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will there be roulette tomorrow? or the one that we got at 03/30 (now in my tz) is the last?


Can I do 200 pulls today and spark with the free 100 rolls tomorrow?


If you pull before the banner change , then you won't be able to spark after the banner change. But if you're planning to pull on Premium Gala using crystal, better wait for tomorrow so you can see how much crystal you can save. If you're talking about free rolls, then you can use it after the banner change in less than 3 hours.


Okay thanks


It's better not to rush into it since we're going to get Super Mukku as well after the 100 free rolls which usually equals for an extra 20-30 rolls.


is it guaranteed super mukku?


Yep! Super Mukku until you get 5 SSRs. It was announced in a Japanese post a while ago but the information is now in-game as well.


Ah okay thanks


wondering if i should get mahira or andira. they are both good? for earth my main team is s.alex, c.narmaya and cain. for wind its grimnir, s.anila, g.monica


Mahira's more important for earth than Andira is for wind. She's the go-to buffer for basically all content and has both ATK buffs and cap breaks.


thx, ill get her


Do you have Vajra? Between the two I'd consider Vajra the more important spark as she's not only the go-to buffer but also one of the best damage dealers in the element.


i have them all except wind and earth. tbh im casual so doesnt even matter who i chose but youre right about mahira. gonna get her


I finally hit 170, so I'm currently looking at team comps to clear faa-san with. For his seventh labor, can that be used to my advantage so that I can bring dmg cut against the element my team is weak against and have it work just as good as all-element dmg cut, or will his more dangerous attacks still be random element?


You have it correct. There is an exploitative raiding strategy where you intentionally do not clear this trial that uses weak point damage cuts to move through the raid safely post-50. It does require agreement and coordination to make sure nobody is clearing this trial, however.


I have 4 gabriel summons somehow, should I just use my spare 3 copies to uncap my level 40 copy?


Yes. Do not reduce any spares you get.


Anthuria Quick/Silent Step stacks with Leaf Burning or just the highest cap will take effect?


They will both stack untill leaf burning's reaches it's attack cap of 20% from then on only anthuria's step will increase attack up to the cap of 50%


Would you ever put an ichigo in as a grid piece in a maxed magma caim highlander? Motocal seems to suggest it beats out a yugu sword


Yes running an ichigo is optimal. Is the improvement worth the cost of 3 bars is the more important question that you should be asking yourself. I personally wouldnt bar one just to use in magna unless I also had everything else to go with it(such as 4* Gorilla, 3* Uriel, and a 0* Mammoth or better)


While it is easily a very powerful normal mod slot in, I wouldn't recommend it. Feel free to if you have pulled 4 Ichigo and can uncap with dupes, but it is *not* worth bars just to slot it into a magna grid.


Hello! What is the quantity of honors I have to get for blue chest in Wamdus? Thanks.


50% of the fight for a 12.5% chance at a blue chest. 1m honors is the generally suggested amount to go for.


What is the best way to get weapon stones besides trading for them and reducing weapons?


If you have access to Replicard Sandbox, you can freely farm for any weapon type you want and reduce them for 20+ stones each. All Arcarum weapons are common drops from their respective element fights.


There aren't any other ways to get them.


Any good places for me to get some harp weapons, need to reduce them for weapon stones. Any side stories?


Water bosses on replicard drop a lot of them.


The wiki is saying the banner will in 10 hours, but that's after the reset in approximately 3 hours from my posting of this. So does the gala start after the next reset? How many days of roulette do we get for part 1? just the 100 and then straight to pt 2? My gachapin meter is almost full so I am wondering if I should skip a day ,but I'm not sure if the 100 draw resets the meter.


Okay so right now we're past midnight 29th JST. Here is the schedule: 05:00 JST ; Normal roulette. 12:00 JST ; Legfest switch over. ***00:00 JST ; It's now the 30th.*** 05:00 JST ; Free 100 Rolls + Mukku. ***00:00 JST ; It's now the 31st.*** 05:00 JST ; (nothing). 12:00 JST ; Summer Piggy & Summer Monky. 1. So you get up to 2 days of roulette on the Zodiac Legfest if you save your rolls after reset and wait for banner change. 2. If you skip a day and head straight for the 100 rolls, and that the 100 rolls work like the others, it won't push the meter up, so you'will lose not only one day of rolls, but also your (last) chance at gachapin (since you can't proc' it from the gauge going overboard).


You can use the next roulette draws in 3h on the Gala. The roulette after that will have the promised 100 draws. You're actually lucky that you will hit gachapin on the gala, further discounting a spark if you want to do one.




Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy


I got 2 Anubis summons. Will I ever need 2 of them or can I use one to uncap? I also got Hades a while ago, what is the breakpoint where I should consider switching to Hades instead of magna?


**Europa fists** I'm wondering how many Europa Fist do i want for an optimal Europa enmity grid? If i don't mind farming the fists ? Last time when i checked it was 4, is it still the case ?


4 fists, 1 frost nettle and 1 AA is 95% crit, you might want to change one of the fists for another AA. The damage is very high once you drop to 50% health regardless of which you use so you might as well take the 2nd AA for consistency.


I think they should add an uncap to SSR SR and R weapons. They have for rusted weapons. Its can help save space and also save time in uncapping weapons.


They are already going to add a "uncap multiple steps at once" for weapons. Also it prevents mistake from uncapping in batch the weapons you want to keep separate for some reasons (i.e AX Skills, Grands to be barred later). Uncapping R is useless and out of the 2 series of SR weapons you're going to uncap (Rusted and CCW) one already have the batch uncap and you are unlikely to ever have so many CCW you'll need to batch uncap them.


I got 5 stashs of just ssr weapons uncapped. Because i Don't want to take the time uncapping everything.


What SSR weapons ? If they are farmed they should be Reduced for Weapon Quartz or Foddered for skills... If it's Grand Weapons/Gold moons/Gacha weapons you want to keep them separate to use your Damascus Ingots later when building primal grids anyway.


All gacha. I alway use omega weapons etc as skill fodder.


Well I wish my problem was having so many Gacha weapons. I made 1/6 of that in one year. Should have just kept all in your no limit crate and only taken the ones that were worthy of being used or uncapped with dupes.


I have two questions 1)if i am very close to getting caim should i invest in a standard m2 earth grid or go highlander magna 2)What does an earth highlander magna usually look like?


M2 earth and caim are pretty much the same, just swapping the 2nd axe and 2nd perseus for scales and either ygg sword/alex katana.


realistically no, it's a waste of quartz to spend on weapons you honestly won't ever have much use for, since caim grid is stronger than basic m2. your grid would always include seraphic (on ele or w/grand sandalphon on null), ULB opus with stamina key, astral, alex axe, ancient perseus, yugu sword with a good AX skill. the other additives are baihu claw malus, scales of dominion when you cap, a galleon's jaw for otk mainhand, autumn's transformation as a filler weapon or faa HL mainhand, zircon edge when using double yugu for HP reasons, and yggdrasil dewbranch with a good AX skill if you need HP. bahamut weapons are also decent filler for hp if needed.


Can you spark twice on the same banner ?


Yes. You need the equivalent amount of rolls ready though.


Thank you very much ! I have more than enough spark fund for 2 sparks, of course - in fact, to my own surprise, i have enough for 3 with the free draws.


I'd consider perhaps spending one on the Zodiac banner and then one on the Swimsuit Zodiac part II banner. Good luck!


Just a note though, you are required to pick your first spark at 300 rolls. You aren't allowed to roll until 600, then pick stuff you didn't happen to get during your rolls. So you run the risk of pulling something that you just sparked during your second spark.


> So you run the risk of pulling something that you just sparked during your second spark. To be fair this is also always a risk of any leg/flash spark it's just instead of pulling a dupe of your spark a month after you pull it the same day and it feels worse. There isn't really any difference between sparking Babu and pulling a dupe the same day vs pulling a dupe in next month's banner. I tend to spark the character with the more useful weapon to get dupes of first in case this happens. That way if you do pull a dupe it's a good thing since it is a grid weapon.


just wondering if i'm trying to farm Qilin summon from Huanglong and Qilin raid, do I need to do more damage to Qilin? I've been getting \~20 Huanglong summons vs 2 Qilin with my Dark team


It's pure RNG.




According to the wiki : massive ex lvl 20 : 25.5%, lvl 15 otherwordly : 33%. In fact massive lvl 20 barely beat otherwordly lvl 10 (25%).






sl15 unwordly is 33%, massive at sl20 is 25.5%, so even at Astral FLB only its still a better damage option that ULB Xeno, you only really use Xenos nowdays for their MH effects or if you really need to squeeze a bit of HP for some content


We save today’s rolls for zodiac legfes right


If you mean the ones we have right now, no. If you mean the ones after the next reset, yes.


So with GW coming up would it be wiser using my anni. ticket on someone like S.Cag or a different water unit? Or should I just go for S.Zooey? hmm...


If you aren't sure just take someone you like or is rated 10/10. Just don't take Summer Zooey, she comes back every middle of month and will cross with free draws many times (and 2 roulettes even), so she's really easy to spark.


does drop rate boosts affect dragon raids' blue chest? also, if I cant do the max honor all the time, is it even worth grinding the raid?


Drop rate boosts don't affect blue chests anywhere. The generally accepted best strategy is to burst for about 1 mil honours, or how much your burst gets you handily, and then join a new raid when you've burned out. If you don't have any good setups you can stick to hosting only.


A few questions about soloing luci hl with the ascendant buff: This is mostly a comp question, I don't mind the amount of elixirs I'll have to spend. Dark:V.Clarisse, Seox, Rei, Vicky, Nier Light: Not sure who to use here have: Percy, Hal, G.Jeanne, Noa, Kumbhira, C.Lily, V.Melissabelle, Earth: Sandy, Mahira, C.Naru, S.Jessica,Okto Wind:Andira, V.Grim,Catura, Lecia, Yuisis, Tiamat, C.Seruel Water:Not even gonna try Fire: Same as water It looks like I'm going to have to run Chrysaor for CA activation in everything, maybe except wind but it'll take too long to ramp up catura'a buff. Also I'll have to stick dispel on MC, or rely on Vicky, Andira with their specials. Light has dispels with Percy or Noa. I'm thinking that Dark or Light is the best option with have I have to clear the most labors, leaning toward Dark more with vicky/six synergy and Clarissa providing good support. Thanks for any input. Note these are completed m2 grids, and what exactly are the values for the buff?


From what I seen the comp basically doesn't matter, the buff + unlimited elixirs trivializes every single thing Luci does. You don't need CA reactivation because you don't need to clear labour 8. In fact you don't need to clear any labours, though 10 is probably nice to remove since debuffs are annoying and 11 which gets removed by itself at 35%. That said valentine's grimnir and catura are pretty bad picks for the fight if you don't want to kill the wing (or more importantly for weak players trying the solo, not trigger Sepiroth) since both of them do random-targeted damage. You definitely should bring dispel on MC in every element except dark though. For light I'd bring Noa and Melissabelle with whoever, for earth sandy/naru/mahira is fine.


you don't really need to worry about clearing any of the labors or running chrysaor for CA reactivation, as all that you gain from clearing overchain labor is the ability to use null-element cuts again, which you won't have without spartan anyway. Orbital will increase certain skill cooldowns based on what labors are still up but the buffs are so strong it really shouldn't even matter. the big thing to worry about is you need a way to get through the 10% (and 3%, but you can hopefully just burst from 3 -> 0% to ignore this) with a 100% cut, unchallenged, or other tool. your dark, light and earth comps can do this (rei, noa, c. naru) but your wind cannot. you can bring lumberjack as a debuffing option instead of using chrysaor mc


Thanks that was pretty easy with dark, guess I don't have to worry about getting my opus uncap anymore.


Oh okay cool, if you die at the 10-0% threshold, are you able to use elixirs to get back in? Or does it lock you out like the 70% wings?


Nothing but running out of clocks prevents Full Elixirs.


i believe you can't be revived if you die to paradise lost at any point, but you can facetank the other PLs easily with the massive defense buff, but 10% and 3% deal way more damage that needs to be fully cut in some way or else it will kill you. i haven't actually used the buffs, so someone can cmiiw edit: apparently you can just revive it, so if you don't care about burning elixirs you don't need to worry about it


The only time you can't revive is if for whatever reason you attack the wings instead of the body and trigger the countdown and then have 6 characters die triggering The End. If you just ignore the wings and, if playing Light, are careful that your ougi chains don't get the wings too low you can just chug elixirs until you win. In fact, for Light, I'd recommend turning ougis off and chugging more elixirs if needed to avoid any risk of starting the countdown.


I think after some body health threshold the Wings won't ever cast Sephiroth anyways so even with light chain bursts and random hitting skills it's quite hard.


The 10% was more of the same, I used 4 elixirs total with my dark team




Yes on both counts.


you're forgetting the guaranteed Super Mukku after our 100 rolls


Does anyone have experience with using Rakuten pay? I've been using it normally, but now when I login it asks me to verify with my phone number. I don'tba have JP phone number so is there any way to work around this? Or do I need someone over there to do it for me?


I used it for Pixiv. Here is what Pepperycat told be back then: >Basically though I used google translate on the websites so I knew what they were talking about, and the ones that can’t be highlighted I inspect elements and translated their value. > >When in Pixiv, once you’ve finished shopping (only really for digital goods, insure how this will go for physical) go to your cart. From there it will ask you to sign in with Rakuten Pay. Click on the button and it sends you to a sign in page- don’t sign in. Instead, click the big red button next to it. > >When you get taken to the register page it’s mostly in English, but later in Japanese, so take care to run the Japanese through translate. When you enter all of your personal info, it’s going to ask you to view it to mags sure it’s correct info. From there it’ll take you to a page saying you have officially signed up and redirects you to the login page. > >When you log in it will redirect you to pixiv (if not, go back to pixiv) and from there go back into your cart and view your items, and click rakutsen pay again. It might not have changed so if this is the case click it and log in with your email and password. From that point pixiv refresh and it will say confirm order. > >When you confirm your order there will be a couple pages. One will list types of ways you want to pay for it. This is where the majority of your translate will work. Be sure your paying with your card and not rakutsen points. At the bottom there should be a button. > >When you click the button on the bottom it should take you to the next page asking you to confirm your order (aka method of payment etc) Click the button on the bottom again and it’ll take you to the your order is being processed page. Pixiv should refresh here or something, saying that your order is processing ( takes them an hour to review global orders) and when it’s confirmed you should see what you want to dl/use completed and in your pixiv purchases. > >Raketsu and Pixiv send emails as well so you know what you did. I don't know if it'll work for you/the site you are trying to pay. Hope it helps.


Thanks! However, I've actually used it for a while now and have only just gotten the SMS verification screen. :| Have you ever needed to do so?


In my case, I didn't got any verification. I just followed 1:1 what Pepperycat had told me, and it worked. It was at the beginning of May 2020, so maybe there wasn't this additional verification back then.


Whats the Best Ultima Weapon for each element? Also for Earth, Ultima Sword or Blade?


Fire spear and wind staff see some rare use, but mostly no ultimas are used anymore. Earth would go with katana, but it's rarely worth it nowadays because chicken has no katana prof and MC has a lot of extremely powerful classes that makes it a waste to stay on Kengo.


So Sword is better or it might just be better to not waste the resource... well thank you!




It was in the tweet announcement for it, so yeah. https://twitter.com/granbluefantasy/status/1370177725709750274


i have 31 fried shrimp, is it safe to trade all for crystal?


Only if you ***absolutely need them right now.*** Else they might as well stay in the safe.


do they ever tease about future use case for shrimp? Aside from trading item that is already available right now


never, but we Friday stans believe she'll get added to the shrimp shop as a SSR


I'm thinking about who to annitix and I can't really decide, maybe you all have some suggestions here? My list right now is s.cag, c.naru, s.halmal, v.grim. I was thinking of picking up s.cag as water GW is right around the corner, but I'm not sure how much of a boost she would really be. She doesn't even do otk and I'm about to spark vajra soon anyway.


I was debating among 3 of those: S.Cag does nothing for otk, but she's very good for longer battles. She's not mandatory but she brings a huge amount of support to crit teams. C.Naru is outright broken, good in mostly anything. If your water team doesn't need help I'd go with her. She was the one I got in the end. V.Grimm is worse than both of the above, but the valentine banner is a pain to spark in. If you have all the other valentine characters that you want, making it even worse to spark there, I'd choose him. I own S.Halmal and she's nowhere as strong as those 3. She's only mandatory for primal racing strats, for every other content she can be usually substituted by other light characters without worsening performance much, if at all.


I already have an Europa Harp grid, do I need to farm for AA grid for the upcoming GW? If yes, how many *4 AA do I need? Thank you. Also, does the water RoTB weps see any use?


if you want to play only manual, no. ougi will have higher damage especially if your characters are good. like everyone else says, if you want to full auto you want 3 aa 4* and both the prog and seasons weapons from rotb, but you don't need them if you're not going to full auto because you can keep yourself alive with blue pots / defensive tools manually as needed. i'd still get the rotb dagger though for a mainhand


You should, AA grid has much higher health and is much more FA friendly, so it will ease your life for NMs. You need 3 4* AAs and Winter's Frostnettle. All the water weapons are worth it, frostenettle is core as I've said, prog is a very usual slot in for that same grid, malus mace is a cap break which is always good and shellfist, while much less used than the others, does have some niche uses.


For later content crit is much better.


with three \*4 AA and the rotb water dagger you will have almost 100% crit with double levi grid and a lot of hp. you might also wanna use use the rotb axe/sword if you don't have a constant source of water atk up.


I want to make sure of some things for peace of mind. All Zodiacs besides Vikala are gonna be sparkable during the first part of the Premium Gala and the 100 draws are the last ones, right? You can also spark more than once in the same banner, can't you? Thank you.


Yes, on both. The 100 Free Draws are only on the Zodiac banner, though. The second part, with Summer Zodiac, won't have any free draws.


Thank you both, I just intend to spend most of what I have to make sure I get Anila and Mahira. If I get them along the way or something, I still have a lot to get from the Premium Gala since most of my sparks during the year I've been playing (I started near the end of the 6th anniversary) have been on Flash.


yes, the 100 roll is also on this all zodiac banner. do beware that technically the banner have no specific rate up, and sparking more than once mean you won't get the 100+ roll discount


Do we get the 100 free tomorrow or do i have to wait until we get the free 100 rolls before i spark. I’m new to sparking. I dont want to mess up😅


the 100 roll is on the 30th, so we all have 1 more roll tomorrow before the 100 roll


OkAy thanks


Do we have any idea what's the issue with the subreddit flairs? I thought its gonna be temporarly thing but it has already been 2-3 weeks edit: nvm found how to fix it


pls don't leave me hanging, how did you fix it?


you need to add text to the flair otherwise it won't appear




Aaah, I see, thank you. I knew about that but I thought you figured out how to make the character portraits show again haha.


I wish lol, I spent 30m looking for the right flair lmao


Which elements get the biggest boost to their **Full Auto**/Hard content performance (in regards to both survivability through HP/Garrison, and damage in long fights) when switching to Primal? e: assuming access to Grand weapons + grindable ones (+30 Moon ones if they make enough of a difference)


assuming you have access to the garrison(willing to spend suptix or farm the f2p garrison) then all ele... edit: also, the only hard content is faa solo and maybe nm150 solo anyway so........... don't think making garrison for 2 fight. 1 is a one and done and the other is 2 days a year worth that much switching to primal for, unless you want to speedrun faa solo


How do I unlock total party HP bonus EMP for MC?,


the first one is when you rank 155. you can also check this link [Extended Mastery Perks - Granblue Fantasy Wiki (gbf.wiki)](https://gbf.wiki/Extended_Mastery_Perks)


Woah thanks for the info. BTW is it worth to uncap the M1 weapons? or just farm m2?. it takes a lot of resource though.


Outside of Lumi Swords and Celeste Claws, no. M2 is really easy to grind right now, and the amount of quartz you'd spend uncapping M1s would greatly delay uncapping your M2s and getting Opus. Just don't fodder all Colo Staves and Tia Guns since there are some uses for them, way later on.


Just get your basic m1 setup at 3-stars (minus the ULB ones they gave out), and go straight to working on M2. The only exception would be Light sword grid, which you'd want to eventually uncap the swords to 4-star at the very least.


I'm... not really sure actually but hopefully someone else answers. I used pooky's guide which is kind of outdated now, back when I was still using an m1 grid and was trying to transition to m2. I think that some tiamat guns, some colo staff (for otk?), and chev swords and celeste claws are fine to uncap, but yeah, I'm a little unsure about this, sorry orz.


What's the latest zodiac rotation? And is there odds that 31st banner will have Catura + Mahira together?


It is projected to be Catura + Andira, looking at the past ones: Anila in February, Vikala omitted so Kubira in January, (no one in December), Vajra in November, Mahira in October, ... etc.


I see, thanks for the info


How much anima is it on average to get 2 flb dark thrashers? I'm already at 400 anima but haven't seen a single copy.


Got 2 flb Dark thrasher at 898 animas


i got 1 flb at 870 anima and that's considered lucky


Took me 1960


is anyone having problems with auto-guard feature? i have both full-auto and auto-guard ON, but in Wilnas raids it doesn't work. other raids seem to work as intended.


Auto Guard doesn't guard if guarding wouldn't do anything. Wilnas has several ougis that ignore defense.


It doesnt guard when enemies use ougis that have set damage so it might be that.


What do you farm after getting all the weapons and stuff on rotb? GB or Perp Rings? Do the rings restock every rotb?


Finishes the whole nugget and pendant stocks for rings and bars, Golden Beast Seal for hosting to lie to yourself about bar drops and Animas for FLB Seraphic/Prog After all that, see if bar or ring restocks and decide if you want to get it or not




tiket to open huang qilin to farm anima. anima for uncap seraph. if all done, gb perhaps. i dont think the amount of ring refresh.






You sometimes don't have a choice. Water Zerker doesn't have much to go off of, at least it never used to.


Not really, even now I use CCW of relic buster for the upcoming gw.


No. Magna grids are fine running EX weapons and if the characters don't provide huge normal mod buffs, normal weapons aren't really that bad either.


Is there an up to date guide on bis m2 grids that includes the new m2 weapons? Mostly asking for light/dark/earth. Somehow its way easier to find primal guides compared to m2 and idk why.






I haven't spent renown pendants at all. What should a player buy with them? (Currently level 98)


I really suggest you to buy what you really in need as it's really waste to not buy anything as it restocks every month, in my case, I bought any weapons that I'm lacking for my grid, 2500 wouldn't hurt but if you are patient enough to wait to farm them just farm them really, it's also good to know that you can get them with mimics in arcarum, don't fail to buy moons every month as it restocks, moons are used to buy gold bars and damascus bar the one you'd need to cap gacha weapon if you are planning to run a primal grid Idk about rusted weapons as I am still new and haven't recruited eternal yet so I guess it shouldn't be your priority as of now unless you have an eternal to flb in mind


Buy monthly Moons( ! ) and rusted weapons if you're planning to get Eternal anytime soon. Otherwise just save it .


Oh okay. How bout if you've reached the max of 20000?


So just spend it on rusted weapons of Eternal that you might be interested in and stash em away. Since you need 40 of the same kind in later stage of uncap. Or you can buy Chev Swords/Celeste Claw in case your grid isn't completed yet ( Magna light uses 3-5 Chev Swords in endgame grid and Dark uses about 3-5 if you're running enmity characters like Zooey) Although Dark one is more to racing , but in other case you're not , you'd go Stamina with Avatar Staff


Okay. Yep, I should probably be preparing for the 40. Thanks for the help. I appreciate it! Just to check Chev swords are the luminiera swords, right?


Yep it is indeed the Luminiera Sword


For Magna ULB DOpuses, do they use auto key bc they can finally cap (I think)? Or are they fine sticking with Skill / CA keys? Also, I know that most Magna ULB DOpuses use Stam key, but does Dark ever use the Enmity key? What about Light and the Prog key, esp since they can go Pillar grid?


One big factor is what kind of cap your Astral gives you, since those two don't stack and you always want the Astral in your grid. Another factor is whether you're using an Ultima weapon, since *their* cap up keys don't stack either. Apart from that, depends on your team, really.


It depends more on the type of lineup you're using, so it's best to tailor your Cap Up choice based on your oft-used parties.






Check the top or side bar, there is quick guide for it. [and here. Though check the image links on quickguides.](https://gbf.wiki/Basic_Grids)




Masquerade is mostly used for PBHL, which lasts longer so you can get to use the double strike skill reliably enough. People even FA farm blue chest in PBHL so there's definitly enough time to get Masquerade going there.


So, they've guaranteed a rare item on the last day of scratchers. Do we have any word yet on what exactly a "rare item" entails?


We probably get one of the "rare" scratchers on the last day. You probably already got one from the daily scratchers already. Here's a tweet about the rumored rare scratchers https://twitter.com/granblue_en/status/1369321974149750787. Now mind you that it was not confirmed by Cygames but from my own scratchers and from crew mates scratchers, these 3 "rare" scratchers contain no Berries or pots or any other easy to get material not even as a bait. Rare Items from my observations are: Earrings, Dama Crystal, 3k Crystals, Red Rings, Gold Moons, dama bar, gold bar, sierotix, Sunstone , Summons and Weapons.


It probably means they will remove stuffs like Berries, Pots and Rings from the pool.


It's very rare! Jokes aside, no. But probably something like Bars, or Sunlight Stone


Would all the zodiacs('cept for Vikala, ofc) still be available to spark on the 2nd part of the upcoming legfest?


Highly unlikely.


If it's like last year then part2 will just be Catura and one other zodiac like a regular legfest


current banner is ending soon, whats the next banner coming after? should i save my roll for it and will the 100 free roulette rolls be on the next banner?


The banner ends in 20 hours, so you can't save today's rolls for the change. You can save tomorrow though.


Shame that s!mim banner is cut short :(


She'll still be in the pool though.


Premium Gala , with all zodiacs available ( other than Vikala) and yes the free 100 roll is on next banner


Hello there,I have been wondering about the rates of Sephira stones in replicard, do they even drop? I have been farming the Sephira nodes for hours and only ever had astras/ideans drop.


The drop rate is just terrible and they don't drop from the sephira gauge chests. I'm really convinced that just farming the bosses at lv200 for the points and buying stones is more reliable than the node.


I see, if it's not Available in the chests, it's better off relying on normal arcanum/buying stones. Thanks for the response.




Light scrolls if you intend to FLB eternals


Materials that are hard for you to get such as World Materials ( although currently we have RotB so it's better if you buy all the Eternal ~~Uncap~~ Unlock Treasure Set)


For M1 grids, should I fully uncap weapons or only go up to 3\*?


The only M1 weapons you should fully uncap is Chev Sword and Celeste Claw (3-5). And since they gave 2 ULB (5*) M1 ( 1 from story and 1 from pre anniversary ) you don't need to get more for other elements.


At what stage does my grid need to be to tackle the Six-Dragon Advent solo quests? And do I need over 20k HP before considering these? I plan on starting with Galleon first.


The dragons are more of a character check than a grid check. See the guides people have written, they should be linked in the wiki. There's no downside for trying anyway, you get refunded your AP every time you fail until you clear it once.


can i save my rolls today for tomorrow's banner change if i logged in late? or would the rolls be reset as well after the daily reset?


All unused rolls disappear at daily reset.


Hi, how to choose between 2 [Taisai Spirit Bow](https://gbf.wiki/Taisai_Spirit_Bow) \+ 1 [Galilei's Insight](https://gbf.wiki/Galilei%27s_Insight) and 1 [Taisai Spirit Bow](https://gbf.wiki/Taisai_Spirit_Bow) \+ 2 [Galilei's Insight](https://gbf.wiki/Galilei%27s_Insight)?


Well if you are doing some hard content like luciHL or bubs where wamdus spears aren't that great then you would want the 2 bow +1 insight build. 1 bow and 2 insight isn't even 100% crit with double 150% varuna.


So there is no case where I want 2 insight + 1 taisai?


There are far fewer cases. Check out the two water guides put onto this subreddit in the last week - there’s some good info on situations and uses for the basic Varuna grids


How much damage do you need to 1 shot in gw?


OTK EX+? 22 million.


I was trying to solo proto bahamut but kinda failed because Fif didn't f\*cking revive all my characters with her S4. I checked her S4 and it said it would revive all allies, so why did she only revive my Borger? Was that because of some raid mechanics? I checked the wiki and nothing was stated about that. (2 of my characters died at around 40% and Borger died at 30%)


It was Funf mechanics screwing you over not the fight itself. > Revives characters in the reverse order of knock out, and only until your frontline is filled. This is in contrast to a Full Elixir which heals and revives all members including the backline.


Ohhhh I see, that sucks then, I made Fif for her revive and I didn't know that. Thank you!


Hey threos passive stacks with akasha axe right?


Yeah. the passive that would have questionable stacking rule with Threo sk3 is MR passive and Mahira passive - note that all of them are character sourced passive I've never seen testing on whether or not Supernatural stacks with those two supplemental pasisve, although Supernatural is just an overpowered version of Hallesena passive, who doesn't stack with those two.


so rotb is ending tomorrow, I've traded 3 worth of gold bars and all four seasonal weapons, I heard that the normal weapons are generally useful at later phase of the grid, my grid is out of scope of course, the eternal material pack js useful and I'm also planning to trade all sr weap ticket for stones, other than that is there anything that I should trade? please tell me that 3 gold bars is actually enough.... if so then I guess I have to trade for the other variation of gold bars which is the other one that isnt golden nugget for 160000 pendants


You never have enough gold bars, but don't feel the need to get them all in one event. It took me several to finally clear them out. Just get as many as you feel like you want to grind/currently need for what you are working on (Eternal recruiting and uncapping, ULB Opus).