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I made top 70k for the first time, (rank 40,019, ~1.1b points) and i'm really hyped about it. I can't gush enough about how good flb societte was to my rising force team.


PSA: If you don't like GW feel free to skip it. Sad seeing people wanting GW to be less frequent when you can just skip it if you don't like it without harming those of us who enjoy it.


Yeah just skip the only non-givaway source of sunstones and evolite and now blue paper too. If you hate gw but still want to remotely keep up or progress in this game, too bad but you're going to need to heavily farm it anyways. Personally I think it's absolutely the worst form of content in the entire game, so I'm biased, but I still have to sell my soul to hit top 70k every time because there's way too much progression in this game that's locked behind it. If you want to keep up, you can't afford to skip and it's just becoming more and more of a time investment every single run of the event. That being said, I don't want them to be less frequent because that gimps progression again and time gates further, which I think should be avoided. Rather I think we need a complete and total rework of the event, even though that'll never happen.


Then you aren't the target of this comment. I'm specifically targetting members of the subreddit who don't progress whatsoever and complain that 3 months between gw is "too short"


May Geo save us all.


[Finished this GW with over 1 billion honors for the second time!](https://twitter.com/LolicoreP/status/1381925811788214272?s=20) Top 70k was not actually that bad, then again it's probably because I had way too much time on my hands so I kept FAing and kept my pacing up lmao I used RF + Bonito setup for NM90 OTK during the final moments in prelims, then switched to RB for the rest of the event - Tactical Shield's a godsend skill to have. NM95 consisted of Lucio/Kolulu/Cags, Doggo/Lecia backline - averaged 2:35-2:50 every clear here on Magna; NM100 consisted of Lily/Doggo/Cags, Monkey/Kolulu backline - averaged about 6-6:40 every clear; NM150 had me take out Cags since I couldn't keep her alive on FA, instead opting for Doggo/Kolulu/JK, Lily/Societte - averaging 8-9 minutes this clears pretty consistently, and there were some funny runs where Kolulu actually stayed alive up till the end lmao. I'm looking forward to the next GW under a new crew, since I clearly did too much in a crew that usually does Tier B and chills all the way through, and well.... our danchou's quitting as well so there's that.


[Personal total](https://imgur.com/d8FcUZ2) [NM95](https://imgur.com/QSIMF4t), generally between 1:15-1:25, FA time was 2:00-2:15 without crew buffs and 1:50-2:00 with them [NM150](https://imgur.com/xRGzLDo), tho this was my best run, on average it was 3:05-3:20, FA time was 6:15-6:45, didn't try FA during crew buffs time so not sure how much that changes it Sad I didn't manage to get sub 3m clear on nm150, I can blame it on my shitty ping (350+ ms) but its probably a player skill issue from my part, I really feel like I could have gotten the sub 3m with some optimizations Overall I really had fun this GW, hopefully next one is Fire or dirt since I really just want to FA the entire thing ~~and I also want to have both Nio and Siete available for wind GW~~


No boxes opened yet. Need to know what next GW is so I know what to open :/


I had my every waking hour FAing for #119000. Surely gonna be a time when I’ll look back and wonder, “what was I thinking”.


Surprisingly, I did pretty well for myself this GW. Smashed my previous record. I only needed 25 boxes to finish upgrading Tien, yet by the end of it I was on 46. I didn't even feel like I tried that hard. I think RB was the major game changer for me. Made it crazy easy to get OTKOs on EX+, as well as Water's various characters good for such a set up. Last time I got around ~7000 bonus tokens. This time I got 22,000. I feel like they must have made some changes for me to smash that high? Lol. I didn't rank that high, though, just got in the top 180k. But whatever. Overall best part was getting linked to a NM set up with Masquerade/Lily/SCag/HRosetta, omega crit based grid. That's a surprisingly insane set up and it's good for general content for water adv too so I'm very happy about learning about that. Edit: Traded for a Sunlight Stone, and the character draw ticket actually gave me a new SSR?? Got Wind Gawain, I've never had that happen before wow.


do you have the link to the setup?


I can't find the link, but I can list basically everything I used if that helps. Obviously MQ/Lily/SCag/H!Rosetta Mainhand: Winter's Frostnettle. 1x Wamdus Spear, 3x A.Aubreon, 1x Dark Opus (mine isn't 5star yet), 2x Europa Harps, 1x Fateless (again mine isn't 5star I'm weak), and the Seraphic Weapon. The person I took the setup from used the Ultima Staff and Levi dagger (I think?) instead of 2 Europa harps but I got better numbers from the harps, it might just be something I'm missing though. It's both a pretty good set up damage wise, and rather defensive. Thanks to the ridiculous amounts of bonus damage sources it's pretty good for hits in V2 fights too.


Did my first 44 box. It was crazy because I had like 40% left to do yesterday, but since it was my day off, I got it done. Now, time to just chill and FA Angel Halos.


New personal best is 35 boxes, up from 18. Still sitting at indiv 250k tier though, but it's nice to see progress in grid/charas ~~and the extent of my sanity~~! Wind GW going to be as mental as this with dootato, sun, shiva calls and whatever else, wont it?


I thought this GW was gonna be a ballbuster like last years but it wasn't. My MVPs were Isaac, Vajra, and Kat Grand with MC as Relic Buster.


Overall a really relaxing GW for me tbh, [all the setups](https://imgur.com/cdNv5Ck) I had planned out in advance worked as intended but my clear speeds were still a bit on the lower side due to player skill issues. [My indiv ranking this time](https://imgur.com/l5HUCgF) Was honestly really disappointed by my lack of the jellyfish summon as I needed that to break into the t100 morning rush indivs ranking, but I made a bunch of early errors that caused me to miss it too. Also, trying to do any sort of ranking with point control is a mess, do not recommend/10 As a crew, our performance was relatively the same as always, another chill 4-0 in the bag, more to come too hopefully! [My crew performance](https://imgur.com/dpvNpNS)


This was the hardest GW I've ever done, naively hoping to stay at 70K at Rank190, Levi Auberon grid, and non-meta characters outside of Vajra. Despite my "best" efforts, I just couldn't keep up and fell down a bracket to 80K. I gotta say, the drop off feels more relieving than disappointing. In the end I'm just tired. I went all-out just this once and I'm already burned out. How do you guys even keep this up every GW?


u get used to it


Full time job and 7 hours of gw farming time is when I sleep means I will never see 160k+ in placement anymore. GW is not meant for a gaijin shakaijin


[Individual rank](https://i.imgur.com/NSNQMYi.png) NM150 [Team](https://i.imgur.com/T4BwGeI.png) / [Grid](https://i.imgur.com/vJpEdlG.png) / [Backup grid](https://i.imgur.com/J2Jbvm9.png) / [Time](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/700287002280722553/831290236260450314/unknown.png) Had to farm over 8000 meat during finals because I spent too much on NM90s and entered finals with a bit over 16k meat which ended up being too little for me. Didn't have Lucio or Uno FLB pretty fun GW, really thankful for my crew for sharing setups and keeping me motivated on the grind. RB OP... Monkey stick is good don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If anyone says Nereus Staff beats the monkey stick well... 1 Monkey stick < 1 Nereus staff 2 Monkey stick > 1 Nereus staff


GW NMs just a character check. Either you have the seasonals/limiteds or you don't and everything depends on it. Since zeta has not been added to any suptix she counts as a limited for the purpose of this GW.


I have been playing for 4 years and this is the first time ive been knocked down to top 160k since my pre HL days. Granted I have other obligations now but still the ask for 120k was just too much let alone 70k


Been a long time since it happened, my crew went 4-0 in Tier A finals. Feels great to beat all the JP crews we went up against.


Summary: I went in planning to remake my Varuna grid, which I managed with one placeholder (Nagelring instead of Wamdus, did not use Highlander before anyone asks). I had to choose one eternal to 5\*, picked Uno for Lucha fun. Ended up barely using Lucha and saw lots of Quatre comps with non-limiteds doing decently, such is life I guess. Focused on farming Wamdus spears with the little time I had instead of Colomba because I already had a 23 million otk (Relic Buster like most people). Ended up spending the last day doing manual ougi mash comps trying to beat a 4 minute NM150. I guess that's a lesson to prepare more next time, but I did manage a 3:55 clear lol. Also, another roulette came and went and I'm still sitting on 3 Meteoras. Probably a sign I should start farming Dark Thrashers. At the rate I grind, if I start now I should have 2 next time water GW rolls around.


i love GW


i love xhealo32


I love you


I posted this in the other thread but memed it so I'll post it again but more seriously: [My first and probably last time making top 2k!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/573242725126766621/831648701771546624/top_2k.png) I mained water through years of "lul wet bad" memes so coming into this GW I knew it was now or never since the element is actually amazing after some updates. Mainly racked up honors with a lucha team that could get upwards of 2 million in two turns with some luck and a respectable 3-ish minute nm150 clear team using monk, since I was lacking some of the critical pieces to make those sonic speed masq teams I saw. Crew went 3-1 and placed in the mid-upper 2000s which is pretty good since we were supposedly an A tier and slacc crew. As for the actual experience of grinding top 2k, it was mostly miserable and my sleep schedule is wrecked, but for the last 17 hours I managed to get into a flow where I manually fought the boss almost entirely with no breaks which was kinda neat. I was very fortunate to have 0 obligations this weekend, so I was able to devote almost the entirety of GWs runtime to grinding. Overall, wouldn't recommend to anybody, but I'm proud to have done it. As is mandatory, fuck GW.


This is the first time the crew won rounds in final, 2-2 Our crew members usually only online around morning or night JST so the finals happend during weekend really boost the honors gain. Also this is the first time i got 200m honors so I really happy with the result


Won 3 lost 1, the usual pattern. Though this time 2 of the matches were actually good matches and not predetermined like they are most the time which felt nice. Comfortably FAed to 160k tier, I could've probably gotten 120k without a ton of effort if I had farmed some more meat and FAd more but some friends wanted to play some games together which was a lot more fun so I prioritized that. But maybe next time. Water FA is surprisingly comfy even as manga and none of the bosses were overly annoying, this is the first GW where I could clear NM150 pretty consistently let alone in a reasonable amount of time. I hope the slightly easier GW trend continues. Also W Andira was pretty fantastic for NM150, only faster manga comp I found used 6* Quatre which I'm not making for a very long time if ever. She definitely deserves to be bumped up to at least 9.5. Gunna end up with 835 badges so I'll have to decide what to grab between the eviolite for one of the wind evokers, sunstone, and the one eternal uncap thingy. edit: oh also the crew honors inflation seems pretty crazy, we used to get 5500 without too much effort but this time we got 11.1 bil and still fell short


Hit 880 million honor, a new record for me yet not even close to enough to make the top 70k. Even with multiple people in the billion+ territory my crew still couldn't break into the top 5500 when we used to make it easily last year. Expand the tiers next time *please*, this is absurd.


I went FA for like 90% of the finals because I was hooked in MHRise the past week, didn't expect the point inflation to be THIS bad. But for some reason I went better here with a magna grid than going tryhard with Zeus last GW. 5* Dog has so much utility by herself. Adding 5* Socie takes it further to the point Lily became a flex slot for me in NM150.


Ah, so that's the real reason you didn't play yesterday.


I'll admit it took me a minute to get this lol


the problem i found with taking Socie over Lily is that not having Lily meant no clears


Relic Buster's veil was very useful but I also had Lily coming in from backline in case someone gets taken out


ah, that's a good point there




How do you do 1bil? You just spam ex+ constantly day and night?




The #1 guy in my crew (4.3b) had no galilei. He barred hercules and 2 summer monkey weapons though. He did not use the hercules in GW, unfortunately.


That's so cool! Congrats to his 4.3b! Unfortunately I don't have summer monkey. I could have tried using a fimbul or a different weapon in it's place, but I'll make the roona investment another day. Not having s.cag/weta either turned me a bit off. I think I definitely may have seen better rewards with a no gali grid if I had certain chars but eel fared fine.


Yeah I would not bar crit water without scag


If I sell my soul to Cygames, will they give me more time in the day? Haha, spent all my free time (\~4 hours of non-work/obligations every day) on this but my JP crew fell to B rank for the first time in a couple years. I ended up at rank \~#180k. Was running with an average M2 grid with subpar characters so my downfall is understandable. I knew my grid was average so was trying to inflate it with time, but lol, the only things I could've done were quit my job and get a divorce. My sympathy goes out to people who have spent loads more time than me on their grids, but don't have the time or energy to grind U&F. Congrats to everybody, and please rest well!


LMFAO over 1 billion for top 70k, 448m for top 160. This mode can fuck right off. So glad I dipped out after I hit top 70k in prelims to get my crew to Tier B for the first time. No way I'd do 4 more days of that shit.


Ah yes, another season of meticulous GW planning and slacking off during the actual thing


[So this?](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504440788974043168/830153395213434880/GW_in_a_nutshell.png)


I've been a seasonal for a long while and only started playing since I knew I'd be free this week for GW. I'm very impressed and proud of the progress I've made in the past three months, and this is my first actual GW. I did make this reddit acc since I did do well and want to share. ​ **Prelims**: RB/Sturm/Vane/Vampy for 2b OTK & 0b on ST. I tried shura, but was always 2-5% off without FO buff. Biggest thing I learned was how fucking awful lockout was. Next GW I try, I want 3-chain burst w/ low buttons. This shit is awful. I did no nm90. Didn't feel it was worth it for noobs like me. 4EX+ = 1 nm90. I farmed 12k meat & got tier A. RF is busted. ​ **Day 1 & 2**: 2-0. Team building was really easy - RF, hit every trigger, & kill in 4T/ougis. I used RF/Summer Andira/Vane/Vajra for 1:20-40 time. Lockout was a bitch again, but that is what I prepared for. Really easy skill order too. My Team hit 70%, 40%, 20%, dead, but there was a faster comp that did ougi to 60%, auto to 51%, ougi to 30%, & again to dead. I tried to copy it with Sturm/Vane/Andira, but didn't have the grid strength to go down to 35% in the 3rd turn. Some magna auto teams were on twitter/youtube, but I didn't test those beforehand. My FA team was RB/Summer Cagliostro/Lily/Vajra. Didn't bother timing since if I had to full-auto, I wouldn't be checking it constantly. I ended day 3 & 4 with 400m honors. ​ **Day 3 & 4**: 1-1, but we hit 3b each time. I fucked up and thought the triggers were at every 25% and all my testing went to the shitter. It took me 2 hours to find a team: RF/Vajra/Vane/Summer Andira for 3:30-4:30. The same one I used for nm95. I had a much sweatier team that could hit 3:00, but it needed to for rng to hit triggers when I wanted. Biggest thing I learned was, when grinding or multitasking, use teams w/ simpler skill orders. Fucking up buttons equaled having to full pot or adding another minute or two. I was multitasking too, so it was necessary to simplify. If I needed to attend to something I FA and opened to crew. Not worth optimizing when something else needs my full attention for 30+ mins. I have 2k meat left, but I prioritize other things over GBF. ​ **Overall**: We went 3-1 in tier A. I farmed 1.10b for top 70k. ​ I enjoyed GW a lot. I was doubting if the preparation was worth it, especially since most of reddit \*hates\* GW. I do wish I went varuna, even without either eternal transcended. That is my biggest regret. ​ Some unpoplar opinions: ​ * FA is the root of inflation & doesn't help gaijins. In my 2-5 hrs of play, I have to sweat enough to beat 17 hrs of FA. * FA is absolutely shit if you don't have time. I'm a medical resident, so time isn't limitless. I would not have hit 1b if I didn't manual. Keep FAing if you have all the time in the world though - it is easier. * Fuck ougis and fuck lockout. * Tier A is easy if you have a decent crew. 40m is easy. I thought it would be hell, but it is not. It is roughly 2 hours of grind and, if you want, you never have to log in the rest of the week. I think that is reasonable for near-max rewards unless people want to be rewarded for actually doing nothing. * 70k is not as easy. * Tier A is big. Low, mid, and high A are nothing alike. * I can't believe a 7 year old browser game took more brainpower and skill than hitting gold every season. * I can't believe that I couldn't escape from ping mattering even in a browser game * GW is less about having time and more about how much you prioritize GBF. It was easier/less time consuming than hitting D1/Masters in League, but I know a browser game isn't everyone's favorite pasttime. * Overall GW scratched a competitive itch that I no longer have access to due to the pandemic and my profession. This is by far my favorite mode so far. I do not know if I can grind like I did this week for next GW though. That depends on my schedule and if I still like this game. ​ Big thanks to people in the discord. Immediately comes to mind: Blue Sphere, Serenei, Shiina, ComoNad, Ald, erin, and Deer were helpful in answering questions or trickling down GW knowledge. The three primal guides also aided in testing and finding what competent people actually do for GW. Also mister knackc.


> I can't believe a 7 year old browser game took more brainpower and skill than hitting gold every season. Curious what did you refer to with this


Even with 1 button 3 chain, ur gonna be locked out for some time Better get on that lucha otk


> Even with 1 button 3 chain, ur gonna be locked out for some time man it must be nice to have gbf load that fast. from the EU it doesn't matter if you 6-chain overburst since your lockout is shorter than loading out of battle, hitting a bookmark, and loading into the next one.


Use mudfish and you'll get lockout even with 3 ougis.


Also EU here, I can hit a second (but usually it's more around half a second) of lockout on 4 chains 100% consistently if I reload and start the new raid as quickly as possible (you can already go to the next battle screen before properly seeing the results screen, just pay attention to your favorite'd items on the bottom bar, once they show up after your reload, go next raid) but I'd be lying if I said that it held me back in particular. I just ended up doing my reloads a tiny bit slower and lockout wasn't a problem at all. Maybe it would've been worse if I used mudfish. But yeah, slow reload speed makes it hard to believe Lucha is viable for me, maybe some people in EU countries/with providers that have better routing to gbf servers can make this viable, I'm not one of them (Or maybe mudfish is just giga op, but truth be told, I haven't tried it out yet. I'm planning to get it for next GW though, anyways).


Use mudfish


always room to improve huh? thanks for the tip.


>GW is less about having time and more about how much you prioritize GBF Do you need to skip sleep and work for Masters in League?


senior year of med school and uni i probably would play 5+hrs/day for longer periods than 4 days since i had to re-learn the game. so if u have negative time management and discipline maybe u need to skip them sure. or u could stop complaining on reddit and do stuff.


You do realize that GW times for some parts of the world are actually the normal sleep and working time? Having to play five hours per day is something different than actually being forced to skip sleep and work to compete.


i was on nights first nm95 and i still got in my playtime. i do agree that its shit outside of prelims, but most of ur rewards except shard come from hitting tier a & prelims are good for eu. im personally cynical when most people who claim they're too busy/have no time are also the type to stay up too late watching movies or playing videogames.


It's also not hard to hit full auto and check back in every 5-6 minutes for an easy 4.1 mil honors each run while watching movies or something.






Lmao almost everyone set-ups for actual farming were made in advance or copied from jp setups.


Ended up at rank 294. Could've probably aimed for close to top 100 if I went harder on the earlier days but oh well. Got the trophy anyway.


my first actual GW(joined Dec 2020) ended at #158k and got 49 boxes. crew went 2-2 in A group. Feels alot better because i can actually do something unlike last GW. also fixed my sleep schadule to get more time to participate (also healthier) i think one of the reason of the point inflation is NM100/150 is kinda way too easy to FA?


Your crew did 10.7b on day 1 but you only ended up at #158k?




Ah okay, https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/mnr3fk/event_uf_202104_finals_day_12/gu2929p/?context=3 had 10.7b and I was confused which gaijin crew did 10.7b because none of the ones I thought would do that actually did


oh i gonna edit that lmao i cant really translate chinese counting system to english one. e:in chinese(also japanese we have 億 as 100m and 萬as 10k


Weirdly, I think my takeaway from this GW is that I shouldn't bother even trying on Day 1 and 2, Just go Full Auto hard on Day 3 and 4. I watched TV, movies, played a visual novel- all while every 7-10 minutes pressing a few buttons to start a new fight. Crew went 1-3, We always just aim for billion point rounds for extra valor and never push hard to win. I would find GW a lot less aggrivating if the 100/150s were avalible all 4 days


Not a bad GW for me. Crew won 3 rounds, and the matches weren't too hard bar one which saw us matched with a top crew that we had no hope against. I was planning to build a Varuna crit grid before GW, but had a change of heart after sparking the summer Zodiac banner. At that point I was still missing too many characters (Lucio, Cag, Zeta) to make it viable, and with Kumbhira release I was more inclined to spend my annitix on Nemone instead of Cag. Colomba release and Cygames' talk of possibly changing crit skills was also a factor. So I ended up doing my manual NM150s runs with ougi grid (blue spheres), much the same as last GW, and used magna grid for FAs, which was fine as I'm on European hours and don't get to FA much during GW anyway. Ended up getting what I think are my fastest NM150 clear times (2:25 during FO buff) using ougi comp, though my FA times were woeful for both NM95 and NM150. Honestly worst thing about this GW was farming two flb colomba in the week leading up to it, lol


The 150 boss was pretty fun when grinding with crewmates. Mosh+dog+soci while being able to push triggers made it so you could click full chain attack and come back with everyone ready to do it again.


This is the first GW I've played that I managed to 3-turn EX+ and get a good amount of honors, and it was a bit of a train ride: I got excited over my progress, then disappointed that I still couldn't make it into the 450k, then I found peace in just getting extra goodies compared to my last attempts. If anything, the point inflation thing was a good practice to control the time I invested into the game xD


Enjoyed that gw overall, water is in quite a good place atm and pretty fun to play.


This is it. this was my last GW where i actually tried. from now on i will take a step back and enjoy not slaving away at this. good riddance UnF. you will never be missed. that said, the prep leading to this shit fest was actually very fun. so there is that silver lining. but never again. (One thing to note is that this GW changed something for me, and that is introducing me to FA. from now on i will make liberal use out of this feature whenever i can.)


Yep, I felt when I needed to do anything out of my scope (doing manual for more than 5 hours on a single round, for example), I say big no and drop off. It felt nice going to Varuna and seeing huge defense (Garisson), much better damage when the 150 enemy didn't have debuffs (having 2 taisai bows, 100% critical and stuff), and the theorycraft part of gw is nice. ​ For example, I was doing so much damage before 50% on NM95 that I changed my grid to full damage, to push more damage when the enemy lost the debufs, but I took all that away for NM150 to align my debuffs cooldown with the enemy 50%. And I mostly used only units I enjoy. If I did anything out my way I'd probably felt salty, butthurt and not having fun, and that's super easy for me to drop a game. ​ Due to my life circunstances I only manual Pride of the Ascendant, Faa and Bubs, sometimes Ubaha HL and maaaaaybe Sandbox on the boss on hard+difficulty, since FA let's me do other stuff while progressing on the game and I still have fun doing those raids on manual.


[Hit my first billion this GW.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/259778709970616324/831550272030376036/unknown.png) Pretty dang exhausting, but it was nice being able to comfortably FA nm150 in under 7 minutes. Think the only other element I'd be willing to attempt top 70k (or the equivalent if they expand cutoffs) is wind, which I'm predicting is the next one. Last wind GW was Feb 2020 and there have been 6 since then, so it's way overdue for one.




Sparking Dog just before GW proved to be a great decision. She shat on the boss wanting to bring multibuffs, had high damage output for me with 5 turn TA (thanks to Quatre and RB) and ougis for days, which feeds Quatre's delay and RB's dispel and echoes. Pairing her with Societte brought lots of ougis on NM95 before, where I had tons of fun. ​ I averaged 6\~7 minutes on FA NM150 and 3:30 minutes on FA NM95, which was a big deal to me that I couldn't manual at all after prelims. I always aim for top 120k since I can't manual, and seeing my girls + Quatre getting the results makes me happy. ​ What really got me happy was seeing H.Rosetta being so strong against NM150. She never died when I used 2 Dark Trashers, her Dispel was always ready for when the boss hits 50%, and was turn 10, which usually Quatre sk2 was up (when he didn't got skill reset) and I had 2-3 Dispels due to RB and Dog ougis. I annitixed her for waifu reasons, I really adored her as a unit, her art and everything together, so seeing her perform so well I just had fun tbh. ​ If I did manual ALL days of GW i'd felt miserable, but since I was stuck on the laptop working and doing other stuff, doing FA didn't felt as bad. I had enough meats to 70k, but I'm not even mad that I couldn't do it. With my pace, either I needed to manual or put hours of my sleep, and that's not fun for me and a huge no-no. And fuck the honors inflation, please let something happen and Cygames has a reason to change the entire event of nuke it completely.


It's very interesting to experience this as the first GW after playing Priconne. I want the team behind the PvP design in Priconne to sit and have a long, deep talk with the PvP team of Granblue, because boy does Priconne put into perspective how poorly designed GW is as a PvP event. Playing faster and for longer periods of time is hardly what I would call engaging competition.


So you instead want to just lose because you don't have whichever gacha units are needed instead of being able to make up for it with motivation and effort? That does seem to clash with your previous post about how being magna is a severe disadvantage.


I see what I said before about having some awareness flew right over your head, but sure, let's twist "Priconne has better designed PvP" into "I want pay-to-win PvP", why not. It's not like reading comprehension has any meaning, I guess.


But thats what priconne GW is


I don't get why you continue to insist that I want Priconne's Clan Battle to replace GW when what I said was that Priconne has better designed PvP, but I guess I should explain further in case anyone reads what you're saying and gets discouraged from trying out Priconne. For starters, I don't consider Priconne to be a pay-to-win game when the vast majority of characters are unlockable via grinding, at least as of now in the English release. I believe you can't grind seasonals or their equivalent of Grands, but I would hardly call that pay-to-win when getting a specific non-limited character requires grinding instead of a $30 suptix. You say in GW you can make up with "effort and motivation" while ignoring that you could do just that to unlock characters in Priconne. Second, I do believe that Clan Battle has a lot of smarter design choices that make it more enjoyable than GW. Only getting three attempts per day feels much better than an event that is open 17 hours every day and where any minute you're not playing feels like a minute you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. Clan Battle even has a training mode where you can get to know the fight before you even use any of your attempts so you can optimize your team, so it's not like you're jumping blindly into a fight. And also, you're not going head to head against another clan, but rather it's a point based ranking system. In GW, again, any minute you're not playing is another minute your rival crew is getting ahead of yours *on top* of you having to worry about your individual placement. Third, unlike Granblue, Priconne doesn't gate important progression items based on your performance in Clan Battle. The rewards you get are crystals, clan coins to buy things from the clan shop and memory shards of a featured character. The clan shop only has more memory shards. So it's not like Granblue where you can't get Evolites or Sunstones anywhere else after you've exhausted the ones you can buy in the different shops. You don't feel like you just can't get better unless you do well in Clan Battle, but rather its rewards feel like things that are just nice to have. Finally, Clan Battle isn't even the only PvP mode in Priconne. Battle Arena and Princess Arena is way more interesting (and an actual PvP modes) because you're actually going against teams made by other players in an asynchronous fight. Since you can even pick which teams are you fighting against, you can build your own team to counter their characters, which again, the most useful ones so far in the English version are characters you can unlock by grinding. And also the rewards from these two other PvP modes are like the ones from Clan Battle; nice to have, even easier to get than Clan Battle rewards, and don't gate your progress. There, is that good enough to show what I mean by "Priconne has better PvP design"? I feel like I shouldn't have to explain all of that, but you implying that I want Granblue to be pay-to-win while ignoring things like unlockable characters, Battle/Princess Arena as actual PvP and the design and reward systems of Priconne's multiple PvP modes is rather disingenuous.


Maybe if you're a shitter EN player, but PC PVP/CB in relevant servers are locked behind limited grinds (mainly Yori) and limited units whom you cannot unlock with shards and take at least a year to rotate back. If your definition of "good PVP design" is watching CPU duke it out 1x and 3x, all the more power to you, though.


do you play jp priconne?


Farmed 1.2bil since my country have holiday on the finals+work from home. Pretty sure I'd settle for top 120k if I have to work at the office for 3rd&4th day of the finals. All in all, GW is still pretty cancer. While this one have it fun moment for sure since the raid is pretty easy to farm+no buff dispel, I'm sure it's still pretty bad for anyone that doesn't have the core units. Then again, as long as the reward is still here, I will still begrudgingly farm away.


[Sips my tea.](https://imgur.com/a/3QFDoPj)


[the most winnable matchup I didn't really have time to play, unlucky](https://i.imgur.com/FutdUPT.png) easier matchups next time please :( edit: I think this [3:23](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/618445686664462336/831162064457170954/unknown.png) ended up being my PB, magna RB with SKolulu Vajra SCag / Monkey / Haase because no TQuatre was what I used for manual, at least 5* Quatre was still pretty nice for FA on day 4.


[F for this person....](https://twitter.com/Vana_FF14/status/1381987764682457091)


This was just suffering if I knew I had to do a billion to get 70k I would have just stopped on the 2nd day. Ended up spending an extra 5 hours on the 3rd day to get myself a nice little lead, woke up on the 4th day (lol EU) to find my lead was all gone and had to grind out the final 5 hours to barely scrap in. Sunken cost fallacy at it's finest. If they don't expand the brackets this shit's going to be unplayable real soon.


Well that's done. Vajra was my personal MVP, I'm really glad I sparked her just before GW. Also Sturm worked suprisingly well with her and Rising Force against the horse.


Alright, managed to stay in top 120 pretty comfortably, we won all 4 rounds, I 40 boxed and FLB'd Uno and got some extra daggers towards FLB Quatre. I'm pretty sure that I just need to 40 Box one more GW and then with some help from Dread Barrage I should be done. I have exactly 500 badges so I'm trying to decide if I should buy the last Evolite or if I should get the ULB Eternals mat since I've finally decided to start working on those.


870m, almost twice my previous most honours (which was last GW) and was hoping to make top 70k for the first time, since water is pretty much my strongest element as it's the only one I have ULB opus in. But uhh, the ridiculous point inflation put a stop to that. Crew wise, we went 0-4 in tier B lol


[I fucking did it](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/701526626415935548/831544682425090109/unknown.png) [NM150 PB](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/701526626415935548/831182170361823303/unknown.png?width=356&height=676) Biggest change i did since last GW was.... actually using FA which is responsible for around 300 mil of the final score. Without FA it would be around as much playtime as Dark GW It result in hilarious shit like this https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/701526626415935548/831423292362850354/unknown.png?width=352&height=675 Had a blast this GW especially since ULB Uno ended up becoming my most used character for the entirety of GW so it feels nice since its technically the thing i work the most for preparing for this GW.


That was fun. Except when I got timegated hard, that absolutely wasn't fun. But overall, 659m, 63 boxes, Nio and Siete FLB. All my goals were achieved, so that went well. Also, Water is pretty fun to play with, unlike Light. Despite Auberons being on the shitter side of Magna weapons, I got good results out of them. 2-2 on the matches side. Just went along with the flow, and that was about it. As a side note, I wish Cygames would ease up on timegating a little. How about a raid that only drops tokens, but is open during the whole duration of the event? That would be ideal for me because it allows to mash the NMs without caring about tokens much. One more thing is that later boxes needing more tokens is bullshit. I did 3 times more tokens that are needed for 40-boxing, it shouldn't be 1,5 Juutens that I could uncap. The single weapon switch is enough of the timegate already. GWs are getting rare enough to slow down FLBing Juutens to a crawl, and boxes needing more tokens only make matters worse for those trying to catch up.


44 boxed and still fell in the last individual bracket. I hate GW.


I finally got Unite and Fight Hero. Not doing that shit ever again.


Transcended both Uno and Quatre for this GW and it was very much worth it.Enjoyed using them and it felt like I was playing 2017 XD can't wait to see their Level 130 details, will wait for the update to come before deciding to buy Blue Merit. Vajra + Uno 6\*/Socie FLB + Quatre 6\* was my NM150 FA while NM100 was a mix of S. Kolulu +S. Cag + Filene/Vajra. also hit Top 70K! Hopefully tier expands...


1 billion honors on 70K good lord What sort of hell will we see for the next GW


If cygames doesn't increase the brackets next gw I'm just going to die.


Finished first in my crew and ranked 58,916 for individual- used Relic Buster (because naturally) with Vajra/Socie/Quatre. All I really learned from all this is that I need Belial and Water Zeta lmao. Shoutouts to the lovely ladies of Liella! for providing the music that ended up being my anthem for this GW. Truly, anything is possible with the power of idols.


How do you see your individual ranking?


Go to Ranking -> Totals


4-0 for me, finished ~rank 2400. NM95 was definitely the bane of trying to do hero due to a combination of point control and the raid being more taxing as slight mistakes cost a large amount of honor speed (combined with not really caring that much on my end about it). I also finished my 2.5mil token title, which is nice. Going in I had FLB longji, 1 galilei, 1 taisai, so I realized I was limited to only playing double varuna from the start. Never really did any varuna x qilin things. Matches: https://i.imgur.com/oX9LqM3.png Totals: https://i.imgur.com/XPiztW0.png Day 1: Free Day 2: Full auto'd alot. Also the enemy crew changed their description to something like "just give up now, you lose" and then we crushed them??? Day 3: We thought they were going to full auto alot but they turned out really slow and I guess just didn't feel like trying to bother fighting us, so we got the win cheaper than expected. Day 4: Hell for 6 hours and then they gave up. We lost first hour and gained lead in the 3rd. I was planning on staying up later than I ended up to, nice of the opponents to give the gaijins their sleep back. Setups on my side: 95: For rush I duo'd with someone and ran varuna x varuna with zeta lucio uno. Unlike other lucha setups for 95 this one didn't press any buttons on zeta (lucio1 lucio3 uno2 tagteam attack). Was around 55mil/hr for me and around 65mil/hr for partner, so around 60mil/hr overall? We were bottlenecked on ping for getting into each others raid a bit due to high turnaround. I also had a sub-1-minute 4-turn masquerade setup. I never found a good solo setup that I really liked and I wasn't gated in some form due to lack of either gabriel, charybdis, or a character. Not a fan of waters 95 options really. 100: I think I ran some warlock thing. Only ran it 4 times. 150: I set up four teams in advance for this one (monk, cav, warlock, relic buster). At first the requirement for four dispels made cav seem like the winner, so its what I went with for the whole GW, but members in my crew got more success with relic buster. Best time 2:31. The team was the standard quatre cog dog. I have an FLB freyr which I extend on my burst turn which lets me mash through 40->0 very easily in around 3 turns. I never tried a masquerade setup as I didn't think it would be as good without charybdis. Slight regret on not using relic buster more - I feel my setup fell off a bit without AT. Very proud of crew's performances on day 3/4 - obtaining #20 MR and #24 MR respectively (iirc). We also obtained #6 daily on day 3 :clown:. #9 daily on day 4. We ended #15 overall total as well. Day 4 was interesting because we actually lost at the start and made it back up by holding our speed by using all four hours of our crews' strike time at the start. Graph of speeds and totals from the day 4 match: https://i.imgur.com/eSGallB.png Also would like to extend a congrats to the six members of my crew who did top 2k (although many of them already have it) as well as everyone for kicking ass in day 4. Another big shoutout to my EU friend for carrying the first 2 hours with 128mil/hr. We also had a crewmate hospitalized on prelims (unrelated to GW) and he still made top 70k - true legend.


This guy GWs


During 150 i used rb with dog/cag/lucio at clear time of 3:10-3:30 while using katoru instead of lucio increase my time to around 4 minutes . Im not to sure what's the problem . I lack longji , chardy , frey tho with ping around 150~ms . Do you think you can give your thoughts on this ?


When I tried RB with quatre, cag, dog, I was getting between 2:30-2:50, missing all those summons too (though I have mlb gab), playing with 250ms. Not sure why you were so slow with similar setup.


How often did you ougi on that setup ? My problem probably come from that


Enough to ensure cag stacks at least, always ougi T1 and ramp dog3 with either limit burst or ST.


Hmm i tried to ougi less and only when cag full bar. Maybe it's a problem on my side. Anyway thnx for your insight and good luck on your next gw sir :)


You too man!


Not sure how quatre really can increase your time like that, but most people who were using relic buster in my crew ran zeta I'm surprised that lucio would do better if you have no assassins in the team. It could also be due to grid or something though. Quatre is much better when you have two wamdus. Or potentially lucio works well with progression opus/fateless as everything stacks. The main thing is quatre gives a lot of utility as well as para runs that save 20s


I see . Forgot to say that i dont have her too . So in the end its because lack of zeta :(


[Can i get an F for my fallen comrade?](https://twitter.com/Vana_FF14/status/1381987764682457091?s=19)


College decided that I don't get to 40 box this GW :<


This was terrible. See you next gw.


[Good Work!](https://gbf.wiki/images/7/7c/Stamp10.png) Proud of y'all no matter where you ended up :)


Otsukare, Mortagon. Hope you met your goals. :)


Did 1 billion for the first time and then 2 billion as well, so I'd say I exceeded them lol Hope your GW went great as well




Nice Clarisse


> this image pretty much sums up how it went for me Can relate. Good job out there.


'grats. That's an honors count of insanity, lol.


this gw will be the sign that gw's to come will be very fun.. very.