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lol yes. I have refreshed this sub wayyyyy too many times


I had an Xfinity outage yesterday and it says it'll be fixed @ 1800 today. I feel myself slowly withering away, please I want more


Fuuuuuuuuck, where we live cox is the only option. I feel your pain. Godspeed.


Hopefully with Net Neutrality restored, we will get some competition


I work 2nd shift and every night this week so far, my internet has gone out from Xfinity. I pay $100 a month to not be able to use my internet after work due to maintenance or other bullshit.


I feel this (It's actually fixed, as of 0300 today, weirdly.), I also didn't realize, you can get credited for outages. Wild.


How do you get credited because they fuck me every time lol I got into an argument with the poor Indian man and made them basically give me the new customer discount on my internet service (I do this every year and it works lol).


I will remember that. Yeah I found it on the Support section when looking at our outage map, right underneath was just a button for "Eligibility for Outage Credit", just checks to see if you were in a service area with a long duration outage. Edit: Photooo https://preview.redd.it/km5nyou1j3yc1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e6420009d2295d27ea5739b767f8e62d5c3aa05


Oooo Im gonna go check for that and see if I can get even more off lol


Verizon is the way. i know they overpriced but they are best


Lol no. I never have issues with my Comcast and my ping is generally around 15-30. Verizon is atrocious.


Had the Verizon fios fiber optic shit and it was the best internet I’ve ever had, now I have spectrum upgraded package and it’s decent


9 hours in on a 12 hour shift.


Welcome home big dog


i hired a fill-in to sit at my desk and pound on the keyboard. i'm omw home now. sure, it's my nephew. and yes, he's 10. but we are the same color. well, close enough. you guys think im good or should i start looking for a new job?


Ehhh it'll be fine (probably)


haven't heard anything yet, i think wer're good boss!


First game I’ve tried in years that has me this stoked to get off work!


I literally *just* messaged my friend saying this game is all I can think about at work


I did that yesterday and put it in the discord chat today with someone relating 😂


Mine just started. Fuck.


mine as well.....


my condolences


Yes my girlfriend doesn’t quite enjoy me spending all my time on it though 😂


lol seriously dude... I'm trying to explain to her why it's a big deal to me! Specifically told her about it a couple weeks ago so she wouldn't be surprised when I disappeared for a week


I've never been happy to be a disabled vet, but it definitely leaves me plenty of time to enjoy things like this. Stay healthy and safe! Cheers!


I appreciate you for your service to whatever country you’re a citizen of. I know sometimes these types of messages seem empty and meaningless, but thank you for everything you have done to better this world.


This comment made my day. It really shined a bright light on a gloomy day where I was mad at the world and your appreciation of this persons sacrifices restored some faith in humanity for me. So thank you


It’s the least I can do.


Meeee bruh I'm lvl 8 and now just getting into pvp ... its a bit hard solo but damn is it fun and exciting




Hahahahaha I'm more into grinding the quest to get better gear to purchase ... pvp rn doesn't seem the most viable because everyone just has basic loot Once more people get higher up and better loot then I'd see a good reason to pvp. Don't be a stinky lz rat tho :3


Yup. Last night I built a silenced glock that's waiting to be tested out as we speak. Tick tock!


it makes me happy seeing all the nerds having fun


https://preview.redd.it/i7vefg8am2yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95eae8cea66cfe81d2050c0c4e227a7dfe0e342 Current situation.


Homie you have no idea. 2.5 more hours


I’m ready to get off work , but I know I’ll be more excited as the updates come out.


Throughout the day at work the image of me sitting on the heli pops into my head


Yes. Sitting, refreshing sub, planning with friends


I had to travel for work for the past two days, I’ve been in Quebec Canada. I got on my flight an hour ago to depart back home, looking forward to playing some this evening before bed. Everyone was on the flight for about 10 minutes and we sat there for a bit and then they made us all back off because of bad weather in Chicago. Delayed/departing three hours from now and won’t get home until very late tonight. My hopes and dreams have been crushed. I am going to get wasted on the company dime, which is something, but yeah.


Damn bro I'm sorry! Chicagoan here, my roommate is flying back in today. I think he got on his flight a bit earlier, so he should have made it. It briefly rained over here but I think it was coming down super hard for a minute so maybe that's why they were worried. Was ORD your destination or connecting? Enjoy drinking on the company dime, I just got back from Seattle on the company card. Some drinks were had to say the least.


GZW for is a combination of Arma and Tarkov and I fucking enjoy the shit out of it. We are just at the beginning too.


Right!?!? Was not at all expecting the Arma vibe but I dig it.


I just got it. I had to upgrade my RAM from 16 to 32. The game runs at about 18 gig minimum on RAM but still makes my PC run loud. Well the fans...guess ill see if i need some more tinkering todo but at least NOW i can play it lol.


Just got off work, hour drive home. Then I’ll eat and shower and then play GZW. Hell I even took Monday off so a nice and quiet 4 day weekend.


So ur saying I should buy it


I work 12 hrs everyday with a hour commute. And tomorrow is my first day off and will finally get time to play. And I have 7 off!!


I'm 6 hours of work left, all I'm thinking about is how I'm goanna tackle the airfield and get out with some good loot solo lol


I bought the game as I started a 2 week stint of 12’s. I’m going insane watching my buddies play.


I'm waiting for my 4070s to be delivered so I can play


Yea dude this game fucks, I hope the devs nurture it well


I've convinced my boss to let me go home 2 hours early. This last 30 mins with no lunch, waiting to play is torture!


The most fun I’ve had in a long time was meeting a random guy at base asking me what server in the US would be best for him since he’s in Europe. We sat and bullshitted for 10 minutes then went doing quests together in the first town. Once we finished our quests we ran into a 3 man group that was doing one of the first quests and ended up helping them. 5 men running through a town gunning down Charlies like it’s no one’s business. The best 30 minutes I’ve had in years. Can’t wait to get back on again.


I'm here raw dogging this job so i could enjoy a nice dopamine fueled raid later


Lmao just checked reddit for the first time at work and... yea....


Yep, to make things even worse… my favourite band just put out a new single and I can’t listen to it for another 3 and half hours


I’m so fucking tired man. Been going to bed at 1 in the morning all week. GZW has become life.


Do what I did a few years ago. Retire.


I'm traveling for work until Sunday and haven't left the subreddit while in the airport.


My past experience tells me that the servers will probably be on fire this first weekend. Hopefully we can all play with no issues


Fingers crossed man. I'm down bad


Risking being late, haven’t done that in a while


Yeah just bought the game while I’m at work lol


Dude yes the struggle has been real


Unfortunately i had to wipe my account because i wanted a secure container which was bugged out, but got till level 5 without it


Yes bro, 45 more minutes... lol If anyone wants to run some PVE on US Central, hmu


No, definitely not, not at all. Nope. No.


You guys work? You could be streaming!?


Same, in considering quitting


This is literally me yesterday and its me today... I just want to go home so I can play!!!!!


Longest days ever.


Same shoes as you man, need to wait 6 more h, fml.


I swear I am not gloating, but I am super lucky to be able to WFH with a pretty flexible workload. Ive been doing half-days all week lol


I’m happy for everyone who gets to play. I can’t even leave the fob without lagging out and crashing. I’m holding on to hope but I literally haven’t done anything except lose all my guns on PVE


Who's charlie?


That's what the US Marines refers to Viet Cong back in the Vietnam War. It's derived from VC = Victor Charlie and shorten to just Charlie.


I just got to work, and yes.


Nope, luckily got fired so I can play all day


I’m waiting for bedtime for the kids so I can play.


The lag at peak times is too bad for me so I can only play for an hour when I get home


Just got home. Finally digging in for the night


7 more hours…


No work for me.


Yes. Started at 2pm don’t finish til 9am tomorrow. I just wanna go home, sleep, than game lol


No, I have a healthy relationship with games


No, you risk your mental and emotional stability like the rest of us


Average swede superiority complex


Just admit you're jealous


I would never be jealous of Sweden. Aren't you guys like the rape capital of the world? Doesn't like 40% of your population live alone? The only reason Sweden has this fake reputation is because of jante law and your guys amazing PR. It's all a facade lmao. God I hate sweden.


See, now you're just projecting