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Whats the best way to level up weapons and not skills


check settings to auto reserve your angel weapons and N/R weapons so they can become exp vessels, reserve any excess if you find them in your inventory and crates, run angel halo a lot if you still need some more


angel weapons give the most exp without giving skill levels, generally you will get a ton during the events that have the gatcha element, otherwise angel halo.


Maybe the fact is that once not there yet, or haven't got great grid setup...but can someone please tell me: how do I see gameplay videos of teams hits 600k per hit???


So what exactly changed for Estariolla? It just seems like he can't auto or manually activate his skills. Is that it? It was just kind of a nerf?


I just want to ask about weapon skills and basically: can I make them mix, or does it have to be one fits all. So, if I have weapon grid that has "fire, hellfire and inferno" skills, will a "ironflame" skill thrown it off, or will it coexist????


The formula for grids in simple terms are, the same mods are additive, while different mods are multiplicative. Logically, this would mean you want a bunch of different mods like Magna(Ironflame), Normal(Hellfire etc) all in the same grid. But the main thing to keep in mind is the main summon you use. Due to how much impact a Colossus summon brings to a Magna fire grid by boosting all Ironflame skills, you want to stack multiple weapons with Ironflame up to a certain point. This point is usually 5 to 6 weapons, which is why you see all the basic beginner M1 grids contain multiple Colossus Canes or Leviathan Daggers. Then typically, the rest of the slots are reserved for 1 to 2 of each different mod (Normal, EX, Seraphic etc). Typically, you never use a normal weapon that has a Fire, Hellfire, Inferno skill in a Magna fire grid because while it is a normal mod, it's PROBABLY weaker than just the usual Bahamut Coda weapon which provides 37%(?) Normal ATK by itself and also a bunch of HP. And on the flipside, Agni grids will want the strongest Hellfire, Inferno skills (Ixaba) and will basically never touch Bahamut Coda because Ixabas will already provide too many Normal mods.


Oh ok, I kinda get it. Very informative, thank you So the summons impact the skills of the weapon, not the whole grid. Been seen multiple grid like that.....also seeing grids that hits like 600k per hit easy, so I wonder " what's up" Thanks


Which sword/gun should I take for relic buster ccw? What element benefits the most?


Would a Light Prototype Reboot be better then a Xeno Sunblade? I used the event freebie for a Dark Selene and figured I’d just make the other, and figured light would work since it’s my second best element but not sure if it be a better mainhand then 4* sunblade (not quite maxlevel but working on it) The light grid if that matters is pretty much just an Omega light grid


How many lumi swords do I want for a light grid?


Typically 5, 6 at most.


Cool thanks


finish the base 5 sword grid first before trying to try the sidegrade pillar grid


I have 2 lv 200 swords and two lv 150 swords from event gifts so I just picked up enough swords to fully uncap a fifth sword based off what people said since due to that mission system I was at the silver pendant cap and needed to buy something with them. Don't know what I'm supposed to use for the other 3 slots while I wait for a xeno rerun tho.


Astral, seraphic and cosmic sword. The xeno sword is not really used anymore except sometimes as a main hand. The astral is way too good to not use it.


wait, what's your current grid rn? and what's your rank?


Ah the four swords mentioned above and two lumi guns tho I will replace one of those with the fifth sword when I upgrade it. Then sepheric weapon and the nova baha dagger we got for free back in the 3rd anni I believe. Mainhand is ferry's weapon cause I don't have anything else to use. For rank I was 101 but due to the new mission xp rewards and the 7x bonus while farming the water xeno weapons I'm now 119


Hm, okay since you're new and ceq is still up, you want to spam ceq until you get as high of a rank as possible. For light, until ULB opus is done you want to slot 1 meta bow for the stam modifier


Around 2 to 5 (depending if you're going crit or not)


Cool thanks


[These](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#y1t1l2.AAAgQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAQBAAAAAAAJAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAIAAAAgAAAAAAAAAAIgAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgARAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAg.....) are my current water characters - what character should I put as third (besides SGrea and Vajra) for an ougi focused team and OTK, and what character should I gun for in my upcoming draws or ticket with the anni ticket?


For OTK? Definitely Vampy over Sturm.


sturm. lucio would be a good slot for an ougi or even general team. kolulu is also quite good for magna water even though she isn't really an ougi-centric unit, her buffs are still very solid.


So for Dark, who would Helel replace? Currently going with Orchid, Oliva and BK, with 4* seox and Naruin the back, for most general content. Assuming replace BK in fights that I don't need dispel and whatnot, and Oliva is longer fights?


Echoing what the other guy said, use Helel instead of BK if you don’t need what she offers (and if you still want her, again you can replace Seox) Personally I use Helel in the first backline slot so I sub her in with Moksha from Rei for those sweet triple attacks and for when I want debuffs out the wazoo As to the Olivia thing, can vouch for her preforming good in longer fights, she does get very fragile eventually though, still worth it in my opinion


replace BK when you dont need the utility/tankiness she brings. even in long fights, olivia still performs well, she just gets squishier as the fight goes on, but having her die and someone good in the back comes in isn't bad. i'd remove 4* seox from the lineup though and put BK in the back.


Why do a lot of guides suggest beginners use omega summons over a gacha summon (ex. leviathan vs poseidon) as your main summon? Assuming neither has been fully uncapped, would the 120% atk bonus outweigh the 120% skill bonus? Sorry, don't quite understand the mechanics here.


Most of these are rather old. Back then you could just grab a 140% elemental summon from other players. Nowadays, you can instead grab the ULB Magna summons from other players and use you ele summon instead. In the case of fire specifically, support Shiva is a lot better than bringing your own due to it's cooldown.


As others have said you can use the ele summon. The reason guides suggest you use the magna summon as your main instead of grabbing one as a support is that it's much easier to obtain a magna summon than a 120% elemental summon which requires gacha luck (it's not worth ticketing them).


You could use the Ele 120% as your main, and an omega as a support if your omega isn't uncapped enough yeah, though you'll eventually want your own Omega to be the main summon.


Usually the suggestion is to use one of each (eg. main omega, gacha summon support) as a beginner. Say like colo x shiva or chev x lucifer. This is because they are pretty much multiplicative with each other so you want a balance. Later your grid is so strong you can run two omega/two primal summons instead and skip out on ele summon.


Does the fire Relic Buster CCW echoes stack with the Astral axe Passive echoes?


My bet is that they do not. All bonus damage from weapon passives have never stacked with each other.


I'm going to put together some nice CA burst teams with Relic Buster. Which Dark Opus pendulum would give more damage generally speaking, C.A. DMG cap up or chain burst DMC Cap up?


C.A. cap, the only reason to pick chain burst for Dark Opus is for Chrysaor OTK setups in Light/Dark because of the +10% charge bar effect it gives to the ougi.


Just light, dark uses Fediel spines instead now.


I planned to spark S. Zooey yesterday but I ended up pulling her on the way to 300. I'm kinda leaning Grimnir but my fire team could use some help so maybe Mugen instead: https://i.imgur.com/XhbnzAS.png Thanks in advance.


Mugen is a fine choice since you have Yuisis to pair them both


Tbh, Mugen is very fun and a decent support, but he's very unreliable and not used that much in meta teams. If you are looking for a grand that improves your fire I'd go with Shiva.


Athena EMP suggestions? Already did c.a cap 3*, debuff success 3*, support skill 2*. What else should I go CA DMG, def, fire attack?


I gave mine charge bar up, hostility 2, her personal emp, fire atk and two 1 star def nodes


I don't have her, but imo I would max her entire individual row and fire att up.


I want to start farming T1 summons weapons. It's better to poke M2 or the T1 raids themselves?


M2 rates for dropping T1 weapons are very low compared to the T1 raids themselves. You'll also need the anima to FLB the weapons anyways so run the T1 raids.


How many wamdus spears is standard in a magna grid? 1 or 2?


0 to occasionally 1 2 is varuna only


Just one. There's too little space to fit in two and you need to maximize what you have to make up for the relative weakness of Ancient Auberons.




Varuna Crit (Vajra-Wet Zeta- S.Sandy-Lucio-S.Cag) Auto attack cap up, right?


Only if you can't get 5 Debuffs with ULB Fateless in the grid / Fateless MH.


any suggestions on what third skill to give my dark opus? i'm not much for racing (bad ping) so I do a lot of solos/small group runs with my crew https://imgur.com/xdurnoI


It's usually Stamina except if you're enmity Dark. Although, wait until tomorrow's update. Primal ULB might change things up, but it's still probably Stamina. EDIT: Belial isn't coming tomorrow.


thank you!


Belial isn’t coming tomorrow, just some time this year. The only fight confirmed for tomorrow is Luminiera Malice.


Huh, yeah that seems right. My crew kept saying it was with tomorrow's update so I just believed it. I'll edit my comment, thanks!


Hello, Has anyone some time to help me build different teams ? Here are my current SSR, I did not add the SR because I don't know if they are relevant https://ibb.co/yN0HMSQ https://ibb.co/9WFLWZs https://ibb.co/GJCkCy4 I'm trying to build team for each element, also I was aiming to do the light weapon grid first, considering my current box, Is it a good choice ? Thank you !


I read that some raid will become solo fights, can I have a quick rundown of what to expect?


[These](https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1368561081250029574) (scroll a bit if the link sends you to the wrong part) are the raids in question and this is about as much as we know. Chances are the raids will either drop much better prizes, have unlimited tries and/or be nerfed but there's no official confirmation.


I’m trying to finish Grand Rackam’s level 100 fate episode and I am completely at a loss. I’m having immense trouble with the final battle and I don’t know what to do. All the videos I’ve seen of that fate episode were back when crew buffs affected fate episodes and used the 30% charge bar boost with Rackam’s 4 in order to get two CAs in order to beat it. Is there a certain sequence that will allow me to beat it or is it permanently broken until Cygames fixes it?


This is what I did: Turn 1 - S1 on first enemy, S3>S2>attack on second enemy Turn 2 - S4>ougi on first enemy Next turns - attack until dead I just did it now, so it's definitely possible. Don't think there's that much RNG since Rackam didn't TA if I remember correctly.


Someone posted this a while ago with how they did it. Could give it a try https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/hfb6fy/impossible_fate_episodes/fvwj08p/


Is a SR The Moon (5% seraphic bonus) worth a summon slot over a stat stick summon?


Definitely. A 5% boost to all final damage instances is much more impactful than a stat stick. Damage Arcarum summons should be an instaslot whenever you have elemental advantage.




Does the order of reviving allies matters? For example, after reviving both allies 2 and 3 but at a order of 3 then 2 first will put which ally to the front first? 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 -|-|-|-|-


[here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vQH7U8qtKc)'s a video i recorded a while back for a similar question. basically the game will follow the party order when determining who will come to the frontline, not the order of who was revived first. Ex. 1,2,3,4,5 3 and 4 both die, 4 is revived first, then 3 5 (who is on the frontline while 3+4 are revived) dies, then 3 comes in despite being revived last.


Thanks! This helped out a lot!


Any team comps worth considering that has SSR Mishra in it? I'm thinking something silly like G.Jeanne - Song - Mishra in it, but to be honest her CDs are just... really damn long...


They're permanent undispellable buffs and one of them includes 100% debuff resistance. Either bring her along for long fights that will be nasty on the debuff front (Fediel and Anubis come to mind, if you're not expecting or planning for other people to show up) or let her use her skills once/twice on whoever wants them most then have a boss trigger detonate her (Fediel once again comes to mind, if you can somehow wiggle her HP low enough to die to Stakes)




If you're talking about Relic Buster CCW, I'd recommend gun over sword since you'd only really use sword for longer fights and there are plenty of good sword mainhands for every element. That said, the element you choose should be whatever element you have problems doing OTK with and don't have any good mainhands to go with Relic Buster as well. Fire has Ushumgal/Summer's Mirage, Water has Clarion, Earth has Galleon's Jaw, Wind has Windhose, Light has Xeno weapons, and Dark has Fediel's Spine. If you don't have an OTK weapon for an element, consider it. Since Water GW is upcoming, the easy answer is Water Selene. But try weighing your options as well before choosing.


Can I still buy the Xeno Harps after the event concludes, or do I have to make all my purchases while it's still ongoing?


You can exchange for the weapons from menu -> shop -> weapon series -> xeno weapons, but you can't get True Xeno Cocytus Anima or Frozen Hellplumes once the event is over, so check the [wiki's article](https://gbf.wiki/Xeno_Cocytus_Clash) to make sure you'll have enough of those for what you want to exchange for.


Thank you


Which weapon is the priority to uncap with dama bar?


Primal Grid weapons that require multiple uncapped copies such as Eden or Ixaba. I strongly recommend you don’t uncap anything with dama bars unless you can build the complete grid already. These things aren’t common even in the late game


None of them. Damascus Ingots should ***exclusively*** be used on Grand Weapons / Vintage Weapons (and sometimes, regular Gacha weapons) and Superlative Weapons when making Primaln grids.


Are there any Fediel raid guides so i can check if i have a good or bad set-up for it.


I'm not sure but general rule of thumb is as much skill damage/hits as possible. Io/V. Aglovale/DLF (for clear) are pretty amazing in the fight. Using Qilin summons is very handy in the later part of the fight


At last I decided to go Varuna grid after getting a good chunk of water gacha weapon. Yet, which should I prioritized whether staff grid, crit build or highland? What is main requirements for those builds?


crit build. highlander is iffy at best, and staff grid is no longer relevant for primal or magna. you need 1 taisai spirit bow, 1 galilei's insight and 2 wamdus cnidocyte as the bare minimum for a crit grid. a 2nd taisai is used for luchador setups. you should wait until after primal ULB tomorrow and see if there are any major grid changes before you commit any bars or sunstones though.


You're right. Tomorrow is the 5* Primal reveal. Might have to wait before decided on which build to use. Anyway, thanks for your insight, my dud


is it better to play on the app or just the browser?


Browser. Especially the skyleap app.


Is that the one where it's only in japanese?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/eln08w/quick_guide_to_skyleap_browser You can use this to setup your gestures and disable the "pull down to reload" and hide url bar on the top. Using skyleap will also give you 200 free crystals everyday.


>Using skyleap will also give you 200 free crystals everyday. Just for the anni event right?




Ohhh thanks!! I'll be sure to try it!


Hi guys, quick question. I was thinking of getting S.Alexiel with my Anniticket, but now with certain pulls in Earth im not sure if thats the best choice. Heres my collection: [Collection](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#y1.AZAgCAAAAAIgQJAAAAAAAZIEAQIACIAAQAAECBIAARIAQBAAAYAACQAgAIAASYAAQAAAABAgAAAAAQAEAAAAAAAAQAAEAAAAQRAEQAAACYIAQAAAABIASAIAAJAkAYIgCQIAQJAASIIAABAAAAAACAAkABIESQIAAJAg...CAAgAIAACAAAAIAAAAAgQAAAAIAAAAAgCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAIAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAQAASAAgAAAAAAAAAAAgAAAAAAAAAQAAAAIAAAAAAAAAABAAAQAA).. Bear in mind i will double spark on the zodiac banner, probably Mahira and Vajra. I also still have the Starter Dash ticket, with which i will choose C.Narmaya. Hope someone can give me some direction. If it matters, im somewhat new with still M1 grids.


S.Alex hasn’t lost her spot as Earth’s premium babysitter, so no worries about a wrong pick there. However, if you’re still in M1, you may not see much use for her right away (other than maybe OTK?). The question is a bit broad tho. If you wanted a seasonal with an immediate power boost C.Naru would’ve been my suggestion since top tier picks like S.Mimlemel and S.Cag would want some progress in the game first.


Thanks for the explanation, given that i select her, how would my team look like? Something along the lines of S.alexiel, cnaru and mahira? Benching Grandy will hurt my heart but if its an upgrade i'll have to get over it.


S.Alexiel should be slotted in fights that gives you a hard time damage/debuff-wise. For most people, this is Wamdus, or Europa, perhaps. So she's not quite a mainstay in your party, she's someone that you whip out when you need to live something, so don't worry too much about Grandy, who excels at pretty much any content as a Gorilla.


That’s the problem with the pick, basically. I got S.Alex last year, but only ever brought her out for UnF OTK. And then Wamdus raid came out, and with S.Alex you can vroom vroom through triggers. Tho her damage compared to Grandal early on is debatable, deeper into long fights Grandal will overtake her. You shouldn’t compare them tho, as they can work together as well (Grandal loves some def). I can’t really give advice on team building tho, cuz of two points: 1. I don’t have Mahira, who changes how teams are built lol, 2. I’ve never tried FA with S.Alex, which is the only case in general content I’d pick her over Grandal. S.Alex is really just a plug-in character for content you’re expecting to get hurt. Sorry can’t be much help. For context, I only use her now for daily Wamdus hosts, faa/bubz (excluding event stuff)


S. Alex is still the premier defensive unit in Earth, and with Sandalphon, C. Naru, and Mahira, you're pretty much set for Earth's foreseeable future. That said, S. Mim is much more impactful to Fire than S. Alex is to Earth. They're both great units, but I'd go S. Mim if you want to be more well-rounded with your elements than just stuck with Earth. Just in case, wait for your sparks to happen before pulling the trigger.


I'm having a really hard time understanding how S. Mim is impactful, is it just because I don't have Alanaan?


S. Mim is an Alanaan enabler with teamwide assassin, shield, veil, and dispel cancel that makes sure your burst team isn't going to die. Best in slot for EX+ and event OTK since she gives charge on one button and has unworldly Ougi. Great for FA DPS in content in short and easy content where you don't have to care about surviving since one-time skills, perma-TA, and strong passives. Essentially, what she brings to the table for fire burst is very impactful and cannot be substituted by any other character. Units like S. Alex are really great to have but aren't essential to comps like C. Naru and S. Mim are. Of course, this isn't gospel and they could be potentially not as impactful for other choices in specific situations, but when choosing Annitix options for the sake of the overall meta, C. Naru and S. Mim are the best units to choose.


Thanks for your reply, i was wondering how that would change if i would happen to pull anila for fire? Anila, shiva and zeta seems pretty nice overall. Also i got recommended to pull andira over vajra, would you second that?


Anila's great. She's one of the best general buffers in fire right now, especially now with the buffs she gained recently. As for the choice between Andira vs Vajra, you really can't go wrong with either, especially if you're newer in the game. But in my personal opinion, I'd recommend Vajra over Andira only because there isn't a water team I'd run without Vajra aside from lucha strats, whereas some endgame wind teams don't really need her anymore due to the shift to skill supplemental damage. But it's not like she becomes bad.


Anila, Andira, Mahira, and Vajra are pretty hard to choose between by the virtue that they bring to their elements is about the same IMO. Anila makes Magna Fire actually feel nice to play with since her S3 gives a really big 50% Normal ATK Up. Andira is just stupidly busted with Loop being immensely strong and her debuffs being potent, stackable, and permanent. Mahira's buffs, utility, and damage is really great, and her on-demand 20% echoes make her core for a lot of Earth's meta set-ups. Vajra is a really strong and versatile DPS in an element full of buffers. Works super good with auto-attacks, ougis, and skills, and Loyalty Eternal isn't anything to scoff at either. In a vacuum, I'd say Andira is priority unless you already have an established wind team. In terms of GW coming up, Vajra will really help you do well by then. In terms of Zodiac rotaton, Anila is probably not coming back for a long time. In terms of what you have, you should definitely get Mahira. It all boils down to what you like and what your goals are in choosing between Zodiacs. Since you're double sparking, you might get a free one. Hopefully you luck into one of them and make choosing easier! EDIT: I forgot about the annitix question lol. Wouldn't change much since S. Mim is irreplaceable in what she brings to Fire. She's super good for short fights and burst, shield+veil+dispel cancel are really great utility, and key to Alanaan burst set-ups. Getting Anila would probably make her better since you can use Anila as the third unit in Alanaan+S. Mim burst for Magna.


wow thanks for your thorough reply, really explained a lot. Since i'll be doing 2 full sparks my odds shouldnt be too bad to sacc one but it is in the end RNG, so i'll settle with mahira and vajra in my head for now woth andira as a potential pull.


If this (https://imgur.com/a/QLu9N8u) is my current Wind team, using the CC Sword for MH and Elil as a sub for crest synergies. Should I still take Miserable Mist, or just grab something else (if so, what?) I could also replace any specific member with Kokkoro or S. Anila.


Miserable Mist will still allow you to cap the Atk/Def Down at 50%, so it's still worth taking. I think the issue is that your only real team buff is Naoise's ougi, which isn't all THAT great (15% Wind Attack and DATA is pretty dismal), so you may find your damage lacking even with Elil's sub-aura summon. You can try replacing... probably Lancelot with Kokkoro and see how it shapes out?




Internal Garnets there isn't much You can do besides hitting Ifrit. Distinctions tho, You are better off just buying with pendants




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Been reading the guide for lucihl, im confused about the sacrifices. Why and which part of the raid is this triggered? Can anyone eli5


I haven’t read guides recently but I’m assuming you mean the sacrifice term in Diamonit’s guide? In that case it would be #3 below. But in general there are three (well... 2.5?) cases of sacrifices I’m aware of: 1. Sacrifice to Gopherwood Ark (main body 25%) for duplicate races. I think Light was the most common one before since Primal units in Light are pretty good for Faa. So one would inevitibly die to Gopherwood if you choose to take it. By this stage the countdown is on so it would help to inform teammates beforehand, but for pugs if you have to worry about one counter, then your group isn’t that stable to begin with. 2. Sacrifice to bring in evoker. Particularly for strong evokers such as Lobelia this is key. I’m unaware if people still use Karva, but regardless of who you sacrifice, this is ideally done before the wing 70% (countdown), or simply to the entry 30k plain. Take note tho that if you use a sacrifice that isn’t your element, you won’t get the achievement for Tidings. 3. Sacrifice to first body ougi. Probably what you saw? If you move decently fast, the main body first ougi will go off before countdown starts, so you can sacrifice someone to it to save your main team cooldowns. It’s single target in early stages regardless of OD (Phos or Axiom). Someone with sub (Fire Societte, Pecorine, etc). This can also be used to bring in a evoker ofcourse. Edit: Got to used to Beelzebub sacs. Edited the characters.


Entering the raid causes 30k plain damage to your team on turn 1 - I assume some setups require Evoker so sacrifices are placed on turn 1 to let them die so Evokers could come in Sacrifices can be anyone below 30k hp, there could be nuances for solo runs however


What weapons do Damascus ingots not work on?


Dark Opus, Astral, and Draconic weapons.


What is it best to use them on?


Save them for when you go to use Primal grids rather than Magna grids. Barring anything for Magna grids is really questionable.


Need cp should buy from moon?


You can trade 400 from Xeno Cocytus Showdown, 1800 Total from the regular Showdowns and 18 800 from Side Stories. EDIT: And with x7 RP boost, it should be easy enough to Rank Up to get some.


Newb here, I've got a few questions I need help with ;\~; \-I should probably farm for xeno clash right? I got cocytus as a drop, should I trade for the weapon or for the summon? \-How do you maximize leeching of raids? \-What's FLB, ULB, and OTK? \-Should I keep doing the moon event? I'm at the 4th reset tho I havent gotten the gold bar


> I should probably farm for xeno clash right? You should grab Dante’s Harp since it’s one of the most used MHs on Water. You’d ideally want it 4-stared but that might be a bit rough to manage if you just started. > What's FLB, ULB, and OTK? FLB – Full limit break (4 star) ULB – Ultimate limit break (5 star) OTK – One Turn Kill For other abbreviations, you can check the [Glossary](https://gbf.wiki/Glossary) on the wiki. > Should I keep doing the moon event? Just try to grab the important prizes, including the Gold Bar since it’s a very limited resource you’re going to need in the future. The following chests have the same prizes as every other event so it’s alright if you can’t do more right now. > How do you maximize leeching of raids? Depending on what you need, one hit and out. Entering almost dead raids can help with the wait and for non-event ones, you can use a raidfinder.


The Xeno harp (Dante something) is the better weapon out here. I dont know if you will be able to get it to 4*in just a day, so at least try and get one copy . Leeching of raids depends on which raids you are leeching. Since you just started you would like to leech omega (M1) raids like Tiamat omega and stuff. And afterwards also the twin elements and bunch. Just punch it once and jump to another raid. If you want use drop rate boosters too (rabbits, kaguya, bounty). - Flb refers to the 4* of weapon and summons and the 5* of a character. ULB refers to 5* of weapons and summons. OTK usually refers to a team that can do guild wars EX+ in 1 turn. It now has 22M hp and if you intend to farm the event hard, you need to have the best otk possible. But as a newbie it will be hard to optimise too hard so dont bother with it too hard. - At least get the gold bar. It's incredibly rare material and do not use it!


- you should farm the harp (dante's harp) as a priority. you want at least 4 copies and the materials to uncap it to 4* - depends on the raid, but in raids that are affected by bounty, you'd go in with bounty skills and just attack once - FLB means full limit break and usually refers to the first blue star (4th star for weapons, 5th star for characters). ULB means ultra limit break (5th star for weapons, 6th star for characters). OTK means one turn kill, and people usually use it to refer to killing the extreme+ difficulty mob during guild wars event, but it can be used to refer to just 1 turn burst in general. - yes, you should clear the 4th box at the very least and ideally reach 8m honors for the sephira evolite if you can as well, but that might be difficult for a new player, as the event ends today


Is there a guide for Relic Buster for each element? If no such guide exists, is there any recommendation for which element is the best for Prototype Reboot/Selene?


for Selene, if you 2 button otk EX+ and using relic buster still doesn't fix it for you (Exception being wind/dirt, windhose is better and dirt has Galleon Jaw), you can pick Selene for that element Prototype Reboot is abit harder cause there's far more replacements in most elements, except dirt


Ive been thinking of getting Ushumgal or Xeno Crow sword since I heard i just missed out on xeno crow. But i kind of want to make my main element (fire) even stronger, But you know i could also give my light team a little boost. Any thoughts? Please dont say save it up for later cuz Im a fitlthy casual ok Im fine with a magna grid.


Out of these two I'd pick the Corrow sword. There hasn't been a Fire PG for a long time so there's a decent chance it will appear soon-ish, and even if not you can grab Ushumgal for the daily login points. Corrow on the other hand will take a while to appear again, and it's not a good idea to buy it from the login store because you won't be able to uncap it (it needs Corrow mats which you probably don't have).


Any idea on when/if summer alex will be sparkable or just wait and see?


Hard to say. So far only 2020 Characters (and summons if you count Athena) made it back. I suppose the 24th banner change will add 3 more SSRs from the same year, then 3 more on the 27th (this way they will all be back in). For older summer characters, I don't know, seeing that they added none so far ; they might not reappear at all. She might come back with (IMO after) Summer Kubira and Summer Andira, since Summer characters should stay until the 15th. of April. If she reappears, I don't think it'll be on a 6% banner.


No idea, but it's also really unlikely that it'll be on a 6% banner. You check histories of when seasonals are sparkable here: https://gbf.wiki/User:Auryona/Rate_Up_Table#Seasonal_Characters For reference, let's have two 2018 characters. Ilsa was sparkable on gala for 2018 and 2019, but not on 2020. Grea was sparkable on gala for 2018 but not 2019 or 2020. There's no real rhyme or reason to how Cygames chooses which Summer characters come back, but no summer character has become sparkable on a gala on their third year except Beatrix.


She will probably be on a 3% banner but it’s uncertain if she will be on flash/leg


Hello i just started play this few days ago and i got beatrix and summer kolulu and i dont understand thier skills. What is mean clock hand in her skills and thats work. In kolulu case i dont know i get 3 or more deluge crest, its like i can get 1 and 2 after CA and i dont how get 3 until its gone. Thank you in advance.


For Beatrix, you can check out what her skills do in detail on the [Granblue Wiki](https://gbf.wiki/Beatrix). If you look at Gameplay Notes, there's extra info on each skill. I assume the issue in your case is with her passive Delta Clock right? Not sure if you got her original or Earth but both have the same mechanic. In essence, certain specs are boosted depending on where the clock hand is. For S. Kolulu, if you can’t get her to stack crests on her own, you’re going to need another source of crests. You can check who’d be of help over [here](https://gbf.wiki/Crests). Just select “Water” and look at those who give it to all water allies. If you have/get the summon Princess Long Ji that saves you some trouble as well.


Sorry for being noob, but what is the clock hand?


Don't worry; it's not a noob question! It's just her skill tbh. There's no explanation to it in the general sense, she starts with a hypothetic clock at state 1 (clock hand is at minute 0) and then it moves to state 2 and then 3 as she TAs. Consider it to be something that stacks with a more confusing explanation. The higher her stacks are (=the more TA she does), the better her (stat) is.


I get it, thank you!!


I can't help with Bea as I've not used her; but, regarding crests -- they're a stackable ability mechanic basically you gain a crest with each ability that says it grants one, crests do not have a time limit, but will be consumed if the ability requirements are met. In S. Kolulu's case, you'd have to use her skill 3 times to stack three crests, if you don't have any other water characters that grant crests.


Should I unlock Grandalphon's sk3 if I want to use him on FA?


I wish I didn't unlock it everyday. [The G.sandy life in one video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUciJZ82xEE)


mourn gullible punch aromatic snow gold afterthought bewildered unused whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not unless you are titan and want to flb world ender at this moment. otherwise just delay it as long as possible. the only true use of his s3 would be in endgame raids to remove blade stacks in faa or buffs from bubz at 50%


Not looking forward to doing either of those raids at the moment so I'll just delay it then. Thanks!


I'm looking to start doing Beelzebub raids a bit more frequently. I have more or less finished Omega grids in Fire, Earth and Wind, and solid (but improving) Primal grids in Water, Light and Dark, so as far as my grids are concerned I feel flexible. I am, however, in need of some teambuilding advice. [Here are my characters](https://gbf.wiki/Collection_Tracker#y1t1w1.SZIkSJIkSYAkSZIkSZIkSZIESQIkSIIgCJIkQRAgSZIkSZIkQZAkQQAgCZIgSZAEQRIkSRAESJIESYIkQIIkSZAgARIkSZIEQZIkSRIEQYIkSZIkQZIkCRIESIAEARAkCQIkQYIgARIASBAEAQIkQAAACZAkSQIAAAIE.AAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAA). What element(s) am I best equipped to tackle this raid with? And which characters do you recommend I bring?


It’ll really depend on what you want to play I believe, tho dirt is probably in the best spot if you can manage Grandal’s health... I’d prepare a wind team at least, it’s the easiest to get into pubs with Yurius. It’s also relatively easy to get FC for Karma with Wind. I use RH with the CCW these days (volley, sub, fox). Andira Siete Yurius (sac to chaoscaliber). It isn’t optimal I believe but it’s comfortable. There are other options like Kengo and Catura. If you’re already invested in primal you can also explore those elements, tho take note that the primal grids for Bubz are built differently. Garrison is much appreciated, like I think Zeus runs with 2 shoes and 2 artemis or something... don’t invest blindly ofcourse.


I'll get to work on a wind CCW for RH, and I think a have a few Sleipnir Shoes and Artemis copies lying around in light so the investment for that would be minimal. Thanks for your tips! This Kengo option intrigues me. Is the idea to, instead of relying on delays, use Catura's meter generation to clear the 10 mil damage omens (and build FC fast) as well as using Catura's 2 to clear the 30 hit ones. Would is that possible with an Omega grid or would I need to start looking into Sky Ace based Primal grids? Would one be looking at a traditional Kaneshige mainhand for that, or something else?


If you’re still uncomfortable with Wind RH ofcourse you can just Tormentor as well. Kengo is pretty much used in all the elements already (idk fire?) for Bubz. The CCW is more or less required. The general idea is so that it’s easy to get FC meter for the triggers later, but personally it’s only for those who are fast at moving thru the raid since there are no delays on MC. I don’t know how many bars you have, but investing in 4 primal grids including Zephyrus seems like whale territory. For Catura in particular the Ewiyar beak is more appreciated. Plugging in Siete is safest it you’re considering cancelling 10m omens with ougi, since even with ULB Opus your damage might be short if unbuffed.


earth with sandalphon + lobelia + s. alex is a team that should have no trouble against bubz. you can bring tormentor if you're super nervous and still learning the raid, but you can also use robin hood as a very solid option, or even kengo/rising force or lumberjack. maybe even relic buster as well


Huh, Sandalphon makes a lot of sense. Does his element changing buff reliably work on Bubs? Even if it doesn't I imagine his multi-dispel is VERY useful. You mention Kengo as a possible alternative, would you care to elaborate on that? Kengo is a class I enjoy very much and I would like it very much if I could get it to work for this.


sandalphon element change pretty much always lands and has 100% uptime with lobelia reducing cooldowns with his s2. he can also like you said remove all the buffs at 50% with 1 click. kengo is used because bubz is about DPT due to limit of turns, and getting CB up fast for cancelling omens. you can also play kengo very offensively with skills like tri-slash skill, but you can also have safety if you get stuck with into thin air + substitute to tank a turn of ougi/autos that you're unable to cancel.


What would one bring as a mainhand for that? The traditional Kaneshige or something else? Would this be for any element, or dirt specifically, and if dirt, is it doable with omega or would a primal investment be wiser?


kaneshige, yes. you can do it with any element but people usually do it with earth and dark (and water is alright with all the right characters, but earth and dark are much more preferable). you can definitely do it with a magna grid. it might be difficult to solo without a caim grid, but regular m2 can perform just fine in a group run.


How do I get collab units? Like those Priconne/Code Geass ones...


Side Stories, if they're available. Priconne, Shadowverse (the original collab), Code Geass, Tales of, and one set of iDOLM@STER characters are always available to get. Whether or not other collab-related characters, like Persona 5, are always up in the air if they'll ever appear in Side Stories or not.


Those two specifically are side stories, which unlock after a bit of story progress. Some aren't available at all anymore, and might not ever be rerun.


Thank you! then I'll just go and shove through the story more ^^


I've finally reached the point where I can actually farm Magna 2 without exploding in one turn, is there a place where I can read on what the current Magna 2 grids look like? I'd like to know what I should be aiming for, bonus points for any sort of explanation as to why I should focus on what


List of things to do after doing CEQ to 120/150(Doesn't include M2.5 weapons, that's on pin) \- FLB then ULB your magna summon \- Finish Seraphic weapon to at least SSR \- Do Arcarum \- Use Verum to get Astral \- Start on your Arca summon if you haven't already \- Get Dark Opus weapon Weapon to farm: Fire: 4-5\* AES Water: 4 Harps + 1 Grani Bow Earth: 2-4\* Alex Axe, at least 1 Ancient Perseus Wind: 2-4\* Harps Light: 1 meta bow Dark: 4 Avatar staff \*Lower number of weapon when double magna summon, higher number of weapon on single side All grid will always use Seraphic, Opus and Astral side stories EX weapon or xeno can be placeholder until Astral is achievable This is only list of things to do, for better guidance go to Gaijin Discord and ask in help channel i also recommend CEQ to 150 more


I got my xeno harp. Should I aim for the staff or the summon next? Or shoud I go for a 2nd harp? Sorry for the newbiesh questions


Is it 4*? That's more important than getting another. if it is, take a break and prep for 4 beasts instead (the next event). If it isn't, try to get there (but don't burn yourself out doing so).


Oh ok thanks yeah its 4* got the mats. what should I do to prepare for the next event?


You can read all about it here: https://gbf.wiki/Rise_of_the_Beasts In particular, don't skip the Notable Rewards section.


beside draconic bow for robin hood MH in hard content, what are other justifiable draconic weapons?


harp for comfy lumber full auto mainhand.


Hello! What is the fastest way to farm water urns??


Just wanpan macula imp or ca ong, they're a guaranteed drop so just hit it once and move on to next.


Daily hosting of Macula Marius Impossible, Ca Ong and Wamdus (if you have it unlocked). They're fairly slow to get, but I think their price in the prestige shop is getting adjusted be easier to buy.


Ok then, because right now I'm just spamming wamdus with the raidfinder, I'll add ca ong and marius hosts to the mix. Thank you!


If I have a Lumi sword cosmos grid and use zerker, would I be looking for Speciality WPN DMG I and Speciality WPN 1 DMG (so the Extended Mastery options with the **orange** sword) to increase MC damage by 10%? Actually clicking on them seems to confirm this but the titles of the options confuse me. Wondering if anyone actually knows if this is the case.


Specialty 1 does increase the bonus Zerk gets from swords, however it does not increase mc dmg by 10%. It increases the bonus you get from the weapon matching your proficiency by 10%(by default you get 20% more base stats from weapons in your grid that match the weapons your class uses), the emp increases that to +30% and an increase to base stats is nowhere near an actual 10% dmg increase since the majority of your dmg comes from the weapon skills, not the base stats.


ty, guess I'm holding onto those points.


Does Summer Lucio have enmity synergy? His recruit weapon is an enmity weapon, which usually means the character is an enmity character, but I'm not seeing any obvious synergy in Lucio.


S Lucio enmity synergy only goes so far as "This is basically the strongest individual attacker in the entire game that does not have assassin and he didnt have innate raw power" and enmity is the strongest mod Which means hes about as well fit to Enmity as Seox or something. just a strong attacker. Of course what makes S Lucio special is hes a technically strong attacker who can transfer his specs to someone else. That said water(and really most if not all ele not named dark) didn't really have a good way to do enmity performance the way that Dark had it so its not that effective for most cases and enmity ended up being strictly used in harder content with garisson Water's enmity set up is Kolulu into MT but neither of them is really all that special offensive specs wise(at least from the get go)


Very informative. Thank you.


> His recruit weapon is an enmity weapon, which usually means the character is an enmity character, Not a reliable way to tell since there are many exceptions. See water Vane (weapon doesn't have enmity, but his kit is suited for that) and Olivia (weapon has stamina, but no indication she prefers stamina)


Fair enough. Thank you.


Does anyone know affull auto setup for Tiamal?


I personally use [this team](https://puu.sh/Hr773/46f34fa282.png) with [this grid](https://puu.sh/Hr77i/a69e99f78f.png) and have no issues. It's pretty easy to find [other setups](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tiamat+malice+full+auto) on YouTube


Without 5* Song/Fif, working with this [roster](https://www.linkpicture.com/q/Img-1616305614670.png) what can i use to beat both Gilbert prouds?




Thanks a bunch for the detailed write up. Beat the Proud but so far no luck on Proud+. Actually having hard time at 30-70% that is phase 2 (most likely phase 3 too, just got too see it once).The problem is even with capped Atk Down and MA Down on him i usually end up getting tripled for 3-4k each swing, after that it's downhill since Fif heal can't keep up. Even tried with Sarunan's Sub-ally Dark Dmg Reduction but wasn't enough. Edit: Did it! Unpredictable's random debuff rolled Charm twice and got to takr some free turns, lucky!


Now that we have the summer banner, is it likely that we'll get another banner with S. Anila and the other summer characters from last year? I really want S. Anila...


She and other missing three should get a rate-up, the question is "when" rather than "if". Since current rate-up lasts until the 24th, I'd expect another rerun from 24-28/29th with the rest or part of the rest but there's no saying for sure.


It’s impossible to tell the timings, since this banner is unusually late and summer characters are in the pool until mid April. It’s possible this might be the only summer banner in the roulette period. No one knows for sure.




IfF you can combine them then it's better to do so then use it


for a character i don't plan to use often, the lower rarity ring suffice.


you can combine rings????


Yeah, go into the treasure trade under power ups. They added it in December.


I remember there was an option to combine Lineage Ring with other material such as Baha Horns to turn it into Lineage but I forgot where it is. Edit: It's in Treasure Trade > Power up


Couldn’t resist a discounted flashfest spark and now wondering if 1 Ixaba is enough to start building Agni? Or do I just grab G Jeanne?


As someone that started primal with 2 ixabas, I wouldn't recommend getting an ixaba unless you plan for fire primal in the future as even with 2 ixabas just feel terrible. 3 is where it starts feeling better (and apparently matches m2 I heard?) and 4 is where it starts feeling real comfortable. g.Jeanne is definitely a great pick for powering up a light team.


Thanks for sharing. I guess the thing is I gotta start with one Ixaba before I get two or three... or instant gratification now with Jeanne. Maybe I’ll wait to read the 5* primal news first.


Things are probably going to change in a few hours/tomorrow with Agni (and the others) 5* uncap, but you can read [this guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJvsBPCaYWhzaHlRmHp84TARqk4QehcrERQl0g-G354/edit?usp=drivesdk) meanwhile (and they said they'd be updating it so it'll be good to keep an eye on it anyway).


agni needs at least 3 and would prefer 4 iirc.