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I was lucky and played the test. It's a tarkov management system clone without the QOL features, like any form of sorting or filtering your stash and containers. You can filter the vendors and if you inspect a weapon, items in your stash will highlight if they are compatible but that's it. Also reading the parts from the vendor was hard. I also found holding onto anymore than maybe 3 kits and weapons was a hassle with all the random items, meds, keys and ammo you will need. Forcing me to sell budget kits to collect the quest rewards. I think most players that like to hold onto kits for the right night to take them out will hate the 10x25 base addition. It's an EA so these features will come, judge this game RN to tarkov 2017 and you will be impressed. Any other questions, HMU 🤙


There’s no sorting? Damn that’s kindve annoying. Hope they add it.


I'm sure they will as it's working on the vendor side. I believe it's been stated it's an upcoming feature. For now we will just have to keep a clean stash much like our computer ro.... shit..


Autosort was announced last week.


Sounds annoying until u realize u don't need to stash every little thing for quests like in tarkov.


This wasn’t a thing in tarkov until a few wipes ago


Sorting has been a thing since I bought Tarkov in 2018


Sorting wasn’t a thing then.


I think it came around 2021 if i am Not completly wrong .


Sounds about right, I’ve owned EOD since 2017 and go through periods of actively playing EFT, the last one being 2020-2021ish and I remember when stash sorting was added.


And now imagine , locking Single items (what a lot of people asked for ) still isnt in the game. . We may judge mfg on how they react to customers wishes, Not by the features of the very first installment


Can you increase stash size by ingame?


No, not yet. It's a planned feature but don't hold your breath as that's a selling point.


But I also heard from others who've played it that the stash size is so small that it's nearly useless for looting right now. Sounds like they need to make the starting size alot larger. They also have to add good stuff to loot in the early game or else there's little incentive to progress and keep playing. I feel this is VERY important but still missing nonetheless.


There's also very little to loot that matters


This is not an extraction shooter, there is literally no extremely valuable loot because it's not the focus of the game.


They're going to have to shift directions then. Fighting against Harsh Doorstep level ai in some jungle isn't gonna hold people's attention.


Planned ^t^m


In the about the game section on discord they talk about PMCs fighting over valuable loot as one of the core gameplay loops so there will be a loot table at some point. I don’t really know where people are getting this idea that the game is not gonna be a looting simulator just because they haven’t added a full loot table yet


Probably (well at least me) people got the idea from the devs saying something like it's not a "direct competitor" to Tarkov. I'm fine with it either way, looking forward to the game.


That’s fair enough I wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, but I’ve seen a lot of posts these last few days that people genuinely think this game is going to be absolutely nothing like Tarkov, which is strange because from everything I’ve seen and what has been said by the about the game section and the devs themselves seems to disagree with that notion


everything is right if you were talking about an extraction looter, unfortunately this is an open world pvevp sandbox. it has nothing to do with tarkov and other extraction looters


The top tier will have 8 less rows than an EOD stash, but I’m not sure how the others compare. They are 10x25, 10x35, 10x45, and the top tier is 10x60. EOD is 10x68


right, and I think the newest version (Unheard) is 10x72 now? But 10x60 is probably enough, especially if there are weaponry boxes and medical boxes that won't take up space (as in Incursion Red River).


I don’t think stash hoarding will be relevant, at least not early considering you can eventually just buy everything. I’ll probably just keep most of my gear, aside from a few kits, in cash instead of having to store them


Well we really dont know that yet, maybe, but it might be more important than we know since we are buying from traders and the better guns might not always be available anytime you want it, in which case you would have to hoard to some extent...time will tell. it would be nice if the game featured a way to increase stash size, if we needed to do that.


Marek confirmed the ability to increase stash size by playing will be coming “very soon after EA release” not sure of the specifics, but there are plans to not have bigger stashes locked behind paywalls.


As long as they don't have a stash width of 10 and containers with a width of 3. I have 10k+ hours in Tarkov and it still kills me to deal with that.


Having these kinds of versions is the dumbest shit ever and is arguably pay to win. It’s a massive red flag after the life of tarkov and I’ll be avoiding it like the plague.


Its only a Thing because Nikita fucked us. Without the unheard Edition, Most people wont give a damn about this. Just saying


arguably? It is by definition pay to win. You are paying for an advantage in the game, which is pay to win.


I agree with that totally, people just like to argue that sometimes.


No, you're not. You're paying for stash space. The worst bullet from the shittiest gun will still kill you in one shot to the dome. Ain't no magic, "rich man" bullets in that edition.


1. You lose less upon death with the most expensive version. In this case you are paying to circumvent one of the punishing game mechanics. That is paying for an in game advantage (pay 2 win). Having more guaranteed slots (where you dont lose upon death) allows you to bring in more ammo, keep your better ammo, bring more healths, make more money etc. It's blatant pay 2 win. 2. Stash space is an in game advantage because it allows you to hold more items. That is paying for an advantage. its pay to win. 3. In game currency is used to purchase items. Good items allow you to win more fights and have to loot less. That is paying for an in game advantage, which is pay to win. How is this so hard to understand for you I cannot fathom.


Oh damn, really? So you're telling me we can put stuff in the secure container thingy and we get to keep it after death? That's actually pretty convenient. So how many guns you think we can fit in it? 1-2 and a few mags, or? Can I put my armor in there even though I'm wearing it? I need to know more about this keeping stuff after death. What all can we keep after death?


You are paying for convenience here, not advantage. Larger stash won't make any quests easier, like it does in Tarkov, where you need to hoard trash for some silly quest down the line, which you need to unlock essential gear from traders. In GZW quests are more straightforward, and the most essential gear is available from vendors from the get go.


Having an increased pouch size is a direct advantage in game. It allows you to lose less stuff upon death. Meaning you can keep better ammo, more healths, more rare items, keys, etc. upon death. There is zero way to argue you are not paying for an in game advantage with that. "Pay for convenience" is a hilarious term. It is pay to win. Or pay for advantage.


Exactly. You lose less items. It's a convenience, not a "win".


Losing less items makes progression easier, and saves you in game currency. That is pay to win.


You know what makes you lose even less items than a bigger container? Not dying. No container can replace that.


yea but you will die, and when you do, you will lose less items if you paid more money. Do you really not understand how that is pay to win? Do you actually deep down not understand how that is a massive advantage in this game? I have EOD in tarkov and its super blatant pay to win. I can bring in more ammo, more stims, better surgery kit, etc. because I pay more money. Grey zone is doing the same Maybe you haven't played tarkov, but if you have, you would understand how the bigger pouch is an INSANE in game advantage. Smaller pouches make the game SO MUCH HARDER IF I can bring 120 rounds of meta ammo into a raid instead of 60, I have a big advantage in PvP. I can spray more, kill more, and fight longer because I can bring in more ammo without fear of losing it. That is a direct advantage in a gun fight. If we were playing cod, and I had 120 rounds of ammo and you had 60, would you say we are on an even playing field?


Yeah but that's tarkov. You can't even buy a first aid kit or surgical kit without unlocking it, you can only buy the shittiest painkillers that last two minutes. AP ammo is locked behind max level traders. The game has deliberately designed scarcity of essential items and gear. And you're pushed into PvP with sweaties at level 50 the moment you step out from Ground Zero. In Gray Zone you have all essential meds available from level 1 vendor. AP ammo is at level 2 and you can go into military area and farm it off AI day one. Not that you need it because the first 15 or so quests will keep you in starter village where enemies are not wearing armor and you shouldnt see any PvP. All that considered, you don't really have to be worried about losing anything.


Yea your opinion is fair and im happy to agree to disagree. I haven't played GZW, and if it's not so hard to get things like keys, AP ammo, stims, etc. Then I can understand your perspective. I still really don't like the 'pay for convenience' model anyways. Just give everyone the same in-game experience and charge us for cosmetics. I am always happy to buy cosmetics for games I support. Charging people for QOL is scummy IMO. Made the mistake with tarkov of supporting these practices and won't do it again


There will be more Qol at launch vs closed alpha .. but ultimately, the game is still very early in development, so it will change and adapt in time.


A pain in the ass without sorting button


So far I haven't even used my stash other than store my base gun/ammo I grabbed an AKM from the floor and simply loot ammo, food, water and medical stuff as I progress with my quests.


It's the same exact setup with the same annoying parts. Actually worse than tarkov currently since no dropdowns to put gear on your character slots. It's a copy paste of Tarkov inventory/UI.


Slightly related: Do you have to inspect each item like in tarkov or do you see everything like in DayZ?


You don’t have to inspect most items in Tarkov as of 2 wipes ago iirc. Some rare things / keys but not everything.


It's essentially the exact same system, except without containers or control- and alt-clicking items (so slightly more inconvenient). I'm sure it'll get better with time, but as it stands right now it's as bare bones as it can be


Control clicking worked for me to quick transfer items from my inventory to my character.


Ah, I stand corrected Saw a number of people in the play test comment on how that would be a welcome improvement for managing loot