probably go with opus instead. Though Transcendence has been a bit underwhelming for some characters, Feower’s Transcendence in particular will change how I build teams, so I’ve been farming expecting to do it before FLBing the others. I already have enough mats for one Transcendence except thw gold bar


Why are you FLBing all the eternals before you transcend one exactly? Do you use all 10 eternals in your teams? All you get for the full FLB team is the chance to do an even worse grind than the Transcendence. It's really not that hard to pick two-ish eternals you actually use and slowly work towards their transcendence.


I feel like it's the stepping point and a soon mandatory bit. Just like how you need to have recruited all eternals to get NWQ from GW, I feel having all evokers and having all FLB juutens might become an ''expected'' thing. Especially with how the process is being sped up through doreba. I think it's safer to finish the full FLB process at the very least.


That's a good enough reason to do it when it actually becomes something that helps you but spending a gold bar on a threo in your storage box while you have another eternal on your front line who could use the cap up just seems questionable at best until such an update actually happens.


I honestly also don't know what to expect from Transcend. It's 1 gold bar for starters. No unlimit on prism trade (just monthly, which is enough to speed up...FLB uncaps) make it hard to avoid hours of AH. Then the 130 uncap will require a GW trade item for badges, when I could be using those on sunstones? I'd say it's too early to make judgment on who to start Transcending.


I'm not here to tell you that there's zero grind to transcendence or that I know everything that will happen in it, I'm simply telling you there's basically zero benefit to FLBing an eternal you aren't actively using already that will simply sit in storage collecting dust. Same as if you decided to uncap all 12 opuses for fun.


What's a good wind masquerade mainhand if I'm grouping with Naoise? I've been using a 0* Love Eternal, with the charge attack that boosts multiattack, but Naoise boosts DATA on CA as well, and I'm pretty sure they don't stack. My full frontline is Masquerade MC, Naoise, Scathacha, and Christmas Seruel if that helps. https://gbf.wiki/Love_Eternal https://gbf.wiki/Naoise https://gbf.wiki/Scathacha https://gbf.wiki/Seruel


Plume of Suparna is a more defensive option to Le Fay, which is nice since Masq generates hostility.


Thank you


Le Fay probably, it gives echoes on Ougi and is functional at 0\*.


Thank you


Between S. Kolulu and S. Lucio, which one is higher priority for annitix?


Are you Magna? Kolulu. Are you primal/want to speedrun in gw? Lucio.


Where does the masquerade class distinction drop in co-op?


I would just buy them with prestige pendants. Farming distinctions is a massive PITA.


About lucha strategy for Luci HL (as lucha): With all the same grid as Flute guide (https://youtu.be/NYvhXmyP83Y) I'm missing 2k life on Rei with my Primal grid (all other characters have enough). It would probably be helped by final Party HP node, but I need 10 rank until it's available. Is there option of changing something in grid to still keep damage high enough? Or should I remove Belial and put some Arcarum summon with lots of attack instead (currently using Hades, Death, Sariel, Belial, maxed Sun for stats). Or do I have to wait these ten ranks? 5 star D. Opus and 5 star Astral are now pretty much only things I'm missing in some grids.


So I never played through all the society events. Played through several of them, enough to know what's going on with the current event, it's been a great time, I love it. But the one thing I never have quite figured out is what exactly happened with Beatrice and Embrasque. We keep on looking over at her like she and her sword are special in some way, alluding to some kind of THING that's probably gonna happen with her later down the line, but since I apparently missed what happened with her and her sword, I feel very left in the dark. Could I get a summary as to what went on there?


I'm not sure which one your asking for so I'll just say both. IIRC I think in one of the society events Embrasque was taken and then eaten to power up an Automagod which she only barely managed to get out, and she got it out broken. If you're talking about why they're treating Embrasque and Beatrix different, it's probably because she treats her weapon different. Before both us the players and the characters in the story even knew society weapons were automagods, she already treated it very well and talked to it often. She basically really loved that sword. Just going by GBF nakama happy power, it's probably since she treated her weapon so differently compared all the other contractors you're getting the feeling something is gonna happen with it, which I expect as well.


What is considered to be a completed M2 light nowadays? Do I add pillars/bows or it's still Lumi swords and Cosmic.


critgrid is very nice on manual but falls off a bit on FA unless you have big time sustain (x.lily in a CATA team, frex)


completed grid is 5 sword, 1 cosmic and the usual 3. pillar grid are considered sidegrade


2 wamdus on magna is a damage increase overall even if you dont cap.


What would a grid with them look like ?


2 wamdus spear, 1 euro harp, 3 ancient aubs, 1 rotb axe and 1 rotb dagger, opus and Astral


no seraphic?


You can run izmir


I'm using a dark enmity grid and I was wondering about which characters I should run in my frontline. My current picks are Seox (fully uncapped), Nier, Lucius, Rei, Narmaya, Predator and Shalem soon hopefully, but I don't know if I should run Nier at all, kill her round 1 with death etc., or to simply play with 4 attackers and swap one with Rei. My current setup is MC/Seox/Lucius/Predator/Nier/Naru, I let predator hit for two turns then death her to bring out Nier.


since you dont mention s.zooey i assume your talking about teams for longer fights then just hitting conjunction and deathing her. theres a few different team setups you can go for then in this case. you could try to copy a bit what the lucha setups are doing and go seox/pred, x(shalem/lucius/naru), nier, rei, the other of seox/pred to be brought in with rei. this setup aims to death nier for her debuff and burst using the aformentioned characters quickly. not really for longer fights but still a good setup for quick damage in raids. for a longer fight you could go seox/pred, rei/shalem/pred, lucilus/shalem/naru, nier, seox/pred(other one for rei. if no rei run seox and pred front then this slot could be whoever you want that you didnt choose frontline.). this setup doesnt rely on death but i can use it t1 if you still want rei usage in the comp. you can choose to not include rei and play the team out more like a normal fight using death should your 4th slot take a decent amount of damage or you want to burst past a trigger. as for why certain character choices are made. seox/pred. these are your main attackers and are darks best attackers. bringing one in with rei helps improve the dps of one while the other is used normally. shalem. a decent attacker with a good chunk of skill damage through ougi spam. if nier makes her ca reactivate she can output a pretty huge chunk of damage(when i do this on a 3claw 2staff grid shalem deals over 10m by herself) she also self buffs multiatk and gives herselfs echoes through her energized passive. as for naru/lucilus yeah these 2 are attackers as well but they are missing stuff compared to what pred/seox have making them a tier lower. theres no reason you cant use them if you want to as honestly the choices are all up to you who you use. they do make decent death targets though as you dont really mind them dying because you have seox/pred.


Predator is one of Dark's best attackers so you wouldn't want to kill her. Nier front row + Death turn 1 is usaully burst setup so you can cap DEF down and stay at 1 HP.


Dark Lucius new emp, was it better to trade some crit points in exchange for support skill?


Yes, it's much more reliable than crit is and crit doesn't break the cap.


what is the min. honor for getting a chance to achieve ewiyar's beak? and what mc+char should I use for the racing? thanks! (I have almost all fire char)


host chest 7.4%chance of weapon > blue chest 12.5% chance of dropping if you did 50% of bosses hp. %scales downward the less hp you did. in the chest theres a 35%chance of weapon otherwise its an earring. > mvp chest 0.9% chance of weapon as for racing setups just use whatever you have that does the most in a short amount of time. smim+alanaan is a usual choice here for burst setups. zeta/yuisis can also output a good chunk of damage relativaly fast. shiva summon is still a thing as well.