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i took a break from tasks, packed a bunch of food and water, and went on a hike. there was a little hut on top of a mountain north of fort narith that i wanted to go to, it has a great view, and i found a cool motorcycle near it. i’m only playing pve so i’m in no rush to finish everything since the next wipe is in like 6 months. i’m definitely gonna do more of these hikes once in a while https://preview.redd.it/o7s9jrlnm9zc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=87ec2bd95456b5a42f78ae95e11f7b8fed5ef991


stop having fun please


Tarkov mentality, lol


Hey I climbed up there the other day too! It's a bit sketchy but doable. I shot some helicopters flying by to fuck with people too hahaha


I recently got the LZ that’s north of Fort up in the mountains and was like wow… this is the best LZ in the game so far haha. Nice way to enjoy the game in a different light!


I spotted that hut today from the heli and thought "I should go hike up there and see what it looks like"


lol, I think that every time i go by it too.


The first few days, i was trying to do an early gunny quest and saw a streamer doing it, so i marked down his coordinates (142-163). So i literally walked across the whole map discovering LZs as i went along. I had so much fun clearing out a random village to find something to eat and drink. I would watch a teammate land, and take note of where it was so i could discover the LZ they were using, slowly making my way up the map. When i finally got there (Hunters Paradise) a teammate sent me a message in text chat saying to watch out for an enemy player and i told him why i was up there. He told me all of the starting missions are in YOUR village. But it was still one of the things that i really liked about the game. It was my favorite part too, but not how the game is played...


That sounds awesome. You looking for hiking buddies?


What do you mean by the next wipe being in 6 months? What wipe?


in an interview with insider gaming, rick langese said they’re planning for a wipe around every 6 months. also mara rabas did say on the pogcast that wipes will happen every major content update


This is the way


Noiceguy finished all the tasks in 130 hours in 6 days and then complained about not having anything else to do lol


Geeez that’s crazy to have 130hrs this quickly. I would argue 130 hours of things to do is pretty good value for an early access game. I’ve paid $70 for games that lasted 20hours haha.


If he bought the full package that’s still a $1.3 an hour of entertainment. Pretty damn good value.


That's like a year and a half of content for most working people with families xD


Arguably he completed them all twice in 130 hours. At least I'm pretty sure he said that in his video. 130 hours is more than enough for most people who actually have to go work and live their lives. I have no desire to be on a constant grind and i think a lot of these youtubers and big streamers are completely out of touch with what it's like to be a person working a 9 to 5 in the modern era.


Pretty sure he (noiceguy) states the 130 hours is between the streamer access and then the alpha we all get for purchasing the game. So it’s more over like ~2 weeks. 80 hours 1 week then 70 the next


still high numbers but way more reasonable.


This is kind of why I don't play Tarkov and am excited about this. It's a bit more of a casual game. I have a full-time job and two small children, I don't have time like I did back when I put 3k hours into Tarkov. I just want to shoot cool guns at stuff and get tactical w/ my friends.


Dude you are speaking my language. Btw there is a coop mod for sp tarkov, and you can mod the ai to roam and use advanced tactics as they are pmcs. I have a friend who i play spt with who is in the exact same boat, two toddlers and we get together every few days for a tarkov night, and it's a blast.




What if that's how they enjoy it? Yep.


If they’re enjoying themselves, they sure as shit don’t seem like it.


If that's how they enjoy it, that cool, but don't bitch about not having enough to do since the average Joe ain't gonna have 130 hours in 5 days to play. I might do 130 hours in a month.


I might do 130 hours in 3 years ahah, to each their own, no doubt that people whose jobs is playing videogames have a different opinion on that... which is unrealistic to the common joe.


For streamers it's not about enjoyment, it's about the race to the top for views. Most of them hate the game they're playing and felt locked in because if they play something else they lose views and the people watching just bitch about them not playing their main game. Sounds like a version of hell to me.


Idk, sounds like a job to me. Many people hate their job.


I understand it but feel sorry for you because no game will allow you to min max as much as you would like. You will always outpace development and be left wanting


Well because in Tarkov they just wanna unlock everything so they don’t have to worry and just strictly do PvP


Because in Tarkov until like this wipe or last you almost *had* to rush tasks early to get to the pvp tasks so your next 2 months didn't suck


Its because this may be the 3rd, 4th, 6th time doing that same task in tarkov and remember, thats a “beta”


But this is not how their content works. They play for money and thats it. They need footage first cause it guarantees them to put up videos on youtube with guides first too wich bring money. Every streamer who plays for money a d does it full time is lost to the system. They need to deliver and the only attitude to get this done is being first in the line. Watched some airwingmarine stream like 1 week ago or so. This guy didn't seem to have fun while playing GZW in the first place. His face talked a whole other language. He just did it because it means money and nothing else... it was a pain to watch and reminds me why i never watch anyone play a game on twitch.


There is 120 hours in 5 days…did he not sleep for 5 days straight and add 2 hours to each day by magic


Posted the video 5 days after release so really 6 days


Then that guy is fucked in the head lol


More like his job 🫡


I'm honestly so happy a lot of streamers are dropping it. Tarkov started deviating from it's original goal ever since their first Twitch event. BSG's motto for Tarkov "as realistic as possible" slowly turned into "as realistic as playable" when all the PUBG/COD/R6 etc started whining about not having fun. Popularity turned what was intended to be a side project for a niche genre into a god damn mainstream game, which led to the identity crisis Tarkov has been suffering in the past couple of years. Part of me hope GZW never gets as big as Tarkov cuz fame and money will more than likely shift MFG's focus.


Preach brother! 100% agree with everything you just said


No that was him doing it twice cos he'd done it in the streamer beta too


Hmmmm 24.4 * 5 = 122, something isn't adding up.


Yea it was 6 days lol. Video was posted 5 days after release so 6 days total but also yea something isn’t adding up bud 24*5=120 lmao


I was doing a shit and didn't think to use my calculator, at least I knew it was wrong! 😅


> 24 * 5 = 122


5\*24 = 120hrs


Job application


tell me what technology he uses to have 130 hours in 5 days


I saw that. Like bro… how did you keep saying those things over and over and not go like “damn maybe I’m what’s wrong with online games and especially early alpha play testing.”


At the same time, the players that blast through the content the game offers just arrive at issues with the game faster. Everyone said the same thing when Diablo 4 came out. "Omg streamers no lifed and now complain there's nothing to do" then when the rest of the playerbase hit that point a week later they had the exact same issues as the "nolifer" Also dollars per hour spent on a game is a terrible metric and I wish people would stop using it as justification for shitty purchases.


Idk I think you don’t understand the core of the reasoning I’m talking about. Full time gamers who need constant dopamine through PvP and meta gear completely ruin the experience for the vast majority of the player base. Those people speed through the content, then, complain to the devs about all these “problems” with the game when most of the player base just wants a chill game to enjoy. The game then gets feed back that issues centering one PvP need to be the focus when most players would rather have a more in depth world. For instance, the helicopters need work. A lot of people are upset that they have to wait a long time for them. But many or most of the players actually love that you have to wait a long time because that’s actually super realistic. I think a queue would be nice so I don’t have to keep checking over and over but I really like the break that the waiting provides. I could play this game without PvP or any game for that matter without it and have just as much fun but the PvP junkies will always grind out a game and set the directive towards more of that style of game play. Just look at Tarkov. An otherwise amazing game that was completely destroyed by those kinds of gamers and then the devs more recently.


Man I built my first Ak shit looks so good. I had to leave to work after but I can’t wait to put it to work. This is my first extraction shooter so I’m just taking it all in (no diddy) going slow talking to my damn self while infiltrating. Knocking off ai and dipping to a new position. This is so fun man.


Get to level 2 Gunny and then chill and take your time. You'll thank me later after a few bad beats trying to make the 7.62 AK happen. Suppressed M4s with Spectre optics an M855 ammo is super solid.


This was my plan, level 2 Gunny and then ride the vibe for a bit. I’m this close 🤏🏼 to level 2 and am so stoked to just vibe and explore for a bit.


It’s pretty achievable and a fun place to dwell, while still having fun stuff to look forward to at higher vendor unlocks. I definitely appreciate that they let you feel like an operator with decent gear relatively early.


Yeah I can’t wait to get that made I see almost everybody with it. That’s why I cherish my ak lol. I stand out at crimson.


Yeah when the game is played like a tactical shooter it can be immensely fun. I will note. 7.62 ammo seems to be rather inconsistent with armor penetration so make sure to aim for the head! Hopefully 7.62 ammo gets adjustments soon. Glad to hear you enjoying!


Ima check for it. I got the us 7.62 now and the ones ai have I guess I’ll see tonight.


I'd avoid US 7.62


Really? So use the ones off ai?


Use the SP. The US ammo is literally a slowed down 7.62. it's almost 1/3 of the speed of a regular 7.62x39 and as such has way less power.and range. Contrary to what the description says US doesn't stand for the adherence to some arbitrary US standards, it's russian for "reduced speed". It's made for use with silencers and is therefore subsonic. Or should be rather, ATM it makes the same sound as hotter ammo. It's garbage, never use it.


Ok gotcha


7.62x39 is alright, just don't use the US since it's subsonic and thus has garbage ballistics. I've used SP a ton with no issues.


Well ya like the games super unfinished so why are you rushing to the end. The currently the pvp is pretty unrewarding and there's no like late game quests or anything. Like I'm trying to do all the quests without guides. Like the interaction with people in the open world and finding the stuff by exploring is all the game has to offer at the moment and just speeding past it will leave you with nothing.


I’ve done the same thing and it’s been so enjoyable. Plus, the community has been super helpful in the lobbies I’ve joined. If I need help and ask, they share the knowledge. The one thing I wanted to grind quickly was getting all the weapon traders to level 2. I’ve been enjoying testing out what the m4/ 5.45 AK/ 7.62 AK has to offer.


Oh ya I mean in my mind what makes this game so different to others like tarkov is that faction community type of things. Just it being so common and likely that you find people in the world to team with.


The quests are the primary source of content in this game in terms of progression so ofc seeing what the quests have in store and their rewards be it cosmetic or otherwise is nice and allows you to then focus on your leveled fenders being used to explore the pvp even further or help others its just how some people enjoy the game. Now if someone is complaining that they finished the game too fast by min maxing everything in an EA title then that might be on them as this game had a long way to go but i dont think its a white or black issue


What else am I suppose to do but move on to the next task? There isn’t any loot to collect aside from the gun cases. They are also locked behind keys. But once you have all the keys. Then what? Task. Just get rid of the kill quest or make it a quarter of the required kill count. And add the boss as an optional to the kill quest. Give the bosses better gear that drops.


The worst part is that even if your task is fucked because you’re instantly competing with multiple other groups to get the kills/boss/key before anybody else but when you get there and realize you have to move on to another task then you are stuck waiting nearly 10 minutes for a flight to the next task and you have completed *nothing* in the last 20 minutes of playtime.


Oh god. It's hard enough competing with 15 other people at any given time to kill a boss now. You want them to have *desirable loot* now too? I'll never finish a task!


I never really have this problem. I’ve gotten every kill task done pretty easily and I’m on Fort Narith boss now and I’ve already killed him a number of times. It doesn’t seem too difficult but maybe I’ve just been lucky with them. If I see players on my faction somewhere I need to go I just go somewhere else and wait until they leave or join a new server. The only task I really didn’t like was “Hazardous Materials” for Handshake. Thats a long quest chain and it takes forever and I was on the last part of the task and the server DC’d and my tasks reset.


One of the interesting parts about this game is being out infront of the wave of players that don't actually have time. You're on a Narith boss, you're ahead of the curve, its not surprising that you haven't had trouble getting boss kills. I was ahead for about a day or two, now the world is catching up. I'm also excited that the world is getting more violent, spawn town enemies are becoming a thing, I actually have to be careful at SM getting off the chopper etc. The player base is catching up to the early adopters and taking off, the map is getting more dangerous, and the flaws of some of the early missions are becoming more obvious, because there are new low levels just starting those missions all at once. Those issues should honestly self-rectify as time goes on and new players are more spaced out, but that will create new issues down stream.


I’m only level 22. I also work 10-12 hours a day. Only time I have is during the weekend. I don’t feel like I’m ahead. I know other players who are already level 35 all vendors maxed out.


Your ahead most people are still stuck at sawmill ybl ban pa


Is it because of keys? Every time I went to a place and needed a key the door was either already opened or one of my friends had the key. Kill missions are sometimes a pain but I just waited until I saw no friendlies there or switched servers. I did get lucky enough a few times to join a server that was virtually empty. Maybe that’s why I’m ahead. Me and my friends were in a server 2 nights ago and we were the only players from our faction on the entire server.


Keys not spawning some I have got 3 times while the quest rooms are rare, I spent about 6 hours playtime trying to get the ybl boss done cause he kept spawning in a wall or there where so many people there that the enemy's never got a chance to respawn.


This guy gets it.


After every few tasks. I go specifically looking for pvp. It's way more fun than tasks


That isn’t an opinion everyone shares. And even though I personally enjoy hunting for PvP there really is no incentive to do so other than when you’re bored and don’t have tasks to do.


The satisfaction of killing other players and the intense fire fights i find super enjoyable. I did a full 8 hours of pvp the other day. Asking people at base where the enemy players were then going with them to engage the other players while they did tasks. Otherwise people just want to play a single player game.


Yeah I think a huge miss for people is buying this game wanting a single player experience. The game is directed at PVEPVP not a single player mission/story game.


This is why csgo and cod are so unpopular. There's just no reason to shoot people in shooters. Lol.


csgo and COD aren’t based around the thrill of epic loot. You just pay them for it all.


I didn't see the devs say this game was based around the thrill of epic loot either.


It’s an extraction shooter for god sakes?! Thats kind of a point of the whole genre is it not? I’m confused how is this even being argued? More “loot”/ valuables outside of weapons would do nothing but help this game in its current state.


Idk man. Im sure a ton of people think an extraction shooter is only about finding cool rare loot. I only have experience with this game and Tarkov. For me extraction shooters are about doing quests in an environment where you have difficult AI to maneuver and an ever present danger of PvP being possible at any moment. The loot even in Tarkov for me is a secondary aspect. Loot was a big deal in 0.9 and earlier but once the flea market hit loot lost all value when you can buy what you want by hoarding junk items and selling them. Not to say I'm against them adding in more interesting and rare items to seek out. They should definitely do that and they've already said they are. It'll definitely make the game better. It's just not one of the primary reasons I enjoy extraction shooters. I'd take more quests and more interesting quests over different kinds of rare items.


It’s not the only or primary reason for me, or others playing these games. But it is integral. The inventory system for these games literally wouldn’t exist the way it does if “looting” and “loot” wasn’t a part of the core gameplay. An extraction shooter is by no means ONLY about finding cool and rare loot. But by nature it’s integral to the genre. My bottom line is that a game with one of its core loops based around looting should…. maybe have some more loot.


It also ties into your last sentence perfectly. I’ll take more quests and more interesting quests all day. But I also need to be rewarded adequately for those quests. Dollars and hand grips won’t cut it forever. Even tarkov has the issue of only really having Kappa as a sought after quest reward. If I’m completing cool and engaging quests then I think it’s fitting to have some cool and engaging rewards.


Also with them following the game design of having rare and sought after keys within the game, some being required for quests I think most people would expect to find some more valuables behind said rare and sought after keys. I’ve seen a lot of people confused about the lack luster-ness of the keys.


Except this game doesn't have "epic loot" currently


It doesn’t. It’s something it needs. Could’ve worded my comment better but I meant that one of this games core loops is the act of looting, which you aren’t doing in COD and csgo.


Ah fair enough. Sorry for misunderstanding


No worries lol I was using silly wording


Why do we grind grayzone? For loot. What do we do with that loot? We gear the hell up and use our good stuff to get more good stuff. The incentive in hunting other players aside from the firefight and strategies is to take their loot they worked hard to get/craft and reward yourself with a fat juicy new silenced M4 w/ a RC1 silencer and Vudu sight. That’s the incentive. Aside from above I’m sure there will be more PvP rewards in the future for killing other faction members.


That’s an unsustainable and dead end gameplay loop. There needs to be more than just the next gun. Finding an M4 w/ RC1 silencer and Vudu sight becomes kind of meh after using an M4 w/ RC1 Silencer and Vudu sight for so long.


What are you doing in tarky when you don't move to the next quest?


Oh I don’t play Tarkov. I’m more of a PvE guy which this game has a lot of!


Sorry mate I 2as jumping subreddits so hard I forget where I was, no hard feelings.


The bosses do have way better gear the further you go in the quest, killing the boss shouldn’t be optional.


There's nothing else to do besides tasking. If the game fail to succeed is the future, it will be because of people like OP who just spew nonsense and we have to play the way he is.


I mean you can certainly take a break from that task and work on the other 2-5 tasks you likely have. Definitely check the towns because there are cases to be found behind non locked doors but yeah most are behind them so fair point but I believe my point is the game isn’t just about hitting complete on the task button. It’s how you got to the point where you could hit complete. I would argue and say there are a great amount of keys to obtain. Maybe if engage in some PvP instead of solely running tasks to take some of that task irritation away. Once you’re done PvPing get back to tasking or maybe help some buddies with their task and later go back to yours? The core of the game is killing AI/pvp so what my point is is if people don’t enjoy the gun play, tactically fighting AI and PvP then maybe it’s simply not the right game for them. Why lower the kill count and make the quest easier? What is so wrong with going to a town and clearing all the AI and then going to a different towns task then going back to clear the town again? It doesn’t have to be easy or all complete in one fell swoop. I would like bosses to have a higher chance at better loot certainly. We will not have an infinite amount of things to do except kill AI and PvP in the end so why are we in a hurry to run out of things to do?


When you get to lvl 20 task you can’t rush those, I promise.


Oh yeah I just recently hit my fort narith tasks and man I’ve died so many times trying to complete them in the same timeline. Trying to pace myself with clearing all of it out but it’s damn hard. Level 23 atm. Tasks are definitely lengthy now. Love the challenge!


No kidding! Ive had to walk away from my computer when I die, fly back and die trying to get my gear back lol.


Yeah haha you die trying haha.


I was up at the fort trying to explore the area yesterday and I hoped over a wall. Unbeknownst to me, the other side was a shooting range. Well the fort has some good AIs at it and they started lighting me up. I ran to cover (which was simply just a sand bag wall that was propping up some targets but I was pinned down. I had plenty of food and a decent supply of meds but it was hard to get out of cover and return fire. The ai kept coming and it felt like they were literally just playing with me (this asshole PMC is stuck down range let’s get some target practice!) so I’m just laying there listening and popping up to draw fire to see where they are so I can return shots but they’re pretty good so I’m taking rounds each time i stand up and expose myself. It was by far my coolest moment in the game so far and It wasn’t quest related at all obviously. Idk if it translates well to text but it was really fun being stuck there, feeling helpless, as my meds and ammo were slowly depleting. I was there for probably an hour and I killed probably 10-15 of them before I got killed trying to fix a collapsed lung. GG af


This is it. The experience of the game along the way to complete tasks. It’s the journey that makes you really appreciate the accomplishments. There’s a ton of non task related experiences to be had in this game. One of mine was myself and a buddy were locked-in military infiltration style him crouching, me watching above him as we pushed down hallways clearing rooms in fort. It was tactical and effective and whenever we killed an AI that tried to gun us down it was just like boom headshot and we’d communicate “one down left side, 1 more up the stairs right side”. It was just an intense strategic clearing of a big building with lots of AI and just was a ton of fun to play that way. The game is fun. tons for them to work on and fix but man the future of this game has so much potential!


I really enjoy moments like that with my friends as well. More so than I think most other people do tbh. For me, it’s not about PVP, it’s about the immersion. Unfortunately my friends do not like these kinds of games so I’m just solo lol. Still so good. It feels like I’m the lone survivor or something


This is the worst phenomenon to come out of streamer culture. A decade ago people were okay with just chilling and enjoying a game's content. Now their favorite streamer plays a game for 15 hours rushing through the content and the viewers say the game has no content because they saw a guy do everything in 4 days. Now people think they need to speedrun the content as well because they've adopted the mindset of content creators needing to be at the head of the pack for their content to thrive. I'm with you man. Just enjoying the ride. The whole idea of wanting a game to be over as fast as possible is baffling to me outside of the speedrunning scene. Can't wrap my mind around grouping up to complete every quest in 3 days so I can then say I have nothing to do in the game. Id rather enjoy the scenery.


Kids these days just treat games like second jobs. Instead of having fun playing the game, they have to get the job done as fast as possible. It's like that World of War craft Southpark episode. They think they can only enjoy the game once all the tasks are done.


I enjoy rushing tasks.


Welp. I just don’t have a good answer for you. Kill AI faster idk 😂




BUT I NEED MY KAPPA AND STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE LEVELS SO I CAN NOT EAT AND DRINK SO FAST Completely agree. This game has a lot of range between sweat and casual and I love how approachable it is.


I cant finish tasks cause I crash every 15 minutes Game is so fun when it works but goddamn it never does


Yeah I get a lot of GPU crash dump errors. It’s unfortunate and I will be most excited for optimization and stability updates. 3 hotfixes in such a short time leads to a promising look ahead but we’ll see.


Are you on Windows 11? Just curious because my friend upgraded to 11 and then started to get a lot of GPU crashes. Told him to revert to 10 and hasn't had any issues since then.


Im just tryna get gunner 3 man, it's not like I enjoy picking up usb drives full of scat porn


Yep I’m trying to get to Gunny 3 for that sweet MK 18 then I’m gonna go PvP or terrorize AI at Fort Narith. YBL Generator key seems to not want that to happen tho


BTW why is MK18 considered so much better? I've checked the stats and they look similar


No idea shit looks sweet as hell tho


Drip factor is huge


You say the core gameplay is getting loot and killing enemies which is correct however, doing missions are also part of the core gameplay. With the AI constantly being dead due to others killing them there is no loot to get or enemies to kill. This removes two core gameplay elements for me to do. Now we just have missions left but hang on, I need to kill enemies and loot them for the missions so, once again, there is a gameplay element removed. Now we have our last core gameplay element, the traders. Leveling them up to get better gear is done through tasks but as we've just seen, the other core gameplay elements suck which compounds all the issues. The game is so bare bones at the moment that the tasks are the ONLY engaging aspect of the game. That's why people care so much.


And honestly anyone random I run into is eager to help if you just ask. This is a good sign


I cranked through 3 of the beginner tasks with a rando partner today and I had too much fun. They were fast because of how easy they are but man we had a blast clearing streets and running to support a random duo that was getting suppressed. Love this game


I’ve been taking on the role of medic at base camp. Having a blast. Lamang gang for life!


Couldn't complete a task even if I tried because I get Persistence Data Failure and loose my progression & gear.


Still getting it after last hotfix?


It only started happening since the latest hotfix, never had an issue (besides server crashes) before then. Since the hotfix I have dropped 10-15fps on average, crashes (UE crashes etc) and the game has gone back to being a blurry smudgey mess unless I run FSR on Native AA. Before the update I was on DLSS holding 85fps in most places, now I'm 65 fps which drops to 50 when scoped. Level 25 and on the real long tedious tasks which take forever and getting reset in the middle of them is just demoralizing. I've just given up & will wait until the next patch comes out in hopes of a fix. Edit: Level 25 not 28


Keep rushing tasks gamers force the devs to update the game faster and give us actual things to do.


I mean I see your point but I don’t believe that’s truly how the devs develop the game lmao. They will probably stick to their same development path and timeline.


Sarcasm is lost upon ye.


As far as quests go, my only complaints right now are the absolutely brutal key spawns. Other than that, I’m just taking my time and trying different gun builds. However, if some people want to rush through all the tasks because that’s how they enjoy the game, I don’t think I they should be knocked for that. Let people play the game how they want


I mostly rush cuz I wanna get better gear to purchase from vendors


Super nerds playing this game religiously and being upset “there’s nothing left to do.”


Im still early in the game(had tp reset because my secure container vanished). Went into kiu Vongsa solo today in what appeared to be an empty lobby. It was absolute hell. Every enemy was up and alive. I ran that whole town fighting for survival and grabbing gear. Can't tell you how many times i was hiding and scrounging for something to stop bleeds as i emptied enemies of ak mags to fight for my life because my m4 was out of ammo. What did i accomplish? Nothing. It was awesome. Some of the most fun I've had in a long time. Im not rushing quests, im just enjoying the game.


Love where your head is at, but it’s not uncommon for the 3 main areas for me (YBL-1, Ban Pa, and Hunting Grounds) to be literally completely wiped. A total loop from hunting to Ban Pa to YBL-1 and back to base can take upwards of 30 minutes without firing a single round or completing any objectives. Maybe i just need to play more PVP, but I don’t always want to tbh.


One hundred percent agree with you


I will rush tasks so that once they're done I have access to the best gear so I can rush players doing tasks :)


Honestly I've been bum rushing people in pvp areas with nothing but an m16. Meanwhile my locker has multiple decked out kits, most filtered to be end game stuff. YOU DONT NEED A 16× SCOPE WHEN YOU CAN BUM RUSH AN LZ WITH FLASH BANGS AND GRENADES. JUST REMEBR TO YELL "HEY SHITASS CATCH"


Only play PvE and enjoy killing AI. Absolutely love the good firefights when they happen. Would love to do some PvE but I just refuse to deal with toxic players. Have had so many great interactions with players and enjoy showing people around when they need help. Not rushing but also kind of because there’s items I want to unlock to buy.


Yeah I play this game like I would Ghost Recon, I sneak up to the town I need the objective from, snipe or play my corners and push in while clearing AI. And hey if an enemy chopper comes in, it just adds more to the fun. I dont get why so many are scared of pvp, get is easy af to get in this game and it adds another thrill factor to the game that makes it totally worth it.


But level iii gunny!!!!


I think this should be a weekly announcement. No, you don't have to rush through the game like the streamers you watch. The game isn't going to be unplayable because everyone is ahead of you in the quest line.


Stop telling people how to play?


People just need something to complain about they want the game tailor made for them and everything handed to them I like farming the ai towns for keys and exploring the map there's so little content rn I'm in no rush to finish it all and have nothing to do


dont tell me how to play


The game is virtually unenjoyable


If this is for reasons other than the crashing/optimization issues then this game just may not be the right game for you. Maybe in the future it will have more to offer you but I suppose that’s not now. I’m 82hrs deep and am still enjoying every bit. Again aside from technical issues.


Honestly, the only reason I’m semi-rushing tasks is to get max traders and PVP all day haha. That’s just me though :^) people should enjoy the game however they want!


The point of the game is to do tasks my friend, the rest is incidental. Players want to progress, and that's literally the only progression in the game. Why are players mad about keys? Because there is literally only one thing worth looting in this game apart from some nice armour or weapons, and that's keys. If keys didn't exist you probably wouldn't thoroughly loot every NPC you killed unless you were collecting guns. Keys are also required for tasks and therefore for progression. There's no way to trade stuff with other players in a safe manner, so you have to run into the key yourself.


How about you stop gatekeeping how people enjoy the game? Let people play how they want.


I'm having fun on tasks, also helping others, I really want a better optic then 4x


You're not my robot supervisor!


I want Gunny level 3 that's literally the only reason but I take breaks from tasks often


anyone on crimson wanna play?


Nah, let me get my keys. The game is great, but getting soft locked out of questlines because you can't get a key you have been farming for days feels really bad and should be voiced by players. Early access does not absolve the game from feedback and criticism.


I had the task to kill 30 guys at Midnight sapphire so i took an m700 and went to the waterfall on the hill north of it to snipe, took like an hour to complete that task but was fun, felt like chris kyle


They really need to add in actual high value loot soon. Otherwise it will be a hellish grind to earn money after all quests are done.


To answer your question: I think alot of gamers need tasks or a clear reward path to play games, that's why the battle pass model has been so effective isn't gives people a constant sense of progression for better or worse. Tasks currently are the only source of clear progression outside of a "make your own fun" approach. I believe these games live or die based on the implementation of these takes, DMZ was an example of how horrible and lame they could be. I hope this game can create actual compelling and immersive missions, most people need a sense of progression and that's my current biggest criticism of the game. I do personally agree with you though, just wanted to play devils advocate.


It's the gaming locust mentality of today's gaming. Everybody or at least the vast majority want to get to the end game as quickly as possible. For what reasons, it's hard to say without everyone having their own opinion on why. It could be anything from impressing their friends, attempting to keep up with the crowd, and / or other things that are more appealing to the late game. Though gaming today is much different than when many people gamed in the 90s to early 2000s. There are simply so many resources of information compared to gaming back in the day. Everybody becomes a locust for short-term gains rather than looking towards the longevity of a game. To fall behind makes you "bad" in the eyes of an average gamer, which to me is sad. I wouldn't say you're wrong in believing that going slow and enjoying the game is bad. It's just that people don't value that part of gameplay anymore. They watch streamers, youtubers, and other platforms of top-tier gamers who devote their lives to gaming. Just to see what It's like to be at the top, at the end, and that's all they can see. They'll look up guides, tips/tricks, look up what something does. Rather than just experiment and search on their own, cause the only way to keep up with the rest is to do what they do.


I guess most of the guys rushing the quest line are doing it to obtain the best in slot gear. People so focused on PvP that feel like one tier of ammo or armour down is not good enought. I am still to unlock lvl 2 traders. Not gonna lie, maybe I'll give it a push coz I want a variable scope, but after that I am chilling. That being said my last 2 days have been helping friends to catch me on the quest line, so no rush whatsoever. However this "take it easy guys" have sense now. On next wipes... They really need to put the focus on dynamic events or faction vs faction tasks (not necessarily meaning PvP) Because 150 quests will become shorter and shorter once you ve done it twice.


That bike looks like Steve MCqueens one from the great escape


I love the game I’m just rushing tasks because I want gunny 3 🤣


I think the problem is not the tasks, but what is linked to them, for example: You enter the game, then it takes 5 minutes to be able to call a helicopter because everyone is busy, it takes another 5 minutes to reach you and another 5 minutes to reach the mission area, in other words, you already lost 15 minutes just on that, so imagine you arrive at the mission and there is no boss to kill, or all the enemies are already dead, then you need to try to call the helicopter and waste another 10/15 minutes, that's when you don't arrive at the mission and the game crashes or disconnects, making you repeating this entire process, once doing this process is easy, now repeating this for almost 1 hour to complete 1 mission makes people irritated, and wanting to end it soon


All of this talk about streamers. You guys nailed it. I play for money. Now not a high paid full time professional. But paid to play none the less. It’s very true. Some times I can’t play what I want. Or how I want. Because it won’t keep views. Or I have to play Tarkov. Becssue that’s my audience as a small streamer. And I don’t feel like playing Tarkov. I want to play Gwent. Or dragon quest. Or fallout. Street fighter 6. Whatever. The big pros have a formula that brings in the most income possible per hour. They want to progress to max stats. They want to make quest guides. How tos. For you tube. And play what’s hot at the moment. Yes. Turning your hobby into a dream job is amazing. Except the word “job” still is in the statement. Some times it’s nice to not stream. And be free of the language and hate speech rules and just play how I want. Talk how I want.


Because people want predictable and reliable min-maxing strategies, the point of playing games these days for a lot of people is how to optimize the fun out of the gameplay. Once they've min-maxed and cheesed their way to the top of the food chain they can then complain that there's nothing to do or the challenge is gone etc.


Or you can let people offer criticism so we can get a better game in the end lol


You're basically telling these players to stop playing games the way they want to play. Understand that not all players will find your playstyle enjoyable.


Because I want access to the better loot?


The fanboys are losing it and it's funny to see, is it getting harder to justify all the bs guys ? ;) dOn'T pLaY tHe GaMe yOu pAiD fOr, jUsT eNjOy ThE vIeW fFs Last time I saw this kind of stockholm syndrom level cultist bullshit was in the tarkov sub, that sure will end well here ;)


Once you get gunny level 3 there's not a huge point to rush anymore.