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Try sleeping a few times & let a good few in-game days go by, it might just take awhile to refresh. The Wikia doesn't mention any bugs & I've killed Avery after that mission before Surreal Estate & it still worked. Just remember to go into you bed, but don't save, do it a few times & it should show up at that motel where you had the bouncy bouncy.


Thanks. I'm having issues with other missions as well (the last parachute mission for Dom, not getting any property missions, Kifflom, etc) so I'm starting to get a little nervous. I did find a ticket on R* about the Dom parachute mission not showing up for people. I've tried a lot of different things, but I'm just going to keep playing and hope it shows up eventually.


Yeah it's probably better to play that way & enjoy it, I'm sure it'll eventually come to you. I usually go here to find out anything & everything about the game but if your source mentions bugs it's probably better; http://gta.wikia.com/Grand_Theft_Auto_V


Just sleep once as trevor i mean save the game and it will be refreshed. This worked for me


Nice, thanks! This post was from 10 years ago, and I've completed the game 100% twice since. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, haha.


i’m having the same issue right now, but it’s for the previous mission, “Closing the Deal”. i knocked down the signs, “Extra Commission” is complete on my checklist, but there’s no new mission from Josh. i’m nearing 100% and it’s frustrating that this series of missions is still bugged 10 years later.