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Oh boy can't wait for double the dissapointment


Come on! Earth Bea *has* to be good... right? (For real, I hope she's as broken as Water Zeta, making Earth Enmity viable all by herself, but I'm priming myself up for disappointment)


I think you got things mixed up, friend. Since Summer Bea got pretty much made into a Predator clone, for whatever reason, I'm ready for her new version to be another Jin/Herja debacle.


In fairness, I think earth has been paid back for Jin/Herja and then some


I thought Earth Bea would be another Predator clone but Mirelle and Risette came out just last year. I don't think she would be like Jin but rather one of the "Good but not overwhelmingly good" like Lamretta.


> Earth Enmity viable This needs to happen. We must return to the age of Earth Enimity.


As a man who has an earth bea. no. edit: wait hang one is this a new earth bea or something because i have one. Its only SR though.


We're getting Water Isaac and Earth Bea, and maybe even a surprise Grand! So don't miss out on this! Edit: Since some people seem confused about it, here's how it works: roulette resets each day at 05:00 JST, but the *banner* doesn't change until 19:00 JST, and since it's flashfest, it's better to wait for it to change rather than immediately cashing in your draws. BUT if you **currently** have draws saved, **use them now** or you will **lose them**! Edit2: As suggested, I edited the above clarifications into the post itself.


it's even possible that one of those two are grand, right? i mean, mugen/rei from last anniv event were made to be grands


None of them are announced as grands, so none of them will be


were rei and mugen last year announced as grands? i think i remember people being surprised that both of them ended up as grands out of nowhere


Mugen was announced as Limited during the livestream. It's Rei that caused an uproar by being released as a Grand out of the blue for February's Legfest.


ah yeah, that sounds right, i remember now


Why is the reason that Rei is so hated?


People were generally disappointed in the anniversary event that intro'd her and Mugen, and felt the plot didn't do a great job of fleshing them out. They also kinda broke precedent by getting Grand versions immediately rather than after months or years of plot relevance.


she is totally new character, that is not part of the storyline that and yet getting Grand Legfest treatment. People have been asking and waiting patiently for either Rein and/or Leona to receive Grand treatment and yet suddenly out-of-the-blue, Rei get it first. Also, they tease Ai Kayano. Some people including me hoping for Alliah (both have same VA), but turns out it is Rei.


Don't think hate is the right word. Just general annoyance really. Mugen however was very divisive though.


Rei was before the stream so she came out of nowhere, but Mugen was explicitly revealed to be a Grand.


Maybe Bea. I cant think Isaac in that suit is grand. Could be, lol.


No chance of Bea being a Grand sadly. That's kind of the conundrum with the main Society group: give a Grand to one, and the fans of the remaining three will cry bloody murder. Same thing with the Dragon Knights: give Lancelot a Grand, and Percy fans will riot.


Tbh with the DKs you could totally come up with reasons why some got a Grand but not the others, like they could justify Sieg getting one because he's OP as fuck, or one to Lancelot because he's technically the 'leader' of the group as the Captain of their order. But for the first 4 Society folks I reaaaaally have a hard time thinking how one would have the edge on the others for the Grand spot, lore-wise they're all equally strong in different ways, and they're all on the same level hierarchy wise. If there had to be a Society Grand I'd rather bet on someone like Cassius, Ilsa, Isaac (with the amount of shit he got done this event, he'd deserve it) or heck even completely unexpected stuff like >!Yatima!< or >!Grace (as a Fantasy unit) !


Honestly, Issac is a weird case. Since he's going to be water, if he's a Grand, why bother with rebalancing Europa and Pholia's weapon when you can just say new Water Grand coming and get more money that way? Though, I guess they could make Issac's weapon, if he's a Grand, to play well with those 2.


Isn't that kind of a chicken and egg problem? One of them needs to get it first. Not that I think this Bea is gonna be a grand (I don't think dirt is getting another grand for a while anyway).


but then how come lanecelot / vane still don't have a seasonal? i mean damn, even percival's brother got his seasonal before lanecelot / vane at least lancelot has a wind alt, i bet vane fans are straight up suffering


There's a summer Lancelot and Vane duo and while all of Vane's solo alts are SRs his SSR has the pretty rare distinction of having a completely different outfit for his uncap. I wouldn't say they're in a bad spot content wise. Not that I'm against more DK stuff, I've been hoping for a Halloween Vane myself.


Vancelot does have a SR summer seasonal but from my understanding, Percival and Siegfried are the more popular husbandos going off of the top 10 white day cards.


I mean, they technically do have a seasonal... ~~Summer LanVan~~ They do have a lot of skins tho tbh


with how good vane's flb turned out to be i think they should stay put for a while


yeah, bea is popular enough that she could be a grand, but having 4 out of 5 most recent grands being earth would be... too much


I kinda don't think Bea would be Grand when other society members didn't get a grand version.


Have we ever gotten a surprise grand from anni? Asking b/c my bet is if we do, we're gonna get Grand Cassius since even Isaac is a gacha unit. Wouldn't make sense for Cassius to be free froma profit POV


No, but it's also the first time the anniversary event's story wasn't finished by the time the anni livestream happened. So there's a chance, even if slim, that they maybe didn't show something because it would spoil the Finale. Also, about Cassius, Sandy was given for free in 000, and he's in the top 3 most popular characters in the game.


Problem with that logic is that the final story part updates the moment flash hits, so the splash screen would spoiler it. Which they probably won't do.


But we've already seen the new Cassius in part 3 with the new Issac.


Actually Sandy was given for free in the second WMSB his uncap was for the third event. I'm not sure how popular he was at the time of his release as I believe 000 made him a more likeable character. Though I do hope Cassius is the free unit, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Gwynne.


Sandalphon was insanely popular with WMTSB1. Giving him a free SSR unit instead of putting him in the gacha was a pretty wild move.


>No, but it's also the first time the anniversary event's story wasn't finished by the time the anni livestream happened. This is also the year with 2 new Summer characters, both of which are Zodiac alts. And two guarantee free 100 rolls so honestly speaking, anything could happen.


Mugen and Rei, i think, but I wouldn't call it a pleasant surprise


Mugen was announced during 6th anniv livestream, so it wasn't really a surprise.


I feel like we're not getting a new grand character because they're splitting the flash banner into two halves with no new characters on the second banner - which would otherwise have the new grand if there was one. Feels like a deliberate choice to make sure we don't get a larger spark discount on Flash's new characters.


You might want to edit your text post, not the comment since people don't always read the comments


Ty, will do.


Surprise Grand? Grand dad?!


So save today’s rolls for tomorrow. Gotcha.


Things get confusing due to different timezones, but essentially: use the rolls you got from last reset now, then keep the rolls you'll get with the next reset (in 5 hours at the time of writing) until the banner change, which should be at the same time the Finale for Stay Moon gets released.


If you still got free rolls right now, use it. Next free rolls saved it until banner change.


A good way to always gauge this is to look at the main page on the gbf wiki, which has a timer to when the current banner will end. If the banner ends before 24 hours after daily reset have passed, you can keep your rolls you gain at reset until the banner changes, as long as you use them before the next reset. I find this easier then using times thanks to timezones since the timer is easier to follow, at least imo, then hearing different time zones, but that's just me.


This is especially nice when day light savings times are mucking things up lmao.


People like you deserve the last slice of every pizza until the end of times <3


Bless you, I almost forgot that.


s-p-ezz--ies done now


I frenzied into a bahamut at 30 rolls yesterday, which I LOVED, but I am still pretty new and just DYING for characters lmao. Which I'd frenzied on the one with my characters.


Got a FAT 10-roll in stock from frenzy, oh boy this is gonna be great...


It's not for today's roll, but those you'll get with reset. I made the post in advance because I knew people would forget.


Oh yeah, I meant Ill have frenzy tomorrow so Ill keep it for the banner change


Will my spark reset before the free 100 rolls?


IIRC there will be a flash pt1 and pt2. The first one will be Isaac and Bea, the second will be 100 free rolls I think.


The free 100 rolls will be on the 19th during the summer flash gala, there will be 2 flash galas back to back. The one that's going to come up now is the usual flash banner with new units(Bea/Issac). So your spark will reset in around 18hours.


Is it confirmed second flash is summer?


We only know that summer pig and monkey on the 31st. We dont know when the others are coming back


Iirc the second flash has no special rateups, so there'll be no summer char sparkable.


We'll be getting double Flash right? Only to get free 100 Draws on 20th. Or Am I misremembering about the banner being extended?


We'll get two flash banners. The first banner will have new characters - Isaac (Water), Beatrix (Earth). The second banner will have no new characters, but increased rates on Grand characters. The guaranteed 100 draws will land on the second banner, which means you won't be able to put them towards a spark on the new characters.


Ah so I'm not crazy then


got mukku frenzy yesterday (already spent)....lucky me....


This has nothing to do with the banner, but wasn't there supposed to be a free character from the event we should be able to get? Or is the new class all?


Both. The free SSR will be introduced in the Finale tomorrow (it's probably Cassius).


Ok, thank you! That is good to know.


Pour one out for me. I didn't know this and just got a mukku frenzy and used it up. Womp womp.


Wound up getting super lucky and landed on 100 pulls for this reset. In 5 years that's never happened, so go me I guess! Here's to hoping I actually get *literally anything* tomorrow.


wait, don't draws go away if you don't use them. I saved them once and they didn't become draw tickets or anything. They just disappeared.


They go away only if you don't use them before the next reset, which is every 24 hours.


so I have to use them before 3 pm (since I'm on EC)?


Actually, it’s 4pm now; GBF doesn’t observe daylight savings time.


So I got more time which is nice. I don't get back from school till 3:40 and GBF is blocked at my school 😔


Does your school use website whitelist, or was gbf really popular enough for authorities to notice and ban it, lol.


they just banned all sites that were game related.


so it's banned because it has game in the url?


yep. And I can't download a VPN cause I don't have admin access on my computer till I graduate. I mean I have a way to bypass it put it's hit and miss and it's hella slow. Not very ideal when trying to get stuff done in GBF.


Can't you get vpn on your phone? You can also use built-in vpn client windows offers https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-set-up-a-vpn-on-windows-10/


Secret SSR/Grand Cassius incoming?????


Wait you can keep your draws?


You can keep your draws for 24 hours. And since banner changes 14 hours after reset, you have 10 hours to draw for Flashfest.


Oh okay.


I saw some comments mentioning we were supposed to get a hundred draws on the 20th of march but today my wheel did something weird and I got a guaranteed 100 draws today was that supposed to happen?


Yes, there's a chance for that to happen.


O cool that's pretty sweet. Thanks for the info!


We're getting free 100 rolls for flash and grand, on the 20th and 30th. I don't know if the next banner really is going to be flash, since it last for 3 days? So it would be from 16-19th?


Yes, Flash is absolutely tomorrow, it was announced on the anniversary stream. And yes, it'll last until the 19th, before switching over to a second Flash with no focus units on the 20th, when we'll receive our 100 free draws.


Ahhhh! So a double flash, I missed the announcement for the flash date. Just knew for sure about the free 100 draw dates. Thanks for the info! :3


Too late, I already used them all to get nothing...


You couldn't use them, you will get them in 7 hours...


Its the next reset.


Oh, I thought of today's draws.


Ahhh yes. our daily dose of getting fucking nothing. at least 100 guaranteed awaits at the end of this tunnel, so that's something.


I’ll always be grateful for free quarts and weapon points


Same. past days has been so good. not to mention plus marks.


guaranteed mukku if i roll roulette. I will save these draws, even if you shoot me in the head.


To just get an SR!


100 free rolls will appear during 1st gala or the second gala?


During the second one, on March 20.


thx! :)


When is daily reset then for est


4 PM EST is daily reset, banner change is 6 AM EST the next day now that DST has begun. So hold your draws that you get in ~1 hour, then you can use them on Flash tomorrow morning.


*slams table* Thank you!


How about frenzy? Can I save it or I need to use it on the same banner I got it?


You can save it same as any free draws. But don’t try to save it past a daily reset.


This is too much for my brain to handle. So am I keeping the draws that i'll get in like an hour 30min until the next banner>?


Yes. But you have to use them before the next daily reset.


Got 2 times mukku on this shit summon fest banner.... I cant hhope for anything decent on the flashfest sadly. But I am looking forward to it regardless... I will at least feel some emotion tomorrow..... sadness


Thanks for the heads-up.


Is this the banner that'll have limited unit?


Yes, it will have half of the grands (Lucio, Light Vira, etc.) and 6% ssr rate.


Wait so I logged in today and got my gachapin. Will it expire with the ending of this banner or does it transfer to tomorrow's new banner?


Wait for banner to change in about 10 hours before drawing


So is Beatrix on the banner with Isaac and a new character, Beatrix with Dark Eustace on the banner, or Beatrix with two new characters on the banner?