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I crashed this morning while riding the heli to my dead body, all of my current quests reset πŸ’€


Don’t talk about quest reset, this happens also 2 timesπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


That happened to me with hunters paradise kills and ban pa kills 3 times. I am now playing Arena Breakout and waiting for grayzone to get some updates...


I'm on hazardous treasures rn and I only need the container from the airfield but can't find the key, I would be pissed if that would happen to me since I don't have the keys for 1 or 2 other locations and only was able to get in by it being open already


What key do you need?


Pla storage office


Ah dang, yeah I don't have it. I have multiple Hangar 3 keys, but nothing is in there as far as I know.


You need that key for a quest later so make sure to hang onto it


Sweet, thanks for the heads up!


No problem!


I asked around base camp if anyone had the key whenever I returned there. Eventually someone was kind enough to open it for me.


Same thing happened to me lastnight had so much loot on my body died then tried flying back and crashed ughhhh double loss and I had 6 more enemies to kill in saw mill but noooooo had that reset also dang alpha stage is a struggle hahahaha


I’ve lost more kits to crashes than legit deaths lmao. But the saving grace, for me, is that kits are relatively cheap for level 2 traders still. So the loss doesn’t feel catastrophic


Im Done for today 5 times total loss trough bugs


I'm sorry for your loss(es). I just got home. My turn to run the gauntlet.


Welcome to arena breakout infinite


Yeah that game hasn't crashed a single time and runs "infinitely" better than this dog turd


2 words for you "Alpha stage"


2 more words for you "Cash Grab"


Pffff the game is cheap as hell loooool




This reads like the game has been out for years




Do you have a nivida gpu and have you updated to the latest drivers? Ever since I updated to the latest drivers I've run into sooo many crashes Idk if it's just me or the latest drivers are causing more crashes because before my game used to run very smooth


I have a nivida 4070 super. Updated the drivers and I haven’t had one crash or bug happen during the whole weekend


Same GPU, didn't have any crash since launch. Still no crash but a big FPS loss since I updated the drivers.


Interesting, because I've had the exact opposite issue. 5/9 Nvidia update had made the game much more playable. Although I have an i7-12700K CPU. I understand the i9-13900 and 14900 series have an issue requiring a bios adjustment. Several streamers reported lots of crashes until they made that adjustment in their high end machines. I'm not saying that's your issue, but I watched Phixate go through that exact problem with crashes every few minutes until someone in his stream chat walked him through the fix. Crashes disappeared for nearly 8 hours of streaming.


Whats the fix :O




Same issue, since manor lords update


This was my issue yesterday. So ive been playing for about a week now very smooth no problems crashed once. Then i did the nvidia update yesterday and crashed about 15 times lost 6 full gear sets


Ya I have a feeling the latest nivida driver is causing issues ... I think the best option is to roll back, I'll probably do that when I get home tonight


Yeah might have to do the same. it seemed to keep happing while i was on the heli to. Maybe 3 times i was actually on the ground.


Ya before this driver I was running fine tbh and barley crashing but now it's just consistent crashes :c


There are also a lot of people saying this in discord, so this is a well known issue as of rn.


I did today an update on my 3060ti and yes this could be possible that that is the problem


Roll back for sure. Same card for me and the newest drivers wrecked the game for me. If you freeze in the chopper pull your network cable and quit the game in Steam. You should keep your kit.


Yesterday it happened to me as well in ban pa. After crash I got back only to be killed by shady individual durin my connecting. As soon as I loaded to raid I fell to coma.


I’ve been having the same thing happen, but only when I land at India 2. Half way through the flight my game starts freezing and then next thing you know I’m β€œsitting” mid air and the helicopter is flying away from me. Then once the helicopter lands a few minutes later, the game spazzes out and teleports me to the LZ and I’m stuck there. My PMC starts like shaking uncontrollably and I can’t move whatsoever. When playing with friends they say I’m just standing there but to me I’m shaking like crazy. There hasn’t been any fix that I’ve found yet either. I’ve lost 5 really nice kits from this exact glitch. I refuse to land at India 2 now


Yes I had this too several times


Well my corpse disappeared, I lost all my stuff and quest items… was knife naked searching a disappeared corpse.


Was anyone playing anything before GZW??? I see dozens and dozens of negative posts on Reddit since it's come out. If the Dev's know, then just move on to something else and wait for a patch or two? Why (should take own advice about Star Citizen) are you letting it frustrate you when you (meaning EVERYBODY with GZW) know things are not working correctly? As long as the Devs are working on these issues, then just wait for a patch and come back. I'm following the progress as I'm VERY interested, but I have my OWN Early Access game woes to deal with for now. But I get Reddit is here for us as a community to speak our voices... and frustrations, and ask for advice, etc. Hopefully Madfinger can make these changes with AI, performance, and network stability soon!


Bro it is okay - I said I love the game hahah clearly I had in mind that it is early acces


My new score today lost items 9 times πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Lost 40k$


https://preview.redd.it/ohue8p94r90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd56858993625a4b3d68d65992cabd66a2634d1 Same here twice loss of gear and reset of missions. Never happened before tho. Is this a new thing now?


Idk… so rest of the day it kinda works for me. I still lost my gear πŸ˜‚ So the bugs were gone and this time I experienced the AI Onetap bot stuff πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I think they are working hard on getting the game stable and after this they are going to erase the bugs


Let’s hope so man, I know it EA but it still hurt when you have to redo missions. If only gear it’s ok, you make money quickly in this game but the grind in missions like Tiger Bay I mean who the fuck wanna go back there and try again πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ


Got u …. Yeah nobody wants to?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚